
*Katie nods at Austin*" Thank you. I can deal with that. All I want it a fair try." *Katie turns to Cindy.* "Dont worry. We will find Jason. With Austins brains, Con's brawn, and everyone alse to help it will be no time."

*Wes still hold Cindy stands.*" Hey Hey listen, Austin and Katie are gonna find him you hear that. Its gonna be ok. Come on lets go sit down and figure out what to do."

*Damien thinks long for a moment.* " I had my apendix out when I was in jail. Thats really all I can remember. Why? Would that be connected with this all some how?"


Cindy automatically turns to bury her face in Wes’ shoulder to cry. “They can’t take him away from me,” she sobs. “Not again…I can’t do this again…”

Austin stands up, receiving Katie’s bold request. He stares her in the eye for several moments, searching for her intentions and motives. Seeing her seriousness, finally he nods. “Alright…tell you what…you work with me to find Jason. Prove yourself and it’ll be easy for me to convince Reese to make you a permanent part of the team.”

Mick gets up and paces a little, ending up near the fireplace. He’s pretty sure Damien is telling the truth. But who is this third person? Who looks like him and Annie so much? Could there be another family member…yet another tangle in the web that’s been woven so erratically? What does all of this mean? Who was this strange person referring to when speaking of the chip?
He turns around, looking at Damien again. “You had any surgeries in the last few years?”


*Wes had followed Cindy into the Kitchen. As she falls to the ground he kneels down next to her.* "Its going to be ok Cindy. Jason is strong and he has learned so much. Its going to be ok." *Wes wraps his arms around Cindy.*

*Angel nods to Sparky.* " We need anyone who knows anything about the Agency. He can help."

*Katie steps up to Austin and looks him in the eyes.* " I was going to ask you at a differnt time but this seems better than any. Austin...I want to join TJY. Jason though I was good enough to become a sharpshooter. HE said he was going to talk to you about it and I know he never did, but I want to join and help. I want to help with Jason as well. He's my best and most trusted friend. I know how he thinks, and I know how to help him if he should need it. Please let me help."

He's missing

Austin shakes his head and puts a hand on Katie’s shoulder, remaining calm, despite his overwhelming dread. “It’s not your fault, Katie. Don’t you dare blame yourself for it, okay? What’s done is done, and now we’re going to find him.”

“Find who?” Cindy looks into the kitchen. She’d been curious as to why Austin and Con had left, and now only heard the last bit.

Austin doesn’t even want to tell Cindy, but he has no choice. “Cindy…it’s Jason. We believe he’s been taken…probably by the Agency.”

Cindy’s hand goes to her mouth as her face pales. She tries to speak, but nothing comes. The past comes rushing back to her like a chilling wind. It was happening all over again. “No….” Her voice trembles and she takes a step backward, shock setting in. “Oh, Jason…” The first tear falls, bidding more to come, and in a moment, the flood of emotions takes over to break forth in sobs as she leans against the wall, sinking down to the floor.

Austin kneels next to her, feeling completely helpless. “It’ll be okay…we’ll find him…” He tries to comfort her, but just doesn’t know how.

Sparky squints at Damien, then his gaze shifts to Angel. “If you’re willing to help us out, it’s not like we can’t use more eyes and hands on this thing, and we’ll tell you what’s been going on…. As long as that’s okay with the rest of the folks in here.” His question falls on Angel, though he hates putting her on the spot.

“Tell me where they are!”

The back of a hand is smacked into Jason’s jaw, sending his head to the side. He strains against the ropes that bind his hands behind the chair, but it’s no use. He recovers to glare at his masked captor. “Not on your life.” Blood from a loosened tooth pools in his mouth and he spits it in the man’s direction with spite.
Another slap is applied with dizzying force, and Jason’s eye catches the glint of a knife.

“Talk, or you’re gonna wish you’d never been born,” the voice sneers.

Jason aims a swift kick at the man’s legs, sending him sprawling onto the floor. In the next instant, somehow he wriggles free of his ropes and stands, turning for the door. Not fast enough, he’s brought down from behind. Struggling on the floor for several moments, he rolls over in an attempt to rid himself of his assailant. A sudden force tears into the side of his face and across his eye. Blood blurs his vision and he covers his wound with a hand, blindly trying to avoid another strike with the knife.

“Let him go!” A voice barks.

Jason is suddenly free of the weight on his stomach and he lies still, unsure of what’s happening now.

“He’s not gonna talk,” the one sneers. “Why can’t I just finish him off?”

“No – the boss said not to kill him. But if he’s going to be this hard of a case to crack, take him to the basement. A few days down there will loosen his tongue.”

Jason is pulled to his feet, his arms twisted behind his back. He blinks, trying to regain vision in his one eye as he’s shoved toward a door. As it’s opened, he’s pushed, and his body crashes down the metal stairs. Sinister laughter follows him, and he tries to right himself, but his world is spinning.

