

The look in Angel's eyes was enough to tell she was there but her mind was far off.

"You cant keep us here, its night right. What did we ever do to you?"

One that new Angel might know she was talking about the past and maybe even reliving it in her mind. Memories mixed with reality, the poison the corsed through Angel's vains prevented her from even relizing it was nothing more than a nightmare.

"Luke is hurt bad please, cant you help him. Cant anyone? Your treating us like animles. Trent how could you after everything."

Moving quickly to the cabnit Misty grabs a saringe and some sedative filling the needle and testing it. Moving quickly to Rick Misty preps Angel's arm while Rick holds her. Injecting her Misty couldnt help but feel back for Angel and Luke as well.

Looking over the moutainside down below Katie studys the plant for a moment before sliding back down again.

Ready as I ever will be, just need to be carfel...and get in and out so we can get back to Angel.

"I'm ready. It should be no probley getting in. The guards are usaly more weak than anyone inside so I dont see a problem with that part at all."

Giving a nod to Carson Katie signles she is ready as she checks her own gun one last time and than looks over to Ryder giving the best reasuring smile she could.

This wasnt going to be easy, and there was a good chanse it would get messy but Katie was as ready as she ever was going to be. With any luck things would go smoothly. Slidng up again she look over the moutainside. This was for Angel it had to work.

Different feeling

As Jess comes and sits down next to him, Scott is a little surprised. When she scoots further down and rests her head in his lap, he's even more surprised.

Unsure what she wants exactly, he just sits, a bit confused, and wishing he knew how to help. Apparently she really did feel lost... and he knew that feeling all too well.

Her whispered words make him think twice. Yeah... he was like her. That she found that a comfort felt strange... He'd been the needy one since he'd returned. He'd been the one always needing help. He'd been the one scared and helpless, looking for help. But right now... it was the first time someone had come to him looking for help, let alone had decided they'd found a safe haven. It was a different kind of sensation. One that was kind of warm.

Scott slowly moves his thin hand to rest on Jess' head. Gradually, he's brave enough to run his fingers through her hair in an effort to let her know it was okay. His warm palm rests on her forehead before moving back down her soft hair.

Luke gives a start as Angel's voice hits his ears. But it wasn't lucid words. It was words from a dream, words from a world away from reality. He moves to get close to her, but backs up as Misty comes, then Rick comes as well. Jeff's hand to his arm warns him to stay out of the way and let them try to help.

Utterly helpless, Luke sinks back down into his chair, burying his face in his hands. Praying was the only thing he could do. God please don't take her... not yet... I don't want to live without her.

Rick moves quickly. "Go get a sedative, Misty. We need to keep her calm - it's the only way to keep the poison slowed down."

"Well... it's a quiet day." Carson stares through his binoculars at the Agency base. Only two guards were at the door today. He glances at Ryder. It looked like the best day yet, not the worst. But he didn't rub it in.

"Alright, we need to get inside, then get down to the lab. Ryder?"

"Yeah." Ryder crawls up to lie on his belly at the top of the ridge on the lookout point. "Once we're in, it should be three floors up, a right turn, then down to the end of the hall. At least that's what my contact has told me. All we can do is trust them on this one."

Carson nods his agreement. "Katie? Jason? You two ready? We gotta make this smooth. We're going to get as close as possible. Jason, get a little fear into them so Katie can make 'em nervous. They'll either come close enough we can easily take them down or they'll go inside. Either way, they're our ticket in."

Ryder quirks an eyebrow. He was interested to see how Katie and Jason worked. It seemed unbelievable, but apparently Carson knew what he was telling them to do.

Jason nods. "Yeah, we should be able to do that. What if we meet people on the inside?"

"Improvise." Carson sits up and takes his handgun to check the ammunition. "Let's hope it's as quiet on the inside as the outside." The parking lost only had a few cars in it. It seemed like a lucky break.

Jason takes a deep breath. "I'm ready when you are.
How about you? Ready, Hero?


Hesitating for a moment Jess just stands in the doorway, but finally she moves inside a little more. Slowly going over to Scott Jess eases down next to him.

