

*As Carson slams on the breaks and Misty goes forword she snaps her head looking at Carson.*

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Are you crazy? Thats my car your slaming around are you trying to make me go through he windshield."

*Misty sits for a moment undoing her seatbelt taking her heart out of her throut. After a moment Misty looks out the window and speaks slowly.*

"Why Carson? Why do I care? Why does a person normaly care for another? We dream of hope, of change, fire, love and death and than it happens the dream become real and the answer to the quest shows itself like the glow of a new dawn and all we want is to be around that person or things that brang us so much comfort so much joy. We want to be near to the person that lite the darkness and chased away most of the shadows. and I guess When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate, they call it zugunruhe. "A pull of the soul to a far off place," following a scent in the wind, a star in the sky. The ancient message comes calling the kindred to take flight and gather together. Only then they can hope to survive the cruel season to come. I guess the reson I care is cuz I dont want to be alone, lost in darkness anymore. I feel connected to you for some reson Carson. I feel a feeling I cant describe when I am near you."

*Misty's emotions well inside of her did she really just tell Carson some of her inner most hiden feelings. Misty feels the tears wanting to break free as the car becomes stuff and hott. Misty opens the door and steps out. Walking infront of the car a few feet. Standing with her arms crossed under she check Misty lets out a heavy high. Her soft hair now down blowing in the warm wind. Raising her head to the sky Misty studys the starts each one differnt in there own way. *

You do too

In a sudden move, Carson puts on the breaks and pulls the car off onto the shoulder, putting it in park. “You do too care, Misty, and I want to know right here and now why.”

Moments pass

*Misty fold her arms across her chest slumping in her seat.*

" I guess it is. Your problem your lose. I dont really care."

*Misty felt herself slipping away but she dident know why. WHY did she really care what Cason did? Misty continues to look out the window lost in thought. She could feel the tears welling in her eyes.

Moment pass as the seanry of town came into view. They would be back at TJY again soon. Misty would have to listen to everyone once again ritaculiing and questioning her for what she did. Misty just wanted to hide. No one understood her.*


Carson can’t help wincing a little as Misty applies the pressure to his wrist. As she mentions Ashlyn in such a way, he grits his teeth and pulls away his hand to press it against his leg instead. His emotions were running circles around him and he didn’t know why.

“Ya know, I think that’s my own business,” he retorts. “And I don’t see why you should care what I do with Ashlyn.”


*Misty lets out a long sigh. How could they have done that to Carson. Maybe TJY was the same as the Angency in a sence. Shaking her head Misty takes Carson hand in her. Using her other hand to take off his wrist bank she puts pressure on the wound.*

"Ya know you need to stop working your wrists so much or its never gonna heal."

*Misty gives Carson a side long glance her tummy was in a knot.*

"I'm sure your little adventure with Ashlyn dident help any eather."


Carson frowns. “Yeah, well believe it.” He reaches up to brush away Misty’s hand, and in doing so, notices that his jacket sleeve is showing blood through it. He curses under his breath and pulls off his jacket while he continues to drive, revealing the blood coming from his wrist. “Dang it.” He holds out his arm to Misty. “Take off my wrist band and put pressure on that, will you?”


*Misty lets out a dry laugh.*

" I wasent half-cocked as you put it. I new good and well what I was doing."

*Misty turns her head to Carson. She can feel her own anger build.*

"What, TJY is who kidnapped you?"

*Misty is almost speachless as to what to say. How could they. How could Reese. Misty can sencs something is more wrong with Carson reaching over she lifts the baseball cap up some of the making having smugged off from his adventures.*

"Oh Carson, how could they do that to you. I dont believe this."


Carson frowns at Misty’s tone. “Look, you could have been killed. I don’t care if you’ve been involved with the Agency before or not, you shouldn’t have gone off half-cocked like that. It was stupid.”

He glares at the road, his cap still pulled low to hide his eyes from Misty. “Besides that, I didn’t need rescuing. If you would have stuck around long enough to find out, you would have been informed that it was all a ruse to see where my loyalty was. But since you decided to come after me, by yourself no less, it created an even bigger mess.”


*Misty sits in the car quietly for a long while. Finally replying to Carson.*

"Dont tell me what to do. I was trying to rescue you."

*Misty lets out a sigh and just stairs out the window. Her eyes hadent changed back to the normal fire yet. They were still cold and hard. Something stired inside of her something that had been dorment for a while, Being around the Agency again, Seeing Carson with Ashlyn. It braught back old memories, feelings. Misty keeps her head held high. Though inside she feels lost and alone.*


Drew turns his head to look at Misty, slyly. “Oh, I’ll be seeing you around, you can bet on that.”

Travis rolls his eyes as Misty grabs his smokes. “Aw thanks. You owe me now.”

Carson goes for his jacket and cap, pulling it down low so his eyes are barely visible. He throws Misty an annoyed look. “Are you done with your cute farewells or what?”

He tosses a casual salute to the guys. “See you around, boys. If anyone calls, we’re on our way.”

The night air is moist and dense from the storm that has gone through, and a mist still hangs to dampen things. Carson steps down off the porch, and though wanting to quicken his pace, resists, maintaining his casual amble. Reaching the car, he resumes his place behind the steering wheel, waiting for Misty to get in.

Within minutes, they’ve reached the blacktop road, and are speeding back towards the border. Still having said nothing, Carson finally breaks the silence. “Don’t you ever do something stupid like that again, you hear me?”


*Misty sits down next to Drew grining. *

"Drew hunny, I dont think you could handle what I have to offer so many its a good thing you have to keep watch."

*The card game contiues as normal untill Carson emerges from the bed room. Misty keeps her eyes low but cant help looking at Carson. No matter what happend Misty couldent help but silly think Carson look good without his shirt on.

As Carson sujests leaving Misty's eyes narrow searching Carson's face. Than turning her head to Drew she grins.*

"Parting is such sweet sarrow eh?"

*Leaning over she gives him a small kiss on the cheek.*

"Dont miss me to much ya hear."

*Misty stands and grabs her jacket that was just about dry. Checking her smokes she notices she only has two left. Walking up behind Travis she leans over him and grabs his pake of smokes replacing it with her.*

"I new you wouldent mind if I took these its a long drive to headquarters and I'm gonna be stuck with him I'll need these."

*Misty check to make sure the dick is in her pocket and throws on last glance around the room.*


Suggested Leave

Drew grins a little at Misty, reaching up to run a finger along her arm. “Too bad I gotta stay watch right now, otherwise…” He catches her eye, throwing her a wink. “This might not be such a boring visit after all.”

Travis kicks him under the table. “You in or what?”

Drew smirks and puts his attention back to the card game, amply distracted from his line of questioning. “Yeah, yeah.” He looks back up at Misty, nodding his head to the chair beside him. “Sit back down and bring me some of that luck of yours.”

The bedroom door eventually opens, and Carson steps out, shoes and shirt in hand, and closes the door again. He sets his shoes down and pulls the shirt over his head, running a hand through his hair before grabbing a spare chair to sit down and lace up his boots. “Stopped raining,” he comments, making no eye contact with anyone, seemingly apathetic to anything going on.

Drew raises an eyebrow. “And Ashlyn?”

The corner of Carson’s mouth quirks cockily. “Sleeping.”

Travis rolls his eyes. “I wish I could get some sleep around here, but Mark snores so loud he shakes the whole place.”

“I can’t help it,” Mark retorts.

