

The look in Angel's eyes was enough to tell she was there but her mind was far off.

"You cant keep us here, its night right. What did we ever do to you?"

One that new Angel might know she was talking about the past and maybe even reliving it in her mind. Memories mixed with reality, the poison the corsed through Angel's vains prevented her from even relizing it was nothing more than a nightmare.

"Luke is hurt bad please, cant you help him. Cant anyone? Your treating us like animles. Trent how could you after everything."

Moving quickly to the cabnit Misty grabs a saringe and some sedative filling the needle and testing it. Moving quickly to Rick Misty preps Angel's arm while Rick holds her. Injecting her Misty couldnt help but feel back for Angel and Luke as well.

Looking over the moutainside down below Katie studys the plant for a moment before sliding back down again.

Ready as I ever will be, just need to be carfel...and get in and out so we can get back to Angel.

"I'm ready. It should be no probley getting in. The guards are usaly more weak than anyone inside so I dont see a problem with that part at all."

Giving a nod to Carson Katie signles she is ready as she checks her own gun one last time and than looks over to Ryder giving the best reasuring smile she could.

This wasnt going to be easy, and there was a good chanse it would get messy but Katie was as ready as she ever was going to be. With any luck things would go smoothly. Slidng up again she look over the moutainside. This was for Angel it had to work.

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