
Storms and Rainbows

Watching Scott leave Hope lets out a small sigh as she looks down at Scott's file. They hadnt gotten far but it was farther than where she normaly got on the first session. Quickly Hope jots a not down on Scott's file.

Hope looms in the air. What is normal?

Cloing the file Hope lets out a small sigh and stands to put it away before she leaves for the night.

Waiting to make sure Scott was inside before Katie pulled away she finally heads for home. She was more tired than she would like to admit but it had been a pleasure to take him. She could only continue to hope that he would be ok in time. She missed her friend and she hated seeing him so sad.
Goodnight J! I am heading to bed early. Sleep well!

Wrapping her arms around Luke in a tight hug feeling his own arms around her Angel burrys her face into his shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you alot too."

Letting the hug linger Angel takes in Luke's smell and his feel. How she really was going to miss him. It had been a long time now since they had been apart and the though was a bit scary.

Finally drawing away Angel smiles and gives Luke a quick kiss before turning again to get her bag.

"Ok, I guess I am as ready as I ever will be. I'll make sure to call you when I get there."

Giving a small smile Angel turns to make her way out of the house. She new everyone had her number if they needed her but for some reason a feeling of meloncoly loomed almost like she wouldnt see home for a long time again.

And so Night once again turns as many minds are one many differnt things. The new day would hope new avents that to some might be a little scary and to others was the norm, but non the less the time came and the run rised telling everyone to wake for the day.

As the morning comes its another day at TJY and many work as normal. Nate sifts through a tone of files that had been piled on him letting out a long sigh. He hated the paper work, he was ment to be out, on cases not sitting behind his desk signing them.

A suddon comotion catches his attachen as he looks up from his paper work for a moment seeing Jason pass. Giving a small returning salute he cant help but smile at his friends air a small snicker escaping.

"You do what we all want to Hotshot."

Giving another shake Nate looks back down at his papers. Maybe today was going to be intresting after all.

Hearing Jason's voice Katie looks up from her desk. For a moment she is saprised by the way Jason was dressed and acting and a suddon panic rushes over her. Jason's feeling had been blocked off all morning and now this. Was everything that was going on causing Jason to go back to his old ways.

As Jason draws closer and lets his walls down a smile forms on Katie face.

You had me worryed there for a moment.

Finally relizing what Jason was doing Katie cant help the small laugh, but as Austin's harsh tone is hurd Katie almost gives a jump. Though the look on her face is replace with another smile as Jason stands up to his grandfather.

As the rose is presented to Katie again her smile grows. She wasnt sure what she was taking please in more. Jason and Austin or the fact that she got to see Jason at work again. Standing at one point in the conversation Katie gently but fermly take a hold of Jason's shirt and pulls him slightly twords her. Pressing her lips to his she lets the kiss linger for a long moment before finally breaking it and than looking Austin in the eyes almost as if making her own statment.

Lunch sounds great J. You did good, you did good.

Once again the bell to the shop rings as Jess enters the gradge. Glancing around she see Axel disapear into the waiting room. Giving a small way to Leo she reasures.

"Dont worry nothing wrong with the car today. I think all the problems are fixed."

Giving a laugh she heads to the waiting room door and opens it slightly stepping inside. For a long moment Jess just stands there looking at Axel taking now to him rubbing his hands once again. Finally speaking in a soft tone Jess smiles.

"As the storm went hunting for the rainbow it wished to see, only to find it hidding for non to see."

Still smiling Jess holds out her hand to Axel as she gently slips hers into his once again and hently starts to rub. Thought this was only the second time Jess couldnt help but feel like this was now normal. To help Axel's hands feel better though she could still feel the color forming in her own cheeks.

"I thought maybe the rainbow would like some lunch today, that is if it wants to still."


Though Scott doesn't look at Hope as she speaks, and though some might think his mind was a thousand miles away, he was listening. He was taking in her words, analyzing them, calculating, and trying desperately to cling to the encouragement they offered. It was hard though. Two months of being put down and being helpless wasn't easy to overcome. And there were still blank spots in his memory.