As Carson sits back up, he receives a shooting pain to his previously injured shoulder. It takes all he has not to favor it, but looking down, he suddenly notices a bit of blood showing from under his leather wristband. He wipes it away quickly, reaching for a pack of smokes on the table and lighting up, following it with a long swig of beer. “Figure I’ll be taking off for headquarters again since this storm seems to be over.”

Mark gives him a grin. “Just come to eat and run, eh?”

Carson silences him by throwing him a look that could kill. “I wouldn’t want to waste too much more time – not with all the information I’ve got on me.” He finally glances in Misty’s direction, then to Drew. “How about giving up that sheila over there so I can take her with me? You and I both know the boss would prefer to get everything all at once, and she’s got just as much knowledge as I do – more probably.” He pauses, rolling his eyes. “And if I bring her along to back me up, I’ll be less likely to face the gallows in the morning.”

Drew scoffs. “You know some of them higher ups talked about if you were alive, they’d kill ya.”

“So?” Carson shrugs. “I’ve got eight lives left. Let ‘em come. You know I’m not scared of them. They want me too bad. I’m one of the best they got.”

Drew polishes off his bottle of beer and gives Katie a sidelong glance. “As much as I’d hate to part, Carson’s right, and I don’t want to get myself into trouble for keeping either of you here, lest they think I’m trying to keep secrets or something. What say you to that, pretty missy?”

Richard Bilford

*As Carson busts into the cabin her heart gives a jump though her face is uncanging. Carson was there, was he friend or foe. He hasent rated out who she was so he wasent there to harm her. Though she new he wouldent if he was even asked to. Misty throws a nod at Carson.*

"So we meet again."

* Misty pays little attachen untill Ashlyn emerges from the bedroom. Running her hand down Carson's neck and pressing her lips to his the courner of Mistys mouth twitches. Misty waches casualy as Ashlyn and Carson disapear into the bedroom. A small low growl forming in her thout but dispates quickly as not to lead on that the sit just witnissed made her sick to her tummy.

Misty shifts her eyes around the table at all the men. Grabing another smoke Misty new it would be the only thing that would keep her calm. Throwing down her hand of cards she laughs.*

"Full house...look like I win again."

*As Drew asks about TJY Misty slowly turns her head to him leaning in onto the table.*

"Hardly even saw the leader. Coming to think of it I dont think i even saw him once. His name was Richard Bilford."

*Misty's tone stand calm and cool trying her best to show no hesatation.*

"I dont know where he hides all the time though or even what his point is. He dosent do ANYTHING."

*Misty lets out a shallow low laugh.*

"As for other people there you know about Jason, Jamie, Katie, Con. I tell ya Carson did a good Job with Jamie as did the other. She is totally unstable. I think its funny in a way."

*Misty pushes her chair from the table and leans agant the back of the chair almost bending over it streaching her back out. Standing she heads into the kitchen. Oping the fridg Misty glances into the other room making sure everyone was still siting down. Pulling out a fresh beer bottle Misty heads to the sink abd dumps the containts out fillig it with water. Walking back to the card table Misty takes a sip from the beer bottle. As she pass Drew she runs her hand though his hair flashing him a sassy cold smile. Misty was cringing on the inside but was hoping to revert Drew's mind from his questions.*


Ashlyn cocks her head at Misty, giving her a wary stare. “Oh, honey.” Her laugh rings out. “If you think Carson’s a bore, then you must not know him that well.”

The guys ignore the women’s talk, and Travis grabs a deck of cards. “I’m in.”

Mark nods. “Me too.”

Within minutes, all the guys are involved with Misty, playing cards and listening to the pouring rain. It’s warm and stuffy in the cabin, the cigarette smoke and cent of beer filling the room. Ashlyn retreats down the hall, avoiding the guys.

Carson pulls up on the side of the road, seeing the jeep in the ditch. Was this related to his search? He stares through the rain-streaked windshield at the log in the road. If someone from the Agency had gone in the ditch here, where would they have gone? The cabin.

Carson knows good and well that the clues he’s following might not be clues at all…he could be on the wrong trail completely. But he had nothing else to go on.

Steering around the downed tree, he makes it slowly down the road. He passes the dirt road that is now mud, and goes half a mile further to the gravel that will also take him to his destination.

Within minutes, the cabin comes into view, and Carson sees lights on. At the very least, someone was here. He parks and takes a deep breath. He had to do this right. No fear. No hesitance. He was not on the defense. He had done nothing against the Agency. That is the attitude he assumes, stepping into the role he needed to play…the role he knew so well…the role that had shaped him.

The door is kicked open with a bang, startling those in the room. Drew looks up quickly from the table, his hand on his gun.

Carson holds out his hands to the side and cocks his head, rain dripping off the brim of his baseball cap. “Little jumpy aren’t we?” He sees Misty out of the corner of his eye, but pays her no heed. He casually shuts the door behind himself and takes off his jacket to hang it up. “Having a party?”

Drew looks at him with a bit of suspicion. “Heard you were dead. Then heard you’d gotten nabbed by us. What’s going on?”

Carson laughs. “Rumors can be quite amusing, can’t they?” he scans the room, setting his hands on his hips. Finally his eyes land on Misty. “Ah, the little traitor herself.”

“So you do know each other,” Drew comments.

Carson quirks an eyebrow. He had no idea what Misty had said, but had to risk playing along. “Doesn’t everybody know Misty?”

“What are you doing now?” Drew’s skepticism is obvious, as is Mark’s, Travis’ and Leon’s as they look at him from the table, all of them ready to draw weapons.

Carson shrugs. “Nice night for a drive, don’t you think?” He scoffs. “I dumped them idiots back in Nevada, piled up enough info to tear ‘em apart and started my way to headquarters. Weather got bad so I decided to see if anyone was home. And, whatdya know…I find a party.”

“Carson?” Ashlyn comes from down the hall. She stops for a moment, her arms crossed as gives Carson a once over. “You dog, I thought for sure you’d died.”

“You know me. I’m too mean to die.”

“Well I miss that meanness.” Ashlyn approaches him slyly, reaching out to run her hands down the sides of Carson’s neck, then down his arms. “Maybe it won’t be so boring around here after all, hmm?” She rests her hand on Carson’s chest and leans in, pressing her lips to his.

Carson reacts by returning the kiss with passion, wrapping his arms around Ashlyn’s model-like frame.

The guys at the table don’t seem to notice, starting to relax and going back to their card game and potato chips as if this was an everyday occurrence. It was obvious that they were used to seeing Carson and Ashlyn together.

Ashlyn withdraws, a seductive smile on her face and she reaches up to take off Carson’s dripping hat. “You, uh…planning on staying long?”

Carson’s eyes don’t move from her face, his own grin playing on his face. “Maybe. If it’s worth my time.”

“Oh, it’ll be worth it.”

Drew lifts his eyes from his hand of cards to follow Carson and Ashlyn to the bedroom where the door is closed behind them. He shakes his head, and throws down a card. “Some guys got all the luck, boys.”

“And some guys got real bad hands.” Travis tosses his whole hand onto the table. “This is ridiculous. Aren't we ever gonna get out of here?"

Mark chuckles and puts out his cigarette in the ashtray. “"Not until we get that call. As far as this game goes, maybe you just don’t know how to play.”

Drew leans back in his chair, studying the rest of his own cards. “So, Misty…what is it exactly that you’ve got on this place in Nevada? Who’s the ringleader of that bunch anyway?”


