

Jason looks at Nate in surprise, as does Rick. Jason opens his mouth to argue, but sees the determination in Nate's eye, and decides better of it. He nods to Rick. "Come on." He looks to Nate one last time. "We'll be right outside."

As those two leave, Carson eyes Nate skeptically. For once, he allows his eyes to show his feelings...he was miserable. He was angry, he was frustrated, and he was hurt. He knew he had his shortcomings...he knew that he hadn't been all that cooperative here, but he'd been scared. He'd said he was on their side, yet they had still tested him...to the point of having him assaulted to see if he would talk. And not only that, but they had endangered one of their own.

He locks eyes with Nate, his coldness coming through once again.

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