
Hold Him

*Katie smiles as she listens to Scott talk for a long while. Giving a laugh at the mental immage of Nate and the mouse traps. As Scott brings the call to an end Katie cant help but feel a bit disapointed.*

"Ok..well give Domino a hug for me and I will see you tomarrow? Lunch room same time same place."

*Katie gives a giggle and hangs up the phone. Leaning her head agains the railing Katie closes her eyes for a moment. A strange feeling came over her, though not being able to discribe it. Siting for a few more moment Katie feels a drop of rain and stands taking in a long breath than heads back inside. Going into the kitchen Katie see Jason and Laura and smiles. Coming along side Jason Katie smiles and nudging him alittle than turns to Laura.*

"Whatever you are making smells wonderful Laura."

*Katie enjoys the time with Jason and with Laura eating dinner, chating, and even laughing here and there. When Con comes Katie is sad to see Jason go. As they get to the door Katie stops Jason and give him a strong embrace.*

"I'll see you tomarrow at work. And if you dont come in call me so I can come and see you. I'll also drive you over to Mike's sometime to get you bike."

*Katie throws a wave to Con and Jason pull out of the driveway. After they leave Katie helps Laura clean up. Katie looks up and smiles at Laura.*

"I'm very happy J is home. I've missed him. And it felt good to hold him again."


Scott had been coworkers with Jason since he'd worked at TJY...he'd call Jason his friend. He was so glad that Jason was out of prison and back home where he belonged now - he hadn't deserved to be behind bars in the first place, and TJY needed him back on their team. Jason had been missed, and Scott had felt for him.

...But...hearing the tone of Katie's voice now, Scott couldn't help but give a little less than all his concentration to feeling positive about this change in events. He lets it slide though...for Katie.

"Oh, ha, me? Eh, you know - good as always. Sliced my finger open on the can opener - that's about as exciting as things got today, other than the news of Jason. And...fun?" He thinks as he turns his car down his street. "Not unless you count Nate putting mouse traps in every corner of the building and hearing people set them off on accident." He laughs a little.

As his house comes into view, he brings the call to an end. "Well, I'm home now and Domino will be waiting. I guess I'll see you around. Have a good night."

Smelling Laura's cooking, Jason can't help but give in and eat some spaghetti. Interacting with Laura and Katie seems more difficult than he thought for some reason. He hates his own awkwardness, but finds little that will help.

As the evening wears on, Jason becomes more weary, and Laura finally calls Con to come pick him up. A warm greeting of friends is exchanged when Con arrives, and after a brief time together, Con and Jason leave.

Laura watches the car disappear down the street, then shuts the door, giving a little sight. "Well, Katie... are you glad you man is home?"


*Katie leans back aganst the railing bring her leg up in front of her leting out a small sigh.*

"He's doing the best he can be at the moment. He's stuned, and nervouse this is a dream he is gonna wake from. He's sleeping at the moment. He needed it. He's just so lost, and messed up Scotty. Its so hard seeing him like this. I'm just hoping he will be ok in the end."

*After Katie chats with Scott alittle more about Jason she changes the subject back.*

"How are you today Scott? And how did work go? Anything fun and exciting?"


Jason moves a little bit as Katie puts the blanket over him, and for several minutes he drifts back to sleep, though not as heavily. Finally awake enough to hear noise in the kitchen, he yawns and sits back up again, opening his eyes wide and blinking, trying to get his bearings. He was at Laura's...he'd been with Katie... it was the strangest feeling not to wake up in his cell.

Putting the blanket aside, he gets up and ambles to the kitchen where Laura's back is turned. "Hey, stranger."

Laura whirls around in surprise, a smile immediately spreading. "Oh, Jason." Setting down the bowl of salad, she goes to give him a big hug.

Jason returns the embrace warmly. "Long time no see."

"Too long." Laura withdraws, a tear behind her eye. "It's so good to see you, Jase... Are you doing alright?"

Jason shrugs, hooking his hands in his pockets. "I'm...a little dazed at the moment, I guess." He forces a dry chuckle. "Still keep thinking I'm gonna wake up and be back behind bars, but...pretty soon here I might figure out this is reality."

