
A stabbing

*The Kidnapper holding Wendy turns to his comrad falling to the ground what the.* "What the..." *He throws Wendy on the ground.* "DONT MOVE OR I WILL SHOOT YOU."
*Taking this oppertunity Damien mad rushes the guy who had Wendy throwing him to the ground. Scott rushes another one of the thugs and takes him down to the ground. Wendy watched in horror as Clint, Damien and Scott. Looking to her left she see another on of the men make his way to Damien, before even relizing what she is doing Wendy sticks out her good foot and trips him. Sending him face first onto the pavment. An all out brawl begins. Punches are thrown, Damien takes a fist to the face, Damien punches back. Scott gets herled to the pavment, Scott gets up and grabs one one of the guns. The tall lankey figure yells.* "HE'S GOT A GUN FALL BACK. FALL BACK." *The kidnapper one by one start to get up.* "What about the girl?." *Another one yells.* "Just leave her." *As the guy Wendy triped gets up he pulls out a knife and heads for Wendy.* "Why you little B......" *As he makes his way to Wendy Damien bradsides him. A sharp pain corses through Damiens body as he hits the ground on his knees holding his side.* "TOM LETS GO LEAVE HER." *The kidnapper with the knife gets up again and runs off with the others.*

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