
Unexpected Return

Jason grins a little.

Nah - I won't go cry in a corner or anything. Sounds like Rosetta needs you.

"Jason, can you come to my office please?"

The boss summons... gotta go. Talk to ya later.

Jason is quick to close off his emotions just halfway, signaling that he needed to pay attention to his work at the moment, and would be in touch with Katie later.

Chatter in the auto shop dies down a little, several of the men noticing the look on Ryan's face. No one needs to say it - they knew she was looking for Leo.

"So, who wants as donut?" Miles holds up the box, trying to create a distraction. The others gather around, pulling Ryan with them, while Axel, quite out of character, starts singing "Welcome back to the shop" to the tune of Happy Birthday.

Eli sticks around, not having anywhere else to go, and making sure Ryan is able to make it through the day. Darrel shows up a while later, not minding that Eli was around, and welcoming Ryan back as well.

Customers come and go and cars come in one after the other. Darrel comes in several times looking for Leo, but so far, the mechanic had not shown up. It's late afternoon, when a bit of unrest starts to rise. Over lunch, Jed had gone to drive by Leo's house, finding his car not there. But Leo wasn't answering his phone, and none of his friends seemed to know where he was either. Now several hours later, worry filled the shop, and even Darrel started growing concerned. Leo could be out of town, or with relatives or had a family emergency - but it wasn't like him not to check in. Come four o'clock, the mechanics were all looking at each other, wondering if they should be more concerned, or just let it go.

Jed and Miles are speaking quietly in one corner.

"You said he was at the races?"

"Yeah. Ticked about something."

"That the last anybody's seen him?"

"Well at least from here. He's gotta just be out of town or something."

"Could be, but... I'd hate to not do anything if it's more than that."

"You want to start calling hospitals or what?"

"I don't know, I just... I don't know."

They hush their conversation as Ryan is nearby, not wanting to lead on that they were worried about Leo.

Gunner looks left down the street, then right. He'd declined a ride, but hadn't called for one either. Finally he goes right. It would take him about an hour to walk home. But the fresh air felt good. Two more good sessions with the doctor, and he'd been released. It seemed a little odd... a little too easy, and Gunner wondered if Hope had something to do with that. He would thank her later.

For now, he had a destination in mind. At least he had his own clothes on again, back in his jeans, tee and denim jacket. Walking alongside the road, he ignored the cars, lost in his own little world until one car pulls onto the shoulder just ahead of him. Getting closer, Gunner recognizes the driver as he gets out.

JT walks to the back of the car, waiting for Gunner. "Need a lift?"

Gunner quirks an eyebrow and holds out his arms. "I might have a knife."

JT gives him a wry grin. "Yeah well... I kinda have the feeling I don't need to be scared of you."

"I just came from Northside, ya know... scary place full of scary people. There's even a rumor going around that I'm a vampire."

JT chuckles. "You know... I could say we got off on the wrong foot, but... I think it was the right foot until somebody stumbled. I know you didn't mean any harm to me, and I understand a little more now. Maybe it was right of me to turn you in - maybe not. But I'd like to start over."

Gunner stops and cocks his head. "Why?"

JT had a lot of reasons. One, he felt sorry Gunner had been through so much, and that he may have made it worse by making a big deal out of the whole incident with the hospital records. Had he known what torment the man was going through, he would have handled things differently. Two, Bree liked Gunner and she had a good head on her shoulders. She wouldn't trust someone unworthy. And three, he wanted to get to know Gunner too. After all these years, it was neat to reconnect, and he had enjoyed the night they'd all had pizza together. "We all need a few friends in the world." He shrugs. "Why as questions like "why" when we can just accept the fact that we like to help out, lend a hand, and get to know someone?"

"Bree been talking to you?"

"She's mentioned you a few times. I meant to come see you once, but I got pulled into surgery."

"Did they make it?"

"Yeah." JT smiles. "They did. Now are you gonna get in the car or not?"

Gunner thinks a moment, then shrugs. "Why not? I'll show you where my apartment is."

Once the two were in the car and on their way, JT reaches to speed dial Bree on his cell's speaker phone before getting both hands back on the wheel. He figured she might be getting up right about now. "Hey, it's me... wondering if you wanted to do supper at my place tonight? We got company."

Gunner's eyebrows raise. "Wha-"

"I'm thinking pizza."

"But I-"

"I can call it in, if you wanna pick it up on your way over."

Jade smiles as she takes the cup of coffee. "I used to hate it," she admits before taking a sip. "Then my grandma got me hooked. Mmm." She closes her eyes and breathes in the potent smell. "Nothing quite like it to awaken the senses."

She was trying really hard not to think about her dad right now. Tagging along with Dan was a nice distraction, and she enjoyed being around him more every day. Getting to know him had been fun, and they got to laugh a lot. On a day like today, she was more than willing to help with the horses, clean or pitch manure, as long as it meant keeping her mind busy.

