
I can

*Nate can feel the air thicken around Laura once again. Something was wrong Nate could see it. He dident want to pry though. He had just gained her trust he dident want to lose it now. But if it prosisted through lunch He would mention something to Laura about it again.*

"Ya I can drive."

*Nate trys to force his own smile. As he lets Laura go first doing his normal retean as they got to the car. Than started down the road.*

"Where would you like to go to lunch Laura?"

*As Carson picks up Misty she gives alittle squeel. It was nice having Carson around He made things less boring. Every guy Misty ever met said she was out of controll and unladylike. They could never handle Misty for more than a week. When she tryed to be more down to earth and Lady like she cameacross as uptight and snoty. But with Carson she dident have to try and be someone she wasent. He liked her the way she was and could handle her sassyness. It felt good to just be herself. and to have someone return the sass and as some would say "rough" affection.

As Misty straddls Carson's lap her face is flush from excitment as she trys to catch her breath. Misty's arms still around Carson's neck.*

"Well its lunch time aways you look like you need a break."

*Misty leans in to Carson bringing her lips to Carson's ear.*

"All work and no play can make people grumpy you know."

*Misty backs away again her eyes dancing as she still trys to catch her breath. My how she loved to see the sparks fly in Carson's eyes. Her own dancing and her face forming a smerk.*

"How about we get some lunch?"

*Wes smiles down at Cindy wraping his arms under her to just hold her.*

"Your very welcome my dear. I love you ever so much too."

*Wes smile grows.*

"You are living proof God answers prayers, cuz he gave me you."

*Wes minds goes back to Jason as he says his own little prayer in his head for his soon to be stepson.*

"Jason will be ok. God is going to watch over him and has a reson for this. Maybe this will help him be drawn closer to him. Just remember Jason wouldent want you to be sad right now. So lets stay strong for him and outselfs. He has been through worse than this before. And I have no doubt that TJY will do eveything in there power to help him."

*Jamie smiles and nods her head. She had to addmit she wasent family but for the short time she was here already she felt welcomed and that she was part of the family. Spending time with the little ones might be fun after all.*

"Ok Paula I will stay here."

*Jamie shoots a smile to Con and knows he really wouldent let her say no.*

" Since your considering me family if there is anything I can help with please ask."

*As Jamie follows Carson up the steps and to the room she smiles. It was a cozzy looking room that felt like the one she had as a kid. Jamie did like it here already. There was a certin peace in the air. Steping next to Con she looks out the window trying to memorize all the names of the kids.*

"I am probley going to ask you a million times what there names are. There is so many of them."

*Jamie slips her hand into Con's as she turns to him.*

"I am happy I get to shair this part of your life with you too Con. Its nice here and it feels good to see you happy."

*As the crying of Sadie can be hurd Jamie turns leting go of Con's hand Jamie's motherly instince kicks in. Walking out of he room she follows the cry till she see Paula and Saide. Walking over to them Jamie looks down at the small baby she was so pretty. In a timide voice Jamie askes.*

"Paula I can hold Sadie if you want while you finish the lunch up. If you want."

*Jamie continues to smile.*


Laura hardly hears Nate’s voice. As his hand touches her shoulder, she flinches so violently that she knocks her purse off her desk. “Oh, Nate, I…” She swallows hard, her cheeks reddening some. “Sorry. I just…you startled me.”

Leaning down, she picks up her purse, still seated, and just stops, trying to get her thoughts straightened out. Closing her eyes, she grimaces. “Um…lunch…Jaime’s house…” She nods, then stands up, looking towards the exit. Taking a deep breath, she suddenly seems to gain back her composure, though along with it comes the all-too-familiar barrier between her and Nate, reflected in her eyes. “Yes, let’s go. I’m starving.” She forces a smile. “You driving?”

Carson jumps as Misty comes up being him yelling. His eyes widen in surprise and he reaches for her hands as she grabs him around the waist.

As she moves in front of him, a grin starts to form, amused by her antics, and even a little pleased that she wouldn’t care what other people thought. He was the odd man out here, and distrusted by many – but Misty had no bones about making her affections public.

Carson is taken a bit off guard as Misty hops up onto the copy machine and forces his lips to hers. His hands rest on the machine on either side of her, bracing himself. But as she kisses him, he starts to relax, kissing her back as a hand makes its way up her back to her shoulder. He takes his time, in no hurry at all to break the moment. After getting yelled at by Reese and being angry, Misty was turning him right back around again, taking his emotions on a roller coaster ride that made his spine tingle.

Carson’s arm makes its way around Misty’s waist and he pulls her closer to him, forgetting about the paperjam that was still waiting to be fixed.

Finally drawing back, he rests his forehead on hers, giving her a sly smile. “If that’s how you say good morning, I better be a little quicker on the uptake from now on.”

