

As the times before, Axel allows Jess to work on his hand, though he's still just a little surprised at her initiative.

Listening to her talk, he nods. "Yeah, it was a bit chilly last night to have a window open."

The pause in conversation is welcomed, and his eyes simply drift to her hands as they gently rubbed his own. Her touch was soft and warm, soothing away the pain like nothing else had ever done.

Snapping back to attention, he glances up as Jess speaks again. "I'd like to work at night," he muses. "Empty shop, leaving me to the peace and quiet and my own little world. I know dealing with people is as must, but sometimes I'd just as soon go out back and work alone there."

Another silence takes over the table, and his gaze moves downward again. The ache in his hand had stopped for the time being. Taking his other hand, he stops Jess' movements, but takes her own two hands in his. For a moment, he just holds them until he finally looks up to stare into her eyes. The eyes that held so many stories. The eyes that held a fire beyond the walls, just waiting to burn again.

"I generally don't make a habit out of letting anyone close enough to help me like this," he mentions quietly. What he really meant was that he never allowed another woman to be close at all, let alone ever touch his hands. "But you're different, Jess... I haven't figured out yet what it is... but you're different."

Scott receives Dalton's words a little awkwardly at first. It still didn't really feel like his office too yet. Maybe if he was told enough times, he would get used to it.

Not sure what to do, he leans back against the wall and closes his eyes, enjoying the classical music, not objecting to it. "All my music is gone," he responds. "I miss it. No one else ever shared my tastes."

Standing nearby for several moments, he brings himself back to attention when Dalton asks for his assistance. He hesitates. Looking at the larger man, he weighs his options. He didn't really feel like he was very much capable of helping. His mind was still foggy and he still couldn't concentrate very well. But his only other option was to go back to the infirmary.

Pursing his lips, he wanders a little closer, his hands still in his pockets. Almost timidly, he comes around and looks over Dalton's shoulder. "A database, huh?" His eyes roam the computer screen, not being able to help the ideas and formulas that pop into his mind.

Without even thinking, he reaches back and pulls an extra chair closer to sit down. "Which part are you having trouble with?"

Kyle's alarm goes off for the third time, and he groans, rolling over to slap it off. But it doesn't go off. What?

Sleepily, he pulls his head out from under his pillow to look at his alarm clock. Oh. It wasn't his alarm. It was his phone.

Reaching down to the floor, he gropes under his pile of dirty clothes, grumbling to himself. Feeling too far, he loses his balances and falls out of bed with a thud. More grumbles come as he continues to look for his phone. "I gotta turn that dang thing off," he mutters.

Just when his fingers find the phone, it stops ringing. "Aw, nice." He sighs and flips it open to look at it. Not only had he just missed this call, but several others as well. He'd been ignoring them. He didn't recognize the number and hadn't wanted to take the time to listen. But who cared now?

Leaning back against the bed, he stays on the floor and listens to the first message.
My name is Alice and you dont know me but I know you... well kind of. Anyways I heard you sing at the concert recently, and I saw you play the keybored for Jetstream. The way you slipped into two different rolls was great. I am just getting into journalism and started working for the local magazine for Nevada and my first assignment was to do a report of you. So if you can give me call back sometime that would be great. Thanks, Kyle.

Kyle lifts his eyebrows. Alice, huh? That was interesting. The second message plays.
Hi Kyle, it's Alice again. Sorry to keep bothering you. I hope this is the right number after all. Just calling again to see if we could set up a time to talk. My boss still wants me to do that report on you and says I cant move on till I get it. So I am hoping you give me a call back and we can set something up. Thanks.

Now Kyle's eyes roll. Reporters. Great. That's all he needed. Did he dare listen to the third message?
Kyle, it's Alice again. I feel like I am being a nuisance and I am sure you think so too. But my boss told me it comes with the job. Anyways I was hoping to get to talk to you but once again it's a no go. Just give me a call when you can.

Kyle slaps his phone shut. Good grief. He thinks about just ignoring the whole thing. But this Alice seemed pretty doggone determined. If he didn't give her something, she'd just keep calling. He sighs. "Alright, fine," he relents aloud. Dialing, he waits until he hears the same female voice.