"Well I, for one, am glad that it is." Laura throws him a wink. "We've all missed you something awful."

Scott grabs his phone and flips it open as he drives back home from work. "Oh, hey, Katie... Naw, that's okay...I understand." He pauses as he stops for a red light. "I, um...well Reese told everyone that Jason got back, and we're all dying to see him. How's um..." He pauses again, though this time it isn't because of his driving. "How's he doing?"

The Call

*Katie drifts in and out of sleep as she lays with Jason on the coutch. He had been tired and Katie just felt so comfortable she drifted off as well. Hearing Laura come home Katie knows she wont bother them so she herself dosent movie. Falling back asleep Katie is only woken up again by the phone. Katie cant only make out bits and peaces of what Laura is saying as she lays in the dark. Being able to make out Scott's voice Katie rolls her eyes at herself. She had forgoten to call Scott.

Slowly Katie lifts Jason up and than lays him back down placing a blanket over him and giving a small kiss to his forhead. Going into the kitchen Katie streaches.*

"Mmmm...should I say morning or good night?"

*Katie lets out a small chuckle. and stands to head back out of the kitchen.*

"I'll be right back if Jason asks Laura."

*Katie steps out onto the front pourch and sits down on the steps taking in the warm air that had the smell of more rain was to come. Taknig out her phone Katie dials Scott's number. She had forgoten to call him and felt horrable.*

"Hey Scotty. Sorry I forgot to call you. I guess everything just got alittle crazy today."


Jason's eyes drift shut again as he gives Katie's hand a squeeze. "One day at a time, huh...that's going to take us a while..."

He shakes his head. "I'm starving, but I don't want anything to eat. I'm thirsty, but I don't want anything to drink. All I want...is to be here...with you."

Jason's breathing grows quiet as before he can stop it, his exhaustion overtakes him, laying him down in a more peaceful rest than he has had in a very long time...

"Goodnight, Nate." Laura gives him a little wave before she makes her way out of TJY. Though not wanting to intrude, she had decided it best to go home tonight instead of out, to make sure everything was alright, and if Katie or Jason needed anything. She hadn't heard from Katie all day and hoped that no news was good news.

Arriving home, Laura notes that it's about suppertime as the sun is beginning to set. Pulling up to the drive, she notes that Katie's car is still there - apparently she and Jason hadn't gone anywhere.

Stepping up to the door, she enters slowly - the house is dim and quiet. Glancing into the living room, she sees two still figures on the couch, and a smile creases her lips. She makes a point of being quiet as she heads into the kitchen, turning on the light. Setting down her purse, she gives Henry a greeting and searches for something to cook for supper. Deciding on spaghetti, she opts to make a little extra in case Katie or Jason wanted anything.

Scott looks up from his desk before glancing at the clock. He'd planned on going home earlier than this, but had stayed, hoping to see Katie or Jason. But neither had come. He couldn't help being a little worried...as unstable as Katie had been lately, he hoped everything had been okay...though he was a bit wary about Katie's relationship with Jason, he still hoped that it had been a good reunion and not a bad one.

Seeing the floor almost empty for the night, and noting Laura wasn't there either, Scott decides to pick up the phone.

Laura almost drops the pan of sauce as the phone rings. "Oh, shoot," she mutters. Setting the pan back down, she goes for the cordless phone. "Hello? Oh, hi, Scott. Hmm? Yeah, he's here. ...I don't know, looks like he fell asleep. Poor guy is probably exhausted. I haven't been able to talk to him yet - all I know is what I heard from Reese earlier about how they got him out." Laura cradles the phone between her chin and shoulder. "Katie? She never left that I know of, no... Uh-uh, looks like she's asleep too." Laura smiles. "I have to say, it's nice seeing those two together again. ...Hmm? Alright. Yeah, no problem. Sure. See you tomorrow. Bye."

A year

*Katie gives Jason's hand a soft squeeze. Her other hand laying on the top of his mind. Absentmindly running it up and down his arm.*

"Its been almos a year that you have been gone J and as for catching up, we take one day at a time."

