

*Katie leans her head aganst Scott's shoulder as he holds her tight. Katie's heart pounding, feeling Scott's own makes her race even faster. Hearing Scott's words Katie whispers her own arms tighting a little bit.*

"Don't let me go than Scott. Just hold me."

*Katie's own small tear falls. She'd been happy with Scott, than she messed up, now she is getting a second chanse again. Katie was determined not to mess up again.

Keeping her arms wrapped around Scott Katie's one arm goes up to the back on his head and runs through his hair as she leans on him. Taking in his warmth, his smell, his presence. Though she only rememberd everything but a week ago it felt like a life time had gone by since she had been in Scott's arms and now it felt so good to be there again.*

"Your not alone Scott, not anymore. I'm here, I'm here with you."

*Katie continues to run her hand through Scott's hair as her other stays around his wast slowly rubbing his back a little.*

*Charlotte laughs as the food is braught to them. Her grin and twinkling eyes remaining.*

"Well we can't have you salking. That one I won't leave up to fate. So I guess your going to be stuck with me through the cold weather."

*Charlotte takes some of the mess of stuff and puts it on her plate. Taking a bite of her cheese stick first.*

"Not that I mind at all. The adventured with out destanations are the best and the ones I live for. Specialy if I have a handsome guy to come along with me."

*Charlotte can't help but give Bret a sidelong glance and bat her eyes at him angelicly and letting out a sigh as she went back to her food for a moment and taking a few bites. Charlotte keeps her foot close to Bret's giving it a nudge under the table every now and again.*

*Misty gives Kyle a little wave relizing how strange is much look for Jason to be with her and not Camryn and Her to be with him and not Carson. Misty trys not to think about it and consintrats on there banter over the choise in the drink.

As Kyle asks for Jason's help and than Carson's Misty cant help but feel a lump in her throt form. Looking for a little comfort out of habbit Misty's hand goes to her wrist where Carson's braclet once layed. Feeling nothing the cold truth hits her once more and a single tear rolls down her face. Turning her head away Misty looks out the window watching the rain fall slowly. The wind softly blowing it in every direction. That how Misty felt inside, everything being blown around in chaos. More tears falling from her eyes as she trys to hide them.

After a few more moments of looking out the window Kyle's question finally registers to Misty as she quickly brings a hand to her face and whipes the tears away.*

"I'll just have a water with some lemon please."

*Once Kyle is gone Misty's attachen returns to the window and the rain. Only after a few moments Misty looks to Jason, offering a small smile.*

"Sorry I am not great company today."

*Nate taps on the stearing wheel as he drives down the road and his music plays. The rain was light and the sky who a bright on dispite the clouds. Nate had decieded tonight to relax a little he would take the long way home, past Misty, and past a few other people's homes he new as well. Nate always liked the long way once and a while just to make sure everything with his friends seemed ok.

Turning the courner and nearing Misty's house Nate hears something that catches his ears. It sounded like pounding and shouting. As his car drives farther down the road it seams to be getting louder. Turning off his raido and slowling the car down Nate listens closer and hears it again. He new that voice, it sounded like Carson?!

Pulling his car to the curn Nate looks out the passanger side window and can make out Carson on Misty's pourch a bottle liquer in his hand. Nate new Misty wasent home. He had seen her in her office still with Jason when he had last left. The darkend windows proved as well no one was home.

Hearing Carson's pounding and yells Nate new he needed to do something before Carson was arrested. Geting out of his car Nate walks slowly up the side walk and to Misty's pourch where Carson was. Taking note he was drunker than a skunk Nate stays alert. What on earth was going on?*

"Carson, what in the word are you doing? Do you relize what time it is? Misty is not here yet. She's still back at work. Is everything ok?"

*Nate eyes his friend with worry. From what he new Carson was doing so well with not drinking, but now something had happend and his friend was at it again. He was conserned for Carson and anyone who got in his way in his drunkin state the way he was pounding the door. Nate only wanted to help his friend if there was something wrong.*

Late night caller

As Katie's lips meet Scott's, he feels the shock run through him and doesn't pull back. Instead, his arms make their way around her frame, his hands on her back as he returns the kiss. A silent tear escapes to mingle within the exchange until he finally pulls way only to hug Katie tightly to himself.

