

Mick laughs and chases Rosetta around the table in defiant competitiveness. "Oh yeah? Slow, huh? Well I'll..." He's cut short as his bad knee is rammed into the corner of the table. Wincing he falls into a chair, but cracks up laughing. "I think this cowboy needs to get a longer lariat so he doesn't have to run so far."

The three at the mall order some fast food and find a table. Jason throws his flannel shirt of the back of his chair.

They settle in with some small talk, Adam in the lead, trying to put Jason to ease, though it’s not easy.

Halfway through the meal, Jason rubs his forehead wearily, feeling a little sick from the tension. He sees the sign for the restroom down a near hall, and nods to it. “Hey, guys, I’ll be right, back eh?”

He excuses himself and leaves Adam and Katie to themselves…

…Jason exits the restroom and heads back down the hall. Halfway back, he hears fast approaching footsteps behind him. Thinking someone is in a hurry, he simply steps out of the way and turns to let the people by.
Instead of the two men passing him though, they come up to him quickly, one grabbing his arm. “You’re coming with us,” one of them growls.

Both are in masks, and suddenly Jason’s blood runs cold. This can’t be happening. Without thinking, he begins to fight, ducking the one’s grasp and taking a swing at the face of the other. A fist lands on his own jaw, sending him back into the wall. He kicks out, ramming one man in the gut with his boot. Spinning around, he sends another high kick into the other man’s chest, knocking him to the floor. He turns to make a mad dash down the hall, but the downed man reaches out, grabbing his ankle to bring him down on the floor next to him. Panting, Jason kicks the guy in the face and picks himself up. Just ready to run again, a sickening “click” echoes through the hall. He stops dead in his tracks and automatically raises his arms in the air.

“You think you’re so smart,” the one man sneers. “You wanna get shot, just keep fighting.” He grabs the back of Jason’s t-shirt and spins him around, shoving him towards the back door. “Move!”

Jason has no choice but to obey. His heart pounds in his chest, a cold sweat beginning to form. This just can’t be happening…not again… not here… An image of Alex flashes before him, and he fights for control. No, no, no….this couldn’t happen like this…not now…

“Pick up your feet, boy!”

Jason is propelled back to reality by the harsh voice ordering him through the door. The men glance around to make sure no one is at the back of the mall, and they hurry towards a black van, staying close to Jason with the pistol to his back. They open up the van’s side door and push Jason into the cargo space, the one with the gun entering with him, and the other going to the driver’s side.

Jason sits still, trying to think of a way out. Stay calm, Jason, think…they’re going to make a mistake somewhere…no one is perfect… A sickening thought hits him. Katie…

Adam glances at his watch, then to Katie...Jason had been gone a long time...

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