"Kyle Mitts," he identifies himself. He stifles a yawn as he runs a hand through his hair. "Look, I don't care if you want to do a story. I don't think there's much of anything interesting enough for anybody to care about, but do what you want... with one rule - if I say it doesn't go public, it doesn't go public." He didn't want any of the band's arguments or his rift with JetStream to get out.

Surprisingly, it's Jeff that answers the phone. "Well hi, Angel!" His greeting is warm and cheery. "We're missing you something awful around here, you know that? Keeping all these guys in line is just too much work for the ladies that are left." His laugh signals his teasing. "But I doubt you really wanted to talk to me, did you? Hang on, I'll get your hubby."

There's as bunch of shuffling noises, some muffled voices and odd background noises, but finally Luke's voice comes over the line. "Hey, you," he greets. "Been wondering when you were gonna call again. How are things in Nevada?"


Jess relaxes in the booth and glances out the window for a moment just listing to Axel. Turning back to him she gives a smile and a nod. Taking note to him running his hand Jess makes the conclusion that once again his hands were bothering him.

Reaching out and not even thinking twice about it Jess reaches over the table taking Axel's hand in hers as she gently rubs it from the palm to the fingers tips trying to make it feel better while she continues to talk.

"My morning has been alright. It was awfly cold in my apartment though. When I woke up my window in the living room was open a crack. I guess I had opened it lastnight for some fresh air and I never closed it."

Continuing to rub Axel hand Jess falls silent for a long moment letting the quiet rule like it often did with the two of them. But not minding at all it was welcomed.

"...So anyways I dont think work is going to be to busy today. When I work at night it usaly isnt. I guess I dont mind to much. It give me time to fiddle with some of the camras they have there. Now thats something I like doing."

Looking up from his desk Dalton gives a nod to Scott and Reese as they enter the office. He hadnt been here long before Reese had been fired but from what time Dalton had seen him he had no complaints about him now being chief. He seemed fair and thats really all that mattered.

Darlton just listend as Reese talks about making the office bigger for them. It didnt sound like a bad idea at all. It might even be nice to have the room to cram more papers, and equipment into the room.

Once Reese is gone Dalton is about to go back to work not even minding Scott was still in the room when he receves Scott's question. Turning in his chair and looking at him again quirking his eyebrow for a moment.

"This is as much your office at it is mine, so I have no right to tell you cant stay, but if it make you feel better I dont mind at all if you stay as long as you can deal with my classicle music."

Turning again back to the computer Dalton starts to type again as the soft sound of music is hurt in the background. Stoping though for a moment Dalton looks at Scott again and with a hole heart look that said he really was having trouble he states.

"You know I am kind of glad you stayed her for a little bit. I am workin on this data base for Misty to try and help organize her research better for her so she can work on more than one thing at a time and find information, and formula she needs but I am having a problem with some of the coding of what I want to get done. Do you think maybe you could take a look at it and give your imput on it?"

Sitting up in bed Angel whipes the tears from her eyes. She was lonly, cold and felt like crap. Why hadent she told Luke what was going on she didnt know and now she could feel herself getting worse and he wasnt around when she needed him the most.

Drying her tears Angel grabs her phone and dials the ranch. She wanted to talk to Luke. She had to to she missed him to much and what would happen soon she didnt know. Dialing the number she waits.


Jason doesn't say anything as Katie approaches and just listens for a moment. A small smile curls the corner of his mouth, and he turns around, slipping his arms over her shoulders and looking down at her.

"Thanks, Katie. I needed to hear that." He leans down to kiss the top of her head, then pulls her in for a tight hug.

Sorry I cut you off earlier. It was just something I needed to know that I could do on my own.

Withdrawing, he looks down into her eyes. "But without knowing you'd be there to catch me, I still couldn't have done it."

Scott wanders slowly down the hall back towards the infirmary, his one hand running lightly along the wall.


A hand on his shoulder makes him jump and whirl around, his eyes widening.

Reese stands back quickly. "Sorry. Didn't meant to startle you."

Scott is quick to calm his racing heart. "You could wave at me from across the room and it would still startle me," he replies, disgusted with himself.