His head leaning against hers, his heart pounds in his chest, his mind screaming at him so many different things. He felt so upside down, so turned around without a compass to tell him which way to go. He was going against logic. He was going against what he'd been determined to live with.

"I don't know what to do." His voice was quiet, almost a whimper. "I don't want to let you go...I don't want you to walk away again. But I don't know what's right. I just..."

As if afraid she'll slip away, he hugs her tighter. "Tell me what I should do, Katie...I can't do it alone."

Bret chuckles and kicks Charlotte back. "Like I need a reason to call you."

He shakes his head and after their food is ordered, he reverts back to their previous conversation. "Work's alright, and no, nothing fun and exciting...other than you." He tosses her a wink. "I guess if you're twenty feet in the air on a single beam it can be dangerous, but otherwise, no. Dean swung by the other day. He's on his feet a little now, though after seeing how Con's been doing in his place, I think he felt better about the time off for recuperating. Of course...pretty soon all of us will be out of work for a while."

Bret shrugs and takes a sip of his pop, chewing on an ice cube. "That leaves me with long days to sulk, you know." He grins at Charlotte slyly. "Unless I have something to look forward to, like weekend excursions with no destinations."

Jason grins as Misty changes her mind. He was glad she'd get away from here if just for a little while. Heading to the exit, he favors his leg, feeling the meds wearing off for the night. But, he knew if he kept moving, it wouldn't be as stiff later.

Clouds covered most of the stars and barely let light from the moon shine through the night sky. A steady rain came down, predicted to last into the evening.

Once in the parking lot, Jason pulls out in his truck, making sure Misty is behind him before heading into town to the pizza place. Parked and inside, Jason lets Misty go first and they wait for a table, being directed to a booth on the side wall.

Sliding in, Jason can't help a chuckle as he sees Kyle working in the back. "The pizza is good," he muses, glancing at a small sign on the table advertising several specials. "Subs are good, too."

"Yo, Jase!" Kyle has an empty tray in his hand and comes to the table with a grin. Spotting Misty, his eyebrows raise a little, and his mouth opens slightly as if he's going to ask about this strange scene, but then decides better of it. "Hey, Misty." He glances over his shoulder. "Well, since Julie is busy, I'm it. Can I get you guys something to drink?"


Kyle smirks at Jason. "You know we got Pepsi here."

"Yeah, but I just thought I'd ask."

Kyle rolls his eyes and looks to Misty. "Is he this uncooperative at work?"

"Hey, watch it."

Kyle grins and shakes his head. "Oh, by the way, me an' the boys are gonna be helping a friend of ours move next week - he and his family have a ton of stuff so I'm recruiting help. Thought maybe you..." He points to Jason, then turns to Misty. "...and maybe that man of yours could help..." His voice trails off as Jason gives him a look and is shaking his head. Kyle pauses for just a moment, having no idea what Jason is trying to convey, but getting the feeling the answer was 'no' about Carson and that he shouldn't ask. "...or...not....or anyone else for that matter could use your muscles."

Jason shrugs. "I could probably come help out some."

"Okeedokee." Kyle jots down that Jason wants a Pepsi, then turns back to Misty once more. "And a drink for you?"

“Misty!” Carson staggers up the walk towards Misty’s apartment, a new half-drunk bottle of liquor in his hand. He stumbles as little to the side and into the yard before squinting to find his way back to the path. Stopping at the steps, he surveys the route he has to take, and tries lifting a foot, only to miss the step and has to try again. “Misty, you d..dangn’d w’m’n!”

He makes it up to steps, grabbing the railing as he sways backward. “C’mon, hrrr ‘n talk t’ me…!”

It was dark outside and a light rain came down. Carson was drenched from head to toe, having walked from his own place to hers.

He takes another swig from his bottle before attempting the last step, stumbling across the porch and running into the door. His voice raises again. “Misty! Op’n up, it’s…..is…me.”

Leaning against the door and receiving no response, he pounds his palm on the door. “C’mon! Owe it me, ya know it e’v’n if I d’nt say…” His words all run together an in incoherent sentence, the alcohol skewing his own thoughts and slurring his speech.

“Misty!” His hand goes back to pound on the door. “Stop be’n st’bb’rn an’ j’st liss’n a m’n or…or two.”