Taking her in a firmer hold, he pulls her off the machine and backs up a step or two to a chair where he sits down, setting Misty so she’s straddling his lap, still facing him. He folds his hands behind her back and just studies her face for several moments. “What am I gonna do with you, hmm? A bloke can’t get any work done around here with a sheila like you running around scaring the tar out of people.”

Cindy responds to Wes’ presence by leaning into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder. “Oh, Wes…” The anguish seeps out in her voice, though her eyes remain dry. “I just want all this pain to go away. I just want it all to end and be left in peace.”

She shifts her weight so her back can lean against Wes’ chest, her eyes drifting across the waving grass. Somewhere deep within, she feels the same strength she had relied on as a teenager. The same strength she had relied on as that struggling single mother who had made the best out of her circumstances with God’s help. Pulling with all her might, she draws it out, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. “It will be okay,” she reassures herself aloud. “It has to be. No matter what…there’s reason to this somewhere…”

Turning her head, she cranes her neck to look up at Wes. “Thank you for helping me stay strong, Wes… I love you so much. You’ve given me so much more than you’ll ever know.”

Con catches the shift in Jamie’s demeanor, though it’s subtle and only lasts a moment. He often forgot about Jamie’s past, and sometimes felt stupid for not being more sensitive towards it.

Jamie’s offer to find a hotel makes Paula’s eyebrows raise. She points a finger at her. “Now look…if you’re with Con, you’re family, and no family of mine is ever going to be called a burden. If you prefer to find a hotel, that’s fine, but otherwise, you’ll settle down right here.” A soft smile forms on her lips, spilling over into her eyes. “And call me Paula.”

Con can’t help but enjoy Jamie’s arms around him, and feels just a bit of pride, being able to show her off to his family. “Come on, I’m assuming you brought stuff with you to stay. Let’s get you settled in the room, and I’m not taking no for an answer.”

It doesn’t take long for Con to help Jamie back inside, and leads her down the hall to one of the bedrooms. He quickly starts gathering up his own stuff, tossing it into his bag to take downstairs where all the boys were sharing the big family area. The girls had the other spare room on the main level, and Sadie was kept with Paula and Dan.

“There you go.” Con sets his bag to the side. Glancing out the window, he sees some of the others coming to the house for lunch. “There’s Eric and Lydia and Seth,” he points out.

Crying can suddenly be heard down the hall, and Paula’s passes by the open door. “And that would be Sadie.” Con cocks his head and looks at Jamie for a moment. “Dan and Paula mean a lot to me…they’re the closest thing I’ve got to parents. I’m glad you came so I could share this part of my life with you.”

Katie took over! :|

*Nate looks down at his clock and relizes its alittle past noon now. Crap Laura was probley waiting for him if she hadent left without him already. Shuting off his computer moniter he grabs his sun glasses and keys heading to Laura's desk.*

"Heya there. Sorry I am later I lost track of time. Ready to...."

*As Nate studys Laura's face he can see something is wrong. She dident looks good all of a suddon. Going over to Lauar he lays a hand on her shoulder.*


*Misty walks down the hall twords where she saw Carson disapear to. As she see Reese exit the room she gives a smile and waves continuing on her way. As she looks in the room she see Carson's back turned and very quietly enters the room. Throwing her arms around Carson wait she screams.*


*Misty knows she is making a scene and probley caught the attachen of a few people who would be in ear shot but she dident care in a sence thats what she wanted. A Playful grin forms on her face as the fire in her eyes burns bright. Moving from behind Carson she moves infont of him with her arms still around his wast her own back aganst the copy machines, than leting go of Carson she jumps up on top of the copy machines Reaching out she grabs Carson around the neck and pulls him close planting her lips on his.*

*Wes looks out across the pastures this one being the 3ed one he looked in. The other 2 he had come up empty handed. Looking out across the high grass he finally can make out a form. That must be Cindy. Slowly Wes makes his to her. Bending down Wes lays his hand on her shoulder than wraps his arm around not. Gently taking her in a loving imbrass and rubbing her back.*

"Its going to be ok Hun."

*Not to sure what alse he can say just just holds Cindy lending a shoulder and offering her the love and comfort she needed right now.*

*Jamie cant help but smile as she watches Con with the kids. He seemed happy here and it was so nice to see the glint and smile in Con's eyes again. As the girls head inside Jamie smile leting her own giggle come out as she walks up along Con.

As Jamie takes Paula's hand she smiles.*

"Its ok Ma'am I dont mind one bit. I had to kids of my own I know how it goes."

*Relizing what she said Jamie goes silent for a moment but trys to keep her spirits up. She gives Con alittle elbow.*

"Ya he is a bit of a trouble maker huh?"

*Jamie cant help but let a smile across her lips. As she hears the voice of the one they called Jake Jamie's cheeks go red again at the mention of the kiss and about her being pretty. Jamie smiles at Michaela and Jake giving a nod*

"Nice to meet you."

