

Clint starts to pick himself up, shaking his head. “I’m fine, I’m fine, but…” He stares ahead at the men, his mind trying to decide if he has any options at all. They have Wendy…they have guns…

“Clint, Angel, what’s happening? What’s…” As Jim joins them, his voice trails off, staring ahead. Putting two and two together, his eyes widen. “Oh no…”

Suddenly a strange pickup appears at the end of the driveway and someone jumps out that they can’t recognize from this distance. They can hear them talking loudly. What was going on?

Clint grits his teeth, unwilling to risk something happening to Wendy when he could have helped prevent it. Without even thinking, he sprints down the driveway.

Jim knows there are guns, and he tries to stop his son. “Clint, no, wait!”

Clint pays no heed and aims for the small group of men. Drawing closer he can see there are two newcomers who must be on their side, or at least they’re against the five intruders. Before anyone can react to his own presence, he pinpoints the thug closest to him, and hurls himself in his direction, tackling him from behind, interrupting the standoff. He hits the ground hard, the man’s gun skidding across the gravel.

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