

*Katie goes to take a step forword as Jason holds out his hand showing his bleeding finger but stops. She eyes go to the floor as her feelings of sadness returns. With open ears Katie listens to Jason talk. Feeling Jason's eyes on her Katie looks up her eyes meeting his. She still cared for him, his eyes, the way he looked at her. As Jason leaves Katie lets out a sigh than turns to Scott.*

"Ok, I'll go let Reese know I am going than I will grab a few things for you."

*Katie lowers her head again and gives Domino a pat.*

"I'll be back."

*Slowly Katie exits the room and heads for Reese' office to let him know she was heading to Scott's.*

"Reese, I'm going to head to Scott's."

*Katie hands him the pad of paper trying to look chipper again.*

"I'll be fine. Remember I was once a bodyguard, I think I can handle this. I need to get out anyways."

*Angel smiles back at Luke as she starts to take things out of the basket.*

"We have a great group of friends here. I sure am glad Wendy took a liking to Clint. He's a great kid."

*Angel plates the sadwitches up, chips, macroni salad and jello. Along with 2 bottle of lemonaid. Scooching closer to Luke she hands him his plate and smiles.*

"I couldent think of a place I would rather be Luke.*

*Rosetta looks up from the little table BJ was helping her carry. Worry crosses her face.*

"I still havent hurd anything Jeff. And now I am geting a bit worryed. Mick is never gone this long with out calling saying he is late."

*Rosetta smiles at Bj and nods.*


*BJ screams and runs outside to find his friends.

Standing up Rosetta goes over to Jeff.*

"Do you think something happend?"

*Wes finishes off his food and smiles standing to put the plate into the sink.*

"And I want to stay around for as long as possable too. I think I will stay home with you for the rest of the night. I can help wit anything around here, and Clint said he would help me with the coutch later so we can get that in ehre and make snuggle and watch a movie and eat some popcorn."

*Wes hums a happy tune as she washes up a few of the dishes that were in the sink.*


Jason sits in his office, once again caught between nothingness and the desire to curl up and ignore the world. He’d been stuck in a depressive state before, but nothing compared to this. He hadn’t even called JetStream yet…he hadn’t even called his own mother yet, though he figured through Austin that she knew he was out of prison. Everything he’d wanted to do when he got out had just flown out the window. All the feelings he’d wanted to gain back once he was free of those bars, had failed him. He was disappointing those around him…he wasn’t acting like himself anymore…he just wasn’t the same person.

Sighing, Jason gets up from his desk and goes to his filing cabinet to familiarize himself with what he’d left behind.

Scott’s eyes narrow slightly at Katie, a strange look passing through them. It wasn’t irritation…it wasn’t disbelief or fear…it was something…something he wasn’t going to say. “Well I certainly wouldn’t want to cross you. And besides, the Agency usually doesn’t double up on their targets, so I’m convinced it’s safe to go back.”

“Just the same, clear it with Reese,” Rick warns. “I, for one, wouldn’t want less than two people going. I…” His voice trails off as the door opens and Jason appears.

Jason opens the door slowly and looks in. He sees Scott and Katie, but doesn’t allow his eyes to dwell on them. Instead, he looks to Rick. “I need a bandaid.”

“What did you do?” Rick moves to the cabinet.

Jason enters the infirmary, trying not to make a scene – he’d forgotten Scott was here, and hadn’t expected Katie to be either. He keeps his eyes on Rick instead. “Oh, I caught my finger on a sharp edge of my filing drawer. I forgot there was a piece of metal that sticks out.” He holds out his hand to show a bleeding index finger.”

Rick frowns and steps to take a closer look. “I should clean that up for you, and it might need more than a bandaid, I’ll…”

“Rick, just give me the bandaid.”


“Just…” Jason bites his lip so he doesn’t raise his voice. “Please…just give me the bandaid.”

Rick sighs, but takes the hint and hands Jason the small bandage. “Come back if it festers.”

Jason turns to leave, but can’t help a glance in Katie’s direction. There was so much up in the air now…so many questions…what was to happen? Feeling Scott’s eyes on him, he quickly moves to leave, letting the door fall shut quietly behind him.