*Nate turns to Jason and nods.*

"I still dont agree to what was done, but I cant stay mad at you forever you to good of a friend for that."

*Nate gives his friends shoulder a strong squeeze.*

"If anyone can get Misty out of this it is Carson. We know he is one our side now, and he also care for Misty. It will be ok."

*Misty composes herself and than exits the bathroom her sassy smile and steel eyes places once more. Misty nods to the woman she hadent noticed before. Siting down at the table Misty kicks her feet and rocks her chair backwards pulling out she smokes and lighting one up. Leaning forward she picks one of the beer bottles up but thinks better of it remember how stupid Carson had acted. Right now was not the time for her to start geting loopy. Leaning back in the chair she sighs again.*

"So what do you guys do around here for fun? Got any cards and want to make it intresting?"

*Misty sly grin widens more as she takes puff on her smoke. Coming out of the bathroom Misty had hurd Drew talking to the woman about Carson. Taking another drag from her smile she nods at the woman.*

"Ashlyn right? So what up with you and Carson? By the look on your face when Drew mentioned him seems like something is heavy going on there."

*Misty grin gets even bigger as her cold eyes dance circles.*

"Personaly I dont see why he seemed like such a bore to me."

Cabin Talk

Jason is relieved when Nate finally emerges from the infirmary, but receives the orders grudgingly. He didn’t like being ordered around, especially in this case. What was going on?

He obeys anyway, but when he returns to find out just what is going on, he resists, looking to Nate. “Are you nuts? You’re just gonna send him off by himself, to take care of this thing?”

Carson checks his guns over, loading them as he overhears Jason. “You just had me put through the wringer in order to find out if I had turned my loyalty over to TJY. Don’t embarrass yourself by disrespecting the results.”

Jason starts to get mad, but then settles down, realizing the truth in Carson’s words. “Just don’t be a hero alright.”

“It’s a job, mate, nothing more.” Carson grabs the other items, and scrounges in his bag for a few more things, sidling past the others to head for the bathroom.

It doesn’t take him long, and he finally comes back out. He’s in the clean set of clothes, hiking boots, and a baseball cap. The cuts and bruises on his face are now covered, the makeup job done well enough that it’s not noticeable, proving he’s done this before. The bandages have been taken off his wrists, and his cuts are covered up with a wideband watch on one arm, and a leather wrist band on the other.

He remains grim as he prepares, donning a holster for one pistol, and sticking the other behind his back before throwing on his denim jacket. He glances up at the other three men and gives a short nod. “I’ll call back here as soon as I’ve got a chance. Don’t come looking and don’t call.” He grabs several pain killers and downs them with some water, grimacing just a little.

Without another word, he heads out.

Jason looks down the empty hall after him, sighing deeply. “I hope we’re doing the right thing.” He pauses for a moment, then turns to Nate. “Hey, I want to apologize about earlier. We did this whole thing once before with a guy we weren’t sure about. That time it went fine, and nobody got hurt, so Reese and I thought it appropriate for this instance as well. Maybe we were wrong.” He shakes his head. “There were just too many variables with this one. And the two guys Reese hired…they got carried away and we didn’t intend for that to happen. If everything had gone as planned, Carson wouldn’t have gotten that hurt, and nothing would have happened to Misty. We just wanted to know for certain if Carson would rat on us or not. We felt it was necessary to find out before he got in too deep here.”

He pauses for another moment. “I’m sorry I didn’t include you.”

Carson gets into Misty’s car, putting the seat back further and adjusting the rearview mirror. Starting the engine and pulling out, he can’t help but feel just a little strange driving her car.
He heads out and down the road, keeping his eyes ahead between the swishing windshield wipers. His mind races. Where would Misty have gone…he had to have a starting point… He remembers being in the van. They’d headed out of town…he had thought they were heading to the warehouse on the river, but they’d turned before arriving. That would have been the most logical place for Misty to go first at least.

Arriving at the warehouse though, he finds it now deserted. Now what… Carson taps his fingers on the steering wheel, thinking hard. What was the next closest location? The nearest was Base G across the border. But would that really have been where they went? He couldn’t risk calling anyone. He simply had to take the risk.

Carson is quick to leave the warehouse and head to the back roads, enveloping himself in the role he played so well. Like a machine, his mindset had switched gears and he was now thinking like the criminal he was. He knew the routes best to take to avoid traffic or cops, and knew that if anyone from the Agency had headed to Base G, this is the way they would go.

The men in the cabin don’t react much to seeing Misty, neither having known her from before. Beer bottles are set on the table with two open bags of chips, and the television on.

“Drew, what you doing here anyway?” Mark snorts.

Drew rolls his eyes and hangs up his soaked jacket. “Getting out of this dang weather. Jeep went in the ditch. Got me, Leon and that gal there, Misty.”

Mark just grunts. “Yeah, well, we’re just here waiting for orders. Supposed to be getting called in on some fool case up in Montana or something. Wasting time here, but it ain’t bad.”

“Nothin’ wrong with doin’ nothin’,” Travis comments from his lazy seat at the table. He takes a sip of his beer. “A tad bit boring though. ‘Course we got Ashlyn – not that she lets us have any fun.”

“You boys need to get a life.” A tall, slender dark woman comes out of the adjoining bedroom, throwing them an annoyed look. “Hey, Drew.”

Drew throws her a grin. “Ashlyn. Guess what I heard tonight?”

Ashlyn sets her hands on her hips. “What’s that?”

“Carson’s still alive.”

Ashlyn’s eyes light up, a narrow smile creasing her lips. “Oh, really. I’d heard that rumor.” She nods to the bathroom door. “Who’s the chick’s voice I heard?”

“Misty. Old schooler back for some more action.”

One Peace

*Nate studys Carson's face for a long moment. His expresstions, his body languige. After a moment he stands up stragh and pulls the chair closer to Carson siting down filling him in on Misty and her past with The Agency.

About an hour pass while finally the infermary door opens and Nate steps out. Looking from Jason to Rick he starts to throw around orders.*

"Jason get Carson his guns back. Rick give him some good pain killers."

*Nate leaves to head into the breakroom. Grabing some extra clothing he always keeps laying around, and some making up. Heading back into the infermary throwing the stuff to Carson. Walking over to Misty's desk he opens the draw and pulls out her car keys throwing them to Carson as well along with a cell phone.*

"You can take Misty's car since it is still here. Take the phone as well so if you need anything you can call me."

*Nate gives Carson a respectful nod.*

"Be safe, both both yourself and Misty back to us in one peace."


Carson holds his gaze on Nate, never letting it drop. The words stung, but he took them, absorbing the sting...letting them sink in. Misty had given him something no one else had...a chance. A chance at trust, a chance at friendship, a chance at life. Carson hated TJY right now for their move, even if it had been logical. But as far as he knew, Misty had nothing to do with that, and Nate was right...she was innocent, and she was in danger.

The wheels in his mind start to turn almost visibly as he begins to negotiate scenarios in his brain. One thing after another flies through his mind until he lands on the variables that he needs. "I want my guns," he states flatly. "I want a vehicle. I want to know everything about Misty's past with the Agency. I want a change of clothes, I want some major pain killers, I want makeup, and I will be going in alone." His glare proves his seriousness. "Those are my terms."

