
Would You?

Jason accept the towel and dries off his face and runs the towel through his hair, feeling awkward, but not as badly as he thought it would be. “Naw…you were right…there is some changing I need to be doing. …If you got the impression that I looked down on you before, then it was me who was in the wrong.” He eyes her with skepticism as she states she likes the way he is. He’s not sure anyone has ever told him that before. Glancing to the side, he sees the roses he’s given her, and is almost surprised that she has kept them. Had they meant that much to her? Apparently there really was a lot more that he had yet to figure out. He tosses the towel into the bathroom and rubs his sore knuckles. “Listen…I was thinking about giving Adam a call and having him take me to the mall this afternoon if he was willing…I….I thought maybe you’d like to come along.”

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