

*Nate turns to Jason and nods.*

"I still dont agree to what was done, but I cant stay mad at you forever you to good of a friend for that."

*Nate gives his friends shoulder a strong squeeze.*

"If anyone can get Misty out of this it is Carson. We know he is one our side now, and he also care for Misty. It will be ok."

*Misty composes herself and than exits the bathroom her sassy smile and steel eyes places once more. Misty nods to the woman she hadent noticed before. Siting down at the table Misty kicks her feet and rocks her chair backwards pulling out she smokes and lighting one up. Leaning forward she picks one of the beer bottles up but thinks better of it remember how stupid Carson had acted. Right now was not the time for her to start geting loopy. Leaning back in the chair she sighs again.*

"So what do you guys do around here for fun? Got any cards and want to make it intresting?"

*Misty sly grin widens more as she takes puff on her smoke. Coming out of the bathroom Misty had hurd Drew talking to the woman about Carson. Taking another drag from her smile she nods at the woman.*

"Ashlyn right? So what up with you and Carson? By the look on your face when Drew mentioned him seems like something is heavy going on there."

*Misty grin gets even bigger as her cold eyes dance circles.*

"Personaly I dont see why he seemed like such a bore to me."

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