Do it for

*Nate slowly walks over to one of the chairs and puts in hands on the back of it bracing himself up. The anger that was in his eyes a moment ago was no longer there. It was replaces with simpathy, compastioin and worry.*

" I know you dont like me Carson, and I can understand why. But in my defence I was to say I dont agree with what they did to you. I dident even have any idea untill today when we got the call from Misty. I started to panic racking my brain to try and find where she was. Going through papers, files everything and found nothing. I was worryed sick and than Jason sprung on me the same thing he did on you. Let me tell you I was alittle less than happy with him."

*Nate looks up at Carson emotions running though his eyes. Something Nate dident let alot of people see. But his eyes they were pleeing with Carson.*

"I had to push that anger away for now though cuz someone is out there an innocent someone. She cared enough about you to put herself in danger to find you. Who knows what she is doing, or where she is. But she it out there facing the Agency head on. You know what they would do to her if they find out she isent on there side, or if they catch her snooping around. She dosent deserve this. She is an innocent woman who was just trying to save the person she cared a great deal about. She's bold, fearless, a good manipulater, sassy and I have no doubt that she can hold her own, but everyones luck runs out sooner or later. And when it does there might be a chanse that the last time you see her sassy face is when the Agecny ships her back to us in a box."

*Nate draws in a breath. Just the thought was enough to make him crings. He hadent known Misty long but he admired her strong will, her fire, she was part of TJY, friend, family one of them.*

"If you cant do it for us Carson, or even for me, do it for that woman that layed everything on the line for you. The woman that helped you feel, who looked past you downfalls and everything you did to see the good in you. Do it for Misty she deserves that."


Jason looks at Nate in surprise, as does Rick. Jason opens his mouth to argue, but sees the determination in Nate's eye, and decides better of it. He nods to Rick. "Come on." He looks to Nate one last time. "We'll be right outside."

As those two leave, Carson eyes Nate skeptically. For once, he allows his eyes to show his feelings...he was miserable. He was angry, he was frustrated, and he was hurt. He knew he had his shortcomings...he knew that he hadn't been all that cooperative here, but he'd been scared. He'd said he was on their side, yet they had still tested him...to the point of having him assaulted to see if he would talk. And not only that, but they had endangered one of their own.

He locks eyes with Nate, his coldness coming through once again.


*Misty walks through the woods the rain pelted her face and left its stinging mark. Her hand still stuffed in her pockets still she fingers her butterfly knife. Continplating what she should do next. There was no way she could run, Drew was fat but he could run fast she new that frm experinces of the past. Misty had to continue to play along till the right moment came along.

As the cabin came into view Misty let out a sigh. She was soaked to the bone and couldent wait to get inside and get dry. Steping inside she shakes the extra water from her hair and removes her coat throwing it on the back of a chair to dry. Misty starts to head for the bathroom and turns looking at Drew*

"I'll be right out. I'd like to get somewhat dryed off so I dont catch a death of a cold. I'll be back."

*Steping into the bathroom Misty takes some towels out and starts to soak up some of the water caught in her clothing. When done she just toss them on the floor. Leaning on the bathroom sink she look into the mirror and shakes her head. Her eyes were so cold with a black fire that burned. Misty dident like that look. She hated it, but its what she had to do for now. If Drew or anyone alse caught on that this was an act, she surly would die or worse.*

*Nate looks to Carson and shakes his head. Did he blame him for not wanting to help, no he dident. Nate himself dident even agree with what had happend. But this was now Misty's life that is on the line. Nate turns to Jason and Rick. His frustration and anger of his own visable.*

"Out both of you. I want to talk to Carson alone."


Drew rolls his eyes and follows Misty up the steep incline. "Head down this road," he directs. "Up a ways is a lane that leads back into the woods." He stops, smirking at himself. "What am I telling you for? You know where it is." He gestures with his hand, "Ladies first." Though the words are polite, his eyes display that he wants to be able to see Misty at all times.

The walk is long, the rain pelting down in sheets, lightning streaking across the sky, and thunder shaking the earth. The lane off the main road is muddy, making the trek difficult. The extra gangster follows farther behind trudging at a slower pace, grudgingly obeying Drew.

The cabin finally comes into view within the woods, a light on inside, the silhouettes of two more men visible through the window.

Rick works steadily, cleaning up Carson's cuts and bruises, and getting his shoulder back into place before he wakes up completely. Checking his wrists prove they had split yet again, and he has to work at getting the bleeding stopped and rebandaged.

Rick throws a look to Nate. "Hurrying isn't always the best thing in the world, you know. But..." He retrieves a syringe. "This will help bring him out of the stupor he's in." After giving Carson a shot, he resumes what he was doing. No extra bandages are needed, though Carson's face is plenty bruised, and his lip cracked from a punch.

Carson groans a little and starts to move, wincing in pain. He felt like he'd been run over by a truck. Opening his eyes, everything is fuzzy. What was going on?

A clap of thunder makes him jump and he sits up too quickly, making his head spin.

"Whoa, easy," Rick warns. "Take it slow."

Carson blinks in the light, trying to bring things into focus. Finally he sees Rick...Jason...Nate. His shoulder is throbbing, his head and face hurt, his wrists were still sore... "What's going on?"

Jason cocks his head, remaining several feet away. "You got beat up pretty good, for starters. But you're back at TJY now."

Carson puts a hand to his head, that night's events flashing in his mind. The two thugs...the cabin...the van...Misty... He looks up quickly, searching Jason's face. Something wasn't right. This just wasn't adding up. "But the Agency...how did....?" He didn't like being confused, and starts to frown. "Tell me what's going on."

Jason folds his arm, not sure if this is going to be good or not, but knowing he's the one that's gotta say it. "Look, Carson, we need your help, so I'll make this brief. It wasn't the Agency. It was our side. We needed to make sure you wouldn't talk to the Agency if it came down to that. I'm sorry the guys too it this far - they weren't supposed to. Though you have my respect because I'll admit I thought you would fold."

He looks at Carson's face, trying to read the emotions forming. "Unfortunately, Misty didn't know about this, and she's run off. We believe she probably assumed it was the Agency as well and since the other guys said she didn't show up, we're afraid she went to the Agency itself to find you. ...And that's where we need you. We don't know where to look."

Carson gets to his feet, cradling his shoulder, though his eyes blaze with a new anger. "So...when I asked you how far you'd go, you liked to make it look as though you wouldn't hurt a fly, didn't you? And this is what I get for it."

"You did it to us," Jason replies. "I'd say we're even. You've tested us, we've tested you. It's time to get some work done."

Carson grits his teeth and looks between Jason and Nate. "This is a fine mess. I hope you're happy." He shakes his head. "Get yourself out of it."

I'll Melt

*Misty looks at Drew and rolls her eyes.*

"No really? I though I was going to stand out in the rain and use myself as a lighting Rod, and there is no way I am staying in here with him he's such a woss, I'd get mad at his whinning and probley end up killing him. Not that I'd mind he irratates me."

*Misty thumbs to the thug in the back and than get out throwing her now wet hair up on the top of her head. Ziping up her coat she stuff her hands in her pockets. Making her way up the steep muddy hill. She shoulders ake with pain from the rough jolt of the jeep. Looking around Misty takes in her sarroundings. There wasent a house or even building for miles around. Truning back around once at the road she yells back down.*

"Come on hurry up already I dont have all night. Anyways I'll melt in this rain."

*Misty cross her arms under her chest and waits.*

*Nate shakes his head still irratated. But trys to push the feeling away as Rick enters with Carson. This couldent be the time to have ill feelings they needed to work together now to get Misty back where ever she was. As Jason and himself head with Rick to the infermary Nate notived the bit of blood seeping through the bandeges on Carson's wrists.*

"Rick make sure you check Carson's wrists. I dont know if the blood is from his head or not but its better to be safe than sorry."

