

*Katie leans her head aganst Scott's shoulder as he holds her tight. Katie's heart pounding, feeling Scott's own makes her race even faster. Hearing Scott's words Katie whispers her own arms tighting a little bit.*

"Don't let me go than Scott. Just hold me."

*Katie's own small tear falls. She'd been happy with Scott, than she messed up, now she is getting a second chanse again. Katie was determined not to mess up again.

Keeping her arms wrapped around Scott Katie's one arm goes up to the back on his head and runs through his hair as she leans on him. Taking in his warmth, his smell, his presence. Though she only rememberd everything but a week ago it felt like a life time had gone by since she had been in Scott's arms and now it felt so good to be there again.*

"Your not alone Scott, not anymore. I'm here, I'm here with you."

*Katie continues to run her hand through Scott's hair as her other stays around his wast slowly rubbing his back a little.*

*Charlotte laughs as the food is braught to them. Her grin and twinkling eyes remaining.*

"Well we can't have you salking. That one I won't leave up to fate. So I guess your going to be stuck with me through the cold weather."

*Charlotte takes some of the mess of stuff and puts it on her plate. Taking a bite of her cheese stick first.*

"Not that I mind at all. The adventured with out destanations are the best and the ones I live for. Specialy if I have a handsome guy to come along with me."

*Charlotte can't help but give Bret a sidelong glance and bat her eyes at him angelicly and letting out a sigh as she went back to her food for a moment and taking a few bites. Charlotte keeps her foot close to Bret's giving it a nudge under the table every now and again.*

*Misty gives Kyle a little wave relizing how strange is much look for Jason to be with her and not Camryn and Her to be with him and not Carson. Misty trys not to think about it and consintrats on there banter over the choise in the drink.

As Kyle asks for Jason's help and than Carson's Misty cant help but feel a lump in her throt form. Looking for a little comfort out of habbit Misty's hand goes to her wrist where Carson's braclet once layed. Feeling nothing the cold truth hits her once more and a single tear rolls down her face. Turning her head away Misty looks out the window watching the rain fall slowly. The wind softly blowing it in every direction. That how Misty felt inside, everything being blown around in chaos. More tears falling from her eyes as she trys to hide them.

After a few more moments of looking out the window Kyle's question finally registers to Misty as she quickly brings a hand to her face and whipes the tears away.*

"I'll just have a water with some lemon please."

*Once Kyle is gone Misty's attachen returns to the window and the rain. Only after a few moments Misty looks to Jason, offering a small smile.*

"Sorry I am not great company today."

*Nate taps on the stearing wheel as he drives down the road and his music plays. The rain was light and the sky who a bright on dispite the clouds. Nate had decieded tonight to relax a little he would take the long way home, past Misty, and past a few other people's homes he new as well. Nate always liked the long way once and a while just to make sure everything with his friends seemed ok.

Turning the courner and nearing Misty's house Nate hears something that catches his ears. It sounded like pounding and shouting. As his car drives farther down the road it seams to be getting louder. Turning off his raido and slowling the car down Nate listens closer and hears it again. He new that voice, it sounded like Carson?!

Pulling his car to the curn Nate looks out the passanger side window and can make out Carson on Misty's pourch a bottle liquer in his hand. Nate new Misty wasent home. He had seen her in her office still with Jason when he had last left. The darkend windows proved as well no one was home.

Hearing Carson's pounding and yells Nate new he needed to do something before Carson was arrested. Geting out of his car Nate walks slowly up the side walk and to Misty's pourch where Carson was. Taking note he was drunker than a skunk Nate stays alert. What on earth was going on?*

"Carson, what in the word are you doing? Do you relize what time it is? Misty is not here yet. She's still back at work. Is everything ok?"

*Nate eyes his friend with worry. From what he new Carson was doing so well with not drinking, but now something had happend and his friend was at it again. He was conserned for Carson and anyone who got in his way in his drunkin state the way he was pounding the door. Nate only wanted to help his friend if there was something wrong.*

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