*Thinking for a moment Katie offers a smile.*

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

Catch up

Katie’s arms around Jason act as the shelter intended as he tries to claw his way up through everything he’s feeling.

Led to the couch, he numbly follows, letting Katie hold him. Her hand running through his hair is like a warm breeze to make the shadows drift away. Her soothing voice is like a healing balm to his soul.

Jason grows quiet, just sitting with Katie in silence for a long while. Finally he sits straighter, leaning his head back with his eyes closed. The tears had stopped, the torment had eased. He felt completely drained of all energy.

“It all happened so fast…” His voice is hoarse and quiet. “I didn’t even know I was going to get out.” He swallows hard, his mouth feeling like he’d been sucking on cotton. “Reese hasn’t told me everything yet…I don’t know how it happened. He said he’d explain later.”

Jason pauses again, opening his eyes to stare ahead at nothingness. His hand moves over to hold Katie’s, his thumb running over her own. “How long has it been, Hero…it feels like an eternity. Time just…slipped away. I feel like I’m in a dream…like none of this is even real.”

Thinking again, his mind remembers all the things he hadn’t told Katie…all the things he hadn’t shared. The things he’d done…the situations he’d been in…the reputation he’d built.

“Katie, I don’t know how to catch up…”

“I’ve got to call Sheriff Brown,” Reese nods to Susanne as he walks across the main floor. “Let him know we got him out.”

“I’m just so glad he’s home,” Susanne breathes. “Have you let everyone else know yet?”

“I’m working on it.”

“Where is he now?”

“Dropped him off at Katie’s. I don’t know if he’ll be in or not…”

Scott’s typing ceases as he hears the news. His eyes remain glued to his computer screen, though his mind can’t help but wander.


*As Katie holds Jason's hands her eyes dont move from his. Slowly at first Katie cant start to feel Jason open up. Only to grow faster and faster till finally one after another everything was thrown at her. Jason's love, hate, lonlyness, darkness Jason's pain. Katie could feel every bit of it and causes her own hands to shake. How scaired Jason was, and how lonly. Though Katie was filled with great pain she could also feel the healing could start now. Tears make there way to the surface of Katie's own eyes, and she never wavers her sight from Jason. As Jason pulls Katie in her arms wrap around him, offering commfort, shelter. Slowly Katie walks with Jason into the living room to sit down on the coutch still holding Jason close.

And Like a vicegrap holding a peace of wood, Jason's words wrap around Katies heart screaming for her to stay. Still holding Jason Katie rubs his back and runs a hand softly though his hair as she softly hums a little soon.*

"I wont Jason, I wont. You can always come to me. Oh how good it is to feel your wormth Jason and though you have been through so much you have people who still love you. Things are gonna be ok."

*She wispers to him in reply to his statment. As they sit, Katie's mind wonders remindering her how much she had missed Jason, and how good it was to feel him, and hold him in her arms. Its was something Katie had longed for and missed, and now that craving was taken care of for now.*


Katie’s tears tear at Jason’s heart like nothing else. Suddenly his barrier is tested to the limit. Her quivering voice begging him…pleading with him to break those chains was stronger than anything she’d used before.

Jason stands distanced from Katie. The war that had started months ago was now at its most gruesome battle ever. His heart screamed at him to let go. To live. To love. To give back what he had stolen from the one who was most precious in his life.

The love was hidden, locked away….his eyes gave her nothing, nothing but that dark abyss, void of his emotions.

But her eyes…those eyes that pierced his own…they held the key to the chains. They held the key to breaking down the barrier, no matter how strong it had grown.

“I can’t,” he whispers… he reaches out a hand to cradle her tear-streaked face. “There is so much…” He closes his eyes for a moment, dropping his hand. “So much I haven’t said…”

He wants to look away. He wants to back away. Every fiber in his being wants to drop it all and run from the pain that was so deep.

But those eyes…Katie’s eyes…they pull at him… tug at him…beg him not to. They pain him more than anything else as they drive his own hurt towards the surface. Like a magnet pulling nails through his heart.