*As the two kids dart out of the room Jamie turns back around looking between Palua and Con.*

"You have a pretty full out, I dont want to put anymore of a burden on you. If need be I can find a hotal to stay in. I'd hate to be the one that made it crowded here."

*Jamie leans into Con's arm place her one around him and rests the other on his tummy.*

Pretty enough?

Laura looks at her watch, noting that it was almost noon. Gathering up her papers to put away until after lunch, she prepares to leave and go take care of Jamie’s place.

Just as she’s getting ready to stand though, her cell phone rings. Rolling her eyes, she opts to answer it. “Hello? Oh, hi, Beth. Hmm? No…” Laura furrows her brow. “Well what…. No, I didn’t. …I see…” A cold chill runs down her spine. “No, no, I’m fine. Yeah…. Probably not. I don’t foresee any problems, no. It’s alright. ….I appreciate it, Beth. Thanks. Yeah, I know we have to get together and hang out – maybe one of these weekends we’ll do that. Okay….yeah. Thanks. Bye.”

Laura flips her phone shut and just sits in still silence, forgetting about meeting Nate. She’d known this would probably come up eventually, but it didn’t make it any easier. …It would be fine…it meant nothing…. She couldn’t be paranoid about it.

Carson hits the button on the copy machine, lazily waiting for the copies of the list he’d made for Reese. The room right off the main floor was quiet, and he paces in boredom, waiting for the machine.


His eyes widen as he hears Reese coming down the hall, and he’s tempted not to answer, but thinks better of it. “Yeah?”

Reese storms into the room, holding up a printout of an email. “What were you thinking?!”

Carson’s defenses rise. “What did I do?”

Reese scowls at him. “I just heard from Andrew – he said you replied to his email that questioned about what he should do.”

“Yeah, so?”

“Carson!” Reese’s exasperation increases. “You told him to take the guy out!”

Carson crosses his arm, his own scowl forming. “Well Andrew said the guy that was interfering with his case was Mark Daniels, and I knew he was from the Agency!”

“But you don’t tell our men to kill somebody!” Reese lets out a sigh. “That’s not the way we work around here. I would think you’d know that by now.”

Carson grits his teeth, not knowing if he felt more irritated or guilty. “Well what else was he supposed to do? Mark was in the way!”

“There are other ways to handle things,” Reese retorts. “Andrew was smart enough to ask me before he actually took any action, so we’re fine, but next time, just tell them yes or no that someone’s from the Agency, and I’ll handle the judgment calls, alright?”

Carson turns back to the copy machine.

“Carson! Do you understand?”

“Yeah, alright, I get it!”

Reese sighs and turns to leave. “Thank you.”

Carson rolls his eyes as the copy machines indicates a paperjam. Just what he needed.

Cindy stares at Austin, her eyes filled with fear for what was to come. She’d heard nothing of Jason’s trial yesterday, but had refrained from asking, trusting that no news was good news. But now…the look in Austin’s eye warned her otherwise. “…it’s Jason, isn’t it?”

Austin shifts in his seat at the table in the mess hall, glad for the emptiness, but also wishing he wasn’t alone for this. “Cindy…hun…they found him guilty.”

Cindy sucks in her breath, the shock hitting her hard.

Austin reaches over to take her hand. “He was sentenced…with forty years in prison.” He adds quickly. “But TJY is doing all it can. We know this is the Agency’s work, and we’re going to get Jason out.”

Cindy’s eyes fall downward, her mind not wanting to believe what she was hearing. It didn’t feel real. Jason…her son…the young man that had meant the world to her since he’d been born…he was now in prison.

Numbness settles over Cindy and she withdraws her hand from Austin’s. She says nothing, but stands, and slowly walks to the door, exiting the mess hall.

In a fog, she steps off the porch and walks with no destination in mind. She wanders aimlessly into a nearby pasture that hadn’t been grazed yet, the tall grass coming halfway up her legs.

Plodding forward, she finally stops a ways away from all the buildings. Looking up to the sky, she can’t help but ask God why. After a few moments, Cindy falls to her knees, her head bowed, her hands coming to her face that refuses to cry.

The past plays like a movie in her mind. She’s taken back in time to high school…being rejected by her family…breaking out on her own. She remembers holding Jason for the first time…he’d been so small. Something she had feared so much, but seeing those tiny fingers…those bright eyes…she had known from that moment, that no matter how scary the future, it would be worth it.

Life as a single mom had been hard. Extended family helped every once in a while, but for the most part, she was on her own. Then when Jason had been abducted, her world had come crashing down around her. It was a horror she’d never imagined, and never wanted to experience again. After that, Austin had come, introducing her son to a new journey in life…one that gave him purpose. And slowly…slowly, she had begun to let go, seeing her son become and independent young man.

