

*Nate finally makes his way into TJY having stayed home and hour later than normal to be with Maggie. She hadent been feeling to good this morning. Truging to his desk he takes the last swig of his coffee and sets the cup down on his desk. Seeing the note on his keyboard he smiles. Laura was warming up to him again and he liked it. Walking over to her cubicle he cant help but smile leaning on the wall.*

"What am I your personal snake charmer now?"

*Nate throws a wink at her.*

"Not that I mind so yes I will."

*Roxas eyes Jason a while longer than lets out a sigh relizing he wasent geting anywhere and dident want to wast his time. Standing he takes his tray giving a shrug.*

"I'll see ya around than."

*As Roxas pass a garbage can he throws the rest of his meal out and heads for the door disapearing.*

*Katie moves to her desk and see the pile of work waiting for her. How fast it had collected in only a few days. Looking around the room Katie spots Wyatt. Leting out a sigh she stands again and makes her way over to him. She might as well get this out of the way now. Taping Wyatt on the soulder Katie talks softly keeping her eyes down.*

"Ummm....Wyatt? I wanted to say I was sorry to you for yesterday. I know you were only trying to help and bring comfort and I totally blew you off. That was wrong of me and I am very sorry. The truth of the matter is it was nice not being alone, but my emotions are so wild right now I'm not sure whats going on. Its not an excuse for...for the way I treated you but its all I got. Thank you for not leaving me and bringing me the little bit of comfort I needed. Your a great friend.*

*Katie trys her best to give a smile to Wyatt.*

*Jamie cross her arms across her chest trying to keep a straght face. Between seeing how good Con looked, being excited to just see him and hearing his voice again Jamie was bursting with excitment that wanted to throw her arms around him.*

"Actully truth be told I was out sight seeing and I just happen to stumble across this place."

*Jamie cant take it and a smile breaks free across her face.As a soft wind blows through her hair.*

"Oh corse I came to see you Con, who alse would I be here to see? But I mean if you really want me to go?"

*Jamie turns to pretend to go back to her car.*

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