

*Katie stops and turns listing to Scott. Her own eyes finding his once again. Scott's words hit Katie heart hard. There meaning the relization of what they ment and for the first time she saw herself though Scott's eyes and to him she was amazing even now. Her heart hurting, her body hurting her mind hurting.

What Katie was to do next she wasent sure why, or if it helped or not. If it was what Scott wanted or not. Katie dident know if it only made it hard but she did it anyways.

Turning back to Scott Katie takes several steps forward till she is close to stop leaning down she throws her arms around him in an imbrace. A few tears falling as she layed her head on his shoulder for a moment. Her voice horse.*

"You ment and mean alot to me to Scotty. You changed my life in many ways as well and showed me so many things. All I know now is I miss you. I think I finally relize why Jason called this thing a curse now."

*Katie's own words saprised her as she spoke them. She felt so strong saying them. Leting them roll out and not giving them a second thought.

Finally after a few moments Katie lets go and looks Scott in the eye for a second and trys to give a smile before backing away. A million and one emotions running through them. Her own emotions were threating to spill over more than they already were and that she dident want Scott to have to witness. Would things work themself out? Katie only hoped so, would they be ok? Katie only hoped so, would she ever be able to be happy again? Katie hoped so.

Turning Katie makes her way to the door. Why did life have to be so unfair sometimes Katie dident know. Why growing up had to be so hard she dident know. But it is, and it was, and all Katie could do was hope her path would be made clear. The road she was to take God would map for her.*

*Misty sits at her desk studying her paper work. She had spend most of the day in the office consintrating on the tasks she had begged Rick to give her. She had no intention on going home early tonight. The last thing she wanted was to go home to that empty house where she could think. It was bad enough she was having problems consintrating and not thinking as it was.

Reaching into her draw and pulling it out again with a file Misty's the chain that still hung on her wrist got stuck. Unhooknig it and with drawing her arm Misty just stairs down at her wrist and the nameplate on it. Her stomach churning ans bubbling all over again. Misty's fingers run over the name as some tears start to fall. She remembered the day Carson had given her the braclet and more tears fell.

Turning her wrist over Misty unhooks the clasp and hold its up for several moment just looking at it. The braclet held many good memories, but right now Misty couldent handle them. She had lost something presouce, something special and her hear acked like there was no tomarrow.

Opening her top desk draw Misty carfuly lays the braclet inside next to Carson's apartment key. Stairing at them both for a long while. Misty's heart pings with pain as the tears start to floor her eyes once again. Shutting the draw Misty leans her head down on her desk and just lets the memories and tears come for the 5th time tonight.*

*Charlotte looks across the table at Bret a grin on her face. Some menus infront of them.*

"Heads we just get a mixture of things and pick at it or tails we actully get meals. Ok?"

*Charlotte cant help but laugh. The last month had been a blast. She started her new job at a travil agency and so far she liked it. On top of it she was helping Angelica with work from Cali and spending what free time she had flipping coins with Bret.

Tonight was just one of those nights where a coin was a must. Neather of them new what they wanted to eat or if they were even that hungry or not.*

"Ha...its heads. Ok so...lets just order a bunch of stuff from the appitiser menu and than eat what we want, take the rest home and than eat the left overs tomarrow when we get together for a movie and my weekly clean Bret's house session."

*Charlotte lips curl into a grin. She new Bret hated when she cleaned his house but it was something to do and something that needed to be done badly. So she dident mind. If she got it halfway deacent for him maybe he would keep up on it.*

"Hows work going for you anyways? Anything fun and exciting going on? Anything thrilling and dangerouse? You dont salk around all day do you? I'd hate to have to come and embaress you now."

*Scaning over the menu and the hodge poge of what they wanted to get Charlotte lets her question drag off so Bret can answer.*

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