Yet today…today, all Cindy felt was the longing to hold her little boy in her arms again. To shelter him from life’s storms. To protect him from this unfairness. But she could do nothing.

Cindy folds her hands in her lap, her head still bowed against the warm wind. Almost hidden in the grass, she stays, begging for God’s comfort, begging Him to take care of her son…begging Him to take away this pain.

Her mind wanders to her own future. She was to be married in two days. It didn’t feel fair that she was finding such happiness, while her son was in prison, possibly facing the best portion of his life behind those unforgiving bars.

Dan nods to Jamie, giving her a smile. “Nice to meet you too, young lady.”

Con grins at Jamie’s teasing. “Nope, but if there was any zoo I’d want to be at, it’s this one.”

Mindy shyly takes Jamie’s hand, while Haley hangs back, clinging to Con’s leg. At Jamie’s question, they nod, Mindy giving an enthusiastic “Uh-huh!”

Con looks down at Jamie, beaming at her interaction with the kids. As he studies her eyes, he sees a peace…a strength…more than what was there before. Texas had been good for her.

Breaking the stare, he lays his hands on the girls’ heads. “Alright, you two. How about we take Jamie in the house, hmm? She’s gonna need all sorts of help settling in. And then, Mindy, I’ll help you with your pony after lunch.”

Mindy and Haley take off running for the house.

“Take your time, Con.”

Con looks up to his uncle, unsure if he’d said something or not. “What?”

“I said take your time.” Dan waves him away. “Lunch is soon anyway, and it’s getting hot out here. We can start up work on this roof again in the morning.”

Con knew Dan really wouldn’t have quit early if it hadn’t been for Jamie’s arrival, but he also knew that his uncle didn’t mind a bit. “If we get a bright and early start tomorrow, we should be able to get the rest of the plywood on and start with the metal.”

Turning to Jamie, he slings an arm over her shoulder and aims her for the house. “I don’t know how much Laura told you, but my other cousins are Jake, who’s ten, he’s Mindy’s brother – she’s six, by the way, and they have another brother Seth, who’s nine. Then there’s the next set of kids, Keith, also nine, then Michaela, ten, and the oldest of the cousins, Eric who’s sixteen and Lydia who’s fifteen.”

Con counts down on his fingers as he talks. “Then you saw Haley and she’s five, and she’s got a baby sister, Sadie who’s just sixteen months old.” He chuckles, knowing that it sounds like a lot. “Their parents are all on a vacation together, and Dan and Paula – that’s my aunt – offered to take the kids for a few weeks. All three families are home-schooled, so they had no trouble taking time out to come here.”

Halfway to the house, there’s a sudden cry. Con looks up quickly, seeing Haley sprawled out on the porch, Mindy trying to pick her up. Haley’s crying indicates that she’d just tripped and fallen.

Letting go of Jamie, Con jogs the rest of the way to the porch, getting down to the little girl’s level. “Hey, kiddo, what happened?”

Haley sits up, grabbing her knee as the tears pour down. “I…I twipped….and fell down…” She hiccups as the sobs continue.

Con gently removes her hands from her leg and sees that she hasn’t even broken the skin. Apparently she’d just bumped her leg on the way up the steps. Giving her a smile, he scoops her up in his arms and plants a kiss on the “boo-booed” knee. “That better?”

Haley sniffs and shakes her head.

“No?” Con looks at her sternly, with a gentleness in his voice. “You just want me to tickle you, don’t you?”

Haley’s eyes widen, her tears slowing. “Uh-uh.”

“Ooh, but I’ve got you now,” Con teases. “You can’t get away that easy.” He swings Haley down upside down and begins to tickle her.

Shrieks and giggles mix together as Haley fights her big cousin, her terrible injury now a forgotten. “Let me go!” she yells between giggles.

Con laughs and swings her back around upright, setting her back on her feet and giving her a light spank. “Better get in the house before I give you another round.”

Still giggling, both girls race into the house, the screen door slamming shut.

“Girls, I told you not to slam the door!” Paula calls loudly from inside.

Con cringes and looks back to Jamie. “Rule number one – obey grandma Paula.” He can’t help his grin as he nods to the door. “Come on in.”

As the two enter the house, Paula looks up from her work in the kitchen, leaning back just far enough to see through the doorway. “Con, is that you?”

“Yeah.” Con takes Jamie’s hand and leads her into the kitchen. “Aunt Paula, this is Jamie. Jamie, Paula.”

Paula gives Jamie a warm smile, and wipes her hands on her towel to come and take her hand. “How nice to meet you, Jamie. I apologize if things are a bit crazy around here. With nine grandkids to attend to, it gets that way…not to mention a nephew who likes to stir things up.” She throws a look up to Con.

Con holds up his hands in innocence. “Don’t look at me. They ask for it.”

Paula chuckles, her eyes twinkling as she glance back to Jamie. “Don’t ever let this man fool you. He’s a teddy bear.”

