
A New Little Friend?

*BJ stops what he is doing with his friends and looks up as if someone is calling his name. He looks over at Jason. Standing the brushes himself off.* "I be back duys." *Taking his action figures in his hand he walks over to Jason and hope up on the bail of hay too. Looking down at Jason he trys to cross his legs just like Jason has his. Sticking his toung out alitte bit deep in consintration finally gets his legs like Jasons. For a moment he just looks at Jasons than he hands him one of his actions figures and takes the other and puts it on Jason's leg.* "Hi!"

*A tears comes to Katies eyes. She new what Wyatt said was true. Right now she couldent give her whole heart to him and that wasent fair.* " OH Wyatt...I'm sorry this turned into a big mess. I wanted this to work but your right. Its not fair to you and for that I am sorry." *Kaite lets out a long sigh finally releasing her tears. She couldent help it. Though Wyatt was right it still hurt.* "I'd like to still be your friend Wyatt and we never know what the future holds. I'm just sorry things dident work out. Your a great guy. I care to much for you to make you leave my life for good." *Katie leans in to give Wyatt a hug not able to say anything alse her tears still flow.*

*Jamie smiles at Con thankful for being able to listen to her.* "Poor Katie. Next thing you know Reese is gonna say we are starving her."

*Mable looks up at Jamie.* "Who are you starving? That poor sweet girl?"

*Herb lets out a sigh in the kitchen.* "MABLE....Leave those two alone and let them finish eating."

*Jamie cant help but Laugh as she whipes her mouth. She was so thankful for her parents that had always been there for her no matter what. They helped her so much and we proude for how far she had come.*

The future

Jason sits on a straw bale, his back leaning against the outside wall of the barn. It had turned out to be a gorgeous day…he should be enjoying it more. But after his brief distraction of working with Clint, his mind had wandered back to everything that was taunting him. There was just so much to think about.
He glances over to the yard where BJ and some other kids are playing. They were so happy…content…innocent. Jason could remember being that young…He could remember his elementary years…birthday parties, fun with his mom, trips to the park… then everything had changed. He had changed. Where had he gone?

Wyatt smiles as he sees Katie. She looked so much better than the day before. He knew she was going to be okay, and was so proud of her progress. He starts to question if he should really talk to her now or not, but knows he has to follow through with it before something else happens.
He nods with enthusiasm. “Yeah. Let me push you on out there – give your arms a rest.”
Once they’re outside, Wyatt takes a deep breath, unsure how to start. He eases down on a bench to face Katie, and swallows hard, taking her hand in his. “You know…I was hoping and praying that this wasn’t going to make things harder for you, Katie… my gut tells me that it might come as more of a relief though.” He offers a rueful smile. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking…about us.” He searches her eyes, trying to read her reaction. “…And…I’m wondering if I expected too much out of you. I guess somewhere along the way I started to fall in love with you, but…” he purses his lips in thought, shrugging. “I can see that even though you care about me, I can’t really hope for much more than that.”
Wyatt pauses, wanting his words to come out right. “I’m not upset or anything at all…I’m actually more okay with that than I thought I would be. And I can’t help but truly value your friendship. I just…” He sighs a little. “I just see through this recent mess that your feelings for me aren’t what they need to be if we were going to take things any further.”
He gives Katie’s hand a light squeeze. “…And that’s okay. I guess what I’m trying to say is, how would you feel about maybe calling things as they are and sticking to being friends? My feelings for you haven’t changed, but I don’t want to make things any more difficult for you by heading down a path that you really don’t want to be on.”
Wyatt offers a gentle smile. “Having you around is a bright spot in my life, Katie…and it always will be, no matter if we’re just friends or not. So…what do you say?”

Con tries to give Jamie a smile. He knows what a hard time of it she went through, and hates to see anyone in pain. But what could he say? Letting it drop, he polishes off his piece of pizza and glances at his watch. “Guess I’ll take a longer lunch today,” he grins. “It’s later than I thought. Katie might have to save her food for supper.”


Kyle brings Jen’s waving hand back into focus from across the cafĂ© table. “Huh?”

Jen smirks at him. “Your brain is normally on another planet, but it’s even further away today.”

Kyle gives her a silly grin and points at her plate. “Cockroach.”

“What?!” Jen jumps and stares wide-eyed at her plate of French fries.

Kyle starts to laugh, his eyes full of mischief. “You ever gonna not fall for that one?”

Jen throws her napkin at him. “Jerk.”