Reese is about to offer some encouragement, but then decides just to let it drop. "Would you come with me a minute?"

"Um...ok." Scott hesitates, but follows Reese a little farther down the hall to Dalton's and his office.

Reese is pleased to see that Dalton is already back. "Dalton, good... now that I've got you both here..." He makes sure Scott moves into the office before going on. "I just want to be very clear that I'm happy with two tech guys around here. Goodness knows we can use all we can get. I know we're short on space though. So..."

He walks over to one of the walls and taps it with his knuckles. "On the other side of this is a storage closet. The stuff in there can be put elsewhere. So I'd like to take out this wall and open up this office to give you two more room in here."

He turns back to Scott. "And I'll have you know that from here on out, your pay go back up to what they were. No more of this foolish minimum wage."

Scott's eyebrows rise in surprise, and he looks to Dalton, then back to Reese. "Feel better?"

Reese laughs and nods. "Much. I've been biting my tongue for too long."

Something close to a smile surfaces on Scott's face. "What, um... what's your policy about... about dogs?"

"I like dogs," Reese states flatly. "Both Trooper and Domino are welcome here at any given time for any given reason as long as they behave themselves."

Scott visibly perks up. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me." Reese shakes his head. "Just stick around for a while eh?" He gives Scott's shoulder a pat. "Okay, you two, have at it. I have so much to do now, it's ridiculous."

Once Reese is gone, Scott just stands for a couple awkward moments before looking back over to Dalton. "Um... you mind if I... hang out in here for a while? I don't want to go back to the infirmary yet."


Being one of the last to leave the room Katie glances back into the room as she slowly feel the emotional flow of Jason open up. Standing in the door way for a moment Katie just watches Jason. In a moment she felt bad for him.

Slowly entering Katie walks up behind him and wraps her arms around his neck in a tight hug bringing her lips close to his ear.

"You will always be my Chief J."

Giving him a kiss on the cheek she dosnt let him reply as she continues to talk.

"You know you had me worryed there for a moment, but you know...you proved just how much you have grown up. Its strange to think back to when I first met you and the guy I new. We couldnt stand eachother back than and to think now, we love eachother so much. You certinly have grown up Jason and I am so proud of you."

Who else

Jason's eyes roam the room, watching everyone's faces. His own was kept steady, void of emotion. Receiving Katie's question, he glances over to her, but for once, he does not respond.

When Nate's question comes, Jason moves forward a little, crossing his arms. "Austin might have done some things I disagreed with at the time. But wouldn't you agree that it is in fact easier for a leader to maintain authority, while others below him work amongst themselves in an orderly fashion?"

Shaking his head, Jason keeps someone else from speaking. "After coming up with all this, I thought hey... I really can do this. It's kinda fun being able to do whatever I want for a change."

He pauses, his facial expression suddenly turning sober as he shuts off the projector. He pauses for a very long moment, putting the whole room on edge. "And because of all those thoughts... all those ideas... all that self-righteousness..." His tone has changed to disgust against himself. "...because I was totally immature in my thinking... I realized that I am so not ready for this job. I like it too much. I like the power too much. And no matter how I try to convince myself otherwise, I know that eventually, I'll drag you all down with me and my selfish ideas. Austin was right."

Eyes blink. Bodies shift. No one says anything.

Jason swallows. He slowly cuts off his main emotions just enough to make it hard for Katie to read him. Time for communication with her would come later... for now, he didn't want it to be a distraction for either of them. "So before I can even start down that path, I've appointed a new chief. One who we all know has the guts and discipline for the job. Though you can legally vote him out, I have a feeling no one will want to."

He waves to the back of the room, gesturing someone forward. All eyes turn and light up as they see Reese. Even Wyatt hadn't realized his dad was back in town yet. Reese walks slowly yet deliberately, joining Jason in front. He reaches up to give his younger friend a pat on the shoulder before turning to look at all the faces.

A special smile is divided between some, but his wink is tossed only to Katie. "I think we'd all agree that Jason's got guts and a pretty noble heart." He gives a nod. "If anything, I'd say he just proved he is worthy of this job. But... that's not what he wants. Instead, he wants me to take over this batch of rebellious misfits."