Scott glances to Katie, unsure what to think, but picks right up where they’d left off. “If you do happen to go to my place, you might bring me back a magazine or two so I don’t go mad while Rick keeps me prisoner.”

Carson is taken just a little off guard by Jamie’s hug, but a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and he gives her a small smile. “Thanks…I guess….I’ll see you around then.” Feeling a bit awkward not knowing how to draw the short exchange to a close, Carson turns around and heads slowly for his own desk.

Jim and Clint grin at Angel. “Alright,” Jim instructs. “Lead us there.”

The going is slow, but Luke does his best to support some of his own weight as father and son help him behind Angel. Soon they’ve reached the tree in the quiet field.

“All ashore who’s going ashore,” Clint quips. Along with Jim, he helps ease Luke down to sit so he can lean back up against the tree.

Jim squints at his watch. “Okay, you two, we’ll give you…half an hour?”

“Dad!” Clint slaps his arm.

Jim laughs, giving Angel a wink. “Tell you what. If Luke can’t make it back by the time you want to leave, just come get us.”

Luke looks up at them gratefully, trying his best not to be embarrassed over the whole thing. “Thanks you two.”

Jim shakes his head, unwilling to respond. “Have fun.” He nods to Clint, and both turn to head back to the ranch yard.

Luke watches them go, then turns his attention to Angel. “Well…guess maybe I need a little more faith. Looks like you got your picnic after all.”

Jeff nods to Rosetta. “Yeah, Mick never runs off without saying anything. I’ll call him in a bit.”

He’s jolted by BJ’s enthusiastic embrace around his leg, and a smile spreads across his face. “Hey, BJ!” He reaches down to return the hug. “Of course you can come help me. I always need help! So until Mick gets back, it’s just you and me.”

Grinning, he lets BJ come back out to the barn with him, changing his plans just a little. Instead of going to the pond, he takes out one of the horses, insisting that he needs help grooming it.

An hour passes. By now, BJ was back inside the house with Rosetta. Jeff looks at his watch, standing in the barn doorway. Going to the phone in the supply room, it takes him just a minute to remember Mick’s cell phone number, and he dials.

“Hey, it’s Mick. My phone’s either where I can’t find it, or I’m busy. Leave me a message.”

Jeff frowns. “Yeah, Mick, it’s Jeff. Just, uh, wondering where you’re at. It’s getting to be late afternoon, so…yeah, give us a call if you’re not gonna be back soon.”

Hanging up, Jeff gives a little sigh and aims for the house that Rosetta’s been getting ready. “Hey, Rosetta?” He pokes his head through the door. “Heard anything from Mick?”

Cindy gives Wes a reassuring smile. “I’m fine. Though rest does sound good.”

She shakes her head. “I certainly wouldn’t mind you sticking around, but you don’t have to. That’s entirely up to you.”

Thinking for a moment, she sighs. “If this bug hangs on, in a few days I’ll go see Angel to see if she’s got anything so I can kick it. In the meantime…” Her hand makes its way to Wes’. “…Stop worrying. It adds years to your life and I want you around as long as possible.”

Con drives up to the construction site and gets out, scanning the zone for someone who might look like they’d be able to point him in the right direction.

“Hey, can I help you?”

Con turns around, unsure what the medium-built man had just said, but assumes he’d asked what he was doing there. “I’m looking for work.”

The man looks to be in his late thirties, has short dark hair and deeply tanned skin, proving he’d been on this construction site for a good while. He raises an eyebrow and gives Con a once-over, needing to look up quite a bit to see his eyes. “We could use it. You done construction before?”

“Not officially, but I can read a blueprint and what I build isn’t crooked and doesn’t fall over in a breeze.”

The man grins a little and extends his hand. “Dean Houghen.”

Con accepts the handshake. “Conrad Gibbs.”

“Alright, well I’m the foreman around here, so why don’t we take a walk and see if we can’t work something out.”


*Katie leans back in the chair writing everything Scott says including where the files on everyone in Texas. Though she dosent let it show it does make her un nerved. Not being there to help them if something was to go wrong. Wes and Cindy were just married they couldent have troubles already, and in those files did they talk about BJ. If The Agency new BJ was there would they attack trying to get to him. One question after another runs through Katie's mind. Katie looks to Scott and than to Rick.*

"I know right where Scott is talking about in his house from being there before. I can go and see if they are still there are not."