“Aw, Katie.” Jason grits his teeth and turns to lean on the open doorframe, his eyes clenched shut, trying to block her. He could…he knew he could…he was capable…he had the strength. He hadn’t wanted this to happen. Not now…not seeing her for the first time again. Why was she doing this to him? He could stop it…he had the power…

But what was he willing to lose, in order to preserve his pride?

Jason’s gut twists with his own agony. He was free from prison, but his heart had remained behind bars. He was being offered a second freedom and was turning it down.

He was being stupid.

Spinning back around, Jason locks a gaze with Katie, anger for the situation flashing in his eyes. He steps toward her, shutting the door behind him to block out the world.

His eyes remain harsh as he reaches out and takes Katie’s hands. His grip tightens around her fingers as his pulse pounds in his head. His breathing grows shallow, a bead of sweat trickles down the back of his neck. He glares into the eyes that begged him to release himself.

Closing his own for just a moment, he opens them again…and they show life.

Pain…deep pain courses through Jason’s very being as he drags it from the depths. His hands start to shake as they grip Katie’s. He relives the moments that brought the most hurt. He pulls from the corners the anger he’d built up. He remembers the people he has hurt…the fists he has thrown.

His eyes remained locked on Katie’s as the emotions begin to pool.

Agony shoots through his veins…loneliness surges through his heart…sorrow envelopes his gaze. One after the other, Jason dredges up everything that he had worked so hard to bury, hurling them in Katie’s direction.

And finally, the tears. Springing into his eyes, they sting more than the emotional pain itself.

Unable to stand it any more, Jason chokes on his own breath that he’d been holding. He lets go of Katie’s hands and reaches out to pull her close to him, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace, pressing her head to his chest. “I’m sorry…” His voice is wrought with the emotional trauma he has just gone through. His body weak, his mind exhausted. “Please don’t let me go.”


*As Katie feels Jason's lips on her she kiss him back. Losing all though of anything other than who was standing in front of her. As Jason pulls Katie away she looks up into his eyes searching, looking for her Jason. The eyes that looks back at Katie showed her he was there, but he was drownding, and she could do nothing as long as his feelings were locked away. This happy moment turned to something alse all to fast. New tears show themself in Katie eyes.*

"Jason...please hold me, let me know your really here and I am not dreaming. Please Jason let me feel you, let me heal you. I've missed you so much."

*Katie's voice sounded like it was almost begging Jason, and thats how she felt. Why, why was she beging her own boyfriend for love, affection. She eyes did not show what his actions did. No...this couldent be happing, this couldent be true. Jason, where are you.?*


Feeling love can be uncontrolled. It seeps into the heart, sometimes unnoticed until it is suddenly in full bloom. But even such a strong emotion as love needs to have the willingness to be shared. And sharing love exposes the heart. So by loving, and showing love, that person opens up themselves to another, laying bare their soul for both the good and the bad. Choosing not to lay bare the soul keeps the love covered where it festers, eating away at he heart as it longs to be released.

“Oh, Katie.” Jason immediately returns the embrace, bringing Katie close in a strong hug. As he holds her, the longing his arms have felt is relieved. The ach to feel her touch again disperses. From somewhere deep down, tears want to come, but they are blocked.

Holding Katie for a long moment, Jason finally draws back just a little, lifting her face to see her eyes. Cocking his head and leaning down, he presses his lips to hers, feeling the warmth he’s been waiting for, for so long. Oh, how he has missed her.

…But how can the heart of one who has locked himself away feel what he longs to feel?

Withdrawing, Jason stands back, holding Katie at arm’s length, just studying her eyes. A sudden twist to his gut comes as a warning of something he cannot see. There was a confusion…a disturbance he didn’t recognize.

And yet…he did know. For he had learned well how to bury his feelings…his emotions. The pain he had suffered had been locked away tightly, without the intention of releasing it or sharing it. He could not bear to see that pain in Katie’s eyes…he could not bear the pain inside himself to relive it again.

But just as chlorine destroys good and bad germs, so too did Jason’s barrier seize the good along with the bad. So slowly…so quietly it had happened…it had gone unrecognized…unheeded. For thinking one could separate one emotion from the next was but folly, waiting to be proven.

