

Mick laughs and stands up with a teasing threat to come after Rosetta with a pretend lariat.

Con wanders back into the mess hall and rejoins Austin at the table, who’s going through a paper file.

Austin looks up with question. “Where ya been?”

“Oh…just chatting with your grandson…”

Adam turns from the driver’s seat as well, also knowing that Jason is uncomfortable. “She’s right, Jason. It’s your call – completely up to you.”

Jason shakes his head and gets out. “I’ve got to get this over with. If I don’t do it now, I never will.”

Adam throws Katie a wink, letting her know that he realizes her part in this, and agrees with her presence and way of talking to Jason.

The three head inside, Jason desperately trying not to withdraw into himself, but finding it more difficult than he thought.

Adam looks at him cautiously as they enter the crowds. “You alright?”

“Yeah…” Jason takes a deep breath, glancing around at all the people. A clothing store catches his attention, and for a split second, he sees his mother again, looking through dresses, telling him to stay put. He shakes his head, moving past it. “I’m alright.”

“How about we go up to the food court over there and grab a bite to eat? Sit for a while?”

Jason agrees, feeling quite ready to sit down. “Yeah…come to think of it, I should get some food in me…I forgot I hadn’t eaten lunch.”

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