At Hope's suggestion to take pictures, Scott slowly looks back up at her. He'd always loved taking pictures... it was the one thing away from computers that he could do well. He used to have fun with it. Fun... what did that mean to him anymore?

Finally he nods. "I'll have to find a camera," he comments quietly. "Everything... all my things... it's all gone." He remembered one camera in particular that had been his favorite. He'd saved up a long time to buy it. He didn't like digital. He'd gone old fashioned, but always thought the pictures turned out better anyway.

Sitting quietly for a few more minutes, Scott finally rises to his feet again. Though open for a few brief moments, he had shut down again, and this time was too tired to fight it again.

"I'll, um... have Rick... set up the next time or... or something. If... I feel like coming back." He hadn't needed to add the last part, but saying it reminded him that he was still in control of his own decisions. It was up to him if he was going to come back, not Rick's and not Hope's.

Though on his way to the door, he turns one more time, bravely looking at Hope and mustering up the courage it took. "Thank you..."

Before anything else can be said, he leaves.

Head down and shoulders bent, he goes back through the front office, not looking anyone in the eye until he's finally free again, out in the open air. Taking a deep breath, he heads to Katie's car.

Domino wiggles with excitement, turning around on Katie's lap, and giving her several kisses as if thanking her for waiting for Scott. Giving a little bark, she hops into the passenger seat to greet her master with enthusiasm.

Scott reaches in to pick her up so once he's seated, she can he on his lap, and he scratches her head lovingly. It's several moments before he even speaks, glancing over to Katie. "You can take me..." He stops, thinking. "...back to TJY." He gives a little nod, trying not to change his mind, before he buckles himself in.

The ride is quiet. Scott doesn't say much on the way back to TJY. He doesn't offer any information about what went on inside, but he knows that Katie doesn't care. That was one thing he could count on... Katie would never pry and never push. And right now, that meant more to him than it ever had before.

Dropping Domino off at Katie's and Laura's, then making it to TJY, Scott goes inside slowly, not really sure how to act now. He had a couple things to think about now. Some goals, even though they were small. Maybe Susanne could help him out with this one. But for now... for now he would keep Rick happy by staying here at least another night or two... at least until he felt like he could go home without the fear of himself.

The ringing phone startles Axel from his dazed state, and it takes him a moment to realize just what it was. It wasn't like him to doze off like this, and it was hard to shake the cobwebs.

Getting up, he staggers to the phone by the kitchen, leaning on the counter sleepily as he answers it.

Hearing Jess's voice, he opens his eyes wider, a crooked grin forming. "I like downpours," he muses casually. "Especially when I know they're coming so I can be prepared."

He fiddles with the phone cord, trying to think of something intelligent to say, but his brain seems to have stopped altogether. It wasn't a feeling he liked. "Well this rainbow will be around the shop all day tomorrow, so anytime Stormy wants to stop by it's fine."

Finishing up the short conversation, Axel knows that he'll see Jess tomorrow. At least he hadn't caused too much damage there. Maybe tomorrow he'd have to talk to her a little more about himself so this didn't happen again.

Going back to the living room, he picks up his guitar from the corner and sits down on the edge of his couch, strumming out a new tune...

...A knock at the door startles Axel from his sleep and he squints in the dim light at the clock. He hadn’t intended on sleeping again until he went to bed, but apparently he’d been out for several hours. So much for going for that walk.

Rising slowly, he mumbles a the next knock. “Coming, coming…” He gets to the door and unlocks the deadbolt before opening it and lifting his eyebrows with a little bit of surprise. “Taylor.”

She smiles. “Hey, Ax.” She cocks her head at his tired eyes. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“Yeah.” Axel shrugs, leaning on the door. “No problem. What’s up?”

“Oh…” Taylor hands him a manila envelope. “Joel said these were yours so I offered to bring them down.”

Axel takes the recent batch of songs he’d received. “Oh yeah… thanks. I could have gotten them in a day or two.”

“It’s ok.” Taylor shrugs. “I wanted to take a drive anyway. You coming to practice tonight?”

