
I can

*Nate can feel the air thicken around Laura once again. Something was wrong Nate could see it. He dident want to pry though. He had just gained her trust he dident want to lose it now. But if it prosisted through lunch He would mention something to Laura about it again.*

"Ya I can drive."

*Nate trys to force his own smile. As he lets Laura go first doing his normal retean as they got to the car. Than started down the road.*

"Where would you like to go to lunch Laura?"

*As Carson picks up Misty she gives alittle squeel. It was nice having Carson around He made things less boring. Every guy Misty ever met said she was out of controll and unladylike. They could never handle Misty for more than a week. When she tryed to be more down to earth and Lady like she cameacross as uptight and snoty. But with Carson she dident have to try and be someone she wasent. He liked her the way she was and could handle her sassyness. It felt good to just be herself. and to have someone return the sass and as some would say "rough" affection.

As Misty straddls Carson's lap her face is flush from excitment as she trys to catch her breath. Misty's arms still around Carson's neck.*

"Well its lunch time aways you look like you need a break."

*Misty leans in to Carson bringing her lips to Carson's ear.*

"All work and no play can make people grumpy you know."

*Misty backs away again her eyes dancing as she still trys to catch her breath. My how she loved to see the sparks fly in Carson's eyes. Her own dancing and her face forming a smerk.*

"How about we get some lunch?"

*Wes smiles down at Cindy wraping his arms under her to just hold her.*

"Your very welcome my dear. I love you ever so much too."

*Wes smile grows.*

"You are living proof God answers prayers, cuz he gave me you."

*Wes minds goes back to Jason as he says his own little prayer in his head for his soon to be stepson.*

"Jason will be ok. God is going to watch over him and has a reson for this. Maybe this will help him be drawn closer to him. Just remember Jason wouldent want you to be sad right now. So lets stay strong for him and outselfs. He has been through worse than this before. And I have no doubt that TJY will do eveything in there power to help him."

*Jamie smiles and nods her head. She had to addmit she wasent family but for the short time she was here already she felt welcomed and that she was part of the family. Spending time with the little ones might be fun after all.*

"Ok Paula I will stay here."

*Jamie shoots a smile to Con and knows he really wouldent let her say no.*

" Since your considering me family if there is anything I can help with please ask."

*As Jamie follows Carson up the steps and to the room she smiles. It was a cozzy looking room that felt like the one she had as a kid. Jamie did like it here already. There was a certin peace in the air. Steping next to Con she looks out the window trying to memorize all the names of the kids.*

"I am probley going to ask you a million times what there names are. There is so many of them."

*Jamie slips her hand into Con's as she turns to him.*

"I am happy I get to shair this part of your life with you too Con. Its nice here and it feels good to see you happy."

*As the crying of Sadie can be hurd Jamie turns leting go of Con's hand Jamie's motherly instince kicks in. Walking out of he room she follows the cry till she see Paula and Saide. Walking over to them Jamie looks down at the small baby she was so pretty. In a timide voice Jamie askes.*

"Paula I can hold Sadie if you want while you finish the lunch up. If you want."

*Jamie continues to smile.*

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