It’s several hours until he wakes again to find himself in a position even he can’t hope to escape from.


*Katie goes into the kitchen with the others. She tells Austin and Con what happend.* " I should of followed and stayed outside the door. Its my fault. I'm sorry."

*Damien looks around.* " I dont remember much from when I was in the Agency but I will help all I can if you will let me."

Tell more

Adam immediately grabs his cell phone and heads to the kitchen, taking Katie with him, and motioning to Austin and Con to join them there. After finding out everything is okay back at his own place, Adam nods to Austin. “Jason’s missing.”

Austin swallows hard, and looks to Katie. “What happened exactly?”

Several people in the room visibly tense at the mention of Trent. Luke grits his teeth, but for Angel’s sake, he says nothing.

Mick shakes his head. “Far as I could tell, Trent was behind bars for too many years to be too awful involved in much as of lately, and his name hasn’t shown up on anything in the last few years…least not what I’ve gone through.”

Mel nods her agreement. “But who else then? We’ve been digging like mad trying to find the remaining two, and we’re so close…” She rolls her eyes. “So we’ve got a lookalike on our hands, and she spoke of a chip… there are just too many pieces!”


*Annie looks to Mick and than back at Mick saprise taking over.*

*Damien looks at Annie not relizing she was there before.* "You...she looked more like you than Mick." *Drawing his attachen back to Mick relizing he already whent over the look alike.* " All Sam asked was if the other boy had been taken yet, and than she was very upset and wanted to know why she wasent told the guy with the other chip was here and she was lucky I dident reconize her. First off Chip...I dont have any chip I dont even know what she is talking about. and next I have no idea who that woman is but she knows me and thinks I know her." *Damien is cut off as Adam and Katie enter the mess hall. Damien stands.* "Adam....call Becky make sure everything is ok back at your place, than someone will fill you in."

*Wendy looks to Clint.* "What do you make of all this?"

*Rosetta leans back in the chair.* "Damien when you were "part" of the Agency they next told you about the chips? Or gave you any information?" *Rosetta thinks about what she could ask next and about what it could do but she askes anyways.* "What about Trent? You know who he is right? Did he ever say anything to you at all?"

*Damien shakes his head.* "NO not that I remember Trent told me nothing but what to do."

*Angel looks to Luke at the mention of Trent. It had been a long time since she heard that name or thought of that person.*


Luke leans back in his chair to study Damien’s body language, finding it hard to think he is lying.

Mick’s eyes widen, and he looks to Annie in surprise. “The lookalike again…coincidence?” He shakes his head. “I just don’t understand how all of this fits together…” He cocks his head at Damien. “What was said about a chip?”

Adam pulls into the ranch’s driveway, quickly parking near the mess hall. It appeared everyone was there. “Come on,” he gestures to Katie. “Let’s get inside and tell them what’s going on.” Getting out, he lifts an eyebrow. Was that smoke he smelled?

Getting to the porch, Adam holds open the door for Katie, and they enter. Stopping, he senses that there is something big going on here too…why all the grim faces, and why… “Damien?”

*As Damien looks around the room a new knot forming in his tummy as all eyes are now on him. Clearing his throt and starts to fill everyone in.* "...The stange part was this girl Sam, I believe is you sister Mick. She looks just like you spiting immage. When she first got there i couldent put my finger on it, but than I new. She seemed to know who I was as well. Something about a chip. But I have no idea what that means at all." *Looking around the room again he can feel the doubt in everyones eyes.* "I wont try and pretent I dident try and hurt you in the bast. I did and I payed my time. I know that dosent even make up for half of what I did. But I've changed. I've found God and he has forgiven me. Now I only ask you to trust what I have told you."

*The others look around to eachother not sure what to think or say.*


Cindy can’t help but appreciate Wes’ protective arm, and follows him to the mess hall. An unexplainable knot is forming in her stomach though, and she doesn’t know why.

Luke gives Angel’s hand a comforting squeeze. “It’ll be alright…he’ll tell us what’s going on here pretty soon.”

Jim nods in agreement to Damien and follows him out to the others.

Clint returns Wendy’s smile, a little bit of heat creeping up the back of his neck. “I’m just glad that they didn’t…. well, I’m just glad you’re safe.”

Within minutes, everyone is in the mess hall, all ears for what Damien has to say.


*Rosetta nods to Mick.* "Alright...Lets see if we can find out whats going on." *Rosetta and Mick head out of the office and start for the mess hall.*

*Wes smiles and puts his arm around Cindy.* "Yep...I'm coming too. Dont worry this will be over soon, I hope for good this time." *Wes walks with Cindy to the mess hall.*

*Angel walks over to Luke and sits down. leting out a long sigh.* "He saved Wendy's life Luke. I dont know how or why he was here again, but he saved her and that stab he took was ment for Wendy. I'm so confused Luke."