Axel shakes his head, his eyes still weary. “Not tonight.”

Taylor immediately switches gears, standing a little straighter to put more space between Axel and herself. “One of those days, huh?’

“Mm-hmm.” Axel nods. “Tell Rocky I’ll call him tomorrow, alright?”

“Sure. If you need anything…” Taylor grins and shakes her head. “Yeah. See ya.”

“Thanks.” Axel watches until Taylor’s halfway down the stairs until he shuts and locks the door again, ambling back to his chair and tossing the papers onto the table.

Taylor makes it to her car and gets in to drive away. Though she was a little disappointed in the less-than-enthusiastic greeting, she knew better than to stick around. It hadn’t taken the band long to learn that some days, Axel needed his space . All had learned the signs soon after he’d joined them, and though not always even knowing what set him off, there were simply those days when he needed to be left alone. It had taken a few spats, some hurt feelings and some apologies to realize it, but everyone knew each other so well by now, that it was routine. Everybody had their quirks. Axel seemed to have the most of the bunch, but he was a good friend, and an asset to the band.

Heading to Rocky’s, Taylor picks up her cell phone to call Joel and let him know Axel wouldn’t be there tonight.

Luke wanders into the bedroom slowly, but on his own, which was better than the day before. Going over to Angel, he reaches down to run a finger along her face. "Ready to go?" He offers her a smile. "Truck's waiting to get to the airport, whenever you're ready."

Holding out his hands, he helps Angel back to her feet, pulling her into a hug. "I'm gonna miss you, ya know that?" He pulls away, giving her a grin, then leaning in to give her a kiss. "You be careful, alright? And call me."

"Ty!" Wyatt gives a start as the front door opens and closes. He gets to his feet, leaving his open book on the couch. "I've been trying to call you all day."

Ty quirks an eyebrow and retrieves his cell phone from his pocket. He checks the screen he recognizes. "Huh... looks like you have."

Wyatt's eyes narrow at the apathetic tone. "Where have you been? I've been worried about you. Where were you last night?"

"Out." Ty starts for the hallway, but Wyatt is quicker, stepping in front of him.

"Where were you?"

"None of your business."

"It is my business! You're my friend and I care. Talk to me, Ty."

Ty rolls his eyes. "Can I just go to bed?"

"Not until you tell me where you've been."

"With friends, alright?"

Wyatt crosses his arms. "Which friends?"

"My friends." Ty glares at Wyatt. "Last I knew, it wasn't any of your business who I hung out with or where I went. Why start now?"

"Because you're being stupid, that's why."

"Wow. Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"Tell me where you've been!"

"With Brandi, alright?!"

Wyatt searches Ty's face. "You mean to tell me that you spent the night with a girl?"

"She's a woman. Besides, what do you care?"

Wyatt's tone remains firm. "Were you at her place?"

Ty grits his teeth, refusing to look Wyatt in the eye. "Yeah, so what?"

Wyatt continues to study Ty, not believing the questions that were going through his mind. "So last I knew, she didn't have a guestroom."

Ty suddenly looks up at Wyatt, a cocky grin forming on his lips. "Nope."

Wyatt is just about ready to give Ty a piece of his mind, when he sees the flash in the younger man's eyes. "You're lying to me."

Ty holds out his arms. "You asked, I told you. Don't like the truth? Complain to someone else."

Wyatt shakes his head, his tone lowered. "It isn't the truth is it? 'Cause you're not that stupid. You wouldn't pull a stunt like that, no matter how mad you were."

Ty lets his arms drop to set his hands on his hips. He gives a scoffing laugh and shakes his head, lowering his eyes to the floor once again. "I was at the park 'til sundown, then I wound up in Con's truck the night."


"Yeah, he didn't lock it." Ty shrugs. "I didn't want to go inside so I just...borrowed the backseat for a while."

Wyatt rolls his eyes. "Nice. Then what?"

"I just been wandering around all day. Got something to eat, walked around. Came back here."