*Before eather of them can say anything Katie rolls her eyes.*

"I was a bodyguard for a while before the accident, I think I can handle myself as well as Nate or Jason can anyday."

*Still holding the notebook and pen Katie folds her arms across her chest.*

*Jamie looks up at Carson's voice and smiles alittle. As Carson speaks Jamie cocks her head at him Her smile still holding ferm but a more serouse tone in her voice now showing she ment what she said.*

"Carson, there was no need for you to say sorry to me. I already forgave you. You know that. But for whats its worth I forgive you again.."

*Jamie smiles again and stands. Giving Carson a small hug before drawing away.*

"Its water under the bridge now ok? You have changed and thats what matters. I'm glad you got your life straght. What happend to me was terrable but good came from it and thats what matters."

*Wendy's cheeks turns a soft shade of as she heads out of the shop with Clint. Most of her days were and nights were spent with him. Wendy had grown close to Clint and everyone new it. Wendy slips her hand into Clints as they make there way to the mell hall. As Clint stops and makes his abrupt exit Wendy shrugs and make her own way to the mess hall to start lunch and wait for Clint.*

*As Luke wraps his arms around Angel she smiles bringing her arms up to his. Playing a small kiss on the one.*

"Your my sunshine Luke. As long as I have you there isent a cloud in the sky. I just wish I new what alse to do to help you. I hate seeing you in so much pain. One day I'll figure it out how to help you. Dont you worry."

*As Clint and Jim enter the bunk house Angel looks up a bit confused. Taking Clint hand in helping her up she still is confused but grabs the basket and blanket anyways. Finally understanding what is going on Angel cant help but smile.*

"We were going to head over to where the wildflowers grow in that field with the tree and swing."

*As the four exit the bunk Angel goes first her smile only growing bigger.*

*Rosetta turns from the table and smiles as her brother enters. It was good to have her brother around and feeling so much better. As Rosetta goes to reply something clinks in her head. ERIC...she needed to call him still and let him know about the wedding. A suddon wave of sadness comes over Rosetta for a moment. Something inside her wish she could find Trent and let him know as well. He was always the brother Rosetta was closest too, and ever since what happend years back, Rosetta never found her peace and still longed to talk with him again. Shaking her head Rosetta jots downt to call Eric and Jay than turns back to Jeff after looking down at her watch*

"I would of thought he would of been back by now. Maybe he was slown down by the storm tearing everything up. Give him about another hour or so and than I can call him or you can. He should be back soon though he promised BJ to let him help with the corn and go riding with him. I dont think Mick would break his promise. Thats not like him."

*As Rosetta go to speak more BJ could bouncing in front the TV room.*


*BJ rungs over and throws his arms around Jeff's leg.*

"Tan I come and hewlp you?"

*Rosetta cant help but smile at BJ and than smile up at Jeff.*

*Wes sits down taking a bit of his sandwhich.*

"Mmmm...this tasts just as good as the tuna would of. Anything you cook is good."

*Wes feels a bit of worry pass through him hearing Cindy was still sick again. Taking a bit of his food again and than a sip of water.*

"I can stay home with you for the rest of the afternoon if you like and help you around the house. Maybe you just overworked yourself on top of being sick. You should just relax and let me worry the rest of the day."

*Wes smiles at Cindy not minding one bit staying home with her.*

Late Apology

Scott eyes Katie wearily, but nods. He’d been remembering more and more as the day went on, and now had a pretty good picture of what had happened last night.

Pulling himself up with just a bit of trouble, he sits, propped up with pillows. “Alright…” he sighs deeply. “I don’t know what time it was….I was ‘bout dead on the couch. Someone knocked at the door so I got up and went to answer it.” He cringes a little as the talking irritates his sore jaw and mouth.

“Anyway…so soon as I opened the door I saw two rough looking guys and they cold cocked me before I could do anything.” Scott thinks back, not really enjoying this exercise, but knowing it was a must. “Knocked me out cold…I guess I was still there and I came to. Started getting up and saw the guys in the living room. I figured I should get out of there, so I crawled to the door, but they spotted me. I couldn’t move too fast, and they dragged me into the living room…” He pauses, wishing sometimes he were more like Nate or Jason who knew how to fight. “…Where they beat the crap out of me ‘til one of ‘em hit me over the head with something and it was lights out.”