“Hey, is that your girlfriend?”

Con’s eyebrows shoot up as he turns to see Jake in the doorway, who was staring at Jamie. He crosses his arms casually. “Well what do you think?”

Jake squints at the two, seeming to contemplate an answer. “Michaela said you were kissing.”

Con can’t help his laugh. “Oh, did she now?”

Michaela suddenly appears beside her cousin to elbow him. “Jake, you weren’t supposed to say anything!” she hisses.

“Well you did say it!” he defends.

Con gives Michaela a suspicious glance. “You weren’t supposed to see that, you know.”

Heat rises to Michaela’s cheeks. “Well, I….it…”

Con’s eyes narrow at the two. “Do you think she’s pretty enough to be my girlfriend?”

Both kids take just a moment, then nod quickly. Con looks back to Jamie, then back to his cousins, his voice hushed. “I think so too.”

Michaela giggles and approaches slowly, still looking at Jamie. “Hi,” she greets shyly.

“Jamie, this is Michaela,” Con explains, “And that turkey over there is Jake.”

“Hey!” Jake crosses his arms in a pout. “I’m not a turkey.”

“You will be if your grandma tells me to come check your room and it’s not clean,” Con warns with humor.

Jake’s eyes widen. “It’s almost done!” Spinning around, he speeds down the hallway where more chatter can be heard.

“And tell the others to clean up for lunch!” Paula calls after him. She rolls her eyes, then looks to Con, unable to help her smile. “You never mentioned this friend of yours, Con…”

Con returns a sly glance. “You never asked.”

Paula smirks at him. “I hope you’ve invited her to stay.”

“I have.” Con slips his arm around Jamie’s shoulder again. “She can have the room I’ve been in, and I’ll join the boys in the basement.”


*As Nate hears Laura's call he smiles. Today was going to be a great day he could feel it. Nate heads back to his desk to finish up what he had been working on to try and get it done before lunch time.*

*As Katie backs away she nods her head at Wyatt's comment.*

"I hope you right Wy, I hope you right."

*Katie turns to head back to her desk but stop and turns to Wyatt again.*

"Thank you."

*Katie makes her way to her desk once again to start on the work that had been neglected. This would probley take all day to do.*

*Jamie smiles up at Con. His face, his eyes it had once a friend now much more Jamie was happy that Con shaired the same emotions as she had. There was no denying it eather you could see it clear as day when you looked into Con's eyes.*

"I'll stay as long as I am welcome."

*As Con introduces Jamie to Dan she cant help but feel alittle shy. A tint of red runs across Jamie's cheeks. Jamie brings her hand up and gives alittle wave to Dan.*

"Its nice to meet you."

*As Jamie hears the laughing and the little voice she looks down and smiles at the kids than back up at Con teasing.*

"You wernt lieing when you said you were at the zoo huh?"

*Jamie giggles and than bends down to be eye level with the kids. If here was one thing that Jamie loved more than God and Con it was kids.*


*Jamie holds out her hand to the two girls.*

"I'm Jamie."

*Jamie smiles and thumbs to Con."

"Are you keeping this guy in line for me?"

*Jamie smiles at Haley and Mindy. Than turning her head she squints from the sun and smiles at Con.*

Rambunctious animals

Laura looks back over her shoulder at Nate, thinking for just a moment. "Katie can come if she wants to. But...I'm okay if it's just us."

“Oh, Katie.” Wyatt straightens and reaches out his arms. “Come here.” Wrapping her in a strong embrace, he just holds her close, rubbing her back a little, and letting her cry. “It’ll be alright,” he soothes. “I promise.”

Pulling back a little, he takes his hand to wipe away some of her tears, offering her a crooked smile. “Before you know it, this’ll all just be a memory. Brighter days are coming, I guarantee it.”

Con chuckles and returns Jamie’s hug. “If you missed a big ol’ sweaty guy like me, I must be doing something right.” He gives her a squeeze, then draws back slightly so he can see her face. “I missed you too. I can only assume that my sister was the one who told you I was here…I’m glad she did…now I’ve got the best of both worlds.”

He stops for a moment, just looking into Jamie’s eyes, feeling the love he’d come to cherish. Leaning down, he plants a tender kiss on her lips before straightening again, and running a hand through Jamie’s windblown hair. “I hope you’re planning to stay a couple days.”

Dan raises his eyebrows as he sees Con and Jamie together, and finds himself stopping his work, too surprised to continue. Without realizing it, he loosens his grip on his hammer and it goes sliding down the new roof, falling to the ground right behind Con.

Feeling the vibration of the fallen tool, Con lets Jamie go to turn around, then look up at his uncle. His face reddens slightly as he suddenly realizes that his family didn’t know he had a girlfriend. “Lose something?” he calls up.

“Uh..” Dan grins sheepishly. “Yeah.”