Another sip of whiskey is downed. “Get out h’r an’…an’ stop bel’ach’n ‘round ‘n liss’n I got w’rds t’ say, I w’nna say.”

The windows remain dark. There is no sound of movement inside. Carson closes his his eyes and leans his head against the door, his hand right back to pounding, but a lack of energy gives it less sound. “Misty!”

A kiss says it all

*Katie looks up at Scott her emotions pooling behind her own eyes. She was not sure what was right and what was logic but than again this was something stronger than logic wasent it? Was this Katie's sign, she path being layed in front of her. Katie wasent sure but seeing Scott in front of her she couldent deny what she felt. The heart ruled and wather it was right or wrong Katie couldent deny what she felt.

Taking a few steps closer to him Katie gives a smile as her heart gives a leep. Bring a hand to the side of Scott's face Katie pulls him a little closer to her. Leaning up Katie's lips touch his as she lets her emotions go and once again everything seems a little bit brighter. Katie's dosent break the moment as her heart races, as this kiss gives Scott his answer that no words could say or explain.*

*Charlotte 's lips curl slightly. Her time she was spending with Bret was great. She dident feel quite as out of place in life anymore. Having someone to spend time with was nice, and Charlotte loved every moment of it.*

"Ohhh, warmed up onion rings tast better with ranch dressing, but if that dosent sound good to you I guess we can eat them all."

*Charlotte states teasingly as she eyes twinkle.*

"You know if you cant find something that just gives you reason to call me and ask where I put it."

*She giggles and than gives Bret's foot a light kick under the table.*

*Misty gives a little jump and looks up from her desk as Jason pokes his head in. Trying to give her best smile she knows she fails misrably.

Thinking about Jason's question for a moment Misty continplats. Her stomach had been growling for the last 20 minutes, but she really dident feel to hungry.*

"I think...I am just going to stay here and work."

*Finishing off her statment she looks down at her desk and her empty wrist. It felt so naked, so light. Tears start to form again as Misty trys to hold them back. She needed to keep her mind busy so she couldent think about this stuff. Maybe going out with Jason would do just that for now.
Grabing her purse from her desk draw Misty stands slowly.*

"Hey Jase, I think maybe...I will go with you."

*Misty shuts off the small light by her desk and heads out with Jason planing to return to her work afterwards.*

Pizza Box

Scott is taken by surprise by Katie's hug, but slowly wraps his arms around her. Just to have her in his arms again...feeling her warmth...smelling her hair... He closes his eyes, letting all his senses take it in. It was pure bliss and pure torture at the same time.

He has a hard time letting her go as she backs away. Swallowing hard, his eyes follow her, his emotions going haywire. This couldn't be happening...it had been a nightmare since the night Katie had told him goodbye and it felt as if he'd never wake up from it. He had her within his reach and she was leaving again. His heart felt as though it was being torn from his chest. Consequences were being weight and he couldn't tell which way the scales would shift.

But as Katie approaches his door, he suddenly stands up as if his body had taken over his better judgement. "Katie..." The tears have finally filled his eyes and he looks at her with the pleading of a little boy who had lost the world. "I can't do this..."

Scott moves slowly from behind his desk, but stands feet from Katie as if scared to close the gap between them. "I keep saying it's impossible and I keep on convincing myself that there's no way it can work between us."

He stops, his tone wrought with emotions. "But it's just not true. I...I love you too much." His voice cracks. "I don't know how to survive without you."

Searching Katie's eyes, he looks for any sign of what he should do...any signal that would tell him stop or go. But it was all heart now. Logic no longer ruled. "Come back?"

Bret grins as he scans the menu and waits for the con to be tossed. "Oooh good. Appetizers it is, and leftovers sound fantastic as long as we at least finish up the onion rings tonight because those warmed up are nasty."

Hearing her suggestion for the next night, he rolls his eyes. "How about we flip a coin on the cleaning thing eh? Pretty soon I'm not going to be able to find anything in my house 'cause you've got it all crammed and stacked and sorted."

Jason sighs and takes Trooper by his leash, leaving his office for the evening. His stomach growled, reminding him that he needed to eat. He was feeling just a bit woozy after not having anything all afternoon and knew he should get some supper. Camryn was busy, so it was going to be another boring night.