Scott closes his eyes for a moment, trying to remember more. “I kinda remember you coming on the scene, but otherwise I don’t know anything else. When I saw the guys in the living room, they were nosing around my desk in the corner…that’s where I had some TJY files.”

Rick has been listening from the other side of the room, and now turns. “What were the files on?”

“The folks back in Texas. When that whole thing with Jason came up, Reese had me gathering information on the Texas group so we’d have all our bases covered. I never brought the files back – guess I still thought I might sift through them.”

“Do you think they took them?”

“I don’t know. I need to go find out.”

Rick frowns at him. “You’re not going anywhere. Wyatt or Nate can handle that.”

“But they don’t know where anything is.”

Rick points a finger at him. “You’re not going anywhere, and that’s final. You can tell them where to look.”

Scot looks back to Katie. “The files were in the corner….stacked up behind the C magazines.”

Rick quirks an eyebrow. “C?”

“Yeah, as in ABC…”

Rick’s eyes widen. “You alphabetize your magazines?”

“Why not?”

“You are strange.”

“I prefer to be called organized.”

“Last time I was at your place, it looked like random piles.”

“They look random to you,” Scott retorts, “But I know where everything is in my house.” Sighing, he goes back to what he was saying to Katie. “The papers were in a couple of blue filing folders. They had names and some background info in them.”

Rick can’t help but interrupt with a little teasing. “Do you organize your movies and music by the alphabet too?”

Scott gives him a withering look. “Actually, I do those by date.”

Rick starts to chuckle. “I knew there was something odd about your brain.”

“Anyway,” Scott resumes his explanation. “If they got a hold on those files, it’s not a tremendous deal that I know of, but they might start to draw more lines we don’t want….the Agency, that is. I’m sure that’s who it was. I wish I would have gotten a better look at the guys, but I didn’t.”

He swallows hard and leans back in the pillows. “Rick, since you seem to have time on your hands, can I at least have a glass of water?”

Reese sighs deeply as he listens to the other end of the call. “Well, I guess it’s been long enough. If it won’t work anymore, it just won’t work. Send him back. …No…but I know he’ll be better off, and it might be good to get him back here. Replace him with the other one you got up there, and we’ll put him to work once he’s back. Yeah…thanks, Tom. Bye.”

Carson swaggers into TJY, not too far behind Misty. As he heads for his cubicle, he spots Jamie at her desk. Stopping a moment, he watches her. He'd been thinking a lot lately...seeing the people here function...the things that had come up recently...and maybe there was something left he hadn't yet done.

Taking a deep breath, he approaches Jamie's cubicle, giving it a light knock. "Hey, Jamie." He offers a little smile. "Listen, um...I know it's been quite a while now...and I know everybody here has gotten pretty used to having me around and all, but.... I got to thinking the other day and..." His eyes drift down, then back up to hers again. "Well I guess I never apologized for what happened. So, um...for what it's worth this late in the game...I'm sorry."

Clint cocks his head and studies Wendy for a moment. “I’m not sure about the pretty part either…I’d say downright beautiful is more like it.” Grinning, he steps out of the doorway to go to the sink and wash his hands. “Thought maybe later we’d take a motorcycle ride into town,” he calls over his shoulder. “Maybe catch a movie if you’re interested…”

Finishing up, he dries his hands and joins Wendy to head out of the shop. “Okay, to the mess hall for lunch before I waste away to nothing.”

As Angel immediately drops down next to Luke to work on his legs, he reaches out slowly to run a finger through her hair. Without saying anything, he stops her from working more, and takes her arms from behind, steering her until she’s sitting between his legs on the floor with her back resting against his chest.

He lets his arms fall over her shoulders and around her in an embrace. He leans his head on hers, just quietly thinking. “I’m sorry…I know you were looking forward to getting out on that picnic.” Despite all the times Angel has reassured him, he still feels low that he continually needs help, and continually has to bail out on her.

“If you want to eat in here, we can do that…though it’s not much of a picnic.”

