

Jason's eyes drift shut again as he gives Katie's hand a squeeze. "One day at a time, huh...that's going to take us a while..."

He shakes his head. "I'm starving, but I don't want anything to eat. I'm thirsty, but I don't want anything to drink. All I want...is to be here...with you."

Jason's breathing grows quiet as before he can stop it, his exhaustion overtakes him, laying him down in a more peaceful rest than he has had in a very long time...

"Goodnight, Nate." Laura gives him a little wave before she makes her way out of TJY. Though not wanting to intrude, she had decided it best to go home tonight instead of out, to make sure everything was alright, and if Katie or Jason needed anything. She hadn't heard from Katie all day and hoped that no news was good news.

Arriving home, Laura notes that it's about suppertime as the sun is beginning to set. Pulling up to the drive, she notes that Katie's car is still there - apparently she and Jason hadn't gone anywhere.

Stepping up to the door, she enters slowly - the house is dim and quiet. Glancing into the living room, she sees two still figures on the couch, and a smile creases her lips. She makes a point of being quiet as she heads into the kitchen, turning on the light. Setting down her purse, she gives Henry a greeting and searches for something to cook for supper. Deciding on spaghetti, she opts to make a little extra in case Katie or Jason wanted anything.

Scott looks up from his desk before glancing at the clock. He'd planned on going home earlier than this, but had stayed, hoping to see Katie or Jason. But neither had come. He couldn't help being a little worried...as unstable as Katie had been lately, he hoped everything had been okay...though he was a bit wary about Katie's relationship with Jason, he still hoped that it had been a good reunion and not a bad one.

Seeing the floor almost empty for the night, and noting Laura wasn't there either, Scott decides to pick up the phone.

Laura almost drops the pan of sauce as the phone rings. "Oh, shoot," she mutters. Setting the pan back down, she goes for the cordless phone. "Hello? Oh, hi, Scott. Hmm? Yeah, he's here. ...I don't know, looks like he fell asleep. Poor guy is probably exhausted. I haven't been able to talk to him yet - all I know is what I heard from Reese earlier about how they got him out." Laura cradles the phone between her chin and shoulder. "Katie? She never left that I know of, no... Uh-uh, looks like she's asleep too." Laura smiles. "I have to say, it's nice seeing those two together again. ...Hmm? Alright. Yeah, no problem. Sure. See you tomorrow. Bye."

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