
Only Family

Giving a smile and a return hug to Mick Rosetta gives him a kiss on the cheek before pulling away just a little bit.

"While your out there you better teach Dan there who he should and shouldn't be calling old."

Throwing a grin to Dan to show she was joking Rosetta gives a nod to them.

"You boys becarful out there."

Looking up at Mick and giving a smile Katie nods. Her day was going to be full of differnt things but she would do her best to spend time with Rosetta too.

"I will Uncle Mick. You guys have fun."

Giving a nod to Rosetta and a smile to Katie Dan puts his stetson back on his head before turning to head out of the dinning hall with Mick.

Dropping Scott back off at home Hope looks up at him her eyes holding a new sparkle.

"Thank you as well. You have giving me Hope and another good reason to smile."

Returning the gentile kiss before pulling away and looking up at him again.

"I'll call you when I get done and let you know what happend. I know its gonna work out. No worrys ok?"

Giving a smile and a wave to Scott Hope pulls away and heads to the court house to meet Angelica.

Pulling up to JT's house Bree turns off her car and reaches into the back seat grabbing a few folders and papers.

Going up to the door Bree knocks and waits putting her finger over the peephole so JT wouldn't know it was her. She always tryed to see her Uncle at least once a week. It was the only family she had here and even if it was business she still liked seeing him.


Mick smirks at Dan's remark. "Forget to tell Rosetta goodbye? I'd never live it down."

Wandering over to Rosetta, he pulls her into a hug, not caring what he was interrupting. Planting a kiss on her forehead, he squeezes her tight before letting her go again. "Dan and I are heading out. We'll be gone a few hours. If we don't show up by supper, send out the troops."

Turning around he reaches down to give Katie's shoulder a pat. "Hey, kiddo. Keep an eye on your aunt today, eh?"

Scott can't help his smile that spreads. He'd come a long way, but he had a long way to go yet. But it didn't matter. He had a feeling there was a new beginning her that he wouldn't ever have even guessed at. "Me too."

All too soon, their morning is over. Scott had asked Hope to simply drop him back off at home. He hadn't told her that he was having trouble going back to work... she had enough to worry about.

Getting out of the car, Scott comes around to her side of the car, having her roll down the window. "Let me know how things go today, alright? Just call me here... I'll pick up."

Leaning down, he looks at her for a few moments before cocking his head and giving her lips a tender kiss. "Thank you... for everything."

JT yawns and stirs his cup of hot tea until there's enough flavor and he takes the bag out. Shuffling to his living room, he sinks down into the couch, closing his eyes with a deep sigh. He'd worked overtime, and on the graveyard shift to boot. But he couldn't rest for too long. He had errands to run, and Bree was coming over too. He was going to look over the case she had at her hospital, and had invited her for a bite to eat too.

He takes a sip of tea, letting the warm liquid slide down his throat. Some days he hated this ratrace, and other days he loved it. Today it just made him tired.

Jason leans his head against the window of Con's truck, bored out of his mind. This stakeout wasn't turning out like they'd planned.

His cell phone felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket. Call Katie... call Katie... no, he wasn't. If she wanted to talk, she'd let him know. He was going to let her be.


A little confused about Gunner and his mention to her Uncle Bree makes a mentil note to ask JT when she went to see him tonight.

Seeing Gunner was getting ready to leave Bree throws him a half smile with a chuckle to follow.

"You never know, Maybe I have been arrested before and maybe I'd like it."

Giving a quick wave to Gunner Bree looks down to book again and finishes off her drink before throwing a twenty on the table for a tip, along with a five for her drink, and sundae.

Looking across the table at Scott Hope takes in his words and digests them. Looking down at his hand on top of hers Hope can't help the smile that makes its way to her lips no matter how much she willed it not to come it did anyways. For once her own words quivered a little as she spoke and all her other worries seemed to be chansed away.

"Scott...I... since we shared that kiss before you went on house arrest I felt something different, and I liked it. I didnt say anything because I didnt want to push you into something you yourself didnt feel ready for."