Con leans down and picks up the hammer, then walks a couple feet to a makeshift workbench. Opting for a different level of appropriateness with Jamie there, he grabs his t-shirt to pull over his head, then takes a swig of lemonade before standing back and tossing the hammer back up to his uncle. “Dan, this is Jamie Franklin.” He gestures between the two. “Jamie, this is my uncle Dan.”

Out of nowhere, a red-faced, excited Mindy comes racing around the corner, running smack into Con to wrap her arms around his leg. “Unca Con!” She looks up at him, her bright eyes shining. “You pwomised to help me wiff Nina.”

Con chuckles and ruffles her hair. “I did, and I will.” He glances up to Jamie. “And this is my cousin Mindy.”

A tug to his shirt causes him to look down again, surprised to now have Haley in the mix. “Hey, squirt.” He grins. “And my other cousin Haley.”

Laughter and a shriek come from the yard. “And there are seven more rambunctious animals running around here too.”

“Grandma!” Michaela’s jaw drops as she stares out the window. “Con just kissed that lady!”

Paula’s eyes widen and she can’t help but look out the window as well, seeing her nephew embracing the stranger. “That’s very….” She cuts herself off. “That’s Con’s business not yours,” she chides. “You’re supposed to be setting the table.”


“No buts.” Paula hands her granddaughter several more plates. But when alone again, she steals another glance out the window, a slight grin forming on her mouth.

“Did someone say Con was kissing somebody?!” Jake comes from the hall.

Paula’s moment of reflection quickly leaves and she turns around sternly. “It’s none of your nevermind, Jake. Now where’s your brother?”


*Nate smiles and nods his head*

"Noon it is. Maybe we can grab some lunch too."

*Quickly Nate holds his hands up in defence.*

"As friends. Maybe Katie would like to come too."

*Katie finally looks up at Wyatt holding back her emotions.*

"You dident overstep you bounds Wyatt. I was just trying to push everyone away cuz everything hurt to much."

*Katie bites her lower lips as a few tears escape.*

"If the offer is still there Wy, I think I'd like one of those hugs now."

*The smile grows on Jamie's face as she turns around to face Con again. For a moment she just stands there throwing Con one of her sweet looks. Than as if a fire was set to her feet she quickly walks to Con throwing her arms around him in a tight embrace.*

"Oh how I missed you Con."


Laura looks up from her desk as Nate comes over, and gives him a little grin. “Thanks.” She points a finger at him. “As long as that charm of yours sticks to snakes, we’ll be fine.”

She turns back around, facing her computer. “See you about noon then?”

Wyatt pauses in his work, turning to look at Katie while leaning an elbow on the open filing cabinet. His face shows compassion, though it is tempered today.

“Katie, you don’t have anything to be sorry for.” He cocks his head, waiting for her to look up at him. “I know this isn’t easy for you. Maybe it’s me who should be apologizing. If I overstepped my bounds yesterday, I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t have cornered you like I did. So…” He shrugs. “I guess we’re even.”

Con quirks an eyebrow as Jamie starts to walk away. “Get back here,” he orders, a teasing edge to his voice. “If I’da known you were just gonna come and leave, I wouldn’t have bothered getting down from the roof. So you can at least make the effort worth my while.”


*Nate finally makes his way into TJY having stayed home and hour later than normal to be with Maggie. She hadent been feeling to good this morning. Truging to his desk he takes the last swig of his coffee and sets the cup down on his desk. Seeing the note on his keyboard he smiles. Laura was warming up to him again and he liked it. Walking over to her cubicle he cant help but smile leaning on the wall.*

"What am I your personal snake charmer now?"

*Nate throws a wink at her.*

"Not that I mind so yes I will."

*Roxas eyes Jason a while longer than lets out a sigh relizing he wasent geting anywhere and dident want to wast his time. Standing he takes his tray giving a shrug.*

"I'll see ya around than."

*As Roxas pass a garbage can he throws the rest of his meal out and heads for the door disapearing.*

*Katie moves to her desk and see the pile of work waiting for her. How fast it had collected in only a few days. Looking around the room Katie spots Wyatt. Leting out a sigh she stands again and makes her way over to him. She might as well get this out of the way now. Taping Wyatt on the soulder Katie talks softly keeping her eyes down.*

"Ummm....Wyatt? I wanted to say I was sorry to you for yesterday. I know you were only trying to help and bring comfort and I totally blew you off. That was wrong of me and I am very sorry. The truth of the matter is it was nice not being alone, but my emotions are so wild right now I'm not sure whats going on. Its not an excuse for...for the way I treated you but its all I got. Thank you for not leaving me and bringing me the little bit of comfort I needed. Your a great friend.*

*Katie trys her best to give a smile to Wyatt.*

*Jamie cross her arms across her chest trying to keep a straght face. Between seeing how good Con looked, being excited to just see him and hearing his voice again Jamie was bursting with excitment that wanted to throw her arms around him.*

"Actully truth be told I was out sight seeing and I just happen to stumble across this place."