“Hey now!” Kyle shakes a finger at her. “Play nice.”

“Whatever.” Jen rolls her eyes, but a grin escapes. “So you were with the guys today? Did you have practice?”

“Naw…we were looking for Jason up at the hospital where his friend is. Nice girl. Didn’t see Jason though…she said he’s out of town.”

“Hmm…well I hope he comes back. He was awesome the other night.”

“Tell me about it. We were just saying how we’ve only known him, what? About a week? But he’s like part of the band already. We’re all hoping he signs on with us at least for the summer.”

“So how’s his friend doing?”

“Katie? She looked pretty good. Jason said the doctors aren’t too optimistic about her walking again, but he thought she’d pull through all right.” Kyle quirks a grin. “And you and I both know that’s possible.”

Jen smiles. “How long has she been in the hospital?”

“Few weeks I think.”

“Has she been able to get out?”

“How should I know?” Kyle stuffs several fries in his mouth, looking at them crosseyed as they don’t want to all fit.

Jen rolls her eyes. “I guess I can just empathize is all. You know I like to help people.”

“You wanna meet her?”

Jen’s eyes light up. “Sure.”

“Good. I gotta go back anyway. Forgot to see if she’d let me take that picture of hers and make a copy.”


*As Katie pushes herself around the courner she see Wyatt at her door.* "Wyatt!!" *Katie throws a wave at him.* " Guess what I took a few more steps today." *Katie smiles alittle more color had come back to her face.* "Would you like to go out to the garden for some freshair it looks nice outside." *As Katie draws closer to Wyatt she see the look in his eyes. Nothing good can come of it. Katies heart once again grows heavy for what is to come.*

*Jamie smiles and nods* "Ya I am ok. Just relized how lucky I am to have them and than I was just thinking of my own kids. Tammy will be 5 next week. I just wish things were differnt is all." *Jamie smiles again at Con taking a bit of her Pizza.*


“See, I told ya we shoulda just waited until Monday.”

Mike throws Kyle a withering look as they head across the hospital parking lot. “At least we know where Jason is now. Seems kinda strange.”

“Well we don’t really know him that well,” Phil reasons.

“Maybe we just met him, but it feels like I’ve known him for ages.” Mike shrugs. “He just seemed to really click with us, ya know?”

“Yeah, I know,” Phil agrees as he opens the truck door.

Kyle waits for Phil to get in so he can climb into the backseat, and he throws one last glance up to the second floor of the hospital.

“You coming, genius?” Phil prods.

“Yeah, yeah.” Kyle slips into the small side door. “Just thinking.”

Wyatt sighs deeply as he walks slowly down the hospital hall. Katie should be getting finished with her therapy soon…he dreaded talking to her about what was on his mind… at a time like this, he hoped it would not make things worse for her. But if what he thought was true, it was going to be harder on him than her. It needed to be said though…it was time.
He knocks on Katie’s door, unsure if she’s in her room or not.

Con shakes his head, bewildered and a little hurt at the newspaper. “I don’t know…I just don’t know.”

As Herb comes and leaves the food for Katie then walks away, Con looks over at Jamie and sees the tears in her eyes. His mind immediately shifts from himself to her, his compassion and concern overtaking him. He sets his slice of pizza down and cocks his head a little to try and see her face. “Hey…you okay?”

Anything for my baby

*Jamie nods siping her water.* "Ya she is a strong one do doubt."

*Mable brings the pizza back and looks down at the paper.* "Hey its that Jason kid. He's got quite the talent huh." *Mable turns as more customers come in.*

*Gazing down at the pic Jamie's eyes widen.* "I dont understand why wouldent he let anyone know? Do you think Katie knows Con?" *Jamie starts to read alitle bit farther down.* "Says here they were a big hit too that night. I just dont understand."

*Katie lets out a giggle at Kyle.* "Sorry thats classified if I told you I'd have to kill you." *Katie throws her own wink.* "Nah...I am/was a bodyguard. Well I just started with that anyways." *Katie grins and nods* "Ya I can do another. I'd jut need a few art sapplys and I can do it as many times as you want." *Katie laughs and raises her eyebrow at the suddon exite.* "Nice to meet you guys too. Stop by anytime." *Katie closes her eyes as they leave drifting off to sleep with a smile on her face for the first time since before Jason left.*

*As the time pass Herb finishes up the food for Katie and comes out of the kitchen. He is a shorter man, but well built. Broad shoulders, and very muscular. Someone you wouldent want to meat in a dark allyway. Walking over to Con and Jamie he puts a small cartin down on.* "This is for Hero. Its Chicken stuffed with broccoly and cheese, with some noodles on the side. I know it her fav."

