

*Annie looks to Mick and than back at Mick saprise taking over.*

*Damien looks at Annie not relizing she was there before.* "You...she looked more like you than Mick." *Drawing his attachen back to Mick relizing he already whent over the look alike.* " All Sam asked was if the other boy had been taken yet, and than she was very upset and wanted to know why she wasent told the guy with the other chip was here and she was lucky I dident reconize her. First off Chip...I dont have any chip I dont even know what she is talking about. and next I have no idea who that woman is but she knows me and thinks I know her." *Damien is cut off as Adam and Katie enter the mess hall. Damien stands.* "Adam....call Becky make sure everything is ok back at your place, than someone will fill you in."

*Wendy looks to Clint.* "What do you make of all this?"

*Rosetta leans back in the chair.* "Damien when you were "part" of the Agency they next told you about the chips? Or gave you any information?" *Rosetta thinks about what she could ask next and about what it could do but she askes anyways.* "What about Trent? You know who he is right? Did he ever say anything to you at all?"

*Damien shakes his head.* "NO not that I remember Trent told me nothing but what to do."

*Angel looks to Luke at the mention of Trent. It had been a long time since she heard that name or thought of that person.*

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