Searching Scott's eyes Hope could see the need, and the want in them, now now she could see the longing and he was ready.

"I'd like to be more than friends Scott. I love being around you, and you make me feel so special."

Hope gives a nod to Scott yes, she did want more with him.

Looking up at Mick Dan finish off his coffee and stands. He had his coffee, some breakfast he was as ready as he ever would be.

"Yeah I'm ready. We might as well head out before it gets to hot. Don't forget to say goodbye to that wife of yours."


Gunner lifts an eyebrow at the new information regarding Bree's relation to JT. Interesting.

His fingers move on his keyboard, typing a side note before continuing his research. "Your uncle has helped a lot of people," he comments, not bothering to tell her how he'd found out where she worked.

He takes another sip of his float, swishing the ice cream around in his mouth. "He's partly to blame for the trouble I have with metal detectors."

Reading a few more minutes, his phone buzzes on his belt for the second time that morning. Sighing, he looks at the number. The office. He closes out the files and shuts his laptop, chugging down the rest of his soda and ice cream.

Wincing as he's hit with a brain freeze, he waves to Bree on his way to the door. "Don't cause too much trouble. I might have to arrest you sometime."

The restaurant was quiet this morning. Scott was glad. He preferred it this way anyway.

Sitting across from Hope, he works on his small breakfast of eggs and toast, but only manages about half before he slides his plate to the edge of the table to be picked up.

The meal had been fairly quiet. Scott felt more at ease with Hope than he did a lot of people. Today was full of stress though. Stress of her upcoming hearing. Stress of Scott's own day he really didn't want to face. And in a way, stress of where they were both going after this.

"Hope..." Scott glances up at her, searching her eyes for a moment. Slowly, he slides a hand across the table to take hers, running his thumb along her fingers. "I... I know that well... we've gotten closer and... maybe been more than friends." His face reddens just a little. Had those few times of emotions just been the heat of the moment? Or was there more?

"I was wondering if... well I don't know." He shrugs lamely, shaking his head at himself with a little laugh. "I guess I'm trying to figure out if it's more than maybe." His gaze searches hers, a look in his eye that betrayed him. It was a look of longing... of wanting to finally end his loneliness... of wanting something more... of knowing there was more out there he had yet to find.

"I don't know." Mick finishes his coffee and stands up from the table. "Change is in the wind, Dan. That's all I know."

He pats the younger man on the shoulder. "You ready to head out?"


As the waitress brings the rootbeer float Bree decides just to let her go this time and not harass her than much anymore today.

"Thank you think should be fine."

Taking a sip of the rootbeer float she gives a small smile and a deep sound in her throat proving she was happy with her drink treat. Looking down at her book she is quiet for a momnet untill Gunner asks about her about Jack Timble.

"You really must be stalking me to know where I worked huh?"

Giving a chuckle and a shake of her head Bree looks up at Gunner squinting her eye for a moment her her face holds a very thoughtful looking.

"Yes Dr. Timble works at the other hospital. How ever I do still know who he is. JT is my Uncle."

Waiting for Scott to open the door Hope gives a small smile. Stepping out she takes hold of his arms gentily.

"Oh I guess this time around I will let you."

Walking in with Scott Hope cant help the smile that stays on her face. She liked being with Scott. Not to mention today it was nice to have someone who cared.

Looking at Mick Dan continues to listen to Mick. He felt bad for Sparky and at the same time he seemed to understand.

"Man that really stinks. Its never easy being uprooted from your home not to mention lose someone close to you."

Dan is quiet for a moment as a few differnt things ran through his own mind.

"What do you think is going to happen?"


Gunner gives a little laugh, keeping his back to Bree. "Feel free to call the fire department, but... I don't think the waitress would appreciate it much."

He pauses his typing to take a sip of his float, his eyes zeroing in on some of the information Billy had sent. "Ahh... there you are..."

Still watching the screen, he tosses his speech over his shoulder again. "You work at the children's hospital... you know a Dr. Jack Timble? I think he's at the other hospital downtown though."

