

Being one of the last to leave the room Katie glances back into the room as she slowly feel the emotional flow of Jason open up. Standing in the door way for a moment Katie just watches Jason. In a moment she felt bad for him.

Slowly entering Katie walks up behind him and wraps her arms around his neck in a tight hug bringing her lips close to his ear.

"You will always be my Chief J."

Giving him a kiss on the cheek she dosnt let him reply as she continues to talk.

"You know you had me worryed there for a moment, but you know...you proved just how much you have grown up. Its strange to think back to when I first met you and the guy I new. We couldnt stand eachother back than and to think now, we love eachother so much. You certinly have grown up Jason and I am so proud of you."

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