

*For a moment Katie indaulges into the emotions. The feelings she missed, and had forgotten how much she missed them till now. But suddinly the emotions change once again, Katie could feel the love, but could feel the lack to show it. I bit of disapointment, a little bit of hurt, and some confustion surfices. I don't understand why but...I'll...I'll respect your wish even if I don't like it. I won't let there be an awkwardness. I'll be your friend, if thats all you want. I just don't understand why. Though Katie didn't say it the feeling of hurt was there and not understanding hurt even more. Finally pulling away from Jason Katie bends down and pick up the flowers she trys to smile.*

"We better bring these in before someone thinks we froze to death out here!"


As Katie moves away, Jason again feels slight relief, the pull on his emotions lessening. But as he stands, he watches Katie as she walks away, and his heart stirs, pulling him in two directions.

As she turns back around and comes toward him, he straightens just a little. He knew that look in her eye. He’d seen it before…he knew her intentions…he knew the language of her eyes.

Feeling Katie’s lips meet his, he can’t help a small amount of surprise though. He’d known what she wanted, but for her to have actually acted on it… He sees her smile and his eyes close as she returns for more, receiving her inaudible words.

Her lips press against his in a passionate motion, making Jason’s heart race. Feeling her warmth… her hands around him. He feels himself start to slip as her fingers rake through his hair.

A torrent of emotions wash over him, causing him for a moment to feel only a dark blanket of void feelings. Then he feels them all, a million and one thoughts speeding through his mind. His pulse pounds within him as the emotions torment his mind.

Jason had wanted Katie back for so very long…he’d wanted this so badly it had almost driven him crazy. To have her here now…in this position…it was a conflict of bliss and war. His hands wrap around her, feeling her in his arms once again.

Katie’s touch…this kiss… As a spark ignites a flame, so too does a simple kiss open the floodgates of emotions, the bond only intensifying, strengthened by the giving and taking of feelings no one else could see or decipher.

But a shadow loomed in the corner…fear’s talons dug into Jason’s conscience…flashbacks screamed in his ear, revealing a past of pain to himself and Katie. Logic hissed warnings of future disaster and heartache.

Slowly…slowly Jason pulls away, having given emotions, but nothing more. He did not want to display rejection by his lack of returning a kiss, but he had to stop. This wasn’t the time…

Drawing Katie into a strong embrace instead, Jason shuts his eyes tight, his boiling emotions bringing a loathed tear to the surface that ran silently down his face. Buried love seeps out through the cracks, while an inner strength spurred on by logic clings to it to draw it back down. A strange new sorrow is emitted to envelop all his emotions in a soft blanket. I’m sorry, Katie…I can’t. Please…. be my friend… just… be my friend. I can’t handle more.


Katie just stairs at Jason for a moment as her mind runs rampid. Did she really hear him right? Did he honistly say what she just thought he did?

So many things, and feelings start to rage in Katie's mind coming back all at once. Her love, the one that had been locked away was coming to the surface once again.

As if snapping out of a trace Katie relizes and feels Jason's energy fadding away from her very touch. Jerking her hand away Katie stands and looks at Jason again for a moment. Almost a fear showing. Slowly Katie steps away and turns, her stomach was in knots. Turning and starts to walk away Katie love for Jason finally breaks through as she turns and looks at him the moonlight shinning on him. What was she doing, she let him go once, and she couldent walk away again. Without even thinking Katie turns looking at Jason. Quickly walking back to him she slowly moves her arms around Jason's neck at her heart beats so fast it feels that it might come out of her chest. Her breath heavy as she draws closer to Jason. The look in her eye, showed what once was there a long time ago still remained even if it was locked away. Bring her emotions to the surfice without words Katie convays what she is feeling. If I was asked, I couldn't say I didn't anymore eather. Why did we fool ourselfs into think we ever stoped? Bringing her lips to Jason's Katie press them aganst his softly before pulling away and giving a small smile and than returning again this time a little harder this time, as she put much pentup and locked away passion into it. Remebering the sweetness of Jason's kiss, and remembering the loning for it again Katie dosn't break the moment as her one arm slips to the back of Jason's head and runs through his hair and the other gently moves to his back as her grip tightens just a bit.*


Jason’s heartrate picks up, Katie’s feelings mixing in his head with the pounding of his own pulse.

He closes his eyes, battling back. Because…it’s just the way it is…it’s just the way I am.

As Katie moves in front of him, and places a hand to his face, his eyes open and he stares down at her. Her touch only heightens the emotional pull. It was a paradox of enjoying the feel of her palm on his skin, yet fighting what it did to him inside.

His emotions work so hard at holding on to the one last thread….the one last thing that he’s kept secret so very well… that it immediately begins to wear him down. His knee starts to buckle. His sugar starts to drop.

The emotions pool behind his eyes as he stares at Katie, glistening in the pale light. Her question begs an answer. “I can’t.”