Scott picks at a thin place in the knee of his jeans where there would be a hole soon. "Well... good... I mean... I'm glad you're taking it in stride. Lots of people would freak."

As they pull up to the restaurant for breakfast, Scott is the first to get out, coming around to open Hope's door. "I hope you're going to let me pay this morning."

Mick gives a little shrug to Dan, keeping his voice low. "Oh... Sparky's alright. He's just... not sure where he fits. Before he was here, for eighteen years he was settled... he likes it here but..." He takes another sip of coffee, having spent enough time with his brother to know when something was wrong.

"There was a woman here too a while back..." Mick remembered a time he himself had been tempted to be more than friends with Mel. Sparky had fallen head over heels, even though he'd hidden it well for quite a while. "She moved on... government work. You know the whole broken heart thing but... you didn't hear that from me."

Smell Smoke

A grin finally forms on Bree's lips as the waitress walks away again. Looking to Gunner's back she shakes her head even thankful for Gunner's added humor in the whole thing.

"Me, ok well maybe I am a little bit but not to much. She will get a nice tip when I leave for being such a good sport. Not like the waitress yesterday."

Looking down at her own book she had once again today Bree takes a sip of her water as she waits for the waitress once again. Not even bating and eyes she comments to Gunner.

"Dont think so hard on your work over there, I think I smell smoke."

Giving a smile to Scott Hope continues to drive and listen at the same time. Though she tried not to she couldn't help but here a hesitance in Scott's voice. He was ok, that much she could tell but there was something that seemed to be bothering him. Noticing through for now he changed the subject off him Hope figured for now she would let it go as the question came back around to her.

Thinking for a long moment before she answered Hope played the question through her head.

"Me, I am doing ok. A little nervous but who isn't when they have to go to court right?! I'm am alright though and yes I have Angelica who is going to be helping me out. From what I have been told she is one of the best so I should have no worries."

Hope slows coming to a red light and turns to look at Scott. Her smile was still on her face she her eyes were bright looking at Scott.

"Not that I really have anything to worry about to stop with seeing as nothing was done wrong."

Hope wanted to stress that to Scott that this in no way was his fault, it was neither of there seeing as really nothing did happen that was wrong.

"Things will work out how God wants them to. That much I am sure about."

Dan gives a small nod to Mick. He remembered a day after he had got here, a few of the horses had gotten out and he went with them to round them up.

"Yeah, it should be a good ride though. Should be a nice day out today, not to hot but not to cold yet eather."

Taking a sip of his own coffee Dan is quiet for a moment scanning the faces in the dinning hall seeing that almost everyone was here before looking back to Mick.

"Rosetta said Sparky had been keeping to himself a lot lately, she seemed pretty worried about it. Everything ok?"

Dan new he was being nosey but he was concerned as well. He had seen the look in Rosetta's eyes yesterday when he had asked her about it and it was just in his nature to care maybe a little to much sometimes.


Mick shakes his head a little, but lets the subject of Katie drop as he concentrates on his cup of coffee instead. "I just want to ride out around the perimeter and check the fences. Couple times we've had a horse out and I don't know where they're getting through. I think there might be some wire down out in the far corner, but it'll take a while to ride out that far."

He glances around at the others coming in. "I was gonna as Sparky to come along too, but... he's been hard to find the last few days."

Scott gives Hope a bit of a grin. "I slept alright, thanks. Not sure about today but... the night was okay."

He cocks his head to study her face a moment, deciding not to talk anymore about himself. "What about you? You have Angelica helping you, right?"

The waitress is just turning away when Bree stops her yet again. "But..." It was a different woman from the day before, and she wasn't as quick to become irritated, just totally confused and amazed at the problem she couldn't seem to see.

"Too much whip? Too red? What... but..."

Hearing the request for a rootbeer float, the waitress is hesitant to even try. "Are... are you sure?"

Gunner gives an audible growl and turns around with an annoyed expression. "Look, can you just give her what she wants? I'm trying to work here and you are continually interrupting me."

"Well how can a strawberry be too red?!"