*Damien stands* "Ya I know. I just hope they listen and believe me this time." *Damien sighs* "Thank you for stiching me up." *Damien steps out into the main room with the others clearing his throut he says.* "I know you all want to know what I know, but lets let everyone get here first so I only need to tell it once. Than you can fire your questions away at me."

*Wendy smiles at Clint and takes his hand* "I was so scaired. Than I saw you and I new it would be ok."


Mick grimaces and shakes his head. “This has got to be the work of the Agency. I don’t know what they hoped to find though…I wonder if they think we know more than we do….or perhaps they’re trying to find out just how much we know.” He gestures to Rosetta. “Come on, let’s go join the others in the mess hall to make sure everyone is accounted for.”

Cindy nods to Wes, though she’s a bit shaken. “Yeah, I think so. Just scared me I guess.” She looks around nervously, feeling on edge and jumpy. “It’s like something’s gone terribly wrong somewhere…it must just be this whole thing.” She shivers. “I guess I’ll follow the others inside. You coming, too?”

Luke returns Angel’s hug, trusting her words, then goes inside behind the others.

Jim quickly steps in for Angel, proud of her for even making it this far around Damien. “I got it.” He directs Damien to sit down and take off his shirt, then disinfects the wound and gives him a couple pain killers. “Alright, this isn’t going to feel too good, but try not to flinch.” Jim works as quickly as he can with precision to stitch up the knife wound, and in no time, he’s finished. “There you go. If you notice a lot of discomfort or swelling, let me know, but otherwise just try not to move around too quickly so you don’t tear the stitches.”
He washes his hands in the sink, his back to Damien. “You’re gonna have some explaining to do to that group out there about how you knew to come here tonight…”

Clint sits down next to Wendy, and gives her hand a squeeze. “I can’t believe the idiots that did this…” He shakes his head in disgust, but forces himself to calm down. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

Austin paces near the kitchen, checking his phone to make sure it’s still on and working and that he hasn’t missed any calls. Where was Katie? Adam? Jason? He had to find out what was going on… He thinks of Cindy, but opts not to say anything until he knows for sure what’s happened. Katie said Jason was gone, but that’s all he knows…

I'm Sorry

*Rosetta looks around the messed up office.* "It looks like they tryed to get into the safe, and some of my files on the ranch are gone, other than they its looks like nothing was taken." *Rosetta lets out a long sigh.* " I'll clean up in here later I guess."

*Wes looks around for Cindy. Finally spoting her out in the yard.* "Cindy, Cindy...." *Wes jogs over to her.* "Are you ok?"

*As Angel enters the hall she can tell Luke as a tense look on his face.* " Its ok Luke for now. We can get everything cleared up after we know everyone is ok." *She gives Luke a ferm hug.*

*Damien sets Wendy down.* "There ya go." *Than he turns and holds his side as the blood sokes through his shirt. Slowly he makes his way down to the room Jim directed him to.*

*Angel smiles at Luke.* "I'm going to go help Jim. I promise I will explain everything later." *Angel makes her way to the door slowly leting out a breath.* "God give me strength." *Slowly she enters.* "Hey Jim, hows it look?" *Angel bends down to look.* "Dosent looks to bad." *As Angel's adrenal in starts to slow, her nervouseness returns.* "I'll let you handle this ok." *Angel turns to leave.*

"Angel wait." *Damien maniges to say.* " I...I just want to tell you I'm sorry for everything. I've learned alot and grown up. With God's help."

*Angel turns and nods to Damien.* " I forgive you, but that dosent mean I can forget. Just give me time ok." *Angel turns and leaves the room.*

*Damien lets out a sigh.*

*Wendy looks to Clint and takes his hand.* "Thank you."

Slightly Confused

It’s starting to get dark, and those still around the barn try to clean up the best they can and head back to the mess hall to regroup. Cindy carefully steps over several coiled hoses, feeling a bit lost in the aftermath of the chaos, and looking for Wes.

Mick finds Rosetta in her office, and enters, wiping a sooty hand on his jeans. “Hey – did they touch anything else?”

Jim smiles as he sees a heavy load of tension lifted between Angel, Damien and Wendy. This was the way it was supposed to be.

Clint follows closely after Damien and Wendy, still wanting to make sure she really is okay, and not wanting any more to happen, lest the intruders were still around.

Luke is at the mess hall, holding the door open for those entering, and holding his questions until later. Everyone had heard the gunshot earlier, and had seen something going on, but he didn’t know for sure what had happened. As he sees the small group coming, he lifts his eyebrows in surprise. Damien? What was he doing here? Angel appeared to be okay with it, and he was carrying Wendy? He was taken aback just a little, but held his tongue and quietly opened the door for them.