*Jamie cant take it and a smile breaks free across her face.As a soft wind blows through her hair.*

"Oh corse I came to see you Con, who alse would I be here to see? But I mean if you really want me to go?"

*Jamie turns to pretend to go back to her car.*

Off the scale

Carson saunters down through the row of cubicles until he reaches his own, giving nods to a couple people who had begun to acknowledge him as a coworker.

Sitting down at his desk, he spies the breakfast food, a smile breaking out. Misty. Shaking his head, he sighs with content and turns on his computer before starting in on the meal. Misty was one sweet and sassy woman.

Laura tries to smile, though Katie’s appearance doesn’t do much for the worry that was already there. She doesn’t say much though, respecting the silence, and takes Katie with her to TJY.

Parting from Katie, Laura makes her way to Nate’s desk, but seeing he’s not there yet, grabs a pen and piece of notepaper. “Nate – Jamie’s out of town again. Would you mind helping out with Ed again until she gets back? If not, I’ll as Wyatt. Thanks. – Laura.” She sticks the note on Nate’s keyboard, then heads over to her own desk.

Wyatt leans back in his chair, distracted and trying to concentrate on the papers he’s supposed to be going over. Sighing, he stands up and goes to his filing cabinet in an attempt to find that file Carter had asked him for yesterday.

Jason looks up only briefly to see Roxas, unsure if he could really trust him or not. Could he really trust anyone in here? He knew he was one of the few that might be considered innocent.

Shifting his eyes back to his food, he shrugs. “If they want to pick on me, so be it. I don’t rightly care.” He stuffs as forkful of food in his mouth, grimacing just a little.

Feeling as though someone is watching him, he glances up to several tables away, spotting the seven-foot-tall monster they called Tucker who was glaring at him.

Lowering his gaze again, Jason tries to ignore him.

Con’s head is tilted to the side and he doesn’t see or hear Jamie’s car pull into the driveway. Dan’s own back is turned, so neither men realize she is there.

As Jamie shouts up to him, Con whips his head around, almost losing his perch on the peak of the roof, and missing a swing with his hammer. His eyes widen in surprise as he squints in the sun. “Jamie?! What on earth?”

Dan looks at her, also surprised, then back at Con. “Friend of yours?”

“Uh, yeah…You could say that.” Con rises to his feet, balancing on the slanted structure to walk to the edge where the ladder is, making his way agilely to the ground.” Cocking his head, he sets his hands on his hips. “Well if I’m a sight for sore eyes, then you’re off the scale. Don’t tell me you came all the way out here just to see me.”

“Grandma, there’s a lady here!” Michaela points out the kitchen window as she helps prepare for lunch.

“What?” Paula moves so she can see, noticing Con going to talk with the stranger. “Hmm, I don’t know her.”

Seth stands on his tiptoes to see as well, and his eyes widen. “Does Uncle Con have a girlfriend.”

Paula rolls her eyes. “Not that I know of. It’s not polite to stare or make assumptions, so get on back to cleaning that room of yours.”

Seth trudges back through the kitchen. “Alright, but Jake and I are almost done.”

“Good. Then it will be finished in time for lunch.”

Sore Eyes

*Misty piddles around in the kitchen as she came into work a bit early. She slept like a rock last night and had been up early. A smile is pasted on Misty's face and had been since last night. Misty finish up frying some eggs and bacon looking up at the clock. Carson would be here soon and this would be a nice saprise for him. Puting them all together on a plate with some OJ Misty jots a fast note that all was on it was a smilyface winking. Taking the note and plate on Carson's desk Misty slips back into the infermary to see what Rick had for her today.*

*Katie opens her bedroom door slowly. Her eyes were bloodshot like she had been crying again and dident get much sleep. Opening the room a bit more she is dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans with her black sneakers.*

"Ya I'll go in with you. It will keep my mind of some stuff and I have to say sorry to someone while I am at it."

*Katie grabs her cell phone and pats Henry on the head before heading out of the house with Laura.*

*Entering the dinning hall a tall avrage build man with dark black hair scans the room his eyes resting on Jason. Noticing some guys behind him were ready to pounce. Walking over swiftly He sets his tray down than eyes the men behind Jason.*

"Frank dont even think about it."

*The tall man cross his arms over his chest.*

"I'm not in the mood today and I would hate to have to send you to the infermary again."

*Backing down the man sits across from Jason studing him for a long moment. Taking a bit of his food he grimmices. No matter how long he had been here he couldent get use to the food.*

"Sooner or later you will get use to these guys and know how to handle them. They arnt so tough once you know there weekness."

*The man keeps his eyes on Jason though glancing every once nd a while at the guys behind him.*

"My names Roxas by the way."

