

*As Nate hears Laura's call he smiles. Today was going to be a great day he could feel it. Nate heads back to his desk to finish up what he had been working on to try and get it done before lunch time.*

*As Katie backs away she nods her head at Wyatt's comment.*

"I hope you right Wy, I hope you right."

*Katie turns to head back to her desk but stop and turns to Wyatt again.*

"Thank you."

*Katie makes her way to her desk once again to start on the work that had been neglected. This would probley take all day to do.*

*Jamie smiles up at Con. His face, his eyes it had once a friend now much more Jamie was happy that Con shaired the same emotions as she had. There was no denying it eather you could see it clear as day when you looked into Con's eyes.*

"I'll stay as long as I am welcome."

*As Con introduces Jamie to Dan she cant help but feel alittle shy. A tint of red runs across Jamie's cheeks. Jamie brings her hand up and gives alittle wave to Dan.*

"Its nice to meet you."

*As Jamie hears the laughing and the little voice she looks down and smiles at the kids than back up at Con teasing.*

"You wernt lieing when you said you were at the zoo huh?"

*Jamie giggles and than bends down to be eye level with the kids. If here was one thing that Jamie loved more than God and Con it was kids.*


*Jamie holds out her hand to the two girls.*

"I'm Jamie."

*Jamie smiles and thumbs to Con."

"Are you keeping this guy in line for me?"

*Jamie smiles at Haley and Mindy. Than turning her head she squints from the sun and smiles at Con.*

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