*Jamie smiles up at Herb.* "Thanks Dad."

*Herb holds Jamies face in his hand.* "Anything for you sweetheart. Its on the house today guys no need to worry about it. Take care of my baby Con." *Herb turns and heads back into the kitchen as he hears a clattering and Mable yell.*

*Jamie watches as Herb walks away a single tear rolls down her face.*


Con chuckles as Mable goes back into the kitchen, and he shakes his head, taking a swig of his soda pop. “Sorry, Jamie…this is all my fault.” He can’t help the amusement in his eyes though.

Answering her about Katie, he shrugs. “Oh, I think she’ll be okay…everything just came down on her at once, ya know. Getting hurt and all that, then Jason taking off. I don’t know what’s between those two, but they’re close, no doubt… I suppose if my best friend just disappeared like that I wouldn’t be too happy either.”

He spies a newspaper on the table next to them, and reaches over to grab it. He casually flips through the pages, and suddenly stops on the fifth page. “What on earth…” His eyes widen. “Jamie…you ever heard of a local band called JetStream?” He scans the article, focusing in on the picture. “They played the other night in Kingdale Park…” Con furrows his brow, wondering why he didn’t know about this. Finally he turns the paper around to show Jamie the picture. There’s no doubt about who is on center stage. “Did Jason ever say anything to you about this?”

Mike offers a small smile in response to Katie’s encouragement. “I hope you’re right. I guess we just sit back and wait.” He chuckles at Katie’s reference to Jason’s protectiveness. “I wouldn’t put it past him, the way he talked about you.”

Kyle holds up her drawing, impressed. “Wow. You got some talent, ya know that?” He lowers the paper just enough to peer over it, his eyes twinkling at her. “What, are you FBI too?”

“Kyle!” Phil gives him another slap to the arm.

Kyle cringes, though laughs. “Sorry, Katie. Though you do have me intrigued…” He pauses, glancing at the picture again. “You don’t think you could do another one of these, kinda making it look water-colorish, with our name at the top, could you?”

Phil raises an eyebrow at him. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about our event posters we hang around.” Kyle taps the picture. “It’s perfect.”

Mike looks over his shoulder. “You know…you could be right.”

“Of course I’m right. I’m always right.”

“Except when it comes to anything having to do with common sense.”

“Hey now, Einstein couldn’t even tie his own shoes.”

Phil rolls his eyes. “You start forgetting how to tie your shoes, I really am going to have you committed.”

The cell phone on Kyle’s belt suddenly rings. “Oh, crap. That’ll be Jen. I was supposed to go pick her up for lunch.” He sets the picture back down and gives Katie a quick salute. “Nice meeting you, Kate”

“Katie,” Mike corrects.

“Right.” Kyle winks at her, proving it hadn’t been a slip of the tongue.

“Alright, guys.” Mike shakes Katie’s hand again. “Nice meeting you. If you talk to Jason, tell him we stopped by.”

The three wave as they make their exit, starting to banter all over again.

Smiles again

*Kaites smiles and shakes her head at Kyle and his comment. If only you guys only new...she says in her mind. She thinks about everything Jason said with his contract and the band. She cant let them think he lost them. Jason wasent gone for good. As those words enter her mind something clicks. Jason wouldent be gone for good...he just needed to clear his mind. Katie felt silly for leting herself get so down and out, a bit of glow comes back to Katies face though she still feeling a bit of depresstion it wasent bad as yesterday.* "I dont think you guys lost him. I saw him that night after the concert when he came back here. He was soo excited. and something in his eyes was differnt. He'll be back dont worry to much." *Katie lets out a sigh and smiles.* "I really am happy you guys stoped by. Even if it was for Jason and not me." *Katie cant help but giggle.* "I have wanted to meet you guys since I saw the consert and I am glad I did. You really help life my spirits."
*The nurse pokes her head into Katies room and throws a look at the 3 guys.* "Everything ok in here Kat? You Therapy will be in an hour the Doc is running late."

*Katie rolls her eyes.* "Yes I am fine. Does it really look like these guys would hurt a fly." *Katie smiles.*

*The nurse throws the guys a look and walks out.*

*Katie shakes her head* "Sometimes I think Jason told they to watch me like a hawk or something. Sorry about that." *As Katie see Kyle put up her pic she can feel her cheeks burning again.* "Ya I did draw that." *Katie cant help but beam at there comments. It made her feel good.* "Ya I did do it from memorie. With my line of work I have to take everything from my sarrowding and remember it so later if something is out of place and not right I know it."