"Alright, you da boss." She grins, downing the rest of her coffee. "Lead the way, oh, valiant cowboy."

The day at the ranch moves surprisingly fast. There's an odd feel in the air, but things function as normal. Chores are accomplished, people are taken care of, and meals are prepared and eaten in the dining hall. Everything seems to be going fine, despite the still feeling that something was amiss. By nightfall, bodies and minds are tired, ready for another night's sleep.

Out back behind the barn, Jade sits with Dan on a couple hay bales, admiring the view of stars against the foothills. Bed time was half an hour ago, but the quiet night was too nice to pass up. "When I was a little girl, I used to wonder what it would be like to look at earth from one of those stars." Jade leans back against the barn, staring at the sky. "Then I learned they were a bazillion light years away." She laughs, shaking her head. "After that, I figured maybe it might be just as nice to be in an airplane at night to see all the lights below."

It's dark. A few lights shone here and there at the ranch, but for all practical purposes, things were closed up for the night, apart from a few final conversations before bed. At the end of the driveway, it was too far away for anyone to notice the cab that had pulled to a stop and let out two figures. They walk side-by-side into the ranch, their feet crunching on the gravel. The dogs don't bark - one newcomer was someone they knew, and there was no point in alerting anybody.

The figures stop, speak for a moment, and one heads to one of the empty bunk houses. The other makes his way slowly to the main house, his duffel bag over one shoulder. Stepping up on the porch, he reaches for the doorknob, but finds it locked. Not surprising, since he was gone. Ringing the doorbell, Mick waits. His shoulders were dropped, his eyes half-closed and tired. But he was here... and he would have to take things as they came.


Rolling over in the bed Rosetta closes her eyes trying to stop the tears. She wanted a little more sleep before she woke in an hour and started her own work day doing a little more than normal than Mick was gone. She could almost guess sleep would not come, not now but it was worth a shot and gave her time to get herself together.

Looking up with a smile on his face as Jade entered the barn Dan was exspecting her. Holding out a mug of coffee her smiles.

"I am not sure if you like coffee or not, but I figured you would need something this early in the morning."

Taking a sip of his own and letting the warm liqued slid down his throat on the chilly morning it felt nice and it warmed him inside out. Scanning the barn Dan trys to decied where to start.

"Well, I have to let the horses out in the pasture if you want to help me with that. By than everyone else should be up and we can get down to the nitty gritty."

Pouring a bowl of cearl for BJ Katie gives a smile as the warm feelings from Jason wash over her. Setting the bowl down in front of her cousin she was watching him for the afternoon as Rosetta needed a little alone time to work and clear her head. Katie couldnt help but feel bad for her aunt.

Well Hello there your into work early. Than again you always were the early bird. Yeah I guess Dylan is missing and Mick is going to try and find him.

Sitting down across from BJ KAtie smiles at him stick out her toung only to have him return the toung stuck out. Giving a laugh and shaking her head she leans back in the chair.

Rosetta was pretty upset this morning, I found her crying in the kitchen though she tried to deny it, but I know better than that. She could really use my help right now with BJ and what not. She is under alot of stuff and not having to worry about him might help her a little. I know you miss me, I miss you more than anything as well but would you mind horrible if I stay another night or two?

Giving a little jump and reaching for Eli Ryan couldn't help being startled not quite knowing what was going on. Feeling silly when she see who it is and this part was for her Ryan's face turns into a big bright smile. Along with this surprise of new friends came a memorie of a birthday party she dad had throw her in her own auto shop. The memorie only made her smile bigger. Looking at her brother and raising an eyesbrow she comments to her brother.

"I...guess they did."

Hearing the new voice behind her Ryan gives a jump again but dosnt show it that much this time. Spinning around and seeing Axel Ryan's eyes sparkle.

"Axel...glad you could make it."

Giving a laugh as the banter went back and forth her being the middle of it all Ryan's laughs so hard a few times she has to hold her side and catch her breath still not one hundred percent, but it felt good to be out, home and laugh with friends.

"You know Axel sometime we are going to have to have a contest to see who can fix more cars or something than finally put to rest that your better than me."

As the laughing and jokes continue, the introductions of Eli go around Ryan's attachen is diverted as she looks around the group for the one person she had missed the most and wanted to see. Not seeing Leo, and seeing his work station empty Ryan cant help the look of disapointment that cross her face.

One missing

Hearing the quiver in Rosetta's voice tore Mick's heart in two. It was bad enough everything was going wrong - why did his own decisions have to hurt people too?

He gives her shoulder a squeeze and leans down to plant a kiss on her forehead. Then standing again, he grabs his bag and leaves.

Once he's outside, he leaves his bag and heads for the barn, just as some of the hands are getting started. He's surprised to see Jade up so early.