As Clint and Wendy make their way to the mess hall, Clint glances over to Luke and Jeff’s bunk where the door is open. Cocking his head, he takes a detour, but nearing, he realizes Angel is there. Turning to leave, he stops though, unable to help but hear part of the conversation going on inside. He knows what’s happening…he hadn’t seen Luke that morning and had guessed at why.

Looking at Wendy for a moment, he decides to forfeit satisfying his own stomach for now. “Hey, um…change of plans. Head inside and get started…I’ll be back in just a bit.”

Without waiting for a response, Clint swivels around and jogs for the barn. “Dad!”

Jim looks up from the water tank he’s cleaning out. “Yeah?”

Clint gestures with his head. “Come on. We got a job to do.”

Luke sighs deeply, knowing it was no use being depressed, but he didn’t exactly feel happy at the moment. Before he can say more, Clint and Jim suddenly appear in the doorway. Luke’s face reddens just as little as he’s sitting on the floor with Angel in his arms.

The other two don’t even miss a beat though. Clint reaches a hand down to Angel to help her up. “Don’t let this gloom and doom man of yours make you stay inside,” he smirks. “Pick up that basket and blanket and aim wherever your destination was in the first place.”

Luke looks up at them, bewildered. “What are you guys doing?”

“We’re your chaperones…” Jim gives him a wry grin. “At least until we get to your destination, then we promise to leave.”

Crouching down, Clint and Jim go on either side of Luke, slinging his arms over their shoulders. Getting him to his feet, they’re just a bit unsteady at first, but are enough balance and support to get Luke moving. They guide him out the door and carefully down the steps, then stop. “Alright you two…where were you headed?”

Luke turns his head first to look at Jim, then around to look at Clint, leaning his weight on both of them. “You’re crazy, you know that? Crazy.”

Jeff glances at his watch as he helps Sparky move hay in the barn loft to make room for more coming next week. “Hey, when was Mick coming back with that corn?”

Sparky shrugs. “I don’t know…he left right after breakfast.”

Jeff furrows his brow. “Well it doesn’t take that long…did he have other stuff to do?”

“I don’t have a clue.” Sparky tosses a bale up on top of some others. “Why?”

“Just figured if I helped unload the corn, then I could take out that time to go scouting out that pond and where we wanted to clean it out on that one end where all those trees and stuff have fallen in.”

“Oh, that… yeah, that project has been waiting forever.”

“Well…” Jeff surveys their work. “I’ll go see if Rosetta knows when he’ll be back. If it’ll be a while, then maybe I’ll ride on out there to at least take a look.” Climbing down the ladder, he heads to the mess hall first. Entering, he spots Rosetta and smiles teasingly. “Hey, Sis. Is that obnoxious fiancĂ© of yours ever coming back, or are we gonna have to cover for all his work today?”

Cindy smiles big as she hears Wes’ truck outside, and waits for him to come in. She’d go greet him at the door, but she was still just a bit queezy and decided it best to remain seated.

Receiving Wes’ affectionate greeting, she returns it, still smiling. “Great timing – I just got done setting the table.”

She shakes her head at his question. “No…I’m not feeling so great…” She scrunches up her nose. “I already had a bad bout with a can of tuna, so I’m sorry you didn’t get your tuna sandwiches.” She rolls her eyes. “I think that flu bug is still hanging on.”


*After about a half hour Misty is dressed and heading out the door. Arriving at TJY she heads for the infermary alittle slowly than normal. Her legs still felt little jello like. Making her ways across the floor she stops and make aim for the break room instead to grab some bottled water first.*

*Katie looks at Reese and gives a nod.*

"Ya thats not a problem I can talk to ya when he feels a bit better."

*ALittle time pass and Katie lets Scott sleep some more. He needed all the rest he could get. Katie only left once more to grab some of her own paper work but shortly returned to keep watch over Scott. As the time pass Katie finally stands again and makes her way over to Scott give him a small smile.*

"Starting to feel good enough to talk about what happennd alittle? Reese wanted me to ask ya since I am already here with you."

*As Angel enters the bunk and see Luke on the floor fear rushes over her. Whenever Angel saw Luke hurting something always went off in her mind that caused her to panick. She hated seeing Luke in pain and not knowing what to do for him. Going over next to him Angel sets the basket and blanket down and bends down on her knees.*

"Are you legs bothering you again this morning?"