Heading away, he sees the light on in the infirmary and pauses. Thinking for a moment, he goes to the door and pokes his head in, seeing Misty still there. He can tell she's been crying, and again his heart goes out to her. Carson had certainly done a number on her. "Hey, Misty..." He clears his throat. "Work much later you'll get everything done and there won't be anything left for tomorrow." He quirks a crooked grin. "I'm heading to the Pizza Box for some supper...you're welcome to tag along or I can bring something back for you."


*Katie stops and turns listing to Scott. Her own eyes finding his once again. Scott's words hit Katie heart hard. There meaning the relization of what they ment and for the first time she saw herself though Scott's eyes and to him she was amazing even now. Her heart hurting, her body hurting her mind hurting.

What Katie was to do next she wasent sure why, or if it helped or not. If it was what Scott wanted or not. Katie dident know if it only made it hard but she did it anyways.

Turning back to Scott Katie takes several steps forward till she is close to stop leaning down she throws her arms around him in an imbrace. A few tears falling as she layed her head on his shoulder for a moment. Her voice horse.*

"You ment and mean alot to me to Scotty. You changed my life in many ways as well and showed me so many things. All I know now is I miss you. I think I finally relize why Jason called this thing a curse now."

*Katie's own words saprised her as she spoke them. She felt so strong saying them. Leting them roll out and not giving them a second thought.

Finally after a few moments Katie lets go and looks Scott in the eye for a second and trys to give a smile before backing away. A million and one emotions running through them. Her own emotions were threating to spill over more than they already were and that she dident want Scott to have to witness. Would things work themself out? Katie only hoped so, would they be ok? Katie only hoped so, would she ever be able to be happy again? Katie hoped so.

Turning Katie makes her way to the door. Why did life have to be so unfair sometimes Katie dident know. Why growing up had to be so hard she dident know. But it is, and it was, and all Katie could do was hope her path would be made clear. The road she was to take God would map for her.*

*Misty sits at her desk studying her paper work. She had spend most of the day in the office consintrating on the tasks she had begged Rick to give her. She had no intention on going home early tonight. The last thing she wanted was to go home to that empty house where she could think. It was bad enough she was having problems consintrating and not thinking as it was.

Reaching into her draw and pulling it out again with a file Misty's the chain that still hung on her wrist got stuck. Unhooknig it and with drawing her arm Misty just stairs down at her wrist and the nameplate on it. Her stomach churning ans bubbling all over again. Misty's fingers run over the name as some tears start to fall. She remembered the day Carson had given her the braclet and more tears fell.

Turning her wrist over Misty unhooks the clasp and hold its up for several moment just looking at it. The braclet held many good memories, but right now Misty couldent handle them. She had lost something presouce, something special and her hear acked like there was no tomarrow.

Opening her top desk draw Misty carfuly lays the braclet inside next to Carson's apartment key. Stairing at them both for a long while. Misty's heart pings with pain as the tears start to floor her eyes once again. Shutting the draw Misty leans her head down on her desk and just lets the memories and tears come for the 5th time tonight.*

*Charlotte looks across the table at Bret a grin on her face. Some menus infront of them.*

"Heads we just get a mixture of things and pick at it or tails we actully get meals. Ok?"

*Charlotte cant help but laugh. The last month had been a blast. She started her new job at a travil agency and so far she liked it. On top of it she was helping Angelica with work from Cali and spending what free time she had flipping coins with Bret.

Tonight was just one of those nights where a coin was a must. Neather of them new what they wanted to eat or if they were even that hungry or not.*

"Ha...its heads. Ok so...lets just order a bunch of stuff from the appitiser menu and than eat what we want, take the rest home and than eat the left overs tomarrow when we get together for a movie and my weekly clean Bret's house session."

*Charlotte lips curl into a grin. She new Bret hated when she cleaned his house but it was something to do and something that needed to be done badly. So she dident mind. If she got it halfway deacent for him maybe he would keep up on it.*

"Hows work going for you anyways? Anything fun and exciting going on? Anything thrilling and dangerouse? You dont salk around all day do you? I'd hate to have to come and embaress you now."

*Scaning over the menu and the hodge poge of what they wanted to get Charlotte lets her question drag off so Bret can answer.*