Wyatt lets out a long sigh. "Look, Ty... I'm not going to tell you what to do, but please... stick around, alright? I know you're hurt and frustrated, but we're going to get it straightened out. By the time this is all over, you'll have a job back. I promise you that."

"How can you promise a thing like that?" Ty shoots back. "Your dad isn't the boss anymore, or hadn't you noticed? The only reason I'm sticking around is 'cause I wouldn't be able to find a job anywhere else, so my only option is to mooch off of you until something else turns up."

Wyatt lets him shoulder past and stalk down the hall. He lets out a groan. "You're not mooching," he mumbles, though he knows Ty is out of earshot. "Just... stay out of trouble."

"What? No way." Kyle shakes his head as he pulls out of the Pizza Box parking lot, talking on his phone with Rocky. "I can't do that and you know it." He sighs. "I told you why... No... I just... No, I never told them. I can't. I just... can't." He rolls his eyes as Rocky argues with him. "Alright, look... I'll come to your practice session, but only to help you guys figure something else out, alright?"

A day can never last forever. Nor can the feelings and thoughts that drift on the daytime breeze. No, they must pass, and pass into night, bringing a new day once more. A clean slate. A new beginning.

Jason's alarm goes off, startling him from his nightmarish dream. Grabbing it and giving it a good toss, it rips from the wall, abruptly ending the buzzing sound.

He leans back in his pillow and runs a hand over his face, trying to wake up. He wasn't in a good mood. Part of him wanted to go back to work today, and part of him didn't - not as long as Austin was still there. He was tired... he was cranky. The dreams of the past he'd experienced through the night hadn't helped much, and this morning, he was just... miserable.

Not wanting to deal with anything today, Jason puts up an emotional wall - one that would warn the only one who could read him. It clearly said "off me," with a vague intention of lowering the wall as soon as he was in a better mood.

Giving a groan, he rolls over and pulls his pillow on top of his head to block out the world...

Jason pries his eyes open. It was lighter in is room. It was later. How much later? Sitting up, he rubs his eyes, and tries to rouse himself, grabbing his watch off his nightstand. It was nine o'clock. For just a brief instant, he feels panic, but then it's replaced with apathy, and a blatant disrespect.

Sliding out of bed, he takes his time showering and getting dressed. Downing a glass of orange juice, he keeps his emotional wall up for now, feeling too on edge and too unpredictable - he didn't want to put Katie through any unnecessary flareups. When he felt more stable, he'd open up the connection wider...

...The door to TJY opens, and Jason steps in. A few eyes look up from their desks, a bit surprised. He was wearing jeans with holes in the knees, his black leather jacket and black boots - not in the type of apparel recently encouraged by the reining staff.

Setting his sunglasses up on his head, a cocky grin is pasted on his face, his eyes full of fire. Cupping his hands over his mouth, he calls out loudly. "Good morning, TJY!"

Those who realize just what he's doing start to smile and called out their own greetings to him. This morning, for just a moment, it wasn't the Elite... it was TJY.

Ambling down between the cubicles with a confidant air, Jason stops by Laura's first, hanging over the wall.

Laura smirks up at him with amusement. "Well, if it isn't Hotshot, living up to his name. I haven't see that look in your eye for a long time."

Jason winks and clicks his tongue, pointing a playful finger at her. "For everything, there is a season."

"Mmm." Laura's eyes narrow. "Ecclesiastes. I'm impressed."

"You ain't seen nothin' yet."

Laura tries to read into Jason's intentions, but finds it hard, and can only grin and shake her head. "Go get 'em Hotshot. Just be careful."

"I'm always careful." Giving the cubical wall a tap with his hand, Jason leaves her to her work, and continues his route. He throws Nate a sloppy salute as he goes, along with giving Susanne a borderline-flirtatious point from across the room.

Sauntering towards the hallway, he sees Hal emerge, just leaving for the day.

"Hey, Jason."

"Hal! What's up?"

Hal lifts his eyebrows, a grin toying at his mouth. "Not much. Good to see you back."

"Good to be back. I..."


