
Richard Bilford

*As Carson busts into the cabin her heart gives a jump though her face is uncanging. Carson was there, was he friend or foe. He hasent rated out who she was so he wasent there to harm her. Though she new he wouldent if he was even asked to. Misty throws a nod at Carson.*

"So we meet again."

* Misty pays little attachen untill Ashlyn emerges from the bedroom. Running her hand down Carson's neck and pressing her lips to his the courner of Mistys mouth twitches. Misty waches casualy as Ashlyn and Carson disapear into the bedroom. A small low growl forming in her thout but dispates quickly as not to lead on that the sit just witnissed made her sick to her tummy.

Misty shifts her eyes around the table at all the men. Grabing another smoke Misty new it would be the only thing that would keep her calm. Throwing down her hand of cards she laughs.*

"Full house...look like I win again."

*As Drew asks about TJY Misty slowly turns her head to him leaning in onto the table.*

"Hardly even saw the leader. Coming to think of it I dont think i even saw him once. His name was Richard Bilford."

*Misty's tone stand calm and cool trying her best to show no hesatation.*

"I dont know where he hides all the time though or even what his point is. He dosent do ANYTHING."

*Misty lets out a shallow low laugh.*

"As for other people there you know about Jason, Jamie, Katie, Con. I tell ya Carson did a good Job with Jamie as did the other. She is totally unstable. I think its funny in a way."

*Misty pushes her chair from the table and leans agant the back of the chair almost bending over it streaching her back out. Standing she heads into the kitchen. Oping the fridg Misty glances into the other room making sure everyone was still siting down. Pulling out a fresh beer bottle Misty heads to the sink abd dumps the containts out fillig it with water. Walking back to the card table Misty takes a sip from the beer bottle. As she pass Drew she runs her hand though his hair flashing him a sassy cold smile. Misty was cringing on the inside but was hoping to revert Drew's mind from his questions.*

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