Jason swallows hard and slowly releases Katie. As he looks into her eyes, he relays nothing…his actions of his embrace…his passionate exchange spoke of a true longing. Yet as impossible as it seemed, at the same time, he could not have been more numb. His heart had been locked…and the key was lost.

Was it by choice? Was it the fault of him protecting his own heart? Was it simply the aftermath of tragic circumstances? The source didn’t seem to matter. For now there was a new choice. The barrier could be broken if the host wished it to be. But releasing the love meant releasing the pain. One could not be exposed without the other. And the pain was too great.

Jason now had over half a year’s worth of experiences that he had not spoken of. Over a half a year of hardness that had set in. Over half a year of becoming someone who would firs throw a punch than speak a word. Over half a year struggling to remain who he was, but giving in to the change.

Love was suddenly a lost emotion, somewhere beneath the tumult of hurt. For without the willingness to share all of his heart, the portion that mattered the most remained hidden from view.

…The love was indeed felt inside the heart that was incased in stone, but it was no longer visible….no longer evident to the eyes of others…no longer shared.

His arms were warm, but his eyes were cold.


*Misty thinks for a long moment as her one arm is wraped around Carson's wast as they walk down the road. Geting a grin on her face she brings her free finger to her mouth as if thinking.*

"Hmmmm...I still cant remember those consequences you keep talking about. Maybe you should refresh my memorie!"

*As Katie runs a towl though her hair from just geting out of the shower she hears the doorbell ring. Throwing on her black pair of pants and her teal tank top Katie heads to the door. Opening the door Katie's eyes meet Jasons. Stuned and probley looking dumb Katie stands in the doorway her mouth gaping open. A scream, a cry, was caught in her throt. Was she dreaming? Katie reaches out slowly and brings her fingers to Jason face as she steps out onto the pourch. Running her fingers lightly over his face its almost like Katie is making sure he is real. As a tear escaps Katies eye her arm goes around Jason's neck as she hugs him close.*


*How good it was to see him again, how her heart sang. Jason was free. Jason was...home.*


Carson bends a little as Misty surprises him by coming up on his back, but he can’t help his smile. He spins around, then sets her back down on the ground bringing her to the side so he can throw a rough arm around her shoulders. “Mm…and who said that scaring a hunk of an Aussie isn’t dangerous for a young woman like yourself?”

He leans over and kisses her cheek. “Remember those consequences.” He grins and squeezes her tighter as they walk.

Laura comes into TJY and sees Nate setting out traps. She can’t help her giggle as she comes up behind him. “Just couldn’t let it go, could you?” She throws him a grin. “You’re gonna protect me, even if it’s from an itty bitty mouse.”

Jason thinks for a moment, still trying to collect his rampant thoughts. “Um…I guess…I don’t know…. Is all must stuff still at Con’s?”

Reese nods, looking in the rearview mirror at Jason. “Yeah. Last I knew, he hadn’t touched a thing.”

“I guess swing me by there first so I can grab a shower and get into some of my own clothes, and then…I suppose I should come to TJY.”

“There’s a lot we’re going to have to talk about,” Reese informs. “A lot has happened since you’ve been in prison, especially the last few days though. But we’ll talk about it later. For now, just take it easy.”

The ride back is long and fairly quiet. The closer they get, the more Jason realizes that this is reality. An excitement bubbles deep down somewhere, but it doesn’t show on his face.

Getting to Con’s, it’s empty as Con is gone for the day to work. Jason thinks he remembers someone saying he worked at the lumberyard now…that was a strange thought.

After quickly showering he scrounges to find his clothes. His jeans are just a little bit looser at the waist…his t-shirt is just a little bit tighter in the shoulders. Not bothering to do anything with his wet hair, he’s back out into the car.

Reese is just getting off his cell phone. “I just called in to work to see what was happening there. Most everyone has been there all day, but Katie called in late. She’s still at home…” He glances to Jason with question. “Has your destination changed?”

Lifting an eyebrow, Jason thinks for a moment. “Uh, yeah….sure…take me by her place I suppose.”

Reese obliges and aims to the other end of town. It doesn’t take long to pull up in front of Laura’s and Katie’s.

Jason can’t help but notice the new car in the driveway. That was interesting.

