

*As Katie holds Jason's hands her eyes dont move from his. Slowly at first Katie cant start to feel Jason open up. Only to grow faster and faster till finally one after another everything was thrown at her. Jason's love, hate, lonlyness, darkness Jason's pain. Katie could feel every bit of it and causes her own hands to shake. How scaired Jason was, and how lonly. Though Katie was filled with great pain she could also feel the healing could start now. Tears make there way to the surface of Katie's own eyes, and she never wavers her sight from Jason. As Jason pulls Katie in her arms wrap around him, offering commfort, shelter. Slowly Katie walks with Jason into the living room to sit down on the coutch still holding Jason close.

And Like a vicegrap holding a peace of wood, Jason's words wrap around Katies heart screaming for her to stay. Still holding Jason Katie rubs his back and runs a hand softly though his hair as she softly hums a little soon.*

"I wont Jason, I wont. You can always come to me. Oh how good it is to feel your wormth Jason and though you have been through so much you have people who still love you. Things are gonna be ok."

*She wispers to him in reply to his statment. As they sit, Katie's mind wonders remindering her how much she had missed Jason, and how good it was to feel him, and hold him in her arms. Its was something Katie had longed for and missed, and now that craving was taken care of for now.*

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