"Don't you see it?" Gunner points to Bree's strawberries. "They are too red." Twisting around, he reaches on the table and takes one, popping it in his mouth. He cringes. "They taste too red too. I'd find out where you get them and complain. As for the whipped cream, you obviously have not been trained when mixing the whip and the cream. So please - just give her a rootbeer float so I can be left in peace."

"But -"

"What is the name of your manager?"

"Okay, oaky...." The waitress looks at Bree, her face flushed. "Just... keep the strawberries... I'll bring you your float."

Gunner chokes on a laugh and coughs as the waitress turns around, as if he'd choked on the strawberry he was still chewing. Shaking his head, he turns back around to his computer again. "Poor thing. You're a mean customer, you know that?"

To red

Giving his head a shake Dan gives a smirk and turns to look at Mick again. Trying his best to paying attachen to him and not look in Katie's direction again.

"Yes I have seen pretty girls before, but she was different."

Looking away from Mick for a moment Dan's cheeks turn red before he looks to Mick again as they wait for the rest of the food to be served and than the morning prayer.

"So what do we have to do with the fence this morning?"

Pulling the car up outside Scott's house Hope see him on the porch and gives the horn a little honk before waving to him.

Waiting for Scott to get into the car Hope finally pulls off down the road. Giving a little glance at Scott she gives a smile.

"Morning! How did you sleep as a free man last night?"

Giving her own chuckle at Gunner Bree shakes her head a little watching the waitress walk away.

"If we do have them all in the nut house that means there will be a while new staff for us to harass and catch off guard."

Seeing the waitress start to come back Bree gets a small grin on her face that soon deminishs as she draws closer with the new bowl. As it is set down in front of her Bree leans up and looks into the bowl squinting her eyes.

"These strawberries are to red, and there is to much whip in my cream. Can I just have what he's having? You cant mess that up."

Bree points to Gunner's root beer float keep her face once again emotionless and she looks up at the waitress.


"Uh-huh." Mick smirks at Dan. "You think I didn't hear what you said in there." He gives the younger man a knowing look, though amusement is behind his gaze. "You better watch it."

Seeing that Dan was paying little attention, and more attention to Katie across the way, Mick waves a hand in front of his face. "Earth to Dan. Haven't you ever seen a pretty girl before?"

"Um..." Scott leans over so he can see himself in a mirror. "Make that twenty and you got a deal." Grinning a little, he finishes up his conversation before ending the call. Giving some attention to Domino, he heads to the bathroom to clean up then find some clean clothes.

In barely twenty minutes, he's sitting on his front porch, enjoying the warm breeze. Cargo jeans and a t-shirt had been just about all he could find clean today, so he'd thrown them on along with a pair of work boots he'd gotten recently.

Leaning his head against the porch railing, Scott waits, his mind drifting a little. He didn't know why yesterday had bothered him like it had. Would it be a daily struggle from now on, or would he be able to get used to it?

"New stalker policy," Gunner quips. "We walk in front now instead of the back."

Seeing Bree's antics with the waitress, he can't help his light chuckle, and he shakes his head.

The waitress stares at Bree with wide eyes. "Too much... cream?" She steps closer to the table and looks closer at the whipped cream. "I... wha..."

Gunner looks at the waitress seriously. "Something wrong?"

"Well I..." Her face gets red.

Gunner blinks. "Well go on. The lady asked for whipped cream without so much cream in it. Can't you handle that?"

"I.... ok..." The waitress turns and heads to the kitchen, planning to bring back who knows what.

Gunner stifles a laugh. "Between you and me, miss Bree, we're going to have this entire staff in the nut house by the end of the week."

Turning back around in his seat, he starts to type, talking over his shoulder. "When she brings it back, tell her now it's got too much whip in it."


"Well is he going to call?"

"I don't know!"

"Do you want him to call?"

"I don't know, maybe I do."

"Did you at least say goodbye to him?"

"I left him a note, a ring to remember me, and our meds Aunt Rosetta."

"A Note? So you didn't talk to him? Not even before your emotions where gone?"