*As Nate watches Rick work on Carson he cant help but let his worry intensafy. What would the Agency do to Misty if they caught her. They new what they did to Jamie but with Misty it would be far worse. She was one of them and turned her back to them, surly she would meet death.*

"Rick cant you give him anything to make him wake up faster? He's our only hope of finding Misty. Come on Carson we need you for this one...wake up."

*Nate paces the floor once again.*

"Jason did Misty relay any information from her talks with Carson to you? Anything at all? Locations? Buildings? How about the places where Jamie was held? Any of the ones we got that were dead ends...it wouldent hurt to check them again."


Drew almost laughs. "Carson? Depressed? You've got to be kidding me. I ain't ever seen no one who had more enjoyment doing what he did. He must've been on something for you to think that about him."

His eyes reflect doubt about Misty, and he opens his mouth to say something, but is cut short as a huge flash of lightning illuminates the sky just in time to reveal a tree down in the middle of the road.

Drew swears and slams on the breaks, ripping the steering wheel to the right. The jeep spins completely around, skidding off into the shoulder, then down into the steep ditch. Almost rolling, the vehicle slams into a tree, jolting everything to a sudden stop.

Drew's eyes are wide, his fingers still gripping the steering wheel. He looks at the other two to make sure they're okay. "Whoa...that was....close..."

Thunder shakes the jeep, the wind tearing through the trees around them.

The vehicle's engine had died, and Drew tries to start it again, but it only spits and sputters before giving out again. Another curse is slung at the jeep, and Drew slams the dashboard with frustration. He picks up his phone only to see that he has no service from this location. "Well folks, I hope y'all have walking shoes on."

"In this weather?!" The guy in the backseat was pale, his hands starting to shake. "Are you nuts?!"

"They're expecting us," Drew counters sternly. "If they find us sitting her on our rear ends, we'll be in for it, and do you want some cop to drive by and come down here asking fool questions?" His eyes flash with anger. "We walk. There's a cabin two miles down the road. If you're too scared to walk in a little rain, then you can sit here and take the heat."

Drew pulls his jacket tighter around him, bringing up the collar. He cracks his door and glances over at Misty. "I'm expecting you to come with me."

Jason frowns at Nate as he receives the chastising. "Hey look, it wasn't all just me, you know. I wouldn't have done any of this if it hadn't been Reese's orders. He wanted to keep things under wraps because the more people that knew, the more likely Carson would find out." A bit of anger starts to boil. "And as far as Misty goes, whether she was told to watch Carson or not, she should have had more brains than to go off running by herself! That was just plain stupid of her!" He lets out a disgusted sigh, trying to calm himself. "But maybe you're right. Maybe I was the stupid one for not thinking she'd do this."

He starts to pace a little, trying to think. "Carson is supposed to be dropped off, and Rick.."

As if on cue, Rick suddenly appears on the floor, half leading, half dragging Carson. He has Carson's arm slung over his shoulders, and Carson tries to walk, but has to put most of his weight on the doctor. His eyes are barely open, his lethargic movements hinting that he's been drugged.

Rick makes his way over to them, on his way to the infirmary. "Jason. I got here just as they were dropping him off. What did you tell them to do to this guy?"

Jason rolls his eyes, his shoulders dropping as he sees Carson's condition. "Good grief. I didn't tell them to do that, that's for sure. The guys Reese had are rough, and they just got a little too happy." He reaches out to lift Carson's chin to look at the bruises on his face. "Carson?"

Carson lifts one eyebrow. He tries to bring things into focus, but it's not working too well. Was that Jason's voice? Or Nate's? Who was helping him? Where was he anyway? How had he gotten away?

Rick shakes his head. "Both of you come with me so we can talk. I've got to get his shoulder back in place and clean him up. He's coming out of whatever it was he was given, and I don't want him flying out of here in this shape."

A peace of my mind

*Misty leans back in the jeep seat. Her body felt exsausted, but her mind was running to wild to even think of sleeping. Things dident add as to what was going on. Though she had to addmit the rush felt good again.*

"Well that whole bit that went down with that chick Jamie? Carson got shot he dident end up dieing but he got messed up pretty bad. And thats where I came in. I Gained his trust. Pretended I was his friend..."

*Misty lets out a low dry laugh.*

"From what I know he never said anything about TJY. He talked to me alot though, about the Agency, about the people he hurt, about his family. From what I saw he was a pritty messed up and depressed guy. He gave up long before he told TJY anthing about The Agency. The only person he would talk to was me, and I never said anything to anyone."

*Nate stands from his desk as he listens to Jason.*


*His eyes widen a bit as he heads Carson being taken was part of a plain they had decied to do without even tell him when he was on this mission too.*

"Jason, do you relize how stupid you are? What would you exspect Misty to do. We left Jason in her care. She took full responsablity for him. OF CORSE SHE WOULD GO AFTER HIM. That girl has a mind of her own and alot of currage. I give her alot of respect. She has no fear and I cant say I would of act differntly. Specialy when someone told me I was in chars of looking after/taking care of someone."

*Nate starts to pace again and he shakes his head*

"Next, I am you team member what happend to decieding things together? You left me in the dark and thats not how partners/teams work."

*Nate shakes his head in disgust again.*

"That not important now. We need to find Misty. I know she can hold her own, and is proble doing fine, but I want to find her and get her out before she does get in to deep and cant get out. Where is Carson now?"


Drew doesn't say much, but keeps his eyes on the road and sticks to the back roads with little traffic.

The guy in the back glares at Misty, not moving to relax, but continuing to be alert, his gun poised.

The rain starts, and begins to come down in sheets, blinding lightning slowing the jeep and making the visibility poor. Drew takes his time, though is tense. "So, since we're going to be on the road longer than planned, why don't you go ahead and tell me what Carson has been up to, since he isn't really dead?

Jason grits his teeth, thinking...trying to come up with a good way to say this. "Nate, this thing has been a disaster from the get-go. Look...Reese wanted to know if Carson was going to stay on our side or not. We didn't trust him, so we decided to see if he'd double-cross us or not. We'd already been talking about it, then the fool went and tried to kill himself, so we held off a little bit. We got Ty involved too, so nothing would go wrong."

He pauses to sigh, an irritated expression on his face. "Things were fine until Misty got in the mix. We didn't think she would be stupid enough to involve herself... We had two guys pick up Carson tonight and take him somewhere to try and get him to talk. We knew if we played it right, he'd believe they were from the Agency, who would want answers from him about us. The guys were instructed to threaten him, maybe rough him up a little, just enough so we'd know if he'd cave or not."

Jason shakes his head. "Apparently Misty followed them, also believing they were from the Agency, so they shook her off their trail. Now we have two unfortunate events. One is that apparently our two guys didn't quite get the meaning of roughing up Carson just "a little" and he's been put through the wringer." He shrugs. "The good news is that he didn't talk, so we can trust him as far as that goes. The bad news is that Misty is now on the loose, under the impression that the Agency has Carson which means..." Jason takes a deep breath. "That she's probably gone off to the Agency, and she knows where they are because she was involved with him. Problem is, once she's there, there will be no Carson, and who knows where that will lead her, or them, or whatever."

Jason pauses again, trying to make sure he's gotten everything with his fast-paced explanation. "And now...the only one who can help get Misty back is Carson because he would know where the Agency would take her, but he's not exactly in great shape at the moment."

