

*As Carson slams on the breaks and Misty goes forword she snaps her head looking at Carson.*

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Are you crazy? Thats my car your slaming around are you trying to make me go through he windshield."

*Misty sits for a moment undoing her seatbelt taking her heart out of her throut. After a moment Misty looks out the window and speaks slowly.*

"Why Carson? Why do I care? Why does a person normaly care for another? We dream of hope, of change, fire, love and death and than it happens the dream become real and the answer to the quest shows itself like the glow of a new dawn and all we want is to be around that person or things that brang us so much comfort so much joy. We want to be near to the person that lite the darkness and chased away most of the shadows. and I guess When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate, they call it zugunruhe. "A pull of the soul to a far off place," following a scent in the wind, a star in the sky. The ancient message comes calling the kindred to take flight and gather together. Only then they can hope to survive the cruel season to come. I guess the reson I care is cuz I dont want to be alone, lost in darkness anymore. I feel connected to you for some reson Carson. I feel a feeling I cant describe when I am near you."

*Misty's emotions well inside of her did she really just tell Carson some of her inner most hiden feelings. Misty feels the tears wanting to break free as the car becomes stuff and hott. Misty opens the door and steps out. Walking infront of the car a few feet. Standing with her arms crossed under she check Misty lets out a heavy high. Her soft hair now down blowing in the warm wind. Raising her head to the sky Misty studys the starts each one differnt in there own way. *

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