
My Father

*Damien looks up at Jim with a silly grin on his face. Trying to put some humor into the situation.* " I'm ok....it just a flesh wound. I think I'll need some stiched though."

*Angel comes running down the driveway with the others. Going over to Clintand Wendy to make sure they are ok.* "Are you two hurt." *Angel looks them over fast and relizs they are ok. Taking Wendy in her arms she thanks God he protected her daughter. Just realizing there was more people there Angel looks up and see Damien with in inches of her.*

*Damien looks to Angel and smiles through his pain.* " I....I couldent let them hurt her."

*Angel is taken aback by Damiens words but feels a sence of calming come over her.* "Thank you." *Looking down at Damien she can see he is bleeding.* "We need get you inside. Can you walk?"

*Damien slowly gets up.* "Ya..." *He looks down at Wendy noticing her leg is in a cast and cant walk. Noding his head he asks.* "May I?"

*Wendy gives a nod. A strange feeling comes over her. This here in front of her was her father.*

*Damien bends down and winces picking Wendy up to carry her. Making his way with the others back to the ranch.*

*Rosetta is in the yard trying to round of all the horses that are spooked. FInally geting them all she puts them out in the field to graze for now. Than heads to her office to see if anything is missing.*

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