*Before Luke can even reply Angel is working the muscles in his legs with her hands trying to losen them up and help the blood flow.*

"We can have our picnic right here if you want. I dont mind. Just open the door all the way for some freshair and sunshine and we are good to go."

*Angel offers a smile to Luke knowing he must be feeling pretty crappy but leting him know it was ok and she wasent upset.*

*Rosetta smiles down at BJ ruffling his hair.*

"Why dont you go get dressed and than meet me over at the house to help me move some stuff. Thats going to become our new house once everything is moved around."

*Now that Cindy and Wes had there house Rosetta was going to turn the old house there were staying in into her, Mick and BJ's new home. She just needed to clean it up and bit and it would be perfect for there small family.

BJ gets and excited look on his face and runs into the room he clamed for now as is. Opening his dresser drawr he pulls out a pare of jeans and a red t-shirt. Within no time flat he is dressed and making his way to the house to find Rosetta.*

*A big grin cross Wendy face and Clint poked his head into the office. She really enjoyed working there. It was alot of fun and she herself was even learning alittle bit about cars. Standing she grabs her sun glasses and smiles.*

"I'm not to sure about the pretty part but I know I am starving."

*Pulling into the driveway Wes get out of his truck. Standing for a moment he just looks at the house and smiles. He always felt warm and fuzzy inside when he came home. He loved the feeling of knowing Cindy was inside waiting for him. Grinning he walks up the pourch and opens the front door steping inside.*

"Hunny I'm home."

*Entering Wes shuts the door behindhim and throws his keys on the small table. Making his way to the dinning room his grin grows as he see Cindy. Going over to her her gives her a long kiss and a hug before siting down.*

"Whatever you made smells sooo good."

*Noticing Cindy dident set a place for herself Wes cocks his head alittle looking at her a bit worryed now.*

"Not eating today?"

Lending a hand

Carson chuckles and shakes his head. “Once I get home, I’ll be three blocks from work. Hardly worth you picking me up. But if you see me sprawled out on the shoulder or something, you can stop.”

He throws Misty a wink. “See you in a while. And…thanks for coming along this morning.”

Turning around, he takes off in a dead sprint, aiming for his apartment.

Scott’s face reddens a little from embarrassment as Katie tells him to accept help. Preferring not to argue around the topic of using the bathroom in front of her, he relents. “Alright, fine.”

Rick nods to Katie. “Thank you. At least he’ll listen to somebody.” He moves to put Scotts arm over his shoulders to give himself as a crutch.

Scott tries not to wince as he moves slowly, his one arm around his side. It was slow going, but at least he’d made Rick halfway happy with a compromise.

Not much later, he’s being helped back into bed. Just the short walk had made him exhausted, and though he didn’t really want to be here, he had to admit that lying back down felt good.

Reese heads down the hall to the infirmary, a notebook in hand. Upon entering, he finds Katie. “Hey, good morning. Got a favor…” He glances to Scott, then back to her. “When he feels up to it, would you mind taking notes on all that happened? Any information he’s got? I have to run some errands, and since you’re here already… Can you do that for me?”

Luke opens his eyes at the sound of Angel at the door. He doesn’t want to disappoint her…but he knows he will.

Sitting up, he starts to try standing again, but his legs just don’t want to handle it. Instead of stepping forward, he slides down onto the floor, his back against the foot of his bed. So much for the day he’d planned. Frustration fills his veins as so many times before, but there was absolutely nothing he could do.

Sighing, he gives up trying. “Angel, you might as well come on in,” he calls.

Mick sees BJ in the rearview mirror and grins to himself. Soon…he’d have a family again. There wasn’t any other feeling quite like it.

Heading down the road to the other ranch about half an hour away, Mick sees debris from last night’s storm. It had come up fast and caught many people off guard. Today though, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

Almost all the way to Jerry’s, Mick spies a car in the ditch. From the look of things, it had swerved to miss part of a tree that had been in the middle of the road, but was now moved. He’s about to pass on by, when he realizes there is still someone in the car.

Pulling off to the side, Mick parks his truck and trailer. He gets out and carefully makes his way down into the ditch, heading for the car. His pulse quickens when he sees a woman slumped over the steering wheel.

