
I'll Melt

*Misty looks at Drew and rolls her eyes.*

"No really? I though I was going to stand out in the rain and use myself as a lighting Rod, and there is no way I am staying in here with him he's such a woss, I'd get mad at his whinning and probley end up killing him. Not that I'd mind he irratates me."

*Misty thumbs to the thug in the back and than get out throwing her now wet hair up on the top of her head. Ziping up her coat she stuff her hands in her pockets. Making her way up the steep muddy hill. She shoulders ake with pain from the rough jolt of the jeep. Looking around Misty takes in her sarroundings. There wasent a house or even building for miles around. Truning back around once at the road she yells back down.*

"Come on hurry up already I dont have all night. Anyways I'll melt in this rain."

*Misty cross her arms under her chest and waits.*

*Nate shakes his head still irratated. But trys to push the feeling away as Rick enters with Carson. This couldent be the time to have ill feelings they needed to work together now to get Misty back where ever she was. As Jason and himself head with Rick to the infermary Nate notived the bit of blood seeping through the bandeges on Carson's wrists.*

"Rick make sure you check Carson's wrists. I dont know if the blood is from his head or not but its better to be safe than sorry."

*As Nate watches Rick work on Carson he cant help but let his worry intensafy. What would the Agency do to Misty if they caught her. They new what they did to Jamie but with Misty it would be far worse. She was one of them and turned her back to them, surly she would meet death.*

"Rick cant you give him anything to make him wake up faster? He's our only hope of finding Misty. Come on Carson we need you for this one...wake up."

*Nate paces the floor once again.*

"Jason did Misty relay any information from her talks with Carson to you? Anything at all? Locations? Buildings? How about the places where Jamie was held? Any of the ones we got that were dead ends...it wouldent hurt to check them again."

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