
How bad?

Clint doesn’t even pay attention to what’s going on around him as he swings at anyone that comes at him. At some point in time he realizes that the newcomer and his friend was Damien, but doesn’t stop to think why he’s there.

He sees Wendy hit the ground and aims for her, but is stopped by a jab to the gut. Doubling over, he rams his adversary out of the way, stumbling blindly and trying to catch his breath. Within seconds it seems, the intruders are starting to back off. After being knocked down again, Clint makes it to his feet just in time to see Damien take a blow to protect Wendy, and suddenly the attackers are high-tailing it out of there.

“Wendy!” Clint rushes to her side, sliding down next to her. “Are you alright? Are you hurt?”

As the fight ends, several others rush down the driveway, confused by the scene. Jim squats down next to Clint and Wendy. “Clint, what happened? You alright?” he turns to see Damien down and bleeding from his side. “Damien…what….?” Knowing there will be a better time to ask questions, he moves to him. “How bad is it? We need to get you inside.”

Austin throws a bucket full of water on the last dying flames, sending hissing steam into the air. The back wall of the barn has plenty of damage and one stall is completely gone, but otherwise the barn is saved. He wipes the sweat from his brow and tosses the bucket aside, only now able to remember why he’d left the mess hall in the first place. Dread overtakes him as he realizes he needs to wait until Katie and Adam get back to do anything more. He’d intended on going into town while the trail was still hot, but not only was it too late now, but there was as good chance there was a connection between these two events.

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