
Smiles again

*Kaites smiles and shakes her head at Kyle and his comment. If only you guys only new...she says in her mind. She thinks about everything Jason said with his contract and the band. She cant let them think he lost them. Jason wasent gone for good. As those words enter her mind something clicks. Jason wouldent be gone for good...he just needed to clear his mind. Katie felt silly for leting herself get so down and out, a bit of glow comes back to Katies face though she still feeling a bit of depresstion it wasent bad as yesterday.* "I dont think you guys lost him. I saw him that night after the concert when he came back here. He was soo excited. and something in his eyes was differnt. He'll be back dont worry to much." *Katie lets out a sigh and smiles.* "I really am happy you guys stoped by. Even if it was for Jason and not me." *Katie cant help but giggle.* "I have wanted to meet you guys since I saw the consert and I am glad I did. You really help life my spirits."
*The nurse pokes her head into Katies room and throws a look at the 3 guys.* "Everything ok in here Kat? You Therapy will be in an hour the Doc is running late."

*Katie rolls her eyes.* "Yes I am fine. Does it really look like these guys would hurt a fly." *Katie smiles.*

*The nurse throws the guys a look and walks out.*

*Katie shakes her head* "Sometimes I think Jason told they to watch me like a hawk or something. Sorry about that." *As Katie see Kyle put up her pic she can feel her cheeks burning again.* "Ya I did draw that." *Katie cant help but beam at there comments. It made her feel good.* "Ya I did do it from memorie. With my line of work I have to take everything from my sarrowding and remember it so later if something is out of place and not right I know it."

*Jamie shakes her head at Con mouthing her own words to him "I'll get ya". Looking to her mother she smiles.* "Make the whole pizza that. It sounds really good. Oh and before we leave can dad whip something up for Katie? we are going to go see her and want to bring her som good food"

*Mable smiles and nods.* "Sure can Hun. I think its nice your taking that sweet girl someting." * Mable goes to leave but turns around again.* "I saw Jason in here not to long ago. He looked so sad. Everything ok?"

Herb: "MABEL...give me there dang order and leave them alown. Stop being to nosey."

*Mable turns around and waddles to the back kitchen*

*After Mabe is gone Jamie sighs.* "I sure hope she is gonna be ok."

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