Jim directs Damien to the other end of the mess hall. “Get Wendy settled, then come down here and we’ll get you patched up.”

My Father

*Damien looks up at Jim with a silly grin on his face. Trying to put some humor into the situation.* " I'm ok....it just a flesh wound. I think I'll need some stiched though."

*Angel comes running down the driveway with the others. Going over to Clintand Wendy to make sure they are ok.* "Are you two hurt." *Angel looks them over fast and relizs they are ok. Taking Wendy in her arms she thanks God he protected her daughter. Just realizing there was more people there Angel looks up and see Damien with in inches of her.*

*Damien looks to Angel and smiles through his pain.* " I....I couldent let them hurt her."

*Angel is taken aback by Damiens words but feels a sence of calming come over her.* "Thank you." *Looking down at Damien she can see he is bleeding.* "We need get you inside. Can you walk?"

*Damien slowly gets up.* "Ya..." *He looks down at Wendy noticing her leg is in a cast and cant walk. Noding his head he asks.* "May I?"

*Wendy gives a nod. A strange feeling comes over her. This here in front of her was her father.*

*Damien bends down and winces picking Wendy up to carry her. Making his way with the others back to the ranch.*

*Rosetta is in the yard trying to round of all the horses that are spooked. FInally geting them all she puts them out in the field to graze for now. Than heads to her office to see if anything is missing.*

How bad?

Clint doesn’t even pay attention to what’s going on around him as he swings at anyone that comes at him. At some point in time he realizes that the newcomer and his friend was Damien, but doesn’t stop to think why he’s there.

He sees Wendy hit the ground and aims for her, but is stopped by a jab to the gut. Doubling over, he rams his adversary out of the way, stumbling blindly and trying to catch his breath. Within seconds it seems, the intruders are starting to back off. After being knocked down again, Clint makes it to his feet just in time to see Damien take a blow to protect Wendy, and suddenly the attackers are high-tailing it out of there.

“Wendy!” Clint rushes to her side, sliding down next to her. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”

As the fight ends, several others rush down the driveway, confused by the scene. Jim squats down next to Clint and Wendy. “Clint, what happened? You alright?” he turns to see Damien down and bleeding from his side. “Damien…what….?” Knowing there will be a better time to ask questions, he moves to him. “How bad is it? We need to get you inside.”

Austin throws a bucket full of water on the last dying flames, sending hissing steam into the air. The back wall of the barn has plenty of damage and one stall is completely gone, but otherwise the barn is saved. He wipes the sweat from his brow and tosses the bucket aside, only now able to remember why he’d left the mess hall in the first place. Dread overtakes him as he realizes he needs to wait until Katie and Adam get back to do anything more. He’d intended on going into town while the trail was still hot, but not only was it too late now, but there was as good chance there was a connection between these two events.

A stabbing

*The Kidnapper holding Wendy turns to his comrad falling to the ground what the.* "What the..." *He throws Wendy on the ground.* "DONT MOVE OR I WILL SHOOT YOU."
*Taking this oppertunity Damien mad rushes the guy who had Wendy throwing him to the ground. Scott rushes another one of the thugs and takes him down to the ground. Wendy watched in horror as Clint, Damien and Scott. Looking to her left she see another on of the men make his way to Damien, before even relizing what she is doing Wendy sticks out her good foot and trips him. Sending him face first onto the pavment. An all out brawl begins. Punches are thrown, Damien takes a fist to the face, Damien punches back. Scott gets herled to the pavment, Scott gets up and grabs one one of the guns. The tall lankey figure yells.* "HE'S GOT A GUN FALL BACK. FALL BACK." *The kidnapper one by one start to get up.* "What about the girl?." *Another one yells.* "Just leave her." *As the guy Wendy triped gets up he pulls out a knife and heads for Wendy.* "Why you little B......" *As he makes his way to Wendy Damien bradsides him. A sharp pain corses through Damiens body as he hits the ground on his knees holding his side.* "TOM LETS GO LEAVE HER." *The kidnapper with the knife gets up again and runs off with the others.*


Clint starts to pick himself up, shaking his head. “I’m fine, I’m fine, but…” He stares ahead at the men, his mind trying to decide if he has any options at all. They have Wendy…they have guns…

“Clint, Angel, what’s happening? What’s…” As Jim joins them, his voice trails off, staring ahead. Putting two and two together, his eyes widen. “Oh no…”

Suddenly a strange pickup appears at the end of the driveway and someone jumps out that they can’t recognize from this distance. They can hear them talking loudly. What was going on?

Clint grits his teeth, unwilling to risk something happening to Wendy when he could have helped prevent it. Without even thinking, he sprints down the driveway.

Jim knows there are guns, and he tries to stop his son. “Clint, no, wait!”