*Jamie sips her coffee as she goes over in her head everything she needed. Finally content that she had everything Jamie fills her coffee mug again. Grabing her phone and Laura's directions Jamie heads out the door to her car putting her sunglasses on. Looking up at the cisor Jamie smiles at the strip of pictures taken of Con and herself."

*....Jamie finally comes up on a driveway after thinking she had mad a wrong turn. Laura wasent lieing when she said this place was really out there. As Jamie drives down the driveway she can make out a few people. As she draws closer she makes out one of them being Con on the roof. The heat rises in Jamies face as she relizes Con dosent have his shirt on. As she shuts off the car instintivly she brings her hand to her mouth and whipes some drool away. Boy did Con look at good as ever. Steping out of the car Jamie cant help but have a big smile on her face. Removing her sun glasses and puting them on top of her head she yells up to Con.*

"Conrad Giggs arnt you a site for sore eyes!!"


As Misty pulls up to the curb in front of the apartment building, he pauses just a moment before getting out. He turns his head to her, a wry grin on his lips. He’d had fun tonight…really had fun. It was different than what he would have called “fun” before…it was clean, innocent…enjoyable.

“Thanks, Misty.” He reaches over to give her chin a playful tweak. “See you tomorrow.” Before he gets caught up staying in the car with her, he makes his exit, banging the hood with his palm. “Drive safe,” he calls over his shoulder, giving a short wave as he walks to the door.

…Carson yawns and stretches his hands above his head as he swaggers down the sidewalk, taking his time walking to TJY. The morning had a cool edge to it, but the rising sun foretold of a warm day. He was in fair spirits…he’d slept better last night than he had in a long time. Maybe there really was something to living this way after all.

Laura gives Katie and encouraging smile, though she knows she will continue to worry about her friend anyway. She sits for a long while by herself, then finally goes into the house too. She sinks down on the couch with her cordless phone and dials. It’s late, but she knew her brother would still be up.

…”Katie?” Laura taps softly on Katie’s bedroom door, glancing at her watch. She’d been up a while already and was ready to head to TJY anytime. But she didn’t want to just leave without saying anything. “Are you gonna stay here this morning, or do you want to come in to work?”

Jason raises his eyebrows at the sound of the man’s voice. A fellow prisoner saying something nice? That was a new one. He glances toward the front bars, but knows even if he went to them, he wouldn’t be able to see around the corner to see who was talking to him. The concrete barrier between cells prevented any interaction. He opens his mouth to respond, but can’t even think of what he’d want to say, so he remains silent. Finally, sleep catches up with him again, though vivid and frightening dreams prevent rest.

…Jason hunches over his breakfast tray, ignoring the movement and noise around him. It was crowded, it was hot, it was just a little bit scary. Jason had been undercover with rough crowds before, but this was something totally different. He’d already been picked on by several of the other guys this morning, and had tried to ignore it, though had ended up with only half his meal to keep him until lunch time. He could only wonder if he was just receiving a taste of what would be from here on out. He didn’t dare defend himself…around here, that could mean his life.

Con straddles the rooftop, his work boots firmly planted on the new boards. The hammer pounding nails echoes across the small farmyard, sweat mingling with each swing.

Nails are driven into the plywood to hold it to he recently erected beams, preparing for tar paper and metal roofing to come.

Con takes another nail and aims with precision. His back and arms are tanned from days working in the sun, his face darker from hours spent outside, despite his baseball cap’s brim.

His mind drifts back and forth from his work, to the call he’d received from Laura last night. He had been shocked to learn of Jason’s conviction, and tempted to return home, though his sister had reminded him that right now, there was nothing he could do. Perhaps staying at the farm a bit longer would be best anyway.

“Hey Con?”

He pauses his work to look down at his aunt. “Yeah?”

“You want me to wash this for you?” She holds up the sweaty shirt he had shed earlier. “I brought you a clean one.”

Con grins. “You take care of me too well, you know that?”

Paula chuckles. “Is that a yes?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“I got a thermos of lemonade down here too, whenever you need it.”

“Thanks, Paula.”

She smiles up at him before she starts to leave. “It’s the least I can do with all the work you’ve been doing around here.”

“Eh, well, the time out for my spirit and brain have been more than ample payment. But you’re welcome anyway. We’ll get this roof finished yet.”

“Are you bothering the help?” Dan teasingly chides his wife, walking up behind her and putting an arm around her waist.

Paula smirks at him. “The help has been up there for two hours without you. Looks to me like you need to get up there and assist the poor boy.”

Dan laughs. “I’d hardly call Con a boy, but you’re right.” He gives Paula a kiss on the forehead, then moves toward the ladder, donning his gloves. “On my way up, Con.”

Con grins down at Paula and gives a little wave. “Thanks for the help.”

“Anytime, Con.” Paula laughs. “Anytime.”