"No Aunt Rosetta I didn't, he didn't talk to me eather so I figured he just wanted to be left alone. After what he said in Rick's office I am sure he really didn't want to talk to me."

Katie said at the little island in the dinning hall looking over to Rosetta who was making the morning breakfast before anyone was even up yet.

After feeling her own stomach revolt on her Katie had wondered this way knowing her Aunt would be here and seeing if any coffee was ready. The conversation just took off from there as they talked about what was going on in life and Katie tryed to explain why she wanted to come out here.

Most of it her Aunt understood about needing time away, and the whole Agency bit the only part she really couldn't get over was the whole Jason thing.

Rosetta turns from putting a sandwich into one of the bags and looks at Katie for a long moment. She felt bad for her young niece, the pain was evident in her eyes and it ripped Rosetta apart inside to see her like this. She'd been there even if in a way it was different with Mick. In and out, up and down... It had always been a never ending circle till finally they were married.

"So are you guys breaking up?"

"I didn't say we were, so I don't think so."

"Do you want to break up with him?"

Katie shoots her head up to look at Rosetta surprised she would even say that to her.

"What kind of question is that?"

"I think its a pretty good one. Do you?"

Katie gives her head a little shake.

"No, I don't want to. I love Jason, why else would I have kept asking him to marry me?"

"Hurt when he said no huh?"

"It felt like I was being ripped apart. After everything with the Agency Jason was my stability ya know. Take that away, and I came crashing down."

"So why dont you call him and tell him that?"

"I cant, I cant depends on him all the time. Its not fair to him, and even if what he said in Rick's office hurt he had a point. I need to find my own stability now and let Jason be normal. He deserves it you know, after everything. Even if I hate being disconnected from him, he deserves it and I did it for him. I'd do anything for him."

Turning back to the bag lunch again Rosetta gives a small nod. She understood to an existent where Katie was coming from and she had to say she was proud of her niece.

At one point in time Katie had always only through about herself. Everyone else around her had to conform to who she was, but Jason had changed that in her. Now she was thinking about him and what he wanted, but now Katie needed to find the middle where she could think about herself, and Jason. Not just one or the other.

"So, your not going to call him?"

"No, I'm not. He'll call me when he is ready. I don't want to chase, bother, or stress him out anymore."

About to say more Rosetta falls silent as the door opens and a few people enter the dinning hall for the morning breakfast. Dan was the last one to enter passing Katie and entering the kitchen behind Rosetta. Taking off his stetson and holding it buy the brim he throws a smile to Rosetta.

"Mick just wanted me to remind you that we needed the two lunches for this afternoon."

Looking up at Dan Rosetta quirks an eyebrow. Before looking into the dinning hall at Mick and than back at Dan. Her voice becoming stern.

"What you think I cant remember things?"

"Well...Mick says you are getting up there in age."

Rosetta's mouth hangs open as she turns to slap Dan's arm.

Quickly moving out of the way Dan miss the swat to the arm and leans down to toss a comment to Mick.

"Hey your right she is...."

Dan's words trail off as he comes face to face with Katie's green eyes. All he cant do is stair for a long moment as he can feel the heart in his chest start to race.

Watching the blond hair boy enter the kitchen Katie says nothing and trys her best to hold in her laugh at Rosetta's age. Continuing to watch the display Katie was sure the boy would go into into the dinning room but instead he leans down and she comes face to face with his blue eyes.

Not knowing what to say Katie just continues to look into his eyes and than she gives a small wave.

Hearing the silence she glances over her shoulder to see Dan starring at Katie. Giving a shake of her head Rosetta grins.

"Dan, this is my niece Katie. Katie this is one of our new ranch hand Dan."

Still not seeing Dan movie Rosetta turns around again and gives him a little shover towards the door.

"Go tell Mick he can pick up the lunches after breakfast please."

Stumbling a little Dan makes his way towards the door but doesn't take his eyes off Katie.

"Yeah, ok I'll let him know."

Going back into the dinning hall Dan sits down next to Mick as he is still watching Katie, but than turns his attachen to Mick.