Clint pays no heed and aims for the small group of men. Drawing closer he can see there are two newcomers who must be on their side, or at least they’re against the five intruders. Before anyone can react to his own presence, he pinpoints the thug closest to him, and hurls himself in his direction, tackling him from behind, interrupting the standoff. He hits the ground hard, the man’s gun skidding across the gravel.


*Angel turns at the sound of a gun going off and see Clint hit the ground.* "Clint..." *Angel rushes over to him.* "Clint are you ok? are you hit?" *Angel looks up and see the men disapearing with Wendy on there back. Frozen Angel whispers.* "No!"

*As Damien speeds down the drawing closer to the ranch he see a group a people imerg on to the road. One the back of the biggest one he can see Wendy. Damien starts to speed faster. Finally he hits the breaks and jumps out of the truck. Holding up his gun.* " HOLD IT."
*The group turns around.* "And you exspect to do what? There is 5 of us and 1 of you." *The tall figure laughs.*
*A tall figure jumps out of Damein's truck.* "Who said he was alone?"
*Damien in looks at the person who is now standing next to him.* "Scott...what...Thanks." *Turning his attachen back to the group of kidnapers.*


Adam is grim on the ride back to the ranch, pushing the speed limit as much as he dares. What on earth had happened? Had this been some horrid coincidence? Was this the doing of the Agency…the place he’d been told a little bit about? Adam couldn’t imagine what must be going through Jason’s mind now…
He glances over to Katie, his heart going out to her. Jason had told him that they’d become friends, and that was obvious now.

The ranch is in total chaos with shouting, running, water buckets and hoses. “Get the horses out of there!” Mick yells.
Horses are released into the yard as some of the men enter the smoke-filled barn to get them out of their stalls. Panic fills the air as everyone tries to maintain control, and locate the source of the fire.

Clint races to the second water hydrant to hook up another hose, when something in the driveway catches his eye. He squints through the smoke for just a moment before fear waves over him. Dropping what he’s doing, he dashes towards the strange figures. “WENDY!” he screams. Suddenly a shot rings out and Clint hears a bullet whiz by his ear. He automatically drops to the ground, his eyes wide with horror as he sees Wendy being taken away. “NO!”

The drive seems to take an eternity. With no windows, Jason loses all sense of direction. He can only assume that he has been taken by the Agency for either information or ransom.

The van finally slows, turns and stops. The driver gets out and opens the side door. Jason squints into the setting sun, immediately recognizing it to be west. They had been driving west for quite a while. He’s shoved out onto the pavement, and he sees that he’s at the back of an abandoned brick building. His senses heightened, he sees the man with the gun shove the weapon into the back of his pants and turn to shut the van door.
Taking advantage of the moment, Jason sprints into an alleyway.

“Hey, get back here!”

Jason can hear the men coming after him, as they argue.

“No, don’t shoot him! We have to bring him in!”

Realizing that as an advantage, he speeds up, his feet pounding the pavement. Coming out on a street, he takes a right. He’s downtown somewhere…it’s a town he doesn’t recognize. Once on the sidewalk, to his right is a small shop. He bolts inside, ignoring the questioning looks that are thrown in his direction.

Quiet music plays – a stark difference to what is going on inside Jason’s mind. The shop has balloons lining the ceiling, flowers along the walls and cards and knick knacks adorning the shelves. He couldn’t have chosen a worse place to hide.
Sidling in behind a rack of greeting cards, he quiets his own breathing. He can’t alert the store…they’d call the police and he couldn’t get the police involved…not in this. He couldn’t call anyone himself – he didn’t have any spare change, and it would take too long anyway. Then an idea strikes him. Grabbing his wallet, he draws out a small, crumpled piece of paper that he’d written on recently in case he ever needed it. Casually making his way to the counter, he grabs a nearby pen to write two words below the information, and withdraws several bills from his wallet to put with the note.
His peripheral vision catches the thugs making their way towards him again as the bell above the door rings. Several shrieks ring out as they enter the store, masked and waving their gun.
Jason wants to write more on the note, but hasn’t time. He’ll have to trust that his clue will be received and understood, giving someone a lead on his location. Catching the eye of the young cashier, he slaps the money and note onto the counter. “Keep the change.” Without waiting for a response, he spins around and heads to the back of the store, hoping to find a door. To his dismay, there is none. Cornered, the two assailants are on top of him again, pressing the gun into his ribs.

“We may not want to kill you,” one hisses, but we sure won’t hesitate to blow a hole in you if you insist.

Jason raises his arms again, the safety of the other customers forefront in his mind. There are innocent people here, and if him running puts them in danger, he can’t do it. He’s shoved back to the door, hearing one of the men shouting at the cashier not to call the cops if she knows what’s good for her.

Once outside, Jason is rerouted to the vacant building again and taken inside.


*Katie holds Jason shirt close to her as she silently sobs. She hopes Jason knows she cares, is thinking of him, and WILL do EVERYTHING in her power to find him. She wont give up. She promised to protect him and as she has fail at that now she must look for him, and save him.* "I'm sorry J, I'm sorry."

