

Con chuckles as Mable goes back into the kitchen, and he shakes his head, taking a swig of his soda pop. “Sorry, Jamie…this is all my fault.” He can’t help the amusement in his eyes though.

Answering her about Katie, he shrugs. “Oh, I think she’ll be okay…everything just came down on her at once, ya know. Getting hurt and all that, then Jason taking off. I don’t know what’s between those two, but they’re close, no doubt… I suppose if my best friend just disappeared like that I wouldn’t be too happy either.”

He spies a newspaper on the table next to them, and reaches over to grab it. He casually flips through the pages, and suddenly stops on the fifth page. “What on earth…” His eyes widen. “Jamie…you ever heard of a local band called JetStream?” He scans the article, focusing in on the picture. “They played the other night in Kingdale Park…” Con furrows his brow, wondering why he didn’t know about this. Finally he turns the paper around to show Jamie the picture. There’s no doubt about who is on center stage. “Did Jason ever say anything to you about this?”

Mike offers a small smile in response to Katie’s encouragement. “I hope you’re right. I guess we just sit back and wait.” He chuckles at Katie’s reference to Jason’s protectiveness. “I wouldn’t put it past him, the way he talked about you.”

Kyle holds up her drawing, impressed. “Wow. You got some talent, ya know that?” He lowers the paper just enough to peer over it, his eyes twinkling at her. “What, are you FBI too?”

“Kyle!” Phil gives him another slap to the arm.

Kyle cringes, though laughs. “Sorry, Katie. Though you do have me intrigued…” He pauses, glancing at the picture again. “You don’t think you could do another one of these, kinda making it look water-colorish, with our name at the top, could you?”

Phil raises an eyebrow at him. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about our event posters we hang around.” Kyle taps the picture. “It’s perfect.”

Mike looks over his shoulder. “You know…you could be right.”

“Of course I’m right. I’m always right.”

“Except when it comes to anything having to do with common sense.”

“Hey now, Einstein couldn’t even tie his own shoes.”

Phil rolls his eyes. “You start forgetting how to tie your shoes, I really am going to have you committed.”

The cell phone on Kyle’s belt suddenly rings. “Oh, crap. That’ll be Jen. I was supposed to go pick her up for lunch.” He sets the picture back down and gives Katie a quick salute. “Nice meeting you, Kate”

“Katie,” Mike corrects.

“Right.” Kyle winks at her, proving it hadn’t been a slip of the tongue.

“Alright, guys.” Mike shakes Katie’s hand again. “Nice meeting you. If you talk to Jason, tell him we stopped by.”

The three wave as they make their exit, starting to banter all over again.

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