Tell me

*Katie movies around to the front of Jason when he doesn't turn around. She hated feeling this way, and she new Jason did too. But a whole new string of questions arose as she could feel Jason trying to lock everything out. You don't what to go through this again? You...what about me? Don't I have a say or doesn't what I have to say matter? Why are you always so intent on shying away? Why don't you even just tell me how you really feel. Katie looks Jason squair in the eyes, her own proding his.*

"Answer my question, this one last time Jason, and if the answer is you don't I'll leave you alone about it. I'll never bring it up again, I'll never ask you again, I'll never tell you again that I do, I wont put you in the position to feel this again eather. J...."

*Katie brings a hand to the side of Jason's face. Silent for a moment before speaking again.*

"...look me in the eye, and tell me you don't love me."


“Aw, Katie.” Jason still refuses to look at her. Stop…just stop…I don’t want to go through this again.

He swallows hard, feeling Katie, knowing she was confused. He could feel the pull strengthen. She was trying to read him. Trying to pry the answer out of him.

He could feel his walls starting to weaken, and battles back as it starts to sap even his physical strength. His voice is but a whisper. “Don’t do this to me Katie…”

Can wait

*Katie stops, standing still playing both sets of words in her mind that didn't match nor did the emotions. Everything inside Jason was so messed up. I didn't ask you if it was over, I asked if that's what you were hiding from me?!*

"Because you miss what we once were. You miss the closeness, your lonely and you know you were once happy. You regret what happend in the past and wish you could fix it. You miss who I once was to you."

*Don't hide what you feel, feel what you hide and fill me in. I'm not going to duck tail and run because you feel a certin way you know.
Katie trys to keep her emotions suttle, not trying to make them rush all at once. Katie wasn't sure what to think all she new if that last few times her and Jason had been together he was keeping something from her, and she was bound to make him say it.*

"The flowers can wait."


Jason can feel a flux in the emotional pull, and realizes that Katie’s thinking hard about something, but what, he doesn’t know.

He hears her approach, but her touch still startles him, and immediately, the strain on his emotions worsens. Her touch…that’s all it took.

Jason doesn’t dare turn to look Katie in the eye. Instead, he focuses on a street light a block away. It’s over, Katie…it was over a long time ago.

“How could I miss you when you’re right here?” he answers quietly.

He shifts his weight so her hand will automatically slide off his shoulder. “You ready with those flowers?”


*As Katie is still kneeling down on the ground with the flowers Jason emotions register to her. Though they wernt as loud as his normal messages showing it was not ment to come out.

As Jason turns around for a moment Jason is stuned and just kneels there. Digesting the words, playing them in her mind. Jason was regreting ever letting her go? He still cared deeply for her.

Standing Katie walks over to Jason and lays a hand on his shoulder for a moment.*

"You miss me J? Thats what you keep hidding from me?"


Jason watches Katie pick the flowers, keeping a steady lock on his mind, not allowing any thoughts to wander or rampant emotions escape.

As she turns to him and asks him about the flowers though, he falters. He blinks. But in that split second between the darkness of eyes being closed, then opened again, too much is revealed. How stupid could I have ever been to let you go?

Jason swallows hard and turns away, leaning one hand to the side of the building, facing the street instead. He locks himself up tightly. It’s harder this time…like fumbling with a padlock, unable to get it to snap shut. “Yeah…those are great. Come on.”

Kyle grins and shakes his head. He could come up with a million and one things to say right about now, but his weariness had finally gotten the best of him. After eating only one slice of pizza, he was finished, finally no longer able to keep his adrenaline up enough to keep on going at a fast pace.

Giving a long but quiet sigh, Kyle struggles to keep his eyes open. He loved seeing his old friends…he loved being here with all the fun going on…but he knew better than to keep pushing it. He’d been pushing his limit all day.

Finally he gives Misty a sidelong glance, then nods to the door.

Carson tries not to pay too much attention to all the antics going on, knowing that if he did, he’d only feel left out. Instead, he chats with Jess a little bit more, keeping busy with his work, and winding up going to refill pitchers of pop at the table.

Jen looks up and offers a smile. “So how are you doing, Carson?”

Carson tries to hide his surprise. It was one thing for Jen to be nice to him, but he didn’t expect much more than the greeting she’d already given, let alone with this gang. He manages a smile. “Oh…I’m okay. And you?”

Jen gives a nod. “Good.”

Carson pauses, then not knowing what else to say, turns to leave.


He stops and looks down at Jen again. “Hmm?”

Jen holds her smile. “I just wondered…well…there’s gonna be a big bonfire out at the park here coming up soon…we’re gonna have s’mores, and hot chocolate and it’ll be cold, but we’ll have the fire, and it’s just gonna be a fun time chatting, signing or whatever.”

Carson lifts an eyebrow. Was she inviting him?

Jen gives a little nod. “We’d love for you to come along and join us.”


“Mike and I will even pick you up… be good just to get out…do something different.” Jen prompts him with her smile. “Can’t turn down hot chocolate.”