*Everyone jumps up and heads outside to help. Angel turns to Wendy.* " You stay here. You in no shape to be out there. Pluse I need to here in case anyone calls ok." *Angel kiss Wendy's head and goes out the door.*

*Wendy looks around the now empty mess hall. Its was so quiet and she felt so usless. Wendy wheels herself over to the window and looks out at everyone running around trying to put the fire out.
As Wendy is distracted at the window. A tall lanky figure comes in through the back door. Coming up behind her the man take her by the arm.* "Get up NOW." *Flashing his gun in front of her.
Wendy now shakes meekly answers.* " I cant...I have a broken leg." *She points down to her leg. Tears roll down her cheek. The man lets out a loud grunt and reaches down and picks Wendy up throwing her over his shoulder. Wendy lets out a percing yelp as the man carrys her out the front door and starts to make his way down the drive way. The others from the differnt building emerge and join the man with Wendy.* "Lets roll out. Sam should be waiting for us.*


Austin grabs his cell phone as it rings, and turns from the group. Hearing Katie’s frantic voice, his heart leaps into this throat. “Oh no…” he breathes. “Have Adam bring you back here right now, and don’t do ANYthing else.”
Hanging up, he stands abruptly, grabbing Con by the arm, but not speaking to the others. He drags Con outside with him, whispering hoarsely to him as the door is closed behind them. “That was Katie. Someone’s got Jason. I’m going to go…” His voice trails off as a strange glow catches his eye and he looks towards the barn. Fire. Priorities have shifted in an instant. “Fire!” He yells loudly. “Con, get the others!” He steps off the porch and dashes towards the barn, as Con urgently summons the others from the mess hall.

Adam stuffs Jason’s watch into his pocket, and puts a strong arm around Katie, seeing that she is distraught. “It’ll be alright, Katie. Let’s get back to the ranch. I’m sure everything will be just fine…” They stop back at the table to grab Jason’s flannel shirt, then make it quickly outside and to the truck. All the while, Adam knows that if Jason has been kidnapped, it will either prove to break him or make him.


*Katie takes Jason watch.* "No....NO....." *Katie runs to the back door throwing it open.* "JASON....JASON WHERE ARE YOU." *Katie paulse quickens She has failed to protect him. Katie pulls her phone from her pocket and dials Austin number.* " Austin...its Katie....have you heard anything from Jason? He was with us....he went to the bathroom I couldent follow him there. Now he is gone....we found his watch. Austin I am sorry....I dident protect him like I said I would....Ya I will have Adam bring me back. I wont rest till we find him. I was in on it. Ok see ya in a bit." *Katie turns to Adam* " Can you take me home please?"

*Shadows lerk over the ranch as silent bodys move. One goes to the barn and starts a fire. Another goes to Angel's office and trash it. While another goes behind the mess hall waiting at the door, and one to Rosetta's office.*

*Damien dials the ranches number.* " This call can not be completed as dialed please hang up and try again." *Damien hangs up and trys again to get the same thing.* "Hang on Wendy, hang on guy....I'm almost there."


Adam looks up quickly as Katie abruptly leaves. His senses on high alert, he stands too, confused, but suddenly feeling something is wrong. Leaving the table, he goes after her. “Katie, what is it?! He calls. But reaching her, he can already see as she’s calling to Jason with no answer. He joins her, moving past her into the restroom to do his own search.
He returns to Katie empty-handed, his face showing concern. His eyes bounce around the hall for any trace of Jason as his pulse begins to race. Then he spots something on the far wall. Going to it, he reaches down and picks it up, pursing his lips grimly. “Dear Lord, no…” He holds the object up for Katie to see. It’s Jason’s watch.

phone call

*As Katie munches on her Fry she hand freezes in mid air. Something wasent right. Something was wrong. Katie breaks into a cold sweat. Fear over taking her. Screams, Kicking.....JASON. Katie stands abruptly in her chair.* "No....please no...." *Katie runs from the table twords the hall with the restrooms.* "Jason..." *Katie yells. Silence greets her. Standing outside he bathroom she yells again.* "Jason are you in there?" *Silence hits Katie like a cold knife.*

*As Damien follow Sam her phone rings.*

"Yeah...you got him...ok...ok...I'll call my men. Yep...later." *Sam hangs up and dials another number.* " Yo Frank...ya they got the kid...ya...move in.......The girl you need to get is Wendy....just get wreck the place and get out. Yep...you know what to do....i'll have the car waiting. Ok....Peace." *Sam hangs up the phone and books for the woods behind the McCulans.*

*Damien's blood runs cold. They were going to kidnap Wendy. No..this was wrong he couldent let them do to his daughter what he did....he had to protect her and the others. Running to the truck Damien yells to Brenda* "BRENDA.....CALL ROSETTA'S RANCH TELL THEM THEY ARE IN DANGER..." *Damien speeds away away down the road as fast as he can.*

*The ranch is still. Mick and Rosetta are in the mess hall still playing around as everyone alse sits and talks, laughing. Unawars of what is going on outside or that the phoneline is dead.*


Mick laughs and chases Rosetta around the table in defiant competitiveness. "Oh yeah? Slow, huh? Well I'll..." He's cut short as his bad knee is rammed into the corner of the table. Wincing he falls into a chair, but cracks up laughing. "I think this cowboy needs to get a longer lariat so he doesn't have to run so far."