He throws up his hands. "This whole thing would have been fine if Misty hadn't tried to be a hero."


*Misty into the jeep and gives Drew a sidelong glance her sassy look still on her face her hard cold dark eyes still shinning.*

"Hey more time with you Drew thats always a pluse."

*Misty turns to look at the thug in the back seat with the gun.*

"And you can stop pointing that at me ya know. It not nice to point your gun at a lady. I'm not going anywhere."

*Misty turns back around growing silent for a moment.*

"You said there were two cops poking around? Things just keep geting intrestinger and intrestinger I'll tell ya that. Its actully kind of exciting I came back when I did. I always liked alittle bit of action."

*Nate looks up at Jason questions linger on his face. Why wasent Jason more upset than this. There was something he wasent telling him.*

"What would you want me to do Jason? I have to do someting before my mind goes crazy. What is it you know that I dont?"

*Nate stands and looks Jason in the eyes challanging him to know what he does. In Nate's eyes there is a bit of fear. For Misty, for Carson...what was going to happen.*

Tangled Web

Drew lets a sly, almost sinister smile spread on his face. "Of course I wouldn't want anything to happen to a beauty like you." He heads for the door. "I bet you do know an awful lot about Carson. Him being the ladies' man that we was, I bet you've got stuff on him I don't even want to know about."

As he opens the door and steps out into the dark, thunder rolling in the distance can be heard. Drew looks up at the sky where stars are starting to disappear under a cloud cover. "It's gonna be a good night." He thumbs to a jeep around the side of the warehouse. "Get in."

They are followed by another thug who keeps his gun in his hand, warily watching every move, and joining them in the jeep, settling in the back seat to ensure nothing happens.

Just as Drew is starting to pull out of the lot, his cell phone rings. "Yeah? ...Uh-huh. Nope. ...I see. Fine. Give us two hours." He flips his phone shut and gives Misty a glance. "You're in luck. They had a lockdown at headquarters 'cause some idiot cops were snooping around. We're going to Base G instead, across the border. Guess you won't be seeing the big cheese just yet, though I can't say I'm disappointed you'll be in my own custody longer."

Jason sees Nate get up and leave, and taps his fingers impatiently on his desk. When his desk phone rings, he jumps, snatching it up before it rings again. "Yes? ....Uh-huh....and?" He frowns. "What do you mean he was.... what? ....Well did you...." Jason stops again, continued to be cut off, though his questions were getting answered. "Aw great." He rolls his eyes. "What do you mean carried away?" He sighs and shakes his head. "No, we got bigger problems now. Just stick to plan and don't call back." Jason hangs up with a groan. "Misty, you're an idiot! Where are you?"

He thinks for a moment, then aims for his door, heading for Nate's desk. Once there, he sighs and rubs a tired hand over his face. "Stop what you're doing, Nate. It's not going to do any good. There's only one person who can help us now."

Carson lies on the floor, still tied to the chair, his gaze moving lethargically around the room as he struggles to maintain a lucid mental state. He feels the ropes on his wrists being cut and he's put back upright again, Newman and Sean roughly holding him in the chair. Sean grabs Carson's arm and sticks him with a needle. "Say goodnight."

Carson flinches at the sharpness of the needle and wants to fight, but within seconds, his world is spinning. The room suddenly goes black and he falls into unconsciousness.

Sean sets his hands on his hips and looks over to Newman. "Jase said to stick to plan even though that chick is on the loose. Let's get this guy out of here so he can get cleaned up. Jase wasn't too happy about how this was handled."


*Misty stands from her chair and eyes Drew with caustion.*

"Now you wouldent go and let anything happen to me would you Drew, not when I happend to be one of your fav thugs. Always was and something tells me I still am maybe...humm?"

*As Misty walks to the door she keeps her demeaner strong, and her actions the same. Even though things wernt going as she plained Misty dident feel scaired, she just had to think up a good way to get out of this now.*

"Headquarters it is. I cant wait to see there faces when they know I am alive, on there side still, and pull of the information they wanted. You name it Drew once we are on the road anything you want to know about Carson I'll tell ya."

*Nate cant stand the intisapation anymore standing he heads out of Jason's office and to the breakroom and grabs some coffee than walks over to his desk. Pulling out some files he starts to sift through them. Nate had to keep his mind busy or he was gonna go crazy.*


Drew continues to study Misty, his skepticism growing. “That is interesting…indeed…” He straightens up and thumbs to the door. “I think you better take a ride with us to headquarters. You know enough that I wouldn’t want anything happening to that pretty head of yours before we got the information out of you. We can make it by morning, and on the way down, you can tell me more about what’s been going on with Carson.”

“You know the routine,” Newman states flatly. “We debrief you, then you go to headquarters.”

Carson looks between Newman and Sean. They were in a shack near the lake, where no one was…where no one could hear anything. He had expected this. Perhaps his kidnapping, or rescue, rather, had not been known to him, but after believing the Agency would kill him on sight, it had been a relief to have made it this far. But now they wanted answers. They wanted information. He’d played it cool so far, acting as though he’d known he would be rescued from TJY, but now he was beginning to wonder just how much further he could go.

He can feel a bead of sweat run down the back of his neck. Words replay in his mind…his words…words of promise…words of commitment. He’d promised TJY that he would be on their side. Images of Misty flash through his mind.

Carson was facing something he’d never thought he would. Right here, right now, he could save his hide by giving up everything he’d just learned about TJY. If he gave these men what they wanted, he could settle back into the Agency as if he’d never been gone, and no one would ever know that he’d once been swayed by the other side.

But for once…that thought was enough to make his stomach churn. He saw Misty’s eyes…those spitfire eyes full of compassion that had drawn him out of the darkness. Could he betray that? He sees his sister again…what the Agency had done…could he continue to betray his family’s memory by remaining in the ranks of the very corporation that had slaughtered them? TJY had taught him that there was hope…there really was hope of taking down the Agency. Could he turn his back on that now?

Days ago, he would have sold out TJY without blinking. But now…tonight…he just couldn’t do it.

“Sorry, boys. I don’t know anything.”

Newman cocks his gun. “Now, I didn’t expect you, of all people, to hold out on us, Mr. Banks. Come now.”

Carson grits his teeth, the pressure increasing. “I don’t recall anything about where I’ve been or who I’ve talked to.”

Newman gestures to Sean. “Tie him up. We’re not through yet…”

…A back handed slap whips Carson’s head to the side with enough force he would have fallen over, had he not been bound to the chair. Blood fills his mouth and he spits it out, staining the wood flooring. “You rat.”

Newman lets out a laugh. “How’s it feel to be on the other side of things, Carson? You think I don’t know what methods you’ve used on people? You think I don’t know to make people talk? You may not know me, but let me assure you I know my job. Now…” He turns Carson’s head back towards him. “Who’s the ringleader?

Carson’s eyes glare at his enemy.

“Where are the computer chips?”

Still Carson is silent. His reward is several punches in a row to his eye and the side of his face, sending enough pain zinging through his head to cause him almost to pass out. He had a way out of this. If he just would tell them what they wanted. He’d be able to save himself. He winces, fighting against himself. “I don’t know anything.”

“Yes you do!” Newman walks around the chair, yanking Carson’s head back by a chunk of his sweaty hair. “You want more pain? I’ll give it to you!”