Carson thinks for a moment. He was being put on the spot, but he couldn’t deny that it made him feel a little good. He didn’t really like going out in group settings, especially with a bunch of strangers…or those who knew him too well…but…he was getting lonelier every night, and simply the thought of doing anything that wouldn’t get him into trouble was appealing. “Um…”

Mike throws him an encouraging glance. “If you don’t say yes, she’ll just keep bugging you, so you might as well just agree now.”

Finally Carson drops his shoulders and nods. “Alright. But I’ll walk. I won’t need a ride.”

Jen’s eyes sparkle. “Good. I’ll be getting you more details.”

Carson hears a call from the kitchen and quickly leaves, getting back to work. He didn’t really know what he’d just agreed to, but…at least it was something outside of his normal routine.

>.> <.<

*Katie continues to hold on her arms around Jason as her laughter and cheering ring out.*

"I did want to get away, but now I want a piggy back ride."

*As they make there way outside Katie lets her one arm go of Jason and throws it up in the air.*


*Misty looks to Kyle and quirks an eyebrow than shakes her head with a smile.*

"And I thought you were bad. They make more noise."

*Misty laughs.*

"...well at least they are having fun huh?"

*As Jason lets her down outside and points her to the flowers Katie can't help but pant a little bit from all the excitment. Looking twords the flower bed and than to Jason again she cant help but giggling knowing she cant get out of this one. Walking over to the flowers Katie bends down and looks over the flowers. Reaching out she pick a few before she turns twords Jason still bend down. The moonlight reflecting off her face, lighting it up and causing it to have a soft glow.*

"Are these ones good enough?"

*Katie holds up the flowers.*


Katie’s unintentional feelings hit Jason with enough force to make him stop, trying to digest them and ignore them at the same time. There was nothing there anymore…this was just a silly game.

Jason grins at Mabel and turns, only to stumble forward slightly as Katie hops onto his back. “I thought you wanted to get away from me!” He reaches to grab her legs to help her stay on, his grin back again.

But inside, a strange battle had been waged. A lid was on that small corner of his emotions, but having Katie so close…touching her…it made it extremely difficult to hide anything, and this time Jason knew it was true. It was just like the other night.

Fighting for all he’s worth, while still keeping up the silliness, he aims for the door. “Fine. You want it this way, you got it. Now that you can’t get away, you’ll have to replace that flower just like Mabel said.”

Aiming for the door, he opens it and ducks so Katie’s head doesn’t hit the bell. The cool night air is almost a shock to someone without a jacket. Jason spies the small flowerbed to the side of the building, lit by the moon, and promptly deposits Katie next to it.

A small relief comes as he lets her go, the connection slightly severed. He points to the flowers, ignoring any emotions. “Pick. Fast. It’s cold out here.”


*As Katie starts to fall and Jason stops he Katie stops moving so much and just slids into the front of Jason as he cradles her. Bring her hands autmaticly around Jason's neck Katie throws her head back in a laugh and than brings it forward again meeting Jason's eyes for a moment. Like the other night a sudden emotion breaks free but by accident with out Katie even knowing it. You were all I ever wanted. Why did I let you go. But as fast as the feeling came it went once again just like the other night as her own feelings were locked away. Being put up on the counter Katie laughs ring out.*

*Mable still laughs as she comes around the counter and calls to Jason.*

"Take the flower breaker outside to pick new ones."

*Seeing Jason turn around Katie finds the perfect oppertunity and hopes off the counter and onto Jason's back.*

"You'll never take me alive."

*Wrapping her arms and legs around Jason Katie holds on for dear life.*


Carson wipes the counter off with a towel, wishing that a simple question of how he is wouldn’t strike him so. “I’m alright,” he finally answers.

As the shrieks and laughter rings out, Carson’s head snaps up and he sees the antics.

A shriek escapes Jason’s lips as Katie’s fingers go to his ribs. “Ack, Katie!” Squirming, he starts to spin around, trying to keep her still, while trying to grab her hands with his, but he can’t get a hold on her.

“Go Katie!” Jen yells, still laughing.

Jason spins around one more time, accidentally loosening his grip on Katie. He feels her start to slide down his back and suddenly realizes that if he lets go, she’s going to come down hard on her head.

Acting quickly, he regains his grip and pulls her back up the other way, some how managing to wind up with her in front, one arm under her legs, the other around her back, cradling her.

Panting from all the moving and laughing, Jason’s heart races, the mischief sparkling in his eyes as his smile creases his face. His eyes lock with Katie's for just a moment, and the unwanted but familiar chill runs down his spine once again.

All of a sudden, he realizes just what position he’s gotten himself into, and stops. Automatically, a slight void can be felt in the emotional exchange, and his smile becomes one that he’s forcing to remain.

Quick enough that no one watching would notice, he shifts gears with changed motives and slides to the counter, depositing Katie on top. “Mabel, we got a flower breaker here, what do you want me to do with her?”