She could tell from looking at him he himself had been through alot the look in his eyes told there own story. Quietly Jess eases down a little more and lays her head in Scott's lap. She felt so childish but she couldnt help it. She needed to feel comfort because she was still shaken up and this was the only way she new how at the moment.

Far from sleeping Jess just stairs at the wall till finally softly she whispers.

"I turst you, because your just like me."

Giving a moan Angel gives a toss in the bed. Almost as if she felt stuck in a dream world her eyes fly open as she sits up on the bed almost as if a panic rushes over her.

Seeing Angel Misty drops everything and rushes over to her trying to calm her down.

"Angel its ok. Its Misty your at the infermary at TJY. Are you ok?"

Deleraous and out of it Angel fights against Misty's prompting.

"No..No...You cant keep us here...my baby...no...she needs me...please."

Confused Misty looks to Luke and than turns slightly calling over her shoulder to Rick.

"Rick I need help here I think deleariea has set in."

Trying to hold Angel the best she can so she dosnt her herself Misty feels so bad. This could not be good.


Ryder shakes his head and gives a defeated laugh. "Yeah... I wish you could convince Carson too." He sighs deeply. "If I'm wrong, it'll be the first."

He turns to face Katie, knowing that she was trying to make him feel better, but mustering up a genuine smile took too much effort.

After a moment of just studying her eyes, he finally gets up, letting her hand drop from his shoulders. "Guess I better get ready. We should have left ten minutes ago."

Hearing the knock on the door makes Scott jump. He'd been far from asleep, but was in a slight daze for just a moment. Sitting up, he leans against the wall, not sure if he really wanted to answer or not. Who was it?

Giving in, he calls to whoever it was, then squints up in the dim light. Jess? Why was she... Her explanation makes him realize her intentions, and suddenly, his own fears didn't seem so great.

"Um..." He looks down and around, and finally lifts up half the blanket. He wasn't sure what had happened to her, but he had an imagination, and it told him plenty. Maybe inviting her that close wasn't such a good idea, but it's all he had to offer. "I... don't much like being by myself either," he admits. "Kinda hard on the floor, but..." He shrugs and rubs his sore eye. "You're welcome to stay."

Domino moves off his lap to go and curl up on the other side of him, not really bothered by Jess' presence.

Can I?

Looking back into Rocky's eyes Jess gives a small nod. She didnt want him to leave but she new he had to.

"oh..ok. If I need anything I'll call you."

Turning Jess las down and faces the wall. She just wanted this to be over. Jess had though once before it was and for the time being it had been but than it came crashing down again. Would it always be like that? Would things ever change?

Katie goes and sits down next to Ryder listing to him talk. She new how he felt, sometimes she had feels some times and she new they were never good feeling.

"Hey, maybe your feeling is wrong huh? I wish there was a way to convinse Carson not to go but I know I wont be able too."

Katie shakes her head. Once Carson made up his mind there was no turnin back for him.

"It will be ok eh? I'll keep ya safe if I have ta."

Katie throws a wink at Ryder as she puts her arm over his shoulder trying to lighten his mood alittle and make him smile.

Laying in the spair room Jess hears a noise that makes her jump. Sitting up straght Jess looks around the room as the sweat rolls down her face. She didnt want to be alone, she hurt things she hadnt before and she hated it.

Standing Jess slow walks out of the spair room as her bear feet softly pad on the cold floor. Seeing the light on in the infermary Jess goes over to the door but peeking in and seeing everyone and how busy they were she didnt want to bother them or the lady that was laying in the bed that looked worse than her.

Looking down the hall Jess sees the soft glow of a nother dim light from under one of the doors. Wandering down the hall Jess goes and reads the sigh on the door hopping it might be someone she could stay with so she wasnt alone.

Giving a knock on the door Jess waits till she hears someone say it was ok. Opening the door she stand sin the dim lit room. Her eyes searching the room they sadness, pain and fear where still written in them. Seeing Scott and Domino on the floor Jess looks down not making eye contact. Talking low she askes.