"Rosetta said the lunches will be able to pick up after breakfast."

Though his attachen was back on Mick, Dan couldn't help but steal a glance of Katie every now and than.

Getting Scott's return call Hope gives a smile. She was happy to hear from Scott. Gathering a few things together that she would need to bring with her to court she listens to Scott.

"I can pick you up. Really I don't have any problem with that at all. I figured we could grab something to eat at Ihop and than I can drop you off where ever you would like to go."

Hope could tell something was different in Scott's voice but for now she wouldn't say anything. It could be the simple fact that Scott's first day back to work so it could be that all mixed into one.

"I can pick you up in... fifteen minutes?"

Giving her head a little shake Bree holds up her spoon that had whip-cream, and some chocolate on it.

"I am busy at the moment see. Anyways if I was to bring you in I'd have to bring myself in as well."

Bree looks down at her book taking another bit before looking up again her eyes twinkling.

"..I was the one sitting behind you so, doesn't that mean I was stalking you?"

Leaning back in her chair Bree gives a little stretch before calling over the waitress.

"There is to much cream in my whip. Can you take it back and bring me some new kind please? I'll even pay the extra."

Looking to Gunner Bree throws him a wink as the corners of her mouth twitch.

Enough damage

Scott props himself up on an elbow, hearing his answering machine pick up. He'd turned the ringer off so had been unaware of anyone calling. Picking up Hope's voice, he lifts his eyebrows.

Managing to get out of bed, he shuffles into the living room to listen to the message again. Oh yes. He'd forgotten her court date was today. He sighs. He wished he could do more than just meet her for breakfast. This whole thing was because of him, whether Hope wanted to admit it or not.

Trying to wake up, Scott picks up the phone and dials her number, waiting until she answers. His tone of voice indicated he'd just rolled out of bed. "Hi, Hope... it's me." He stifles a yawn, rubbing a hand over his face and realizing he needs to shave. "I... don't think I'm going to work today... at least not yet." He'd rather not say why at the moment. "So yeah... I'd meet you somewhere but I don't have a car, so you can choose somewhere I can walk to, or pick me up. Your choice."

Gunner lifts his head as he hears the voice behind him, and the corner of his mouth quirks. Twisting in his seat, he leans an arm on the back of the chair to gain a straight-on view of Bree, his badge dangling from his neck. "You caught me." He shakes his head grimly. "It's true. I'm a stalker. Unfortunately, my weakness for a rootbeer float has been my demise. Are you going to turn me in?"

"I don't know what Reese's problem is this morning," Jason complains to Con as they head down the street in Con's truck.

Con shrugs. "He's stressed. Don't let it get to you."

"Yeah, well I didn't notice him yelling at anybody else this morning. It's like he's got it in for me all of a sudden."

All Con can do is shrug again. He didn't have an answer. It's a few quiet minutes before he speaks again. "Heard from Katie?"


"Haven't talked to her?"

Jason throws his friend a sidelong glance. "I said no."

Con can't stay quiet anymore. He had to know what was really going on. These were two of his closest friends and he didn't understand what was happening. "So you two just quit talking to each other or what? Did you have a fight?"

"No!" Jason throws up his hands. "We didn't fight, alright?"

Con frowns. "That's usually how two people end up not talking."

"Well I guess Katie and I are different then," Jason snaps. "Just drop it."

"I don't want to drop it. You two are my friends, and it's eating me up inside, seeing you guys like this, especially not knowing why. Now come on, Jase... you've always been able to talk to me."

Jason grumbles without even thinking. "Not always."

The remark tears open an old scar. It wasn't a big one, but it was enough to sting, reminding Con of the time he and Jason had parted ways for a while, after he'd returned from prison. "Look... I just want to know. I want to help."

"There's nothing you can help, Con, don't you understand? I just... I don't know what... I mean... I just don't know what happened."

"Well try to figure it out! Come on, we got half an hour before we get where we need to be."

