
Can I?

Looking back into Rocky's eyes Jess gives a small nod. She didnt want him to leave but she new he had to.

"oh..ok. If I need anything I'll call you."

Turning Jess las down and faces the wall. She just wanted this to be over. Jess had though once before it was and for the time being it had been but than it came crashing down again. Would it always be like that? Would things ever change?

Katie goes and sits down next to Ryder listing to him talk. She new how he felt, sometimes she had feels some times and she new they were never good feeling.

"Hey, maybe your feeling is wrong huh? I wish there was a way to convinse Carson not to go but I know I wont be able too."

Katie shakes her head. Once Carson made up his mind there was no turnin back for him.

"It will be ok eh? I'll keep ya safe if I have ta."

Katie throws a wink at Ryder as she puts her arm over his shoulder trying to lighten his mood alittle and make him smile.

Laying in the spair room Jess hears a noise that makes her jump. Sitting up straght Jess looks around the room as the sweat rolls down her face. She didnt want to be alone, she hurt things she hadnt before and she hated it.

Standing Jess slow walks out of the spair room as her bear feet softly pad on the cold floor. Seeing the light on in the infermary Jess goes over to the door but peeking in and seeing everyone and how busy they were she didnt want to bother them or the lady that was laying in the bed that looked worse than her.

Looking down the hall Jess sees the soft glow of a nother dim light from under one of the doors. Wandering down the hall Jess goes and reads the sigh on the door hopping it might be someone she could stay with so she wasnt alone.

Giving a knock on the door Jess waits till she hears someone say it was ok. Opening the door she stand sin the dim lit room. Her eyes searching the room they sadness, pain and fear where still written in them. Seeing Scott and Domino on the floor Jess looks down not making eye contact. Talking low she askes.

"I'm...I'm sorry to bother you. I was scaired being alone and I didnt want to bother the others. I saw the light...."

Jess points behind her under the door.

"..and I though maybe...maybe I could stay here with you if thats ok."

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