"I'm...I'm sorry to bother you. I was scaired being alone and I didnt want to bother the others. I saw the light...."

Jess points behind her under the door.

"..and I though maybe...maybe I could stay here with you if thats ok."

Smelling rain

"Reese didn't get him...yet," Rocky response quietly. "But he doesn't know you're here. You're safe." He never tired of repeating that fact.

As Jess jumps and moves closer, Rocky puts an arm around her shoulders, giving them a gentle rub. "He's alright," he assures. "It's just Scott." He didn't know Scott personally, but had seen him a time or two, and knew about him through some of the others.

Once Scott is gone, Rick tells Rocky where the spare room is. Leading Jess gently, Rocky takes her next door and sits her down on the bed. Squatting in front of her, he holds her hands, looking up into her eyes. "I'm gonna go home now, okay? But only because I know you're safe here. I'm only a phone call away, alright?" He gives her hands a squeeze. "Try to get some rest."

Scott spreads one blanket on the floor in front of the desk, lies down, then pulls the other blanket up over him. He moves his pillow around, using the wall to help prop it up a little.

Domino waits until she thinks he's settled before crawling up to sprawl over his chest and stomach. Though kind of heavy to be comfortable, Scott let her stay. He wouldn't be going to sleep all that quickly anyway. Not with having been woke up, and still hearing voices next door.

Though the door to the office was closed, he was glad for the nightlight he'd plugged in on the other wall. He could see what was around him, and that was enough for him not to feel fear.

Ryder lets out a long sigh and finally turns to look at Katie. "I don't have anything to tell Carson. That's the problem." He shakes his head and moves to sit down in the swing, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "I... had a nightmare last night."

Glancing up at Katie, he shakes his head. He never told anyone about them. But for some reason he felt safe telling her. "I've never been wrong yet. It's like... I don't know... a sixth sense or something. I just... know when something is going to happen. I don't know what, and I don't know with whom... but it's like being able to smell rain before the storm. I can feel it... I can taste it."

Ryder purses his lips, knowing he must sound crazy. "We shouldn't be going in today. If we do, something bad is going to happen. But I can't prove it." He shrugs lamely. "All I can do is hope that for once, I'm wrong. I have to follow Carson - he's the captain."


Giving a nod to Carson Katie dosnt say anything more. He was the boss in the mission and she couldnt go aganst what he had to say. But some thing didnt seem right.

Yeah I think he it, but there is just something more I think than "Hey I dont wanna do it today." I am gonna check it out.

Standing from the table Katie goes to the sink and puts her cup in it rinsing it out firs, than making her way outside to the back pourch Katie just stands there for a moment. Than moving closer to Ryder she looks in the same direction as he was as if trying to see somethingKeep her voice soft Katie proves what she was to say next was true.

"I do trust you Ryder. An I trust that you say today is not a good day than its not for one reason or the other, but if your gonna have Carson believe you your gonna have to give him a reason. In a way I do understand why. Time is not our friend in this mission. We have a person's life in our hands. Cant you tell us why we cant go in? Cant you tell me?"

Katie turns her head and looks at Ryder. She did trust him but she also did want to know why Ryder didnt think today was a good day.

Jess looks to Rocky with tired eyes and than looks to Rick and gives a small nod. She new she would be ok here, she was before but till, how new everything was and the face this happend again didnt ease Jess at all.

"Is he still out there? Or did Reese get him? He dosnt know I am here right?"

Jess couldnt help her fear or her questions even though she new the answers. They where just there anyways.

Hearing Scott's voice startles Jess as she jumps a little closer to Rocky. She hadnt hurd anyone come in and she wasnt exspecting anyone alse to be here let along a strange voice she didnt know. Looking to Rocky again Jess hated him seeing her this way. She didnt feel strong, and she felt so small she hated the feeling.

Cold feet

Scott's eyes fly open as he hears the voices in the infirmary. There were new people... people whose voices he didn't recognize. He tenses until he hears Rick. Everything must be okay.

