
Sore Eyes

*Misty piddles around in the kitchen as she came into work a bit early. She slept like a rock last night and had been up early. A smile is pasted on Misty's face and had been since last night. Misty finish up frying some eggs and bacon looking up at the clock. Carson would be here soon and this would be a nice saprise for him. Puting them all together on a plate with some OJ Misty jots a fast note that all was on it was a smilyface winking. Taking the note and plate on Carson's desk Misty slips back into the infermary to see what Rick had for her today.*

*Katie opens her bedroom door slowly. Her eyes were bloodshot like she had been crying again and dident get much sleep. Opening the room a bit more she is dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans with her black sneakers.*

"Ya I'll go in with you. It will keep my mind of some stuff and I have to say sorry to someone while I am at it."

*Katie grabs her cell phone and pats Henry on the head before heading out of the house with Laura.*

*Entering the dinning hall a tall avrage build man with dark black hair scans the room his eyes resting on Jason. Noticing some guys behind him were ready to pounce. Walking over swiftly He sets his tray down than eyes the men behind Jason.*

"Frank dont even think about it."

*The tall man cross his arms over his chest.*

"I'm not in the mood today and I would hate to have to send you to the infermary again."

*Backing down the man sits across from Jason studing him for a long moment. Taking a bit of his food he grimmices. No matter how long he had been here he couldent get use to the food.*

"Sooner or later you will get use to these guys and know how to handle them. They arnt so tough once you know there weekness."

*The man keeps his eyes on Jason though glancing every once nd a while at the guys behind him.*

"My names Roxas by the way."

*Jamie sips her coffee as she goes over in her head everything she needed. Finally content that she had everything Jamie fills her coffee mug again. Grabing her phone and Laura's directions Jamie heads out the door to her car putting her sunglasses on. Looking up at the cisor Jamie smiles at the strip of pictures taken of Con and herself."

*....Jamie finally comes up on a driveway after thinking she had mad a wrong turn. Laura wasent lieing when she said this place was really out there. As Jamie drives down the driveway she can make out a few people. As she draws closer she makes out one of them being Con on the roof. The heat rises in Jamies face as she relizes Con dosent have his shirt on. As she shuts off the car instintivly she brings her hand to her mouth and whipes some drool away. Boy did Con look at good as ever. Steping out of the car Jamie cant help but have a big smile on her face. Removing her sun glasses and puting them on top of her head she yells up to Con.*

"Conrad Giggs arnt you a site for sore eyes!!"

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