He turns around at the sound of his name, coming face-to-face with Austin. "Yo, Austin! Just the guy I wanted to see."

Austin looks at his grandson sternly. "You're late."

Jason shrugs. "Yep."

"No excuses?"

"Nope." Jason shakes his head. "Just wanted to sleep late. Got a problem with that?"

Austin hesitates, taken off guard by Jason's behavior. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. You'll be docked pay for the time you missed this morning."

Another smile spreads on Jason's face as he raises his voice so everyone can hear him. "Hey! I was one of the first to be suspended, and I'm the first to get docked pay due to tardiness!" He holds up his hands in a victory stance. "Troublemakers eat your heart out!"

A whoop and whistle come from one end of the room, but when Austin turns around, the culprits can't be found. He whirls back around to glare at Jason. "What kind of game are you playing?"

"I dunno." Jason crosses his arms casually. "But I'm not out to lose." A tone of seriousness has entered his voice, and his fiery stare blazes with a righteous indignation. "So help me, I'm not out to lose."

Austin grits his teeth. "Get to your office and get to work."

Jason's cocky grin returns and he gives a pathetic bow. "Yes sir, right away, sir." Backing away, he finally spins around, but then stops. "Whoops, almost forgot something." He pats Austin on the shoulder. "No worries. I'll get to my office here in a minute."

Ambling down the cubicles, he comes to Katie's, slinging his arms over the wall. "Hey, Babe." Reaching into the inside pocket of his jacket, he withdraws a small wrapped rose. "One lovely token, for a lovely young lady." He hands it out to her, while at the same time, lowering his emotional wall enough to say he was sorry for his bad mood and for cutting her off earlier.
And another not-so-lovely token, but for just as lovely a lady.

"I told you to get to work!" Austin barks behind him.

Jason rolls his eyes and turns to him. "And I'm saying good morning to my girlfriend. You got a problem with that?"

"Yes, I do. You're supposed to be working."

"Or else what?" Jason challenges. As his emotions churn, it would be obvious to only one that he was not slipping back into the way he used to be, but rather was using this mode against Austin out of pure rebelliousness. It wasn't a mask, but he was using this side of his personality to the extreme.

He gives Austin a sly grin. "You can suspend me... you can dock my pay... but you're not going to fire me, are you?"

"Don't push me, Jason," Austin warns.

Jason holds his grin. "You're too scared to fire me, aren't you? Too scared of who I might take right along with me. Too scared of the uproar to follow." He cocks his head, retaining his arrogance. "Yes, there's some around here you've already had the audacity to fire, but there are some you would never dare do that to. I'm too important, and I hold too much power here." He purses his lips and sets a hand on his grandfather's shoulder. "Guess you're stuck with me."

Austin glares at Jason for several moments before finally spinning on his heel and stalking back towards his own office.

Jason turns around, the feelings inside of him boiling and churning in every direction as he kept them from doing damage around him. He looks back at Katie with a pleasant expression. "Maybe I should do at least a little work while I'm here. See you at lunch?"

"Axel you done with that?"

Axel slams the hood on the car and wipes his hands on his towel. "She's ready to roll."

Leo whoops. "We're booking. At this rate we won't have anything to do all afternoon."

Axel grins. "Maybe you won't."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Axel glances outside. "I think it might rain."

Leo looks confused and cocks his head to see out the open garage door. "Um... the sun is shining."

"Is it?" Axel doesn't offer anymore, and simply turns back to the toolbench to set his wrenches down. Setting one in the box, the all-too familiar pain shoots through his hand again. Wincing, he holds back the words that wanted to come. He'd been fine all yesterday and all morning.

Looking down at his hand, it starts to tremble unconrollably. This was something new... and it scared him just a little bit.

Stopping what he's doing and keeping his back to the other guys, he rubs his hand, trying to get the spasm to stop. It hurt more than normal, and the numbness was setting in again.

Moving slowly to not alert the other guys, Axel moves into the office, letting the door fall shut, and leaning back against the wall to keep working on his hand. This wasn't good.