*Jamie shakes her head at Con mouthing her own words to him "I'll get ya". Looking to her mother she smiles.* "Make the whole pizza that. It sounds really good. Oh and before we leave can dad whip something up for Katie? we are going to go see her and want to bring her som good food"

*Mable smiles and nods.* "Sure can Hun. I think its nice your taking that sweet girl someting." * Mable goes to leave but turns around again.* "I saw Jason in here not to long ago. He looked so sad. Everything ok?"

Herb: "MABEL...give me there dang order and leave them alown. Stop being to nosey."

*Mable turns around and waddles to the back kitchen*

*After Mabe is gone Jamie sighs.* "I sure hope she is gonna be ok."


Katie’s compliment brings a bit of color to the guys’ faces, showing the truth of their humility as a band.

Kyle grins as Katie says she’s not dying, and mutters quietly under his breath, “The way Jason was worried about you, you’d think you were on your death bed.” He chuckles at her. “Well then maybe I’ll just have to see you when you’re not in this hospital bed.”

Phil gives him a kick to the shins to put a leash on Kyle’s flirting.

All three guys’ faces fall as they find out Jason is out of state.

“Texas?” Mike leans on the back of the chair. “He mentioned he spent some time there…” He sighs deeply. “I think we lost him, boys.”

Kyle’s shoulders drop, and he rests his hands on his hips. “That’s what I was afraid of. He didn’t like the looks of that contract.”

“Well we just did it for him,” Phil reasons. “I could care less about it – it was just so he’d feel protected about getting paid for gigs. If he trusts us, tear the stupid thing up.”

“Nah, I just think he’s got too much else going on.” Mike shrugs. “Though he never did say what his job was.”

Kyle quirks an eyebrow. “I think he’s with the FBI.”

“The FBI?!” Phil rolls his eyes. “He’s only twenty-one.”

“So? James Bond wasn’t exactly an old man when he…”

“Kyle.” Mike grimaces. “Cut it out.” He glances back at Katie. “Sorry. We just got our hopes up is all. We could make it with just the three of us and Kyle on vocals, but Jason…he’s just got ‘it’ know what I mean? Not only with his voice, but his stage presence made the whole show the other night.” He shakes his head. “I guess we’ll just have to see if he really does call us on Monday.”

Kyle wanders around the room, letting his overactive mind think about the situation, while taking in the sights at the same time. He adjusts his leather wristband and sighs. His eyes fall to the dresser at the end of the bed, and they widen. He lets out a low whistle and picks up Katie’s drawing of the band. “Say, now.” A grin creeps across his face and he looks at Katie. “This is dang good. You draw this?”

Phil looks over his shoulder. “What?”

Kyle shows him the picture, still grinning. “I think we got ourselves a real fan here, boys!” He shifts his gaze to Katie. “You did this from memory?”

Con looks at Jamie’s red face, and starts to feel sheepish for his previous stunt. He mouths the word to her, “Sorry,” but he can’t help his grin of amusement.
He looks up at Mable, trying to contain his laughter. “Bring us a pizza, Mable. Put pepperoni, mushrooms and green peppers on one half, and whatever your daughter wants on the other half.”


*As Jetstream enters Katie cant help but smile just alittle. Kait find humor as they go back and forth with eachother over the flowers. As Mike moves closer to Katie and entstend his hand she smiles shaking his hand back.* "Ya I know who ya are. I saw you the other night with Jason at the picnic. You guys were amazing." *As Kyle talks about the machines he though would be in the room Katie raises her eyebrow.* "I'm not dieing you know. So of course I wouldent be hooked up to that stuff." *Katie makes a silly face to make sure they know she enjoys the humor. Katie cant help but let out a more hearty laugh as they try to fight over her name. She understood why Jason got along with them. Somewhere deep down he was like that too. Katie could tell from spending time with him. Katie throws a grin at Kyle and his comment as her cheeks turn a slight shade of red.* "Ya well...I look alot better when I am not in a hospetal bed. I'll tell ya that much." *Katie's face become alittle let bright as the question of Jason comes up. But Katie still holds her smile the best she can.* " Well its no bother your here. I have people in an out all the time to see me but its nice to see new faces. You guys just happend to come at the right time I needed a pick me up. As for Jason though I am sad to say..." *Katie lets out a sad sigh.* "...he's not here right now. He's in Texas at my Aunts Ranch. I guess he needed a change for alittle bit. I am sure he will be calling you guys on monday with a desition."

