

*Katie smiles at Jason.* " Your doing great J. It just hit me. I havent had mall food in ages." *Katie looks to Adam and smiles, noding.*

*Damien gets lost in his bunk trying to figure out where he has seen Sam before. He starts to file through the pics of people he new in his head. His mind wonders to the Agency. A place it hasent gone in a long time. Remembing everyone there and the people he called friends. Than he thinks about Angel, Wendy and the others at the ranch. Like a ton of bricks it hits him.* "MICK!" *Sam looks a spiting immage of Mick. Damien new he had a twin named Annie but was there another and did same know. If not why was she here. Did the Agency put her here for a reson. The McClains had been so kind to him he couldent let them get draged into this. He decied to go talk to Sam more and see if he could fish around. Walking out of his bunk he see Sam go around one of the barns. Heading that way Damien gets lost in his own thoughts. Just as he is about to turn the courner he over hears Sam on her phone.*

"Ya I am here no problems. Did ya get the kid from the ranch yet...you havent goten EATHER OF THEM? Time is sliping away you know....yes...my men ARE in posistion around the ranch...Remember to take the kid to the old wairhouse and thats where we will bring the other one too....oh ya howcome no one told me that the guy with the chip that use to work for us was here.....Ya well your lucky he dident remember who I was....I dont know why....just call me when you get the kid OK so I can move in and my men arnt waiting for ever.." *Sam hangs up the phone.*

*Damien slips into the dark shadows as Sam walks by. Well he now new who's side Sam was on. After she is out of site Damien goes into the barn and tells Scott to get Brenda and call 911 and send them to the Rosetta's ranch ASAP. He was going to follow Sam alittle more to see what was going on.*

*Rosetta giggles and playfuly runs around the mess hall table.* " Your geting slow in your old age you know..."

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