Arriving to the car, he taps on the window.

The woman looks up quickly and seeing someone, her eyes widen, and she points to the door. “I can’t get it open!” she shouts.

Mick realizes there is a dent in the side of the car – apparently it had rolled a time or two. “Hang on,” he replies loudly. “Sit tight.”

Going back to his truck he finds a crowbar before returning, and within ten minutes, he’s got the door open.

Clint perks up, getting a grin on his face at the mention of lunch with Wendy. After Wes has gone, he tinkers for a few minutes longer, but finally wipes his hands on a rag and pokes his head into the office. “Hey, I was told there was a pretty girl in here who might be waiting for some lunch… you wouldn’t happen to know anybody like that around here, would you?”

Cindy sets the table for Wes, glancing at the clock and knowing he would be back soon. He was always on time – she could almost set her watch by him. Getting things ready, she doesn’t set a place for herself, but sits down without food, not really hungry after the little episode earlier.


*As they slow coming up to Misty apartment her knees feel a bit week. She hadent had a workout like that in a long while but she loved everymoment of it. Fresh air in the lunch and the hottest guy in Nevada by her side.*

"Well Mr. Banks I thank you for the run this morning it was most enjoyable. How about I pick you up for work since we had that nice workout already?"

*Katie looks down at Domino and shakes her head before starting to walk again.*

"All right you lets go."

*Katie heads out of TJY with Domino and goes for alittle walk leting her do her business. Taking alittle longer to go back inside circling down to a courner store to grab some dog food and a dish. After paying Katie makes her way back to TJY and than the infermary puting the bowl down and pouring food for Domino. Not seeing Scott Katie figures her went to use the rest room or clean up. Hearing Scotts comment when she first walked in she finally turns.*

"Your not three Scott, but your hurt pretty bad. Just let Rick help you so you dont help youself more please? for me?"

*Katie's eyes plea with Scott showing she cared and dident want to see anything alse happen to Scott.*

*Bj beams and runs outside after Mick yelling and waving from the from porch.*

"Den after I hewp with the torn can I wide the Pony wif you down the twail?"

*BJ brings a finger to to his eyes and rubs it. His big blue eyes full of excitment and wonder.

Rosetta stands and heads outside standing next to BJ ruffling his hair and waving to Mick along with BJ. How splended and sweet God had let her life get. Soon she was going to have the family she always wanted. THough it wasent what most people would call a normal family, Rosetta wouldent think twice about wanting anything more. God had given her what she soon would have. A Husband and a child she could call her own and give as much love as a blood child. Yes Rosetta was happy, and thaked God for what he was giving her.*

*After finishing up talking with Wendy Wes exiting the office heading back over to Clint and leting out a sigh.*

"If you cant figure that thing out dont worry about it. Take alittle break and get some lunch. I know a pretty girl who might be waiting for some lunch herself."

*Wendy stands leaning on the counter and gives alittle wave when Wes looks at her as a smile spreads across her face even more.*

*Wes cant help but grin. He liked having his Nefew around to help and tease. Wes got along with him well and was happy he was there to see him change from when he first got to the ranch.*

"I am going to be heading back to the house to see how Cindy is doing. If you not busy alittle later and/or not to tired do you think you cant help me move the coutch and a few other things from the bunk back to the house? You might even get a free meal out of it from Cindy."

*Wes beams. He was so proud and happy. He loved showing the new house off and his lovly wife off as well. He was so happy with the way everything had turned out. Wes new everything choise he had made was the right one. How everything fit together, and worked out perfectly.*

*Grabing the picnic lunch from the counter Angel grabs a blanket as well. She hadent seen Luke all morning but he had promised to go on a small picnic with her this afternoon. Figureing her was still at his bunk Angel makes her way there and gives a knock on the door.*

"Luke, I'd ready for the picnic now if your still feeling up to it."


Carson breathes in time with his jog, enjoying the company this morning. He lets out chuckle at Misty’s comment. “Well I get to be cooped up all day inside, what’s a bloke to do? Going out and shooting people isn’t exactly something I should be doing anymore, so what else can I do with all this energy?”