Domino's head perks up as her master moves around and she crawls up next to him to lick his face. He responds by petting her head. He really wanted to know what was going on, on the other side of the wall, but getting up meant risking getting in the way or what if someone like Austin was there too?

Rocky follows Misty's direction and takes Jess to the table, helping her sit, and staying right close.

Rick comes in after, relieving Reese to go talk with Angelica. Rick moves to clean up and help Misty, while checking on Angel again too. She had been asleep for a long time now, her body finally starting to shut down as the poison continued to affect her. Rick didn't like it... they just kept waiting... but there had been no word from Australia.

He nods to Jeff and Luke to let them know they could stay right where they were. He wished he had something to offer them other than the same chairs, but they'd always insisted on staying.

Rocky remains next to Jess, assisting in telling Misty what had happened. He helps by cleaning some of the cuts on Jess' face, gently tucking her hair behind her ear. Once he lifts her chin with a soft finger, forcing her to look him in the eye so he could reassure her with his glance that it was okay. He offers a small smile and a wink. He hated seeing her like this, but he wouldn't let the worry and anger show.

Rick keeps an eye on how Jess is doing, trying to make up his mind about what should happen next. He pulls Misty aside. "We should probably keep her here for at least tonight," he advises. "If for nothing else, because her place isn't safe. But I don't know where to put her, unless it's on a cot in here, but that's not all that great. What if..."

"She can have the spare room."

Rick whirls around, surprised to see Scott in the doorway with Domino at his feet. "Oh, but..."

"No, it's okay... really." Scott nods. He didn't know Jess. But it was obvious that she needed help, and he didn't want his presence to hinder that help. "I can..." He thinks for a moment. What could he do? "Um... I can bed down in Dalton's and my office."

Jeff looks over to him, again wishing that the young man were well. Rick had told him that Scott had been improving, and even in the last few days he'd gained some color in his face. But there was still so much life missing.

Rick didn't want to displace Scott again, but he could tell that it might be worse to turn down the offer. "Okay, Scott. Go get your blanket and pillow and anything else you need. If there's more you need though, tell me, alright?"

Scott gives a little nod before turning back into the hall. There weren't that many people there, but there were just enough to make him just a little nervous.

Rick goes over to Jess, giving her a gentle smile. "You can stay here tonight where you're safe, okay?"

Carson looks at Katie and shakes his head slowly. "I know you wanna trust him, Kat, but we can sit around here and wait for the perfect day for a year. Or we can go in and accomplish our mission." He purses his lips, not upset, but determined with gentleness. "Angel is counting on us. We can't keep waiting."

"Why would we wait?" Jason comes in, his hair still wet from his shower.

Carson thumbs to the back porch. "Ryder's got cold feet."

Jason quirks ab eyebrow. "Well we gotta go in. We don't have a choice. It's now or never in by book. But you're the boss."

"We're going in."

"Good." Jason moves to get a cup of coffee. His nerves were high and he tried to keep them at a minimum for Katie's sake. They needed to at their best today. Getting into the Agency plant wouldn't be easy.
You still think Ryder's on the up-and-up?

Ryder remains on the porch, waiting until the last minute to get ready. His body language told of his strange hesitance. His quietness proved something wasn't right.

Same Page

As Rocky lifts Jess up she leans her head against him just letting herself be washed with the comfort her so longed to feel. Rocky had promised she would be ok and Jess believed him, he said he would protect her and she new he ment it.

Feeling Rick get into bed and his arms around Her Janet gives a smile bringing her own hands to Rick's arms. She hadnt seem him much lately due to the busyness of TJY and she understood but now it was nice to have him home and feel him next to her.

Hearing the phone give Janet a groan of her own as she rolls onto her back. But knowing it couldnt be helped Janet wouldnt complain. Receving Rick's kiss Janet just stairs up at him for a moment give a smile.

"Dont worry, I'll be here when you return."

And she would be always. She loved Rick to much not to be.

Looking up from the micrascope with tired eyes Misty looks at the door where Reese had come in with Jess and Rocky. Consern flashs on her face placing her pen down and walking over slowly.

"What happend?"