A grin surfaces, a bit of melancholy showing in his eyes. "But never have I loved a batch of misfits so much. Being away from you all, even for the relatively short time it was, made me realize just the awesome bunch of friends you really are. And all of you are. Maybe it was good I was away for a while so I could remember just how important everyone is to me."

Clearing his throat, he pauses, trying to stay on track and get back to business before he became too sentimental. "Boy does it feel good to be back."

A whoop is let out from the back, and suddenly everyone is clapping, even Jason.

Reese laughs, color coming to his face as he waves them to stop. It takes some doing, but finally everyone is quiet again. Reese quirks an eyebrow at Jason. "I didn't hear cheering when they found out you were in charge."

Jason chuckles at the teasing and shakes his head. "Neither did I." He continues to keep up and emotional barrier, unwilling to discuss his moves just yet. For now he just wanted to listen to Reese.

Reese turns back to the staff. "You know, I've been in third or second command for a long time, and this position was never my goal. But I'm honored, and I'll do my best to think of you when making decisions."

He pauses, giving a nod. "Right off the bat, I want you to know my decision about rankings, since apparently that's one of the bigger issues around here. We can just get this subject out of the way once and for all before we go any further. I've decided not to do away with the system."

Several people exchange disappointed looks.

"Structure is good," Reese explains. "And if I'm ever gone, or unavailable, I don't want people not knowing who to go to, or who's supposed to make a judgment call. I know the rankings have frustrated some of you, but I want you to know that it has absolutely nothing to do with your self-worth. You all have different passions and talents, and if you're high-ranking, it's most likely because of your job position, not because you're any smarter or more worthy. If you're low-ranking, it's not because you're unworthy, but simply because your job position may not be directly involved with decisions on cases. And..."

He holds up a finger for emphasis. "I reserve the right to assign missions to anyone I so choose. Whether I call upon Hal or Katie or Nate or Jason or anybody to lead a case... within that team, they have the permission to trump rank. At TJY, we've always worked in teams, and never do I want to lose that. Never again do I want to lose the feeling of teamwork. I may adjust a few rankings - I may not. If you have a problem with your rank, see me and we'll talk. "

Reese pauses, taking a deep breath. "As for any other official business... let me settle in, and I'll keep everyone informed."

As the meeting closes, more clapping ensues. Everyone rises from their seats, wanting to chat with Reese while heading out the door.

And suddenly... the room is quiet. And Jason is left, hands hooked in his pockets, looking at the empty seats. Slowly, his emotional barrier is lowered again. He felt good, but there was a little twinge of disappointment that he was back to his old position. But... who else could say they'd been chief for a day?


Gathering into the meeting room everyone forms. Many were nervouse on what was to come, and some were excited that maybe this change who was in charge would bring forth the old TJY again. People like Katie help hope that Jason would do good, and do what was best for everyone keeping in mind how others felt.

As the meeting starts and Jason talks Katie cant help but feel her pulse start to move a little quicker as her hands become clammy. Just by the tone in Jason's voice and the feeling she felt it did not sit right with her.

Glancing at Wyatt Katie gives a small shrug to what Jason was talking about signaling that she herself didnt even know. It was strange, and unsettaling but true that she didnt know for once what he was talking about let alone feeling.

Continuing to listen people shift in there seats as the words Jason spoke made them uncomfortable. As the slide projector goes on and the mention of ranks and other things whispers can be hurd as many peoples tones are confused.

Taking her eyes from Jason Katie glances at Wyatt quickly, than Nate and a few other her own shock written on her face.

J...what are you doing? I though you hated the ranks when Austin gave them to us just as much as we did? I dont, understand!

Dalton in quiet, not saying much but glancing at Scott every now and than as if checking is he was doing ok. This matter really didnt bother him to much, Ranks didnt mean a thing to him. He was the tech guy and he would always be at the bottom. Thats just how it went.

Nate's eyes widen as he listens to Jason. Part of him didnt understand and was confused by this whole thing, but it was worth trying to let Jason explain his reason. Giving a small nod he asks.