The three at the mall order some fast food and find a table. Jason throws his flannel shirt of the back of his chair.

They settle in with some small talk, Adam in the lead, trying to put Jason to ease, though it’s not easy.

Halfway through the meal, Jason rubs his forehead wearily, feeling a little sick from the tension. He sees the sign for the restroom down a near hall, and nods to it. “Hey, guys, I’ll be right, back eh?”

He excuses himself and leaves Adam and Katie to themselves…

…Jason exits the restroom and heads back down the hall. Halfway back, he hears fast approaching footsteps behind him. Thinking someone is in a hurry, he simply steps out of the way and turns to let the people by.
Instead of the two men passing him though, they come up to him quickly, one grabbing his arm. “You’re coming with us,” one of them growls.

Both are in masks, and suddenly Jason’s blood runs cold. This can’t be happening. Without thinking, he begins to fight, ducking the one’s grasp and taking a swing at the face of the other. A fist lands on his own jaw, sending him back into the wall. He kicks out, ramming one man in the gut with his boot. Spinning around, he sends another high kick into the other man’s chest, knocking him to the floor. He turns to make a mad dash down the hall, but the downed man reaches out, grabbing his ankle to bring him down on the floor next to him. Panting, Jason kicks the guy in the face and picks himself up. Just ready to run again, a sickening “click” echoes through the hall. He stops dead in his tracks and automatically raises his arms in the air.

“You think you’re so smart,” the one man sneers. “You wanna get shot, just keep fighting.” He grabs the back of Jason’s t-shirt and spins him around, shoving him towards the back door. “Move!”

Jason has no choice but to obey. His heart pounds in his chest, a cold sweat beginning to form. This just can’t be happening…not again… not here… An image of Alex flashes before him, and he fights for control. No, no, no….this couldn’t happen like this…not now…

“Pick up your feet, boy!”

Jason is propelled back to reality by the harsh voice ordering him through the door. The men glance around to make sure no one is at the back of the mall, and they hurry towards a black van, staying close to Jason with the pistol to his back. They open up the van’s side door and push Jason into the cargo space, the one with the gun entering with him, and the other going to the driver’s side.

Jason sits still, trying to think of a way out. Stay calm, Jason, think…they’re going to make a mistake somewhere…no one is perfect… A sickening thought hits him. Katie…

Adam glances at his watch, then to Katie...Jason had been gone a long time...


*Katie smiles at Jason.* " Your doing great J. It just hit me. I havent had mall food in ages." *Katie looks to Adam and smiles, noding.*

*Damien gets lost in his bunk trying to figure out where he has seen Sam before. He starts to file through the pics of people he new in his head. His mind wonders to the Agency. A place it hasent gone in a long time. Remembing everyone there and the people he called friends. Than he thinks about Angel, Wendy and the others at the ranch. Like a ton of bricks it hits him.* "MICK!" *Sam looks a spiting immage of Mick. Damien new he had a twin named Annie but was there another and did same know. If not why was she here. Did the Agency put her here for a reson. The McClains had been so kind to him he couldent let them get draged into this. He decied to go talk to Sam more and see if he could fish around. Walking out of his bunk he see Sam go around one of the barns. Heading that way Damien gets lost in his own thoughts. Just as he is about to turn the courner he over hears Sam on her phone.*

"Ya I am here no problems. Did ya get the kid from the ranch yet...you havent goten EATHER OF THEM? Time is sliping away you know....yes...my men ARE in posistion around the ranch...Remember to take the kid to the old wairhouse and thats where we will bring the other one too....oh ya howcome no one told me that the guy with the chip that use to work for us was here.....Ya well your lucky he dident remember who I was....I dont know why....just call me when you get the kid OK so I can move in and my men arnt waiting for ever.." *Sam hangs up the phone.*

*Damien slips into the dark shadows as Sam walks by. Well he now new who's side Sam was on. After she is out of site Damien goes into the barn and tells Scott to get Brenda and call 911 and send them to the Rosetta's ranch ASAP. He was going to follow Sam alittle more to see what was going on.*

*Rosetta giggles and playfuly runs around the mess hall table.* " Your geting slow in your old age you know..."


