

*Misty sits down next to Drew grining. *

"Drew hunny, I dont think you could handle what I have to offer so many its a good thing you have to keep watch."

*The card game contiues as normal untill Carson emerges from the bed room. Misty keeps her eyes low but cant help looking at Carson. No matter what happend Misty couldent help but silly think Carson look good without his shirt on.

As Carson sujests leaving Misty's eyes narrow searching Carson's face. Than turning her head to Drew she grins.*

"Parting is such sweet sarrow eh?"

*Leaning over she gives him a small kiss on the cheek.*

"Dont miss me to much ya hear."

*Misty stands and grabs her jacket that was just about dry. Checking her smokes she notices she only has two left. Walking up behind Travis she leans over him and grabs his pake of smokes replacing it with her.*

"I new you wouldent mind if I took these its a long drive to headquarters and I'm gonna be stuck with him I'll need these."

*Misty check to make sure the dick is in her pocket and throws on last glance around the room.*


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