He grins as they round a corner. “Besides, I got a little old lady in number three-twenty-five up here who watches me out her window every morning and waves…she’ll probably be jealous you’re with me this morning. And…there’s a black lab that likes to chase me on Tuesdays two blocks over…and then when it rains, I got puddles everywhere to get myself drenched. What more could I ask for?”

Glancing to the side, he can see the Misty is getting tired, but says nothing. He remains at a steady pace until they loop back around several blocks, heading back to her place, then he slows to a walk, breathing heavily himself. He’d be putting quite a bit more distance under himself when jogging with Misty because he looped back around and still had to get back home, but it was definitely worth it to have the company.

Scott gives a little shake to his head, ignoring what was going through his own mind, and listening to Katie instead. “This is the first time I’ve been the one people have had to rescue.”

Seeing Domino, he grins a little. “Poor pup is used to going out as soon as I get up in the mornings.” After Katie leaves, Scott closes his eyes again, heaving a weary sigh. He could still sense the helplessness….the fear he’d felt the night before, and it wasn’t pleasant. But he knew he had to think about it…he had to remember everything…he knew good and well Reese would be questioning him later.

Jason slows and turns again as Nate speaks. The words were deep…meaningful…and despite the barrier, Jason receives them and tucks them away for a later time when he felt more up to deciphering them.

As he walks away, he suddenly feels eyes on his back and looks over his shoulder. Seeing Katie, he watches her for just a moment before turning back around and going to his office.

Domino stops with Katie, then looks up to her, wondering why they aren’t moving. Tugging at her leash, she gives just a little bark, wanting to go out more than just stand here staring at people.

A few minutes pass, and being alone, Scott pulls back his blanket and carefully sits up, his head spinning just a bit. Cringing, he slides off the bed and wobbles on his feet for a moment.

“Scott Johnson, what are you doing?!” Rick enters the room, tossing a file aside. “Get back in bed this instant.”

Scott grimaces at him. “Are you telling me that I can’t even use the bathroom?”

Rick looks at him sternly, pointing to the bed. “I don’t want you on your feet. I’ll get you a…”

“Ohhh, no.” Scott gives Rick a warning glance. “Don’t even think about it. You are not keeping me bedridden.” He winces as he gets a sharp pain to his injured ribs. “Leave me my dignity and I’ll leave the doctoring to you. But I win this one.”

Rick throws up his hands in defeat. “Why me?” he grumbles to no one. “I work in a place of bull-headed idiots, none of which want to take care of themselves.”
He looks back to Scott and shakes his head. “Fine. But can I at least help you?”

Scott rolls his eyes. “What am I? Three?”

Mick chuckles and roughs up BJ’s hair before squatting down to be eye-level with him. “I know it, bud. You’re very strong. But this morning you’re gonna have to stay with your…” Mick stops himself. He was speaking words he hadn’t in so long, and yet they had almost rolled right of his tongue without him even thinking. “…With Rosetta. But when I get back, I’m gonna need your help unloading the corn so those horses have something to eat.”

Giving BJ a playful tweak on his cheek, Mick stands up again. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Turning, he heads outside and to his truck that had the stock trailer already hitched up.

Clint grimaces at the black smoke and steps out from behind the steering wheel. “Alright…I might look at it a bit more – got nothing better to do until Mr. Pinton brings that Firebird of his in.” As Wes walks away, Clint starts to poke and prod, continuing to tinker with the engine.

Cindy backs away to survey her handy work of the kitchen. She gives a satisfied nod to herself. It looked good and she still had time to make those tuna sandwiches that Wes liked so much. She hadn’t made them in ages.

Going to the cupboard she retrieves the tuna and gets a few things from the fridge as well. Using the can opener, she gets the tuna open. As the smell of the fish hits her nose, her stomach performs an unexpected flipflop, making her gag. What on earth? Covering her mouth, she quickly puts the can in a bag, sealing it shut. Tuna had never bothered her in her life. How bizarre. Maybe it was just a bad can. Trying a second one though, proved to be fatal, sending her to the sink to throw up. This was not good.

Disgusted, Cindy recovers enough to discard both cans and take a breather before thinking up something else. She hadn’t been feeling so great lately – perhaps the strong scent was just as little too much for her today. Wes would just have to have egg salad sandwiches instead.