“You want to just be dropped off?” Reese asks.

Jason hesitates before opening the door. “Sure. I’ll figure out where I’m going after this.” Getting out, he stops and turns back around to the open window. “Thank you… both of you…”

After watching the car disappear down the road, Jason turns to the house. Taking a deep breath, he walks up the porch steps. His stomach was in knots. He’d waited for this for how long? And yet he was hesitating. Why? He was mad at himself…he knew why…he was feeling the same as he had the last time he’d seen Katie…he wanted to give himself to her, and yet didn’t want to have to dig up all the pain to do it. But perhaps….perhaps she wouldn’t ask him to this time.

Finally raising his hand, he rings the doorbell. He waits. As the door opens, he simply stops and stares. His weary eyes lock with Katie’s. No words seem to want to come…what could he possibly say?

where to?

*Katie makes her way into the kitchen, Henry close behind her. It had been a rough night and a worse morning. Maybe Henry new that and that is why he stayed close. Something was going on and though Katie had grown on being able to put her own wall up around her connection with Jason, this morning it was just to strong to hold up and broke through the walls. The emotions, and feelings were far to great. It was almost like there was happyness, sadness, and confustion put into one.Something was going to happen, was about to change. Katie just couldent consintrate enough to be any help do decied she would take the morning off and go into work after lunch.*

*Misty dashes out of her house knowing Carson wouldent be far away. As she jogs farther she catches up fast him him seeing as he is walking. Drawing close enough Misty once again leeps and jumps on Carson's back.*

"Did you know its dangerouse out here. A cute sassy woman could jump a hot hunk of an aussy like yourself."

*Misty plains a kiss on Carson's cheek. Her hair blowing in the wind that had picked up. The morning was drery, and probley going to rain by Misty decieded not to bother driving and walkin with Carson insted.*

*Nate finishs seting up some traps under Laura's desk and around a few other places in TJY. The mouse that had startled Laura was still on the lose somewhere and Nate was determened to get it. Glaning outside he takes note to the clouds and the sound of thunder rolling in the distince. A storm was brewing, and there would be one heck of a mess to clean up from it.*

*Lockheart rides in silence for a long while deep in though. She was excited probley as much as Reese that Jason was out. THough not understanding how she pushed the lawyer part of her away that wanted to question everything and let the friend show that was happy and dident really care.

As they spot Jason walking down the side of the road the grin on Lockheart's face wides. Geting out of the car she says nothing for a moment but gives Jason a hug.*

"Its good to see you."

*After geting back in the car and driving off Lockheart turns in her seat to look at Jason.*

"Hey. Where do you want to go first now that your out?"


Scott grins and chuckles a little. “Yeah, I guess I just never got around to mentioning that fascinating fact about myself.”

He shakes his head and takes a final swig of his pop. Finished with his own lunch, he just watches Katie for several moments, seeming to be deep in thought. But then as if yanking himself back to reality, he stands quickly.

“Well, I gotta clean up this mess to go clean up another one in the copy room. Something about the copy machine.” He rolls his eyes. “Like I’m supposed to be the expert on that or something.”

He throws away his trash and on his way out, he simply reaches down to give Katie’s shoulder a quick squeeze before disappearing into the hall.

Laura hugs Nate back, finally getting herself under control from laughing. “I’m sorry. You can kick the mouse’s butt if you want to.” She giggles. “But you’d have to crawl under my desk to do it.”

The afternoon wears on with little time for much more interaction between staff. A late afternoon meeting with Reese proves to be an encouragement as he relays his meeting with Sheriff Brown. Giving the staff a choice once again, it’s obvious that everyone is in favor of staying and going public as the Elite if possible, rather than disbanding. No one wants TJY to fold completely.

The evening comes quickly, bringing everyone to their separate ways, each knowing tomorrow they will see each other again.

Con returns Jamie’s kiss and hugs her back tightly. “I love you too, Jamie.” A smile creases his lips. He’s made someone happy…and that’s all that mattered right now.

Morning dawns. The sky is clouded over. Though there is no rain in the forecast, the atmosphere is dense. A strange feeling is in the air…change is on the wind.