*Mable lifts her head from the paper she was looking at when Con and Jamie come in. Smiling when she see them. Today had been a slow day so it was good to have some people in let alown her daughter and her boyfriend. "

*Jamie smiles at Con.* "Mmmm....Pizza sounds so good right about now!"

*Turning Mable pours 2 drinks and bring them over to Con and Jamie.* "I wasent exspecting you guys to be back so soon." *Mable throws a wink at Con.* " How is everything going? Anymore stolen kiss'?"

*Once again Jamie's face goes red.* "Mom...I told you he really dident kiss me. He was staged."

*Mable grins.* "Uh-huh. HERB, Jamie is trying to tell me Con dident REALLY kiss her."

*Herb look from the back.* "Well I'll be Con and Jamie are back." *Herb raises her spatula and waves.* "MABEL..take there order than leave those kids alone." *Herb shakes his head in the back but has a smile on his face.*

*Mable smiles her eyes dancing.* "What would I do without your father Jamie? He keeps me in line. What can I get you guys?"


The nurse gives the guys an annoyed glance, but points towards Katie’s room.

“Woo!” Mike spins around. “See? Told ya we’d find her. C’mon.”

Phil rolls his eyes. “Well we still haven’t found Jason.”

“Stop being so pessimistic,” Mike chides and heads for Katie’s door. He pauses and cautiously taps on the door before opening it all the way and entering. Seeing Katie, he smiles big. “Hey there! Thanks for rescuing us from Sergeant Nurse out there. Didn’t realize the security was so tight.”

Phil trails in behind him and sees flowers on Katie’s table. He slaps his forehead. “See now? Mike, you were in such a hurry and we didn’t even pick up any flowers or nothing.”


“Yeah, oops.”

Kyle ignores the other two and looks around the room. “This ain’t so bad.”

Mike raises an eyebrow. “Huh?”

Kyle shrugs. “Well I expected, ya know, like wires and beeping, and one of those machines that goes whoor,whooth,” he creates a heavy breathing sound. “You know, like Darth Vader.”

Phil slaps him upside the head before turning to Katie. “You’ll have to excuse him. He’s only been out of the mental institution for a year now, and we still haven’t been able to reform him.”

Kyle smirks. “He’s just jealous of my intellect.”

Mike moves closer to Katie and extends his hand. “Pardon the intrusion. I’m Mike Kelly, this is Phil Mitts and his brother Kyle. We’re the band, JetStream.”

Kyle nods. “And you must be Kate.”

“Katie,” Phil corrects.

“Right. Katie Preston.”



Mike throws his hands in the air as he notices Katie’s clipboard on the foot of her bed. “Pent!”

“That’s it!” Kyle exclaims.

Mike rolls his eyes and tosses Katie a wink. “If you haven’t figured it out by now, we’re looking for your boyfriend.”

Phil elbows him. “He’s not her boyfriend!”

“Oh yeah. That’s the other guy, Will.”


“Wyatt,” Kyle intervenes and gives Katie a flirtatious grin. “Too bad, too.”

Mike rolls his eyes and turns back to Katie. “At any rate, we’re looking for Jason. He was supposed to give us a call in a couple days, but we tried to get a hold of him yesterday instead and we couldn’t, so we thought we’d swing by here.”

Con parks on the street and exits his car. He goes to the restaurant door to open it for Jamie, then steps inside behind her, having to duck so his head doesn’t hit the bell. He slides into a booth and yawns, before setting his elbows on the table and resting his tired face in his hands. Sighing, he lifts his eyes and goes for a menu. “I’m in the mood for something different,” he states, trying to move his mind past the problems at hand. “I’m thinking…pizza.”

Meet the Band

*Katie leans hear head back Jeff's voice playing in her mind. Bringing her a bit of comfort. Closing her eyes Katie falls into a deep sleep.*

*Jamie cant help but laugh.* "I dont mind going to Mom, and Dad's. Maybe we can bring some food for Katie. I know the hospetal food cant be good. I think a bit of humar from them will do us good to." *Jamie smiles.*

*Katie was glad to see Wyatt again reasuing him thought her tone probley dident prove it that she would be ok. Once again after he is gone sliping into a slumber. Katie wakes with a start as she hears her name. Straining she trys to listen closer. After hearing Jason's name she knows who it is. Pressing her call button she speaks slowly.* "Janit...I know who they are. Let them in." *Katie trys to straten her hair. and sit up the best she can. She dosent want to look like a train hit her the first time she mets the band. Katie forgets the picture she drew is still siting on the dresser at the end of her bed.*

