

For the first time since being back together again, Carson prays over breakfast. Then digging in, a grin surfaces as he gives his fork a little flourish. "These eggs are cooked to perfection, if I do say so myself."

His eyes twinkle. "This morning I had just the right combination of peppers, bacon, and one little spitfire. Makes for the perfect breakfast." A wink is tossed in Misty's direction. "I could have done with just the spitfire, but I suppose a man has to eat every once in a while."

Axel chuckles and shakes his head, proving it didn't bother him a bit that Jess was a little late. "Those alarms, I tell ya. They just don't turn themselves on when we want them to. What good are they if they can't read our minds?"

After ordering, he leans back in his seat, contemplating his answer to her question. "It was about the same as any other morning, though a brisk walk was an added bonus." He rubs his hand absentmindedly. "Gonna be a long day in the shop, so I'm just as glad to relax for a while before getting back to it."

Mmm... morning, Katie. Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Jason hangs up the phone, having blocked the conversation that had taken place.

I got in early to avoid too many questions yet... I don't know if I'm looking forward to people's reaction of me being chief or not, but I guess today will be the worse of it. Can only go up from here, right?

"Jason, I got those files for you..." Susanne pokes her head into the office.

"Oh, thanks." Jason takes the papers and nods. "Good deal."

"Meeting still at ten?"


"Want me to make coffee or anything?"

Jason thinks, then shrugs. "If you think enough people would like it. I leave that up to you."

Susanne chuckles. "Alright. See you in a few minutes."

Alone again, Jason sighs and rubs his forehead.

Guess I'll see you in a few minutes too. Wish me luck.

A quarter to ten, the Elite staff starts to filter down to the lower level. Everyone seems a little on edge. No one had said much about Jason's email... they were all shocked and unsure what to think. Most simply hoped that this morning's meeting would head off any questions they had as to what the future held. Some faces held the look of hope that things would start to improve. Some held the look of wariness, and perhaps distrust that Jason was the right man for the job. But few words were said.

As the room fills, seats are taken up in rows, facing the front of the room. One by one, everyone there shows up. One of the last to enter, Scott comes in quietly, almost unnoticed, as was his intent. He hadn't wanted to come, but Rick had prompted him. He didn't notice the smile Susanne sent him when she noticed the new clothes he was wearing.

Trudging to the side, Scott spots an empty seat in the back next to Dalton. Next to the hulk was the perfect hiding spot. Sliding in next to the other tech guy, Scott keeps his eyes down, and his hands in his pockets. He hoped the meeting wouldn't take long.

At ten on the nose, Jason enters. He can feel all eyes on him, and holds his breath until he reaches the front. Never had he felt more awkward in front of this group of people. His nervousness doesn't show though - he'd learned well how to appear confident, and he played the role well.

"Thank you all for coming." Jason scans the staff, a slight smile on his face. "Didn't think I'd ever get the chance to use that line myself."

Several people chuckle.

Jason paces, collecting his thoughts, though his body language displayed control.

I sure hope I know what I'm doing, Hero.

"You know, when Austin made me chief, at first I thought there was no way I could do this. But after letting the idea sit for a while, I realized all the training I've had... all the experience I've had. And I came to the conclusion that maybe Austin wasn't off his rocker after all. I thought, you know what... I can do this. I do have the capabilities. I do have the knowledge and the strength." He pauses, his eyes landing briefly on Katie.

I have you to thank for my strength, Katie. Despite everything, you've held me up.

"The more I thought about it, the more ideas came to mind that I've always had - the way things should be done at TJY... how things should run. Goodness knows I tried to get both Austin and Reese to see my way a million times."

A few smiles come, but some are leery. What was Jason planning? He seemed too confident for this kind of responsibility. Where would they end up?

Jason continues. "I've always hated tight deadlines. I've always balked at partnering with other branches of law who don't know squat about what we do. I've never liked the fact that we're watched so carefully now by local law and the FBI. It..."

Rick lifts his hand, the first to express concern for the haughty comments. "Jase, what..."

Jason cuts him off by raising his palm and continuing to talk. Several people exchange uneasy glances. "...It's always been a drag taking orders and doing what everyone else wants all the time." He pauses, setting his hands on his hips in an authoritative stance. "How could I not take this chance? I can finally get my way, and who's gonna want to call a judge to get rid of me?" He smirks. "I think my position is pretty stable." If the statement was supposed to hold humor, it did not come off well.

Wyatt's eyes have narrowed, and he throws Kate a "what does he think he's doing" look. Scott swallows hard. Did he still have a job? Rick holds his tongue.

"So last night," Jason keeps going, "all these thoughts were running through my mind. And I came up with several different plans to renovate the system. And this morning I want to share the first piece in this system, which a whole new ranking order, because everything else hinges off of that."

Picking up a remote, he turns on the projector. A screen appears on the wall behind him, showing a chart. Names and rankings had all been changed and shifted. Some were higher, some were lower. To several people watching, it looked like utter chaos. Of course, Jason was noted at the top as reigning authority.

He stands to the side to survey his handiwork. "As said, this is just the first piece, which doesn't show the new scheduled work hours, employment benefits, etcetera."

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