Scott types at his computer, having come into work two hours early. He stifles a yawn as he retrieves a printout, then takes a moment to lean back and stretch. There was an odd sense around TJY…things were going to be changing very soon.

Carson walks down the sidewalk towards TJY. He’d already gone for his morning jog, once again passing by Misty’s and waking her up. He glances up at the sky again, wondering at the strange clouds. There was a storm brewing, but it wasn’t within the weather…

“What?!” Reese stares dumbfounded at the phone. “What are you talking about? Today?!”

That’s right.

“But…no trial, no nothing?”

I told you I could pull some strings. I just got the signed papers from the judge himself. Jason’s been acquitted.

“That’s it? I mean…what…”

You need to get over to that prison, pronto. If you wait too long, they’ll have ample chance to try and get away with something else. I know this goes against all legal systems in so many different ways, but trust me – go pick him up while you have the chance. Once you get him back, settle down for a day or so, then come see me about the other topic at hand.”

“I’ve already spoken to my staff…they’re all in agreement to go public if Lockheart can work on that pardon plea.”

Good deal. Then I’ll start working on a court date and get back to you.

“Thank you, Sheriff.”

Just get that man back home.

“Will do.” Reese hangs up, still in shock. Dialing again, he speaks with urgency. “Lockheart? Get over to TJY right away. You and I are going up to the prison.”


Jason is leaning against the concrete wall, his arms crossed as he watches the other inmates. He turns his head to the guard. “What?”

“Come on.”

Rolling his eyes, Jason aims for him, going back inside the building. “What is it this time?”

“You’re out of here.”

“What?” Jason is taken by such surprise that he stops and turns. “What do you mean?”

“Order from the judge. Now move.” The guard pushes him down the hall. “Your cell’s already been cleaned out. You’ll get your stuff at the front desk.”

Barely given time to don a shirt without his number, Jason is rushed through the somewhat underhanded methods of release. He’s given a paper sack with the few things he’d had in his cell, and is taken back outside by way of the front doors.

Escorted at gunpoint, he’s led down the drive to the front gates where they’re opened, then closed behind him without so much as a word to get out. He stands numbly, spinning around and looking back inside as the guard retreats.

What had just happened? How was this happening? Who had been at work? And why? Was this some sort of trap?

Jason looks left down the deserted road, then right. He felt as if he were in a daze, and was almost fearful to move, should he step off a cliff in this crazy dream. But it wasn’t a dream. The noon sun beat down hot, causing him to sweat.

Taking one last look toward the inside, Jason decides not to question anymore. He had no clue what had just happened or how, but surely there was an answer somewhere, and surely it had something to do with TJY.

Too shocked to even feel the elation of freedom, Jason turns left and starts to walk on the shoulder of the road. He didn’t know if anyone was coming for him, if someone from the law would pick him up, or anything. But he couldn’t just stand here all day.

“Good land, it’s Jason.” Reese hits the breaks on the car and pulls off onto the shoulder of the road. “They didn’t even wait for us!” he exclaims to Lockheart.

Before exiting the car he takes a sweeping glance of the area. Everything seemed to be clear.

Jason stops in his tracks as he sees the car. A feeling of relief comes over him. Reese…Lockheart… he really was going home.

“Jason!” Reese is quick to approach, extending his hand.

Jason takes it, and accepts the hearty but brief embrace. “Reese… What’s going on?”

“I’ll explain all about it later. For now, just revel in the fact that you’re free.”

Jason swallows hard. “Really?”

Reese stops, suddenly realizing the shock that Jason is going through. “Yeah…really. Come on.” He leads the way to the car.

Jason slides into the back seat and looks up to the front at Lockheart. He didn’t even know what to say… a million and one thoughts were running through his mind. He wants to jump up and down and scream – he was leaving that dreaded prison. Yet he feels almost lost…not knowing what to do or how to act. He’d had no warning at all…no time to mentally prepare for this… he was going home…back to his friends…back to TJY…back to Katie… And he felt utterly helpless, almost stupid for not being able to think straight enough to take this in stride like he had everything else.

His eyes reflect his confusion and struggle, though he emits none of his emotional battle. “Um…hi…I guess.”