Mick laughs and stands up with a teasing threat to come after Rosetta with a pretend lariat.

Con wanders back into the mess hall and rejoins Austin at the table, who’s going through a paper file.

Austin looks up with question. “Where ya been?”

“Oh…just chatting with your grandson…”

Adam turns from the driver’s seat as well, also knowing that Jason is uncomfortable. “She’s right, Jason. It’s your call – completely up to you.”

Jason shakes his head and gets out. “I’ve got to get this over with. If I don’t do it now, I never will.”

Adam throws Katie a wink, letting her know that he realizes her part in this, and agrees with her presence and way of talking to Jason.

The three head inside, Jason desperately trying not to withdraw into himself, but finding it more difficult than he thought.

Adam looks at him cautiously as they enter the crowds. “You alright?”

“Yeah…” Jason takes a deep breath, glancing around at all the people. A clothing store catches his attention, and for a split second, he sees his mother again, looking through dresses, telling him to stay put. He shakes his head, moving past it. “I’m alright.”

“How about we go up to the food court over there and grab a bite to eat? Sit for a while?”

Jason agrees, feeling quite ready to sit down. “Yeah…come to think of it, I should get some food in me…I forgot I hadn’t eaten lunch.”

It's ok

*Katie lets out a long sigh as they get to the mall. Getting out of the car she can tell Jason is tense. Katie bends down next to the car talking to Jason through the the window.* "We can turn around if you want J. We dont have to do this if you dont feel like it." *Katie looks around the parking lot. Something dident feel right.*

*Rosetta looks at Mick and winks.* "Ok...how about the horses master come running too. Might do him some good." *Rosetta laughs.*

*After lunch Damien takes a walk outside. Seeing the new comer he walks over to her.* "Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Damien. You will probley see alot of me. I do alot of work around here." *Damien studys the girls face. He knows, he has seen a face like hers before and that red hair. Damien couldent put his finger on it.*

*The girl turns and looks at Damien. For a moment she glairs but than puts a sweet smile on her face.* "Hi! I'm Sam. Nice to meet you."

*Damien smiles and shakes the Sam's hand.* " Would you like me to show you around?"

*Sam looks at Damien than looks away at her cell phone. She seems distracted and nervouse.* "No thats ok. I'm not going to be here long anyways."

*Damien shrugs. Something still tugging on his mind. Something wasent right.*


Mick grins as he sees Rosetta get up and walk around. “Ya know, when my horse would get that way, I’d take her in the roundring and make her run circles…”

Jason hesitates a moment, then takes Katie’s phone. Dialing, he waits. “Yeah, hey, Adam….this is Jason…”

After quick arrangements with Austin, and Adam’s agreement to swing by, Jason cleans up and changes his clothes, throwing a flannel shirt over his white tee. It’s not much later, when Adam comes with his truck, and waits for both Jason and Katie. The ride is fairly quiet with some small talk initiated by Adam, with no deep subjects brought up. All three know good and well why they’re going to the mall, but no one feels the need to speak of it.

Entering the parking lot, Jason begins to tense, wondering if this was such a good idea.

Starting Out

*Katie smiles at Jason. He asked her to go to the mall. Maybe he really was sorry. Katie new how big the mall was to Jason with his past. After everything that had happened, Katie couldn't leave Jason high and dry now of all time.* "I'd love to J. I just need to let Rosetta know I am leaving so she doesn't worry." *Katie smiles at Jason.* " You should parable let Austin know as well." *Katie grabs her cell phone.* "Want to call Adam on my phone or are you gonna use the on in your bunk?"

*Rosetta stands her stretching her legs. Giving a little laugh she says.* " I think i was siting on my rump for to long. My legs fell asleep." *Rosetta walks back and forth trying to get the blood flowing again.*

*As Damien walks out onto the porch he see a car pull into the parking lot. As he walks to the barn he squints his eyes intrigued by the new comer. As she steps out of the car a red flag goes off in his mind. Why did she looks so familiar to him. Why was he on edge all of a sudden. Damien brushes it off as nothing surely he didn't know who this person was. Damien slips into the barn to do his chores with Scott remembering he had to introduce himself later.*

Would You?

Jason accept the towel and dries off his face and runs the towel through his hair, feeling awkward, but not as badly as he thought it would be. “Naw…you were right…there is some changing I need to be doing. …If you got the impression that I looked down on you before, then it was me who was in the wrong.” He eyes her with skepticism as she states she likes the way he is. He’s not sure anyone has ever told him that before. Glancing to the side, he sees the roses he’s given her, and is almost surprised that she has kept them. Had they meant that much to her? Apparently there really was a lot more that he had yet to figure out. He tosses the towel into the bathroom and rubs his sore knuckles. “Listen…I was thinking about giving Adam a call and having him take me to the mall this afternoon if he was willing…I….I thought maybe you’d like to come along.”