
A New Little Friend?

*BJ stops what he is doing with his friends and looks up as if someone is calling his name. He looks over at Jason. Standing the brushes himself off.* "I be back duys." *Taking his action figures in his hand he walks over to Jason and hope up on the bail of hay too. Looking down at Jason he trys to cross his legs just like Jason has his. Sticking his toung out alitte bit deep in consintration finally gets his legs like Jasons. For a moment he just looks at Jasons than he hands him one of his actions figures and takes the other and puts it on Jason's leg.* "Hi!"

*A tears comes to Katies eyes. She new what Wyatt said was true. Right now she couldent give her whole heart to him and that wasent fair.* " OH Wyatt...I'm sorry this turned into a big mess. I wanted this to work but your right. Its not fair to you and for that I am sorry." *Kaite lets out a long sigh finally releasing her tears. She couldent help it. Though Wyatt was right it still hurt.* "I'd like to still be your friend Wyatt and we never know what the future holds. I'm just sorry things dident work out. Your a great guy. I care to much for you to make you leave my life for good." *Katie leans in to give Wyatt a hug not able to say anything alse her tears still flow.*

*Jamie smiles at Con thankful for being able to listen to her.* "Poor Katie. Next thing you know Reese is gonna say we are starving her."

*Mable looks up at Jamie.* "Who are you starving? That poor sweet girl?"

*Herb lets out a sigh in the kitchen.* "MABLE....Leave those two alone and let them finish eating."

*Jamie cant help but Laugh as she whipes her mouth. She was so thankful for her parents that had always been there for her no matter what. They helped her so much and we proude for how far she had come.*

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