
Smell Smoke

A grin finally forms on Bree's lips as the waitress walks away again. Looking to Gunner's back she shakes her head even thankful for Gunner's added humor in the whole thing.

"Me, ok well maybe I am a little bit but not to much. She will get a nice tip when I leave for being such a good sport. Not like the waitress yesterday."

Looking down at her own book she had once again today Bree takes a sip of her water as she waits for the waitress once again. Not even bating and eyes she comments to Gunner.

"Dont think so hard on your work over there, I think I smell smoke."

Giving a smile to Scott Hope continues to drive and listen at the same time. Though she tried not to she couldn't help but here a hesitance in Scott's voice. He was ok, that much she could tell but there was something that seemed to be bothering him. Noticing through for now he changed the subject off him Hope figured for now she would let it go as the question came back around to her.

Thinking for a long moment before she answered Hope played the question through her head.

"Me, I am doing ok. A little nervous but who isn't when they have to go to court right?! I'm am alright though and yes I have Angelica who is going to be helping me out. From what I have been told she is one of the best so I should have no worries."

Hope slows coming to a red light and turns to look at Scott. Her smile was still on her face she her eyes were bright looking at Scott.

"Not that I really have anything to worry about to stop with seeing as nothing was done wrong."

Hope wanted to stress that to Scott that this in no way was his fault, it was neither of there seeing as really nothing did happen that was wrong.

"Things will work out how God wants them to. That much I am sure about."

Dan gives a small nod to Mick. He remembered a day after he had got here, a few of the horses had gotten out and he went with them to round them up.

"Yeah, it should be a good ride though. Should be a nice day out today, not to hot but not to cold yet eather."

Taking a sip of his own coffee Dan is quiet for a moment scanning the faces in the dinning hall seeing that almost everyone was here before looking back to Mick.

"Rosetta said Sparky had been keeping to himself a lot lately, she seemed pretty worried about it. Everything ok?"

Dan new he was being nosey but he was concerned as well. He had seen the look in Rosetta's eyes yesterday when he had asked her about it and it was just in his nature to care maybe a little to much sometimes.

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