Carson can barely keep his swelling eyes open and suddenly feels a strong blow to his left shoulder. His chair is sent over backward, his head bouncing off the floor with no way to brace himself. He cries out in pain, his shoulder dislocated, and his head receiving a gash.

“Come on, Carson,” Newman taunts. “Just give me one little bit of information and we can all go home. I’ll make it easy. I won’t even ask about the computer chips. I won’t even ask about agendas or bases or the headquarters. All I want to know is the name of the ringleader. Just that name. I’d even settle for a last name only, how’s that?” He walks around Carson, not bothering to pick his captive up.

Carson’s breath comes in short gasps, uttering a curse. “Shove it, Newman.”

Newman is about ready to land a kick to Carson’s head, when Sean intervenes. “He’s had enough.”


*Misty eyes Drew her face and emotions unchanging though on the inside it felt like someone just droped a pound of bricks.*

"Huh...thats intresting very intresting. Well guess what, Carson wasent dead and from what he told me he was going to the Agency to rat out TJY to ya all. Ah well...whatever happend to him so be it."

*As Misty at there her emotions unchanging inside it felt like a storm cloud rolled over her heart, and everything inside was breaking. but if she wanted to stay alive she couldent let on. She had to finish what she started.*


Drew is pacing a little, a grin on his face as Misty speaks. As Carson is mentioned, he comes to a sudden halt. “What?” He approaches the table, leaning on the back of another chair and looking at Misty. “That idiot died along with the others when that last job went down…or so we thought.” Confusion and a new suspicion flash in his eyes. “I don’t know what you been on, but we certainly didn’t send no party after him. If he’d been with the other side that long, we woulda shot him dead where he stood, ‘cause he probably would have broke and said too much.” Drew studies Misty’s face, looking for answers.


*Nate nods*

*Misty lets out a dry laugh as she sits down in one of that chairs at the table. Lifting up whoevers hand of cards was there and cringing. Taking another smoke from her pocket she lights it up puffing it slowly.*

"Well to be able to get close to everyone in TJY I played as an intern to a doc. One of the guys ended up shooting someone named...."

*Misty thinks for a moment as if forgeting taking another puff from her smoke leaning her head back and making smoke rings in the air.*

"....Carson thats it. I wasent really paying attachen to him name. Anyways, I gained his trust knowing he was close to you guys, and they came to take him away while we were on an outing."

*Misty gets a sly cheese grin on her face.*

"Than some guys came and took him. The only base for The Agency was here so I took a stab in the dark and here I am again. Gracing you all with probley the most beautie you've seen in a long time."

*Misty looks over her shoulder at Drew her dark eyes playing games with his own.*

"So, where did you guys take that fool anyways. I think it would be funny to see his face when he relized I wasent such a good girl after all."


Jason grimaces. “Misty’s been a pain in the patoot, I’ll give her that much. She isn’t using her brain, that’s the problem. She’s gotten herself in this mess and maybe it’s high time she learned a hard lesson.”

Jason knows he sounds harsh, but his anxiety gets the best of him. “I vote we sit tight for tonight and wait to hear from her.”

Drew’s eyes narrow slightly, taking in Misty’s words and her tone. “We all thought you’d switched sides for good, I will say that. There’s some people around here who will be mighty glad to know you’re back here. I’d like to know how you knew I’d be here tonight though. You had contact with anybody else?”

Eye to Eye

*Nate nods in a werry sigh.*

"Your right Jason, but we cant just sit here. There has to be something we can do."

*Nate lets out a long sigh as he sits down in one of the extra chairs.*

"I hope that girl knows what she is doing this time."

*Misty cant help but let out a dry sassy laugh.*

"Your to smart for you own good Drew."

*As Drew steps closer to Misty she holds her ground, puffing out her chest and holding her head high showing the showing the look that some people would define as demanding respect.*

"Oh Drew dear Drew, there is so much the Agency dosent know it would make your head spin. I've been on the inside, I've seen what goes on. There is so much that the Agency hasent relized was there. And than there is the people in Texas that dear Dr. has under his tumb nail. No Drew I know you dont have all the information you or the Agency wants."

*Misty steps closer to drew her self becoming eye to eye with the man.*

"As for why now? I was growing bored being little miss goody two shoes. I thought I was going to go crazy with the Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am, Yes Uncel Reese. Pst...that crap isent for me."


Jason shakes his head in disgust. “I don’t think there’s anything here to lead us anywhere, Nate. Right about now, I’d just as soon sit back and wait to hear from Misty. If she was following the guys who took Carson…or who Carson was with, or whatever, there’s a chance she didn’t get in the heat of things and she’s fine.” He sinks down into his chair. “As far as searching goes, we both know that doing that in the dark does no one any good.”

Drew cocks his head a little, a dry laugh forming. “I know you too well to give you a hug, Misty. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten the last poor soul that tried to lay a hand on you. No…I don’t think you’ve changed one bit.”

He comes several steps closer to her. “Ah, the disc, huh? Finally got the information we wanted, I’d wager. After all these years? What makes you think we haven’t gotten all we need already? And why now? Why tonight?”

Old times

*Nate shakes his head.*

"Wait Reese just said let Carson there to do? But we dont even know if he was part of this, or if is on the wrong side or anything. Misty should be the first to find though I agree there."

*Nates head starts to spin again as he sits put pushes it away as much as he can.*

"I'm not finding anything in this crap. A bunch of papers, empty disk case, cloths, pens thats about it. If you wanna take a look be my guest. How about those paper you found in Carson's bag earlyer today? Maybe they have something in them? Maybe Hal or Ty saw something? We could check the camra's too."

*Nate stands from his siting position on the ground and starts to pace the floor.*

* As Misty steps into the room past the man at the door a sassy grin forms on her face.*

"Ahhhh Drew, looking good. Not a thing differnt from the last time I saw you."

*Misty throws her smoke on the ground crushing it with her toe.*

"You say I skipped, I saw biding my time so I could get you what you wanted."

*Misty holds up the disk once again.*

"As for friends, you know me I dont have any friend. I am a loner. So how about a hug for old time sake? You cant tell me you forgot me THAT easly."

*Misty's eyes show a strange glow as if her fire was there but it was something completely differnt from the joy that lit her eyes with Carson. It was a dull werry light that to the people in front and around her was normal.*

Well well well

As Nate comes back to Jason’s office, Jason is already having a heated discussion with Reese. “…I don’t know! No, that’s all I know! Look, I…” He groans, putting a hand to his forehead. “It wasn’t supposed to…well… no! Nothing! I’m sorry, alright!” He sighs deeply, trying to calm down. “Okay. We’ll do what we can.”

Ending the call, Jason looks over to Nate, his hands on his hips. “The priority is finding Misty. If we get Carson back in the process, great. If not, he’s history and we’ll have to decide what to do later.” He shakes his head, coming around his desk. “Find anything?”

The thug at the door looks at Misty skeptically, but after a moment, he opens the door wider. “Yo, Drew. Got company.”

A large man in the corner shadows comes into the open, giving Misty a once over. “Well, well, well…I didn’t think I’d ever lay eyes on you again.” A sly grin creeps across his face. “If I remember correctly, you skipped out on us once an awfully long time ago, and all we wanted was for you to get some information for us. Now…what would you be doing back here now? You wouldn’t happen to have brought anyone with you, hmm? No friends? No cops?”