Not sure she remembered who Jess was but didnt understand what could of happend now knowing Peter had been put behind bars. Slowly she points Rocky to the exta table where he could put Jess so she could look over her bumps, and bruses.

Kaite looks between Ryder and than Carson still a bit confused. She didnt know what was said but it was obves that Ryde felt strong about what he said and if Katie had learned anything it was that he did know what he was talking about.

"Maybe we should just trust him and wait another day? We dont always need a reason right? Better to be safe than sorry."

Looking up at Carson Katie just waits. Whatever the desition was she would go with it but she did think it was better to have everyone on the same page than to just have someone at odds.

Suffer the consequences

"I promise he's not there," Rocky comforts. He holds Jess close, rocking her just a little. "Come on... I'll be with you the whole way."

Turning to kneel, he lifts Jess gently into his arms, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "It's going to be just fine," he continues to assure.

Looking to Reese, he gives a little nod. "I'm with you."

"Good. Come on." Reese heads for the door, holding it open for Rocky, then making sure it goes shut again. Leading the way, he lets Rocky and Jess in the backseat, then gets in the front to drive. On the way, he makes a call.

Rick eases into bed and pulls the blanket up, rolling over to put his arm around Janet. He was exhausted. He hadn't been home in twenty-four hours, and bed felt more comfortable than ever. He gives his wife's neck a gentle kiss to tell her he loved her. He hadn't been home much lately, and when he had, he'd been so tired that he hadn't been very good company. He'd try to make up for it as soon as things at TJY settled down.

His eyes just start to drift shut, when the bedside phone rings. He buries his face in Janet's hair. He didn't want to answer it. He didn't want it to be someone from TJY. He didn't want to have to go back in. But the phone kept ringing.

Giving a groan, Rick rolls back over to answer it. "Yeah?"

"Sorry, Rick. It's Reese. I'm on my way back to the office. We got Jess Fisher coming along."

Rick frowns. He knew that name. "What? Why? What happened?"

"That old boyfriend of hers came back."

"Oh, no." Rick props himself up on his elbow, slowly waking back up. "Is she hurt?"

"Not too badly, but I thought it best you at least come in to help out. I know Misty's there with Angel, but with that and Scott, and now Jess, I didn't want to overwhelm her."

"Yeah..." It sounded as though Rick wasn't needed too direly, but he'd go. "Okay. I'm on my way." Hanging up the phone, he sighs. Flopping back down, he rolls closer to Janet. "If I have anything to do with it," he mumbles, "I'll be back before sunup." Giving her a last kiss, he pries himself from bed to get dressed again.

Getting to TJY, Rocky helps Jess walk into the building, though letting her lean on him. Another car pulls up and a strange man comes. It must be Rick, who Reese had called.

Rick sees Jess and his heart melts. "Come on inside," he offers, holding the door. "Take her to the infirmary," he directs. "We'll be waking up a couple people, but Misty is there."

Arriving at the infirmary, Reese opens the door. "Misty?"

Luke and Jeff both jump, startled from their light sleep in the chairs.

Carson shakes his head at Katie. "Yeah, everything is fine." He goes for the coffee. "Ryder just said he didn't think we should go in today. Personally I think he's got a hidden agenda still, but he won't admit it. We can't wait another day. If he wants to put a monkey wrench into things on purpose, I'm not going to let him. But I'm not going to waste my time trying to get him to admit what he's really trying to pull."

Ryder had come in after Carson, and stops at the kitchen, hearing the end of Carson's statement. He grits his teeth. Looking to Katie, he catches her eye for several seconds before letting his shoulders drop and wandering to the sink where he pours out his leftover coffee. "Maybe you shouldn't think so highly of yourself," he counters Carson. "Maybe others sometimes know better than you do."

Carson turns quickly, lifting his eyebrows. "You won't even tell me why we shouldn't go in today."

Ryder shrugs. "If my word isn't good enough, then you can suffer the consequences." Turning around, he heads back out of the kitchen, going back out onto the porch again.

Carson sighs. "Great. Maybe we should leave him here today."