"Hotshot what is your reason for the rankings. As we all said before including yourself when Austin put in ranks that it felt better when non of us had lables and we were all considered equils. Austin never gave us an answer to the other than it was easyer to controll everyone. Whats your reason for it if I may ask?!"

The faces in the room just stair at Jason all waiting for the reply or to hear more about what he had to say about other changes.


For the first time since being back together again, Carson prays over breakfast. Then digging in, a grin surfaces as he gives his fork a little flourish. "These eggs are cooked to perfection, if I do say so myself."

His eyes twinkle. "This morning I had just the right combination of peppers, bacon, and one little spitfire. Makes for the perfect breakfast." A wink is tossed in Misty's direction. "I could have done with just the spitfire, but I suppose a man has to eat every once in a while."

Axel chuckles and shakes his head, proving it didn't bother him a bit that Jess was a little late. "Those alarms, I tell ya. They just don't turn themselves on when we want them to. What good are they if they can't read our minds?"

After ordering, he leans back in his seat, contemplating his answer to her question. "It was about the same as any other morning, though a brisk walk was an added bonus." He rubs his hand absentmindedly. "Gonna be a long day in the shop, so I'm just as glad to relax for a while before getting back to it."

Mmm... morning, Katie. Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Jason hangs up the phone, having blocked the conversation that had taken place.

I got in early to avoid too many questions yet... I don't know if I'm looking forward to people's reaction of me being chief or not, but I guess today will be the worse of it. Can only go up from here, right?

"Jason, I got those files for you..." Susanne pokes her head into the office.

"Oh, thanks." Jason takes the papers and nods. "Good deal."

"Meeting still at ten?"


"Want me to make coffee or anything?"

Jason thinks, then shrugs. "If you think enough people would like it. I leave that up to you."

Susanne chuckles. "Alright. See you in a few minutes."

Alone again, Jason sighs and rubs his forehead.

Guess I'll see you in a few minutes too. Wish me luck.

A quarter to ten, the Elite staff starts to filter down to the lower level. Everyone seems a little on edge. No one had said much about Jason's email... they were all shocked and unsure what to think. Most simply hoped that this morning's meeting would head off any questions they had as to what the future held. Some faces held the look of hope that things would start to improve. Some held the look of wariness, and perhaps distrust that Jason was the right man for the job. But few words were said.

As the room fills, seats are taken up in rows, facing the front of the room. One by one, everyone there shows up. One of the last to enter, Scott comes in quietly, almost unnoticed, as was his intent. He hadn't wanted to come, but Rick had prompted him. He didn't notice the smile Susanne sent him when she noticed the new clothes he was wearing.

Trudging to the side, Scott spots an empty seat in the back next to Dalton. Next to the hulk was the perfect hiding spot. Sliding in next to the other tech guy, Scott keeps his eyes down, and his hands in his pockets. He hoped the meeting wouldn't take long.

At ten on the nose, Jason enters. He can feel all eyes on him, and holds his breath until he reaches the front. Never had he felt more awkward in front of this group of people. His nervousness doesn't show though - he'd learned well how to appear confident, and he played the role well.

"Thank you all for coming." Jason scans the staff, a slight smile on his face. "Didn't think I'd ever get the chance to use that line myself."

Several people chuckle.

Jason paces, collecting his thoughts, though his body language displayed control.

I sure hope I know what I'm doing, Hero.

"You know, when Austin made me chief, at first I thought there was no way I could do this. But after letting the idea sit for a while, I realized all the training I've had... all the experience I've had. And I came to the conclusion that maybe Austin wasn't off his rocker after all. I thought, you know what... I can do this. I do have the capabilities. I do have the knowledge and the strength." He pauses, his eyes landing briefly on Katie.

I have you to thank for my strength, Katie. Despite everything, you've held me up.

"The more I thought about it, the more ideas came to mind that I've always had - the way things should be done at TJY... how things should run. Goodness knows I tried to get both Austin and Reese to see my way a million times."

A few smiles come, but some are leery. What was Jason planning? He seemed too confident for this kind of responsibility. Where would they end up?

