
Who else

Jason's eyes roam the room, watching everyone's faces. His own was kept steady, void of emotion. Receiving Katie's question, he glances over to her, but for once, he does not respond.

When Nate's question comes, Jason moves forward a little, crossing his arms. "Austin might have done some things I disagreed with at the time. But wouldn't you agree that it is in fact easier for a leader to maintain authority, while others below him work amongst themselves in an orderly fashion?"

Shaking his head, Jason keeps someone else from speaking. "After coming up with all this, I thought hey... I really can do this. It's kinda fun being able to do whatever I want for a change."

He pauses, his facial expression suddenly turning sober as he shuts off the projector. He pauses for a very long moment, putting the whole room on edge. "And because of all those thoughts... all those ideas... all that self-righteousness..." His tone has changed to disgust against himself. "...because I was totally immature in my thinking... I realized that I am so not ready for this job. I like it too much. I like the power too much. And no matter how I try to convince myself otherwise, I know that eventually, I'll drag you all down with me and my selfish ideas. Austin was right."

Eyes blink. Bodies shift. No one says anything.

Jason swallows. He slowly cuts off his main emotions just enough to make it hard for Katie to read him. Time for communication with her would come later... for now, he didn't want it to be a distraction for either of them. "So before I can even start down that path, I've appointed a new chief. One who we all know has the guts and discipline for the job. Though you can legally vote him out, I have a feeling no one will want to."

He waves to the back of the room, gesturing someone forward. All eyes turn and light up as they see Reese. Even Wyatt hadn't realized his dad was back in town yet. Reese walks slowly yet deliberately, joining Jason in front. He reaches up to give his younger friend a pat on the shoulder before turning to look at all the faces.

A special smile is divided between some, but his wink is tossed only to Katie. "I think we'd all agree that Jason's got guts and a pretty noble heart." He gives a nod. "If anything, I'd say he just proved he is worthy of this job. But... that's not what he wants. Instead, he wants me to take over this batch of rebellious misfits."

A grin surfaces, a bit of melancholy showing in his eyes. "But never have I loved a batch of misfits so much. Being away from you all, even for the relatively short time it was, made me realize just the awesome bunch of friends you really are. And all of you are. Maybe it was good I was away for a while so I could remember just how important everyone is to me."

Clearing his throat, he pauses, trying to stay on track and get back to business before he became too sentimental. "Boy does it feel good to be back."

A whoop is let out from the back, and suddenly everyone is clapping, even Jason.

Reese laughs, color coming to his face as he waves them to stop. It takes some doing, but finally everyone is quiet again. Reese quirks an eyebrow at Jason. "I didn't hear cheering when they found out you were in charge."

Jason chuckles at the teasing and shakes his head. "Neither did I." He continues to keep up and emotional barrier, unwilling to discuss his moves just yet. For now he just wanted to listen to Reese.

Reese turns back to the staff. "You know, I've been in third or second command for a long time, and this position was never my goal. But I'm honored, and I'll do my best to think of you when making decisions."

He pauses, giving a nod. "Right off the bat, I want you to know my decision about rankings, since apparently that's one of the bigger issues around here. We can just get this subject out of the way once and for all before we go any further. I've decided not to do away with the system."

Several people exchange disappointed looks.

"Structure is good," Reese explains. "And if I'm ever gone, or unavailable, I don't want people not knowing who to go to, or who's supposed to make a judgment call. I know the rankings have frustrated some of you, but I want you to know that it has absolutely nothing to do with your self-worth. You all have different passions and talents, and if you're high-ranking, it's most likely because of your job position, not because you're any smarter or more worthy. If you're low-ranking, it's not because you're unworthy, but simply because your job position may not be directly involved with decisions on cases. And..."

He holds up a finger for emphasis. "I reserve the right to assign missions to anyone I so choose. Whether I call upon Hal or Katie or Nate or Jason or anybody to lead a case... within that team, they have the permission to trump rank. At TJY, we've always worked in teams, and never do I want to lose that. Never again do I want to lose the feeling of teamwork. I may adjust a few rankings - I may not. If you have a problem with your rank, see me and we'll talk. "

Reese pauses, taking a deep breath. "As for any other official business... let me settle in, and I'll keep everyone informed."

As the meeting closes, more clapping ensues. Everyone rises from their seats, wanting to chat with Reese while heading out the door.

And suddenly... the room is quiet. And Jason is left, hands hooked in his pockets, looking at the empty seats. Slowly, his emotional barrier is lowered again. He felt good, but there was a little twinge of disappointment that he was back to his old position. But... who else could say they'd been chief for a day?

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