
Only Family

Giving a smile and a return hug to Mick Rosetta gives him a kiss on the cheek before pulling away just a little bit.

"While your out there you better teach Dan there who he should and shouldn't be calling old."

Throwing a grin to Dan to show she was joking Rosetta gives a nod to them.

"You boys becarful out there."

Looking up at Mick and giving a smile Katie nods. Her day was going to be full of differnt things but she would do her best to spend time with Rosetta too.

"I will Uncle Mick. You guys have fun."

Giving a nod to Rosetta and a smile to Katie Dan puts his stetson back on his head before turning to head out of the dinning hall with Mick.

Dropping Scott back off at home Hope looks up at him her eyes holding a new sparkle.

"Thank you as well. You have giving me Hope and another good reason to smile."

Returning the gentile kiss before pulling away and looking up at him again.

"I'll call you when I get done and let you know what happend. I know its gonna work out. No worrys ok?"

Giving a smile and a wave to Scott Hope pulls away and heads to the court house to meet Angelica.

Pulling up to JT's house Bree turns off her car and reaches into the back seat grabbing a few folders and papers.

Going up to the door Bree knocks and waits putting her finger over the peephole so JT wouldn't know it was her. She always tryed to see her Uncle at least once a week. It was the only family she had here and even if it was business she still liked seeing him.

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