Jason continues. "I've always hated tight deadlines. I've always balked at partnering with other branches of law who don't know squat about what we do. I've never liked the fact that we're watched so carefully now by local law and the FBI. It..."

Rick lifts his hand, the first to express concern for the haughty comments. "Jase, what..."

Jason cuts him off by raising his palm and continuing to talk. Several people exchange uneasy glances. "...It's always been a drag taking orders and doing what everyone else wants all the time." He pauses, setting his hands on his hips in an authoritative stance. "How could I not take this chance? I can finally get my way, and who's gonna want to call a judge to get rid of me?" He smirks. "I think my position is pretty stable." If the statement was supposed to hold humor, it did not come off well.

Wyatt's eyes have narrowed, and he throws Kate a "what does he think he's doing" look. Scott swallows hard. Did he still have a job? Rick holds his tongue.

"So last night," Jason keeps going, "all these thoughts were running through my mind. And I came up with several different plans to renovate the system. And this morning I want to share the first piece in this system, which a whole new ranking order, because everything else hinges off of that."

Picking up a remote, he turns on the projector. A screen appears on the wall behind him, showing a chart. Names and rankings had all been changed and shifted. Some were higher, some were lower. To several people watching, it looked like utter chaos. Of course, Jason was noted at the top as reigning authority.

He stands to the side to survey his handiwork. "As said, this is just the first piece, which doesn't show the new scheduled work hours, employment benefits, etcetera."

Not set

"Oh I'll always remember them, that much is certin..."

Mistys lips curl up in a sidelong grin. Oh how good it felt to banter like this with Carson again. The old memories were good and now the new ones were going to be even better.

Returning Carson's kiss Misty basks in the emotions again that send a serge through her. As he burst out in laughter she cant help but laugh herself. How much joy she felt in knowing, that Carson found himself again yet had still made changes.

Taking the plate with the omelet on it Misty just smiles at Carson the twinkle in her eye as life was given back to them. Giving a small chuckle she replys.

"Something tells me Herb wouldnt be to thrilled to hear that your girlfriend pulls a knif on you."

Setting her plate down Misty grabs her phone and than turns to Carson.

"I'll be right back I am gonna call and let work know I am going to be late. I really feel like spending more time with you than I do going back to that place."

Leaving the room Misty dialy the number right for the infermary. She would rather let Rick know she was going to be late than to have to talk to Austin himself. She was never late before but with the way he had been acting she didnt know if he would have a cow or not and this morning she didnt want to deal with it.

Getting the answering service Misty just leave a quick message saying she will be in later and if Austin asked to let him know she would deal with him later as well. Turning again Misty heads back into the kitchen and sits down at the table smile at Carson again.

"Ok, I am ready to eat now, and I have a few more hours with you that I think will be well spend."

Entering the restront Jess scans the table. She had been running late again this morning and hoped that Axel had waited for her and not given up. Finally looking twords one of the table by a window a smile spreads across her face seeing Axel.

Making her way over Jess removes her jacket and slids into the booth. Her hair still damp showing how much of a rush she had been in. Folding her hand in her lap for a moment she gives a shiver. It was bitter cold out today and her wet hair hadnt helped much.

"Morning. Sorry I am late my alarm didnt go off right this morning and I am not sure why. I thought for sure I had set it, but alass it was not turned on."

Giving the waitress her drink order Jess scans the menu quickly. Finally decieding what she wanted Jess waits for the waitress to come back to place her older. Turning to Axel once again she gives a smile. It really was nice to be able to spend time with people once and a while.

"So, how has your morning been so far?"

Sitting at her desk Katie rubs a hand over her face. The bags under her eyes prove it had been a long night for her. Jason for the most part was at peace about many things that made him uptight before but yet, there was something that Katie wasnt sure about. She had hit a brick wall last night. Jason had blocked certine emotions from her and she guessed they were about the meeting, but it had made for a long night.

Glancing down at the clock she takes note that it is 9:30. In about 15 min she would head down to the meeting room. But before than she wanted to finish her letter home. Though getting side tracked once again relizing Jason never greeted her this morning. That was strange he always did. Typing at the same time Katie sends a message.

Good Morning J. You all ready for the meeting?