

Scott grins and chuckles a little. “Yeah, I guess I just never got around to mentioning that fascinating fact about myself.”

He shakes his head and takes a final swig of his pop. Finished with his own lunch, he just watches Katie for several moments, seeming to be deep in thought. But then as if yanking himself back to reality, he stands quickly.

“Well, I gotta clean up this mess to go clean up another one in the copy room. Something about the copy machine.” He rolls his eyes. “Like I’m supposed to be the expert on that or something.”

He throws away his trash and on his way out, he simply reaches down to give Katie’s shoulder a quick squeeze before disappearing into the hall.

Laura hugs Nate back, finally getting herself under control from laughing. “I’m sorry. You can kick the mouse’s butt if you want to.” She giggles. “But you’d have to crawl under my desk to do it.”

The afternoon wears on with little time for much more interaction between staff. A late afternoon meeting with Reese proves to be an encouragement as he relays his meeting with Sheriff Brown. Giving the staff a choice once again, it’s obvious that everyone is in favor of staying and going public as the Elite if possible, rather than disbanding. No one wants TJY to fold completely.

The evening comes quickly, bringing everyone to their separate ways, each knowing tomorrow they will see each other again.

Con returns Jamie’s kiss and hugs her back tightly. “I love you too, Jamie.” A smile creases his lips. He’s made someone happy…and that’s all that mattered right now.

Morning dawns. The sky is clouded over. Though there is no rain in the forecast, the atmosphere is dense. A strange feeling is in the air…change is on the wind.

Scott types at his computer, having come into work two hours early. He stifles a yawn as he retrieves a printout, then takes a moment to lean back and stretch. There was an odd sense around TJY…things were going to be changing very soon.

Carson walks down the sidewalk towards TJY. He’d already gone for his morning jog, once again passing by Misty’s and waking her up. He glances up at the sky again, wondering at the strange clouds. There was a storm brewing, but it wasn’t within the weather…

“What?!” Reese stares dumbfounded at the phone. “What are you talking about? Today?!”

That’s right.

“But…no trial, no nothing?”

I told you I could pull some strings. I just got the signed papers from the judge himself. Jason’s been acquitted.

“That’s it? I mean…what…”

You need to get over to that prison, pronto. If you wait too long, they’ll have ample chance to try and get away with something else. I know this goes against all legal systems in so many different ways, but trust me – go pick him up while you have the chance. Once you get him back, settle down for a day or so, then come see me about the other topic at hand.”

“I’ve already spoken to my staff…they’re all in agreement to go public if Lockheart can work on that pardon plea.”

Good deal. Then I’ll start working on a court date and get back to you.

“Thank you, Sheriff.”

Just get that man back home.

“Will do.” Reese hangs up, still in shock. Dialing again, he speaks with urgency. “Lockheart? Get over to TJY right away. You and I are going up to the prison.”


Jason is leaning against the concrete wall, his arms crossed as he watches the other inmates. He turns his head to the guard. “What?”

“Come on.”

Rolling his eyes, Jason aims for him, going back inside the building. “What is it this time?”

“You’re out of here.”

“What?” Jason is taken by such surprise that he stops and turns. “What do you mean?”

“Order from the judge. Now move.” The guard pushes him down the hall. “Your cell’s already been cleaned out. You’ll get your stuff at the front desk.”

Barely given time to don a shirt without his number, Jason is rushed through the somewhat underhanded methods of release. He’s given a paper sack with the few things he’d had in his cell, and is taken back outside by way of the front doors.

Escorted at gunpoint, he’s led down the drive to the front gates where they’re opened, then closed behind him without so much as a word to get out. He stands numbly, spinning around and looking back inside as the guard retreats.

What had just happened? How was this happening? Who had been at work? And why? Was this some sort of trap?

Jason looks left down the deserted road, then right. He felt as if he were in a daze, and was almost fearful to move, should he step off a cliff in this crazy dream. But it wasn’t a dream. The noon sun beat down hot, causing him to sweat.

Taking one last look toward the inside, Jason decides not to question anymore. He had no clue what had just happened or how, but surely there was an answer somewhere, and surely it had something to do with TJY.

Too shocked to even feel the elation of freedom, Jason turns left and starts to walk on the shoulder of the road. He didn’t know if anyone was coming for him, if someone from the law would pick him up, or anything. But he couldn’t just stand here all day.

“Good land, it’s Jason.” Reese hits the breaks on the car and pulls off onto the shoulder of the road. “They didn’t even wait for us!” he exclaims to Lockheart.

Before exiting the car he takes a sweeping glance of the area. Everything seemed to be clear.

Jason stops in his tracks as he sees the car. A feeling of relief comes over him. Reese…Lockheart… he really was going home.

“Jason!” Reese is quick to approach, extending his hand.

Jason takes it, and accepts the hearty but brief embrace. “Reese… What’s going on?”

“I’ll explain all about it later. For now, just revel in the fact that you’re free.”

Jason swallows hard. “Really?”

Reese stops, suddenly realizing the shock that Jason is going through. “Yeah…really. Come on.” He leads the way to the car.

Jason slides into the back seat and looks up to the front at Lockheart. He didn’t even know what to say… a million and one thoughts were running through his mind. He wants to jump up and down and scream – he was leaving that dreaded prison. Yet he feels almost lost…not knowing what to do or how to act. He’d had no warning at all…no time to mentally prepare for this… he was going home…back to his friends…back to TJY…back to Katie… And he felt utterly helpless, almost stupid for not being able to think straight enough to take this in stride like he had everything else.

His eyes reflect his confusion and struggle, though he emits none of his emotional battle. “Um…hi…I guess.”

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