

*Nate hangs his head in defete knowing what Con was doing. Something told him going after Laura wasent right. It just wasent gonna happen. He wasent good enough for her, and Con was the one who though that. Nate tryed to smiles the best he can at Laura.*

"Ya, not a problem. See ya tomarrow at work."

*Looking at Jason and Katie he smiles.*

"See you to bright and early about the case in the morning."

*Nate throws a nod at Con and Jamie than makes his way out of Mom and Pop's.*

*As Carson's arm goes around her shoulder Misty hand finds his holding it. What had once again caused a change in his attitude steping outside Misty breaths in the warm air that rain hung on. As the both walks across the parking lot Misty looks up at the star lit sky.*

"Wow such a nice night out in a while. Usally I am just to busy to notice it. I think a walk was a good idea. I'm glad I thought of it."

*Misty throws a glance to Carson a grin forming on her face once again.*

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