
A peace of my mind

*Misty leans back in the jeep seat. Her body felt exsausted, but her mind was running to wild to even think of sleeping. Things dident add as to what was going on. Though she had to addmit the rush felt good again.*

"Well that whole bit that went down with that chick Jamie? Carson got shot he dident end up dieing but he got messed up pretty bad. And thats where I came in. I Gained his trust. Pretended I was his friend..."

*Misty lets out a low dry laugh.*

"From what I know he never said anything about TJY. He talked to me alot though, about the Agency, about the people he hurt, about his family. From what I saw he was a pritty messed up and depressed guy. He gave up long before he told TJY anthing about The Agency. The only person he would talk to was me, and I never said anything to anyone."

*Nate stands from his desk as he listens to Jason.*


*His eyes widen a bit as he heads Carson being taken was part of a plain they had decied to do without even tell him when he was on this mission too.*

"Jason, do you relize how stupid you are? What would you exspect Misty to do. We left Jason in her care. She took full responsablity for him. OF CORSE SHE WOULD GO AFTER HIM. That girl has a mind of her own and alot of currage. I give her alot of respect. She has no fear and I cant say I would of act differntly. Specialy when someone told me I was in chars of looking after/taking care of someone."

*Nate starts to pace again and he shakes his head*

"Next, I am you team member what happend to decieding things together? You left me in the dark and thats not how partners/teams work."

*Nate shakes his head in disgust again.*

"That not important now. We need to find Misty. I know she can hold her own, and is proble doing fine, but I want to find her and get her out before she does get in to deep and cant get out. Where is Carson now?"

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