

As an hour goes by Thirteen continues to lay on the ground with Trooper close by but the time just moves as sleep doesn't find her. Though he mind was blank she tryed to see beyond the darkness in her mind where the fear of the unknown was.

Sitting up from her make shiftbed Thirteen lets out a long sigh resting her head in her hand for a moment. Looking up she is met with Troopers eyes looking back at her. Bringing a hand out to she runs it through Troopers few and lets out a another small sigh.

"I guess even here sleep it not easly found."

Giving a little jump as the house creeks with the blowing wind Thirteen looks around as if expecting to see someone standing there. Seeing no one Thirteen rolls her eyes and looks back to Trooper cocking her head.

"Someday I will be normal."

Standing again Thirteen's eyes scan the room seeing the guitar once more. She was so fascinated with this instrument. She had seen them before but never had she actully heard one.

Picking the gutair up once more Thirteen runs her fingers over the strings as she makes her way back to the couch and sits down places the instramint gently in her lap. This was not hers and though she was intrested in it she did not want to break it.

Gentily Thirteen picks the strings as a few horrable sounds come from it. Cringing a little and looking to Trooper her face shows her sorrys to him at the sound.

Continuing to play with the gutair Thirteen continues to play trying to make something sound good. Though getting the hang of it slowly she spots the pick on the table. Picking it up she holds it in her fingers as she continues to play.

Finally making a tone that might not be right but sounds good Thirteen smiles at herself. Closing her eyes she continues to play putting a few twists here and there as quietly at first words come from her lips.

My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why
I got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey,
but your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad

even know how to really thank him, but she really was Thought she wasnt sure where the words spoke came from Thirteen new who they were about and she couldnt help but smile a little more. Ryder had helped her so much already and she didntgreatful.

I want to thank you
for giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you
is having the best day of my life

As the soft music dies Thirteen hits a wrong note or two but dosnt really pay much mine to it. Just setting the gutair down Thirteen leans back in the couch and just stairs off into space once more.

Giving a short chuckle and a silly smile Ryan continues to clean up Leo's hand.

"This, I've had worse than this. I race cars remember?"

Finally looking up Ryan catchs Leo looking at her and for a moment her eyes search his before looking away again. She new the look that was in Leo's eyes and she new he liked her. Than again Leo liked any female.

Feeling the gentil hand on her face a tingle shoots through her never really feeling such a gentil hand on her. Giving another smile she looks to Leo just looking at him for a short moment. Opening her mouth to say something to Leo Ryan stops as she hears Axel's voice call to them.

The last wrap is complete on Leo's hand when she gives his arm a gentil pat. Standing she starts to walk to the door.

"Sounds like the big guys wanna talk to us."

Giving a sigh and a silly grin she shakes her head before disapearing out the door.

"So much for the race tonight."

Exiting the office and making her way to the front, than stepping outside Ryan gives a small nod to Reese in acknowledgement to saying hello. Being bref Ryan goes over how everything went down from her view point.

"...I went around back and saw Leo was in trouble and Axel as well. I needed to move fast if I wanted to help them. I did what I could and hit him taking him off guard to Leo could get away and we could get the weapon away from him. He hit me, Leo hit him, and here we are now."

Ryan cross her arms as her face stings a little but trys not to flinch with the pain. She didnt like officers much but she new this had to be done. If she just gave the information they wanted they would leave and that would be that.