The search

“Oh, hun, whoa, whoa, settle down.” Jeff closes his eyes, wanting more than a phone conversation. “Just take a deep breath, Katie…you’re okay. I know it hurts.” He sighs. “I know this sounds trite, but the wound will heal…you just have to give this thing time. It will all work out, and I’m sure Jason will come back. He doesn’t want to hurt you…I know he cares about you. Just rest…you need your strength right now so your body can heal. You need to push this out of your mind the best you can and concentrate on getting yourself out of the hospital, okay?” He pauses a moment. “I love you, Katie…you call me any time you need to talk, no matter the time of day.” He gently prompts Katie to end the call, and finally hangs up the phone, wearily. “Oh, Katie,” he breathes, and lifts his head heavenward. “Please bring peace through this somehow, Lord…somehow…”

Con looks up from his desk and forces a smile, shutting his folder. “I’ve been ready for hours. Let’s get out of here.” He heads outside with Jamie, aiming for his car. “Alright…your pick. If you’d rather not be seen with me in front of your parents, we can head another direction.” Despite his depressed mood, his humor seeps out through his statement as he slides in behind the steering wheel.

“You need to learn how to counter someone.” Jason stands casually a couple feet from Clint. He’d made it back to the ranch right after lunch, and had been prompted by Austin to take a few minutes with Clint before Clint had to go back to work. “Now come at me. I’ll show you.”

Clint raises an eyebrow. “Come at you?”

“Yeah. Pretend you’re gonna attack me.” Jason rolls his eyes at Clint’s hesitance. “It shouldn’t be hard. Just do what you’ve always wanted to do.”

Clint can’t help a bit of a sheepish grin, and lunges at Jason with a fist aimed at the face.

Jason slips to the side, trips Clint with a foot to the ankles, and takes him down with an elbow between the shoulder blades. He hits him lightly, but Clint falls with a thud. “Ouch.”

“You need to be quick on your feet.” Jason gives him a hand up. “Now you try it.”

The two go back and forth for a while, Clint working up most of the sweat. Not knowing how to fall, he winds up hurting a bit at the hands of Jason, though does his best to pick up on the moves he’s trying to learn.

Wyatt comes back to see Katie, making sure she’s taking care of for the morning. Around noon he gets a call and has to run back to TJY for just a little while. He makes sure Katie knows he’ll be back right away, and slips out once again.

“No, he said he’d call Monday!”

“I know, but he isn’t answering his phone at all, and I want to see what he has to say after the other night.”

“Guys, this place creeps me out.”

Phil and Mike both throw Kyle withering looks as they traipse down the hospital hall. “Shut up,” Mike smirks. “We’re here to find Jason. Who was the girl he said was here? Um…” he snaps his fingers, trying to remember.

“Kate,” Phil answers.

“Katie,” Kyle corrects.

“Right, right.” Mike aims for the nurse’s station, not realizing they’re right across from Katie’s partially-open door. “Hey..we’re looking for a girl named Katie.”

The nurse raises an eyebrow at the three men. They looked to be in their twenties, all just a little disheveled looking with not-so-neat hair and casual t-shirts and jeans. The blonde is the one inquiring, and the nurse was none too impressed. “Do you have a last name?”

Mike looks at his buddies. “Last name? Uh…”

“P..started with a P,” Kyle remembers. “Yeah. Um…Peters…Peterson…Parson…Paul…”

Phil shakes his head. “Preston.”

“No, no…” Mike slaps his arm. “That’s not right. It was shorter. Sorta like…P….P..” he tries to get the sound to roll off his tongue.

The nurse stares over her glasses at them, and rolls her eyes. “Must be a close friend of yours.”

Mike shakes his head. “Actually it’s her boyfriend we know.”

“He said they weren’t dating,” Kyle interrupts with correction. “He said…”

“Who cares?” Phil throws his arms in the air. He turns to the nurse himself. “We’re looking for Jason Stevenson, but he’s not admitted here, it’s his friend, Kate.”

“Katie,” Mike and Kyle correct.

Phil grimaces. “Sorry. Katie. So we figure if we find her, then we find him.”

The nurse shifts her eyes between the three young men. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to help you boys.”

Kyle throws Mike a look. “Told you this wasn’t going to work. We just need to wait for him to call!”