Broken Nose

*Nate makes his way to the infermary. Spoting Misty's backpack and Carson bag. Grabing them both he heads back to Jason's office. Dumping them both onto Jason's floor Nate sits down sifting through papers and items. Misty's school work, reports, an empty cd rom case, clothing and papers from Carson. Nate sits looking harder trying to find something anything. Pashently waiting for Jason to get off the phone and hear orders from Reese.*

*Misty stratens her leather jasket stairing back at the man a grin playing at her lips. Reaching into her coat she takes the disk from her pocket and hold it up for the man to see, but far enough away it cant be graben.*

"I believe your exspecting me. At least one of you guys are. Now why dont you let me in before I kick the door open myself and back that big nose of yours."


Jason is quick to follow Nate, in no time, right behind him at TJY. The main floor is dim and quiet, and Jason sprints for his office. “I’m calling Reese. Go to the infirmary and check in there. See if Carson’s bag is there…maybe there’s something we missed that would give us a clue.”

Misty’s knock echoes through the building. Conversation is suddenly hushed before there’s the sound of chairs scraping on the floor, men positioning themselves, and the cocking of several guns.

The door is cracked, a man’s rough face barely visible, but the barrel of his handgun shines clearly. “State your business,” he orders.


*Nate's eyes open in horrot*


*Shaking his head he jumps in his car waving for Jason to follow him. Speeding down the road Nate comes to a hult alittle ways down seeing shatter glass across the ground and drops of blood. He nods to Jason in not to the way they go finishing his way to TJY. Geting out of the Car he heads into TJY and down the steps. This was a time sencitive matter. Anything could happen. To Misty, to Carson.*

*Misty follows the van through twists and turns, back roads and high packed highways finally till they make it out of town. Within moments the lights to the Van are gone. Misty stop the car slamming her fists on the stearing wheel cursing under her breath. The Van was gone but there was no doubt where they were going. She remembered well.. There was only one base this way, and in this area for the Agency. Starting up the car again Misty makes her way to the base.

About an hour pass and all is quiet when Misty pulls up to the base. Hardly any life is present but a single light. Pulling out her wallet she check inside to make sure the Disk was still there. It was the only real thing that would save her from dieing. Sucking in a deep breath Misty trys to steady her hands. Pulling out a pack of smokes from her coat pocket she takes on out and lights it up. Geting out of the car she heads to the door where she know people will be. Leaning aganst the door fram she knocks loudly on the door.*


The van travels through town, running stop signs and paying no heed to other drivers.

Carson braces himself in the back of the van as they skid around a corner. He glares at the other man. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“I don’t believe formality is a part of this deal.”

Carson grits his teeth, knowing an interrogation is coming, no matter what rank he had or what deals he’d made. He had to think fast. “You’re replacing Leo aren’t you.”

The man gives a sneering grin. “Maybe.”

Carson’s eyes narrow, but he lets the conversation close for now. He tilts his chin, letting his body language prove his authority. There were no friends within the Agency, no matter how good he was, no matter what promises he’d made. But once he got past this, he’d be home free.

Jason stops before exiting Mom and Pop’s, going for his phone. His eyes widen as he hears Misty’s voice. “No, Misty, wait, don’t hang…” He slams his phone shut. “Dang it!” His eyes shoot to the door. “Nate!” He swivels around, looking to Con. “Take Katie home.” He switches gears, giving Katie and apologetic look. “Something’s happened with Carson again. I gotta go now. Sorry.” Spinning around, he sprints for the door. “Nate, wait!”

He catches up to him on the sidewalk. “Misty just called. She said Carson got nabbed and she’s going after them, the fool woman. I don’t know where they are, but we gotta get back to TJY and see if we can trace them.”

Once on the country roads, the van’s lights suddenly disappear, the driver an expert at disguise. With several more turns along a winding road, it’s impossible to know which way it has gone. But there’s only one Agency base within short driving distance…the warehouse along the river.

*As the van stop in front of them and the men get out Misty holds her head up high no fear showing. Even when the gun was pointed in her face. Her eyes try to relay messages with Carson as her head shakes. No this couldent be happing. No, Carson they cant take you they'll kill you. As the Van starts to speed off Misty knows its now or never. If that van turned to courner they would be lost and there would be no finding them. Her car was to far off there was no time. As fast and instincly as she could Misty tears the bottom of her shirt off and wraps her fist sending it through a the window of a nearby car. Not paying attacken to the car syrin going off. Once having the door open Misty hops in kicking the underneath the stearing wheel pulling some wires out and jumping the car. As the moter rawrs Misty screeches the tires following the Van. Pullng out her phone she dials Jason's number. Not even bothering to wait for him to say Hello or explain.*

"JASON....Its Misty. Some guys kidnapped Carson in a van. I am going after them. I'll be fine."

*Misty hangs up the phone before a protest can be hurd and continues to follow the Van close enough to know where they are going but far enough away for them not to relize she was there.*


Carson lets a dry chuckle escape as they slowly walk down the sidewalk. “The more she said, the more he pondered, the more he pondered, the more perplexed he became, and the more perplexed he became, the more she said. And thus went the battle that threatened no end.”

He gives Misty a sidelong glance and shakes his head. “You’re…” He’s cut off as a dark unmarked van suddenly comes flying down the street, jumping the curb and screeching to a halt in front of him and Misty.

Carson instinctively braces himself, shoving Misty behind him to stand between her and the van.

Before they can think, two armed, masked men are out of the van, pointing their guns at them. “Don’t make a scene,” the tall one warms.

Carson stiffens, his eyes searching these men to identify them, but he remains silent, holding Misty’s wrist to keep her back.

The shorter man steps forward, grabbing Carson by the arm. “You’re coming with us,” he orders gruffly.

Carson resists just a little. “Hey, keep your hands off me,” he growls.

One of the handguns is cocked and aimed at Misty. “Quit stalling and get in the van, Carson or the girl dies.”

Carson grits his teeth. “She stays out of this.”

“Just do what we say and she will,” the tall man sneers. “In the van or she gets a bullet to the head.”

“Save your threats for the weak ones, mate,” Carson hisses. He glances over his shoulder at Misty, his eyes full of too many thoughts or emotions to decipher. There is fear, there is confidence, there is guilt, there is pride, there is pain, there is boldness…contradicting emotions built up behind a single stare.

There couldn’t be any doubt. These men reeked of the Agency.

“Don’t fight it,” Carson warns her sternly and lets go of her wrist. “I told you there were consequences to getting involved with someone like me. Don’t let it go any further.”

As he’s prodded in the arm with the barrel of the gun, he finally steps away from Misty, getting into the back of the van. He doesn’t look back.
The doors are slammed shut, and the two men jump back and burn rubber as they speed away, leaving Misty alone.


*Nate hangs his head in defete knowing what Con was doing. Something told him going after Laura wasent right. It just wasent gonna happen. He wasent good enough for her, and Con was the one who though that. Nate tryed to smiles the best he can at Laura.*

"Ya, not a problem. See ya tomarrow at work."

*Looking at Jason and Katie he smiles.*

"See you to bright and early about the case in the morning."

*Nate throws a nod at Con and Jamie than makes his way out of Mom and Pop's.*

*As Carson's arm goes around her shoulder Misty hand finds his holding it. What had once again caused a change in his attitude steping outside Misty breaths in the warm air that rain hung on. As the both walks across the parking lot Misty looks up at the star lit sky.*

"Wow such a nice night out in a while. Usally I am just to busy to notice it. I think a walk was a good idea. I'm glad I thought of it."

*Misty throws a glance to Carson a grin forming on her face once again.*