Jason rolls his eyes. But he knew Con was right... he needed to sort this out. It felt like such a mess. "It started when I told Katie I didn't want our connection anymore. I was tired of it... I was tired of the fight. So... she and I took the antidote Rick had made. She didn't want to but... she did it anyway because I wanted her to. I thought it was the right thing."

He shrugs lamely. "It didn't go over well with her. I still don't really know why. I mean... I knew she doesn't like being separated from me, but she took a nosedive into depression land big time. Only after she made her self sick and Rick called me did she admit she was having a hard time dealing with what happened to her at the Agency. I guess... I guess her being separated from me triggered memories because of what they did to her... because of how traumatic it was for her when they separated us then."

Con nods his head as he drives. He could understand how that could happen. "So then what?"

"Well I didn't want to torture her, so we stopped taking the meds."

"And... you were disappointed."

"Yeah... I didn't tell her that though. I mean... if I would have known how she would react in the first place, I wouldn't have done that... I wanted it, but I didn't want it that badly for her to suffer. I just thought she'd not like feeling me all the time and that she'd get used to it. But... that wasn't the case."

"But you two were fine after that?"

"I guess." Jason leans back in the seat, closing his eyes. "We didn't talk much about it... I think she sensed I wasn't happy. I was trying to keep all my negative feelings from her though, because she was already messed up enough the way it was. I didn't want her to have to deal with anything else. I didn't want her to feel what I was feeling."

Con lifts one eyebrow. "And that's when you went down?"

"Yeah." Jason sighs. "Things weren't the same anymore... I think the whole thing progressed again... so the emotions I was holding back tried to erupt a whole lot quicker than they had in the past, and it was pretty painful. Katie and I were out and about, so we came back to TJY, Rick gave me a tongue lashing and... I guess I sorta lost my temper too."

"Ahh... so you did fight."

"No... not Katie and me. I just yelled about how I wanted to be normal and stalked out to go let my frustrations out. A while later, Katie found me and helped calm me down. But the damage had been done. She was tortured with the thought of being apart, and I was tortured with the thought of being locked together."

"And then?"

"Nothing." Jason looks down. "I went home... she went home... the next morning was yesterday when you dumped me out of bed."

"You two didn't talk at all?"

Jason shakes his head. "I didn't want to bother her... upset her... I don't know. I just didn't know what to say to her anymore. We both knew we wanted something different than the other and... I don't know. I didn't want to keep seeing her hurting. So I just let her be. Gave her space. Figured it was better that way. Then last night... she was already gone. Left a note to take the meds, doesn't know when she'll be back, and left me something so I wouldn't forget about her."

Con slows the truck at a stoplight, still thinking. "No connection?"

"No... not now. I don't know what changed her mind. Her note was kind of cryptic. I think I must have finally caused her enough stress she needed to get away from me too, not just her surroundings. I guess I'm to blame for this whole stupid thing."

"You're not happy you two are taking the antidote?"

"Oh, I'm happy, in a way. I mean, it's what I wanted all along. I just don't understand Katie's reasoning for changing her mind, other than to just get away from me entirely. I waited to make sure I knew she'd taken them and... and I knew she was, so I did too. I didn't say anything to her prior... I just... again, figured she'd made up her mind, and if she'd wanted to talk to me, she would have done so. I guess she didn't want to see me or talk to me before she left though."

Con purses his lips, feeling a twinge of sadness. "Are you two... breaking up?"

"I don't know, Con." Jason sighs again. "You know I love her. And I've wanted to call her since last night, I just... don't know what to say. And this time... this time I guess I'm just finally gonna leave things up to her. I'm tired of trying to run the show and making her unhappy. So if this is what she wants then... she's got it. Apparently she needs her space so... I'm waiting on her this time. If she wants to talk to me, she knows where to find me."

Con would have chided Jason, had he not realized that Jason's tone was not a cocky one. His younger friend really did just feel at a total loss, and really was trying to just let Katie be, even if it hurt. "You think she'll come back, don't you?"

"I hope so. She didn't even tell Reese how long she'd be gone though."

"And you don't think she'd like to hear from you?"

Jason shakes his head. "I think I've done enough damage, don't you?"