She stops and looks at him, then over to where he'd set down his bag, then back again. "You're... going somewhere?" She hadn't spoken with him since seeing him drunk the other night, and now there was a fear that he was leaving for good, or that Rosetta was sending him away.

"I'm going to help look for Dylan." Mick searches her face, seeing the apprehension. "I'm sorry about the other night. You doing okay?"

Jade nods. There was tension between father and daughter, but the love was still there. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. I was just getting up early to help Da... help with chores."

Mick quirks an eyebrow at her choice of words. But this morning, he didn't have time to tell her not to get involved with Dan. "I should be back in a couple days or so." There was so much going unsaid. So much he should say about how he loved her and how he cared she was here, and that everything would be okay. That he would find her brother, and that he had been wrong to drink the other day. But how could he say all of that in a minute's time? "If you need anything... you call my phone, alright?"

"Okay." Jade nods again. "Um... Dad?" She bites her lip. "There is one thing..." She felt like a little girl again, asking for something she knew she wouldn't get. "See, when I left home, I wasn't getting along with Mom so great, and Grandma was-"

Mick's phone rings, interrupting them as he answers it. "Yeah? Okay. Thanks, Reese. Taxi's taking me, so I should be there soon. Tell him to wait for me. Great. Thanks." Ending the call, he looks to Jade again. "I gotta get to the airport where the Elite jet is waiting. I'll see you soon." Giving her a quick hug, he turns to catch Sparky before he left.

Jade sighs as Mick walks from her. "...pushing me so I was wondering if I could come live here." But there was no one around to hear the rest of her request. Maybe now was a bad time to ask anyway. "Be careful." Trying to shrug off both her disappointment and worry for her dad going to join the Elite in the search, she goes into the barn, looking for Dan and ways she could help with chores.


He looks up from where he was cutting open a bale of hay. "Mick. Good morning."

Mick took note of his brother's less-than-warm tone. He also noticed the slowly healing split lip. "Um..." He should have seen him yesterday instead of waiting. "Look, I'm sorry about the other night. I, um... well, thanks for bringing me home. I deserved worse."

Sparky shrugs and keeps on working. "What are brothers for? You back in business today?"

"I'm heading to Nevada."

Sparky's eyes snap back to Mick. "What?"

"I think it's the Agency that's got Dylan... and I'm going to help find him. I've already been in touch with Reese and there's an Elite jet free to take me today."

Sparky feels an odd churn in his gut. Mick had just run off, got drunk, and now he wasn't even giving himself or his family time to recover before heading off to Nevada. "You... sure that's such a good idea?"

"He's my son," Mick defends. "I'm not gonna just stand back and watch. I came to ask if you'd keep a close eye on Rosetta and BJ for me."

Sparky immediately nods. "You know I will. Rosetta okay with you going back out in the field like that?"

"There's no discussion about it," Mick states flatly. "This is something I need to do."

Sparky lifts his eyebrows slightly. He knew his brother and sister-in-law too well not to know that there was tension there. And no wonder. Rosetta's husband had just come home drunk, now was leaving with the risk of death. There was more than one problem here. Sparky decides to be bold. "You gonna be alright with your drinking problem, going off by yourself?"

Mick is quiet for several moments. He didn't know the answer to that. He wanted to say he didn't have a problem, but deep down, he knew that wasn't true. "I'll be fine. I slipped up once... it won't happen again." He gives Sparky's shoulder a firm pat. "Thanks for watching things for me. I'll be back soon."

It wasn't long before the ranch was up in full-swing, another morning busy with chores. There was a strange quietness though. Someone was missing... without Mick, there was just a piece missing that gave a feeling of unrest to the whole ranch. Miles away, the taxi was pulling up to the airport, and Mick was getting out to find the Elite jet.

Jason sinks down in his chair at work, turning on his computer. He was in a little earlier than normal this morning, but waking up at four and not being able to get back to sleep was the reason.

Trooper turns several circles and flops down by the desk with a little groan, as if he thought it was too early to be in the office.

Jason flips through some new notes, noticing one that Reese had just put on his desk this morning - apparently he'd been in early too. The message was a little surprising. Stopping a moment, he searches his feelings to determine Katie was at least awake before talking with her.

Hey, Beautiful. I just got a note from Reese that Mick's coming. Dylan's missing? Do you know anything?

The shop remains quiet for another moment before all the lights are flipped on at once.

"Welcome back, Ryan!!!" All the guys are smiling from ear to ear, under their makeshift decorations - some of which already have a few spots of oil and grease. Any party planner would gag at the sight, but for the auto shop, it proved how much they loved having Ryan around.

Eli's eyes widen. "Looks like... they missed you."

Jed laughs and ushers Ryan further inside. "Did we ever. It's been too quiet around here."

"You mean we've had too much work on our own," Miles teases. He gives Ryan a warm smile. "Darrel approved, so we have some donuts to celebrate."

Jed grins. "And we'd have them even if Darrel didn't approve."

"Did I miss the party?"

Heads swing around to see Axel slipping in the back door. "Axel!" Ron waves. "I didn't think you were gonna come."

Axel shrugs, tossing Ryan a wink. "Yeah well, I haven't given up my job yet, and I certainly didn't stop being friends with one of the best mechanics in town."

"One of the best," smirks Jed. "Listen to him. He's afraid Ryan's got him beat."

Laughter ensues as Eli is introduced to the guys around the shop, and jokes are tossed around. It was a funny sort of gathering... but it was almost like a family... something no one would ever guess existed unless being a part of it themselves. There was only one person missing.


Feeling Mick sit down next to her Rosetta can only hope Mick will say he is staying. But as his words come her hope did not come true and the sting behind her eyes continues.

"You could stay that would be a big help, but we both know you wont. Other than that, no there is nothing that you need to do."

Rosetta tryed not to let her voice quiver and show she had and was crying but the more she tryed not to the worse it was. She just wanted Mick to stay and take care of his family. She wanted to feel his warmth with her. Taking in a long sniff Rosetta didnt know what else to say to the man she could always count on and loved.

Her wrist still in a cast Ryan looks at the shop from the outside. It had felt like so long since she had been here it felt so strange to be back. Looking over at her brother she gave a smile a think you for driving her. She could work a little but driving at the moment was to much. Maybe in another week or so she could.

"Come on, let me introduce you to everyone."

Getting out of the car and waiting for her brother Ryan was happy he was with her. She felt nervous not even sure why but she did. At the some time she was happy to be able to show off her brother to everyone around the shop.

Entering in the door Ryan can't see much beyond the front desk and it almost looks like the shop is empty. Giving a question look to her brother Ryan steps forward and around the front counter.

"Helloooo...? I'm home!"


Gunner's eyes glance down at Bree's hand, only now aware of his nervous leg again. What did he do to make her feel good? It really didn't make that much sense to him.

Seeing her stand and hearing her suggestion to go back inside, he knew she was right, even though he didn't want her to be. Grudgingly, he stands as well, helping pick up their things.

"I think time is always flying... it's only when we're having fun that we simply wish it were slower." Gunner gives a little sigh and ambles towards the door. Opening it, he motions Bree inside. "After you, melady."

It doesn't take long to be back in their own places, once again making it back unseen. As Gunner lies on his bed a while later, sleep doesn't come too easily. He just wanted to relive the evening so he could keep those good feelings rather than trying to avoid any lurking nightmares.

Mick packs the rest of his things, then changes his clothes for the day. Only when he sits on the edge of the bed to pull on his boots does he know that he's perhaps woken Rosetta. It takes him a moment to stand... he has an odd churning in his stomach that didn't have anything to do with his want for a drink.

Sighing deeply, he finally stands up, then goes to Rosetta's side of the bed, easing down beside her and laying a hand on her shoulder. "Hey," he mentions softly. "I'm gonna leave in about an hour." It was too dark yet to see her face, but he wished he could. "Anything you want me to do before I go?" It seemed a silly question, but it was the closest thing to an apology as he could get, when he was still leaving despite her desire to have him stay.

"No, up... up a little higher." Jed motions for Ron to move the banner just a little higher. "A little to the left... no, right."

"Would you make up your mind?!" Ron is swaying precariously on top of the ladder, while Miles is supposed to be holding it steady, but has become preoccupied with trying to blow up a balloon.

Jed finally nods. "Okay. Right there."

The homemade banner at the back of the shop read: Welcome back, Ryan!

"Perfect!" Jed gives Ron a thumbs up. "Now all we need is the food. Miles?"

The balloon goes squealing across the room as Miles was distracted and let go. "Huh?"

"Donuts! Did you get the donuts?"

"Oh yeah, yeah." Miles thumbs out to his beat up car. "Out there. You sure Ryan's coming in today?"

"That's what Darrel said."

"Where's Leo?"

Jed looks around and shrugs. "Who knows? He's on the schedule today, but I haven't seen him yet. He didn't answer his phone when I called him either. Maybe he doesn't want to be here when Ryan gets here. "

Miles smirks. "Yeah, probably. He was at the races last night. Crappy mood."

"Well, Darrel's gonna have his hide if he doesn't show up."

"No kidding - with the load we got in today, we all know better than to call in. Leo hasn't called, has he?"

Jed shakes his head. "I just told you he didn't answer when I called him earlier - I was gonna ask him to pick up some pop. I checked the machine though just in case, but there's no messages."

"Aw, he'll be in." Miles shrugs it